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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Computer hang-up after a few minuters, then No Signal dispaly on monitorMy Computer HangsI encoutered that problem several times before until now. I usually dettach the Processor, Memory then clean them up. After that, Turn on your Pc. Try to restore your computer recent settings. To restore go to all programs > accessories > system tools > symtem retore. If the problem still excess, try re-install the vc driver. -reply by Samekh
  2. HELP!!!Using Mobile Phone As A ModemI am NEW to this whole thing, I have a straight talk prepaid phone unlimited everything including web, I bought the connector that goes from the phone to my laptop, but when I try to connect it says pentax error? don't know what that is...I don't want to know how or why it works I just want to see the screen thus the reason for using my laptop. Can anyone please help?
  3. write life truthRap Lyricsyo homie you gotta write about wat you feel inside thats goin on inside you mind heart soul put a beat on close you eyes and think about how your past was then think about your present then you future or write about a girl you in love with you know feel the beat -reply by Babyboy
  4. why notRap LyricsI get good grades and my education is perfect, I don't need the money but I rap because its worth it. I stay in touch with great rappers and here myself on the radio, I walk away from school and all the pornographic videos. I make a black guy look stupid when I face him, my white *bottom* is smarter and I got so you got to take precautions. I feel like the game is to good to me already, I come to whip yo assses and beatin that punk *bottom* nelly. I ain't from the ghetto and not even a trailer, I'm a white suburban kid who knows rap mother ****ers. -reply by the devils child
  5. change the imageJavascript Slideshow TutorialHi, I need a javascript code to change the image from one image to another by mouse click for example if a user click over the image the should change to next image. can u pls help me?? -question by ausmaya
  6. No sound through ear flip section of Razor V3 PhoneRazr ProblemsI have a problem with my Razor V3, the flip up ear speaker does not work, I checked the mute and it is off, I also tried the speaker phone and it works on speaker phone mode, just will not come through the receiver part. When connected it shows the two phone ICONS, the one on the right is green (they can hear me) but the one on the left is not and I can't hear the callers. What should I check to make sure it is not a phone or electronics failure. Thanks Marty -reply by Marty Keough
  7. wow idk if all of this is true .. But from my personal experience, I think some of them are . But some of them are total bulll .. In my opinion . like guys hate gay !? *** ! now thts jus harsh and not completely true ! some guys might but not all guys ! now thts jus mean ! well obviously someone has no life if they spend all this time typing up 99 partially true things bout guys . But watever floats your boat thenn .. bye love&kisses, kateriena
  8. airfare.com should be shutdown, gross incompetence and greed, or outright fraud?Airfare.com, Novatravel.com, Orbitz.comairfare.Com should be shut down. They appear to be a fraudulent site, and you won't know if you have a ticket until (if) you get on thePlane. I used them to buy a 1-way usa to europe ticket because it isHard finding such a thing at less than the roundtrip price fromAirlines or the more well known travel sites. My too brief search onThem turned up a few complaints about difficulty getting flightsChanged after purchase, but I wasn't worried about that possibility,And they've been around awhile, so it seemed ok, but...The online credit card purchase seemed to go ok, but then I wasAbsolutely horrified when just after purchase I got a bizarre emailFrom domain echosign.Com. The email demanded that I print out an"authorization form", fill in all of my credit card info on this form,Photocopy my passport and credit card, and fax it back to them.Obviously, no legitimate and competent company would make such an absurdAnd dangerous request, so I thought either that I had bought from aPhony travel site, or that I was a victim of a hacker who had snoopedThe transaction and sent a targeted phishing email to get my creditCard number (which would have been encrypted at purchase) and passportFor identity theft. Then came another apparent phishing fraudAttempt-- an email apparently from the airfare.Com domain asking me to"verify my card with Visa's or MasterCard's secure code programs",With a link to click in the email. I didn't click on it because thatWould be completely stupid and I've never heard of a legitimateCompany making such requests. This email shows all signs of a phisherWho monitored the online transaction and is now making a targetedFraud attempt. That's now 3 times I am asked to enter the credit cardAnd other personal information.Then I searched for airfare.Com fraud and complaints, and found manyHits, including some from other victims shocked at receiving apparentAttempts at identity theft, but it wasn't clear if these bizarreEmails were coming from the company or from an unrelated third party.I would have immediately canceled the ticket and rebooked throughSomeone else, but it was completely nonrefundable, so that was not anOption, so I had no idea if I had bought a ticket, or if I would haveTo buy another ticket at the last minute at very high expense. FromOther complaints it was clear that contacting their customer