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The night that changed my life Rap Lyrics I wake up in the night and I hear my mother screamSo I throw on my shirt and I get a pair of jeans. I go into my living room and see my mom standing by the doorThen I look around and see what she was screaming forIt was my father laying dead on the floor.He had a gunshot straight to his face,And there was blood all over the place.And my mom starts screaming "what have they done"Then I run into the kitchen and dial 9-11They pick up and say "911 whats your emergency""my fathers dead, you gotta help me!"So they arrive, ask if hes still aliveI say no, hes dead, can't you see that sir?He says "boy I'm just a cop, not a doctor" So they try to save him but there just was no hopeThen later that night my mom hung herself by a ropeI got no more living family but at least I'm in perfect health,So it looks like I'm gnna have to grow up and live all by myself. -Jay
Make Money In Megaupload.com Rewards. Pretty easy to win too
iGuest replied to Lyon2's topic in Business Forum
why not try this?Make Money In Megaupload.com Rewards.I think we should get one person to make a 99mb file of just random data, and get as many people as possible to download it. I'd love to see if megaupload pays out at all. imho andy -reply by andy -
Want A Internet Radio Station For Free
iGuest replied to manyak's topic in Websites and Web Designing
The lawWant A Internet Radio Station For FreeBear in mind these companies say run a radio station for free. This is actually false as the program maybe free but if you play any music that you do not own copyright for you will be liable to prosecution by the music industries authoritys I no this because I ampart of this industry. -reply by Aiden -
I'm a 35 year old convicted felon twice over. I was convicted in 1993 and received 10 years deferred probation but I picked up another case during that time in another state. I was sentenced to 3 yrs in Texas and 5 years in the other state. I was released in 1996 and lived in that state until 9/11 happened.Since my release in 1996 I've worked 9 different jobs and never looked back. I've been blessed to be able to be choicey about the jobs I accept and resign from. It has always been a struggle for me when searching for a job but I commited myself to never giving up. I was on 1 job for 5 years until I was laid off but thankfully I held 2 jobs at one time so losing 1 wasn't a huge impact on me. Please don't get me wrong I've struggled and lived in many states based on who would most likely give an ex con a break. Its all the same no matter where you go. Today I am the Director of Operations for a telecommunications company and have been for 4 years. My background has not been an issue and I was honestly able to answer no to that wonderful question all ex cons are challenged with "HAVE YOU BEEN CONVICTED OF A FELONY IN THE LAST 7 YEARS". I also found that this is a great industry to get into. The one thing I will say is the world will always need Customer Service agents and Cabling people to help with wiring buildings and homes. You can always go into cosmetology and barbering because you make your check and that don't do back ground checks. Overall don't give up. Stay true to yourself and know that looking for a job is a full time job in itself. I was up at 8am and finished by 5pm Monday thru Friday until I found a job. I practicly lived at the Work Source because I didn't have a computer at home. I always watched the bulletin board for updates and anything that would fit me. Its a process we all have to go thru and it has to be done.I'm really thinking of starting an organization to help ex felons rebuild their lives and provide skills and training to encorage them to be a productive working class contributor to society. I really want to help others because I know first hand what our struggles are. Stay encouraged and don't let society defeat you. Networking is very important and appearances are just as important because you never know who will be in a position to take you places and or help bring about change in your life. I'll be checking in more often in the event I can provide any of you with a hiring opportunity or guidance.
Rgistration codeSimple Php Login And Registration Systemhello,,, can somebody help me about the codes of signing up, log in using html , php, mysql.. Just a simple one coz I'm just starting to learn the basic..Thank you.. -reply by meshka
What Is An Irc Take-over and what you can do to prevent it
iGuest replied to Florisjuh's topic in General Discussion
XChat for WindowsWhat Is An Irc Take-overXChat is only free for Linux. There is a version, though, that is free for Windows, called XChat2 (http://www.silverex.org/news/) that gives you the option to use XChat in Windows for free. You can also download a "portable" version of XChat (http://portableapps.com/node/15971) or make it portable yourself (http://www.silverex.org/faq/ -
Staring Problem Do you do it? how to stop it.