serviceTo ask them anything at all would be completely futile at best, and atWorst risked them canceling my ticket because they did not likeCustomers who complained.I went onto the airline website and checked the booking reference fromAirfare.Com, and all looked ok, and my credit card had been charged.After a few days, the airline site had an electronic ticket numberIssued for me, and I called the airline to select a seat a couple ofWeeks later. Since all was apparently ok with the airline so far, IWent to the airport not knowing for sure if I would be able to travel.But the ticket was valid, and I got on the flight, despite that IIgnored the ridiculous email requests for enough information toCompletely steal my identity that came from either airfare.Com or aPhisher/hacker. I suspect I was just very lucky, because they shouldHave voided the transaction when I didn't fax in their forms, orOtherwise why would they have requested them. And no no no no no noNo, there is absolutely not any clear description of any companyPolicy requiring buyer to fax or otherwise reverify your credit cardAnd personal data after purchase is made. That is just a pure andBlatant lie that they are making in response to some complaints,Although they could have such a statement buried under clicks and/orFine print in attempt to satisfy an unethical lawyer. I certainlyWould not try to buy a ticket from them if I knew they were going toMake such retarded requests (where am I going to get a fax machineWhile traveling anyway?)summary: Avoid airfare.Com. They should be shutdown immediately.They appear to be a fraudulent site, or they are colluding withPhishing fraud hackers by allowing them to continue to monitorTransactions on their site. What they are doing is unethical andProbably illegal. You might be able to save money with them if youAre lucky, or you might lose, but you won't know if you even havePurchased a ticket until you are on the plane. Next time I need a1-way ticket, I'll just buy from the airline, and throw away theReturn.
  9. this is the most retarded thing I've ever read in my life. First of all life really isn't too short at all, unless of course, you waste years of it doing things like "getting wasted" instead of bettering yourself as a person. secondly, if you're drunk, you're putting yourself at even more risk, from car accidents to alcohol poisoning, liver failure etc. you can't use the argument "you might die tomorrow so let's increase the risk of dying", that has no logic to it at all. -reply by retards
  10. Win 7 isnHow Do I Change The Default Windows Font Size?I wanted to change the font size in the navigation pane in Outlook 2007 and found out it's not supported. You can change any other font on earth, just not the one that you want to change. Anyway, the work around is to change the system font size in Windows (7 in this case). The only problem is when you do this it changes sizes for things you don't want to change, and oddly it changes the size of all your icons. Boosting the font size makes all my icons large and blocky. Wow, you'd think by now MS would get this right. -reply by Mike
  11. dude I got mine for 20 and it works amazong exept it kinda over heats so don't use it alot at one go to amozon there like 20 bucks for a 50mw
  12. I loves me some PS3Xbox 360 Vs Ps3Replying to deadmad7Replying to (G)Blunt Trauma clark3783I had a 360 and gave it to my nephew. Good system but way too many problems.One reason why PS3 wins? INFAMOUS. Hands down the best exclusive of any platform (and don't come with that weak@$$ "Prototype" BS. Bought it, played it through and couldn't believe I wasted my time and money).-reply by Llama O'Rama
  13. Slightly different method of creating virtual hostsHow To Assign A Virtual Domain Name To Your Localhost.Hi, This article is very useful. I create virtual hosts with a slightly different method. Find the article here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Thanks.Riyaz -reply by Riyaz Shihabdeen
  14. Converting Java application to EXEHow To Create Exe File In Java?Instead of using a java exe launcher, a Java application could be compiled to native code (exe file) which doesn't require a JVM at all. One of such tools is JCGO, a Java to C translator. The produced C code is highly portable (Windows, Linux, Solaris and FreeBSD on i586 and amd64 are, at least, well supported). See more information (and the compiled sample applications) at the developer's site - http://www.ivmaisoft.com/jcgo/ -reply by ivmai
  15. why should we wear seatbelts? answer to Safety Seat Belts & Car AccidentsI have seen many acccidents and or know ones who have been in one. My mother when she was growing up didnt ever really wear seatbelts... Who did? thats until she got into a car reck,.. My mother was thrown out of the car... I have no objections on not wearing a seatbelt. THEY SAVE LIVES! they help keep people from getting thrown around. Not wearing a seatbelt BECause you are scared if u crash into water. Wearing that will give you the ability to stay in physical contitons to save your self then it would if u didnt have one on. Think about it. If you didnt have one on when you crashed in the water... Your head could have been crashed into the steering wheel or the dashboard.. Now what. Your knocked out and WILL no DROWN. Think about it. Excuses are dumb. Its a simple 2 second jesture that can give you a better chance in living through the crashes and seeing your children again or your mother your family your boyfriend or girlfriend.I AM 18. I WEAR MY SEATBELt EVERYDAY. NOMATTER WHAT.More than 60 percent of the occupants killed in fatal crashes were unrestrained." It is estimated that less than 70 percent of Americans wear seat belts; if only 90 percent of passengers wore seat belts, it would prevent more than 132,000 injuries and 5,500 deaths annually.Buckle up , arrive alive. Click it or ticket. They aren?t just made to be annoying very common taglines just to be said. They have a meaning and a PURPOSE.Replying to iGuest -reply by brandy hoelting
  16. Is there going 2 be a movieDaughters Of The Moon Ok first of let me just say I have read all of the books and I own all of her Daughters Of The Moon books. They are a great, fun, fulling books and I think they would make a lot of money of these books. For exp. The Twilight movies are all over the place and everyong seems to full in love with them and can't wait for the next one 2 come out. They are also books and that is what they start out like. Just like The Daughters of the Moon books I think they would be the same way... There are a lot of people who read her books and love them. There for there should be a movie. It show young teens not just girl, but also boys how to love,keep faith, work with one another, how to live, that is ok to be afriad is part of life,friendship,family,soulmates. Theses are all part of life that are all though out the The Daughters Of The Moon books. I think that it would also get more people to read her books and Authors that pretty much writes about the samethings and what not. Also it would help bring the people in the book to life it would also be a big thing to younger people who could go and meet the actors and what not. So there is another way to make money. I help that The Daughters Of The Moon books will become a movie sometime in the close fulture. -reply by Dark Angel
  17. First you say we create a new folder in C:/ that is called HLDS , then you say D:/HLDS I don't get it!/txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley5.Gif And where did the cstrike folder came from!?/txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley13.Gif Please reply I need this preety bad -reply by Counter Strike 1.6
  18. this is a vbs file which is a fake virus and is made in notepad, you needed to open search and type in the name of the messege at the top of the window and delete it. Pete -reply by Pete
  19. I loved it its really good it reminds me just how speshle my little sister is to me and that I should stop treeting her like dirt just becouse of something my dad said to me when I was little your poem reminds me how happy I was when she was born and how mad I was cuz the dr wouldnt let me see her when she was born or vary sick and everytime she went in the er how I would stay up all night praying and crying that she would be ok even if it was nuthing to worry about so thank u for opening my eyes and makeing me remember and relize that shes the only sister I have and no one in the world can replace her -reply by Shawnee
  20. people looking to join a any combat lv clanLooking To Start A New Runescape Clanhey,We would like to invite you to 'Play Clan'.Number one:We do not usually advertise the clan to many players. If you have recived this post, It means we need an extra member or two._______________________________________What we do:1)Events such as; House Partys (weekly), Clan Castlewars, Clan Wars (within our own members), Stealing Creation, Duel Arena, Great Orb Project and many others that can be chosen by our own members (Play's) to set up in advance. - This gives players time to know when to make sure they are online.2)Group Skilling/Combat training.3)Group Questing/Achievment diarys.4)Friend convosation in clan._______________________________________We have tackled rule breakers in the clan well so far..- 1st offence against rules = Warning from ranked player.- 2nd offence against rules = Removal from the clan.*Any personal messages to other clan members, will be noted so that if it happens again, you will be added to ignore list._______________________________________We treat all players the same in "Play Clan".. Including player moderators.If there is any reason you think you are different to other players, or you believe you are 'Special'.. This is the wrong clan for you.We have a long list of rules for the clan, which will be later told about._______________________________________Even though we have many rules, we only have these to keep the clan in order, where many clans have failed.We still would like you to find new friends using the clan and enjoy yourselves._______________________________________Hope to see you soon!= MESSAGE POSTED ON BEHALF OF "House Play" = - (Current "Play Clan" Leader).-reply by Play Clab
  21. hey guys, I have quiet the opposite problem, I can't register it says it has been diabled by uour adminstrator and I am the adminstrator!! can any one help me? -reply by YoYo
  22. I need a banner please.Free Banner Request I just need a normal sized banner for my COD4 clan =Xd$= anything will do...Much appreciated.. -reply by =Xd$=FIRSTY
  23. Thank YouSoftware To Remove Voice?Hi, Many thanks for your free software, I have founded Audacity and have downloaded. cheers, ld -reply by lilyanadee
  24. Great modHowto Add Google Adsense To Phpbb3 Subsilver2 (3.0.4) I followed your instruction step by step and it works great. -reply by john
  25. VB Login form Mysql In Visual BasicHi I would like to know how to create source code for login form in VB and how to link VB with SQL I'm busy doing project right now Please help -reply by Masibulele
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