iGuest replied to sonesay's topic in General Discussion
exact same same thing I have when I'm in cinema/movie theater I stare but ill give u some advice cos I never visited the doctor so let me tell you one thing is face it if your starring at someone let it happen no matter how weird you feel then afterr a few weeks itll get better and the problem will go.OR just squint close your eyes to leave a small gap starring would go. Another is put your hands and cover the part in which theree in view. how do I know? because I solved it thank God another thing record yourself well thats not possible ask your freind to record yourself talking to someone youll be suprised what u see its OCD...Every ocd problem can be solved but only if they have enough will power -reply by abdihasan abdirizak -
get off my *BLEEP* tupacIs Tupac Shakur Alive?first of all all you haters need to get off my *BLEEP* tupac... He is far out one of the best rappers ever known to man, some of you know that you would not say thi stuff in his face so don't say it at all... He aint did nun o you... I don't think my *BLEEP* scary at all, he aint got to fake no death because of nobody... So there for let the man rest in peace and stop making up lies because it clearly shows you have no life! -feedback by mz sexy k dyer
So you don't think there's a possibility of reincarnation involving the Link and Zelda thing? I mean, almost all the links and all the zeldas look pretty much exactly alike, except for some hair color and age differences. Usually, the zelda games have around 100+ years in between them, which is why the costumes change so much. I think reincarnation into a totally different situation is more likely than descending from the previous generation of Link's and Zelda's. This is why: #1. I'm sorry, but if Link and Zelda both married someone else, it's just too much of a coincidence that all of Zelda's descendants look exactly like her and Link's descendants look exactly like him. Wouldn't there be a resemblance to Link's wife and Zelda's husband as well? And wouldn't there be some deviation in gender - a female Link or a male Zelda, for instance? (Not necessarily in the same roles as the male link and female zelda, but you get my point. The descendants of Link can't be all male, and the descendants of Zelda can't be all female.) #2. Seeing as Link and Zelda are both blessed by Nayru and Farore, it seems likely that the goddesses would choose to reincarnate their vassals. I don't think the Triforce power can be inherited, as would be the case in the non-reincarnation scenario. (However, that's just my opinion.) #3. Think about it - several hundred years of Hyrule, and Link has never been in the royal family along with Zelda, as he would be if he was a child of a previous Link and Zelda (unless he was a long-lost son, which I don't think would happen every time). Instead, though usually being Hyrulian, Link has been born and/or raised in various different cultures and locations, such as the Ordonians in Twilight Princess and the Kokiri in OoT. Would that happen if Link kept marrying Zelda and having more little versions of themselves? I think not. Please think about my argument, I hope I made it reasonable. -reply by Sheba
Link's left-handed, they just changed him to right handed in the wii version so right-handed players could use the sword more easily. You notice that in the gamecube version they flipped it back because it doesn't matter whether you're left- or right-handed. -reply by Sheba
...Hang on...Obviously NOT link and zelda? of COURSE they're link and zelda! its called reincarnation, hello? Tetra is actually ZELDA! just like sheik was actually ZELDA! All of the characters they say are zelda ARE ZELDA! LINK IS ALWAYS LINK!! look for the green cap! >_< And you know, no one here is implying that link and zelda ALWAYS have been in love. There have almost always been other love interests for Link if not necessarily for Zelda. (ex. Malon, Saria, Ruto, Midna, etc.) One generation of Link and Zelda's might fall in love, but another might not. What you're doing here, as well, is called flaming a pairing. That tends to make people angry. I would recommend shutting up and trying tolerance for a change. Any relationship can work under the right circumstances, and saying it CAN'T WORK NO MATTER WHAT is not going to accomplish anything other than making people angry. -reply by BB-gun
Laptop Liquid Spill - Replaced Motherboard and Keyboard. Result?What Do You Do If You Spill Liquid Onto Your Laptop?I have a Compaq F700 and spilled beer in the machine. The machine was only one week old! I sent it to Compaq and they indicated that both the motherboard and keyboard needed to be replaced and therefore they shipped it back to me because I wouldnt pay $750 for them to repair it. So, I bought and installed a new keyboard and a new motherboard myself and the laptop has the same problem it had before the repair. The power button on the machine, when pressed, turns on the unit for about 3 or 4 seconds, the fan starts, the hard rive spins, then it shuts off immediately. The power button light when pressed and the power chord connection at the laptop are both illuminated...But it powers down after 3-4 seconds. Any ideas? I will say that I used the old CPU, heat sink, and fan on the new board...I wonder if these could have been damaged too. Thanks in advance. -question by Jack
Internet Troubles With Comcast Modem And Belkin Wireless N+ Router - All the Wireless Connections work fine, the wired ones are slow!Internet Troubles With Comcast Modem And Belkin Wireless N+ RouterHaving the same issues...I had no problem having two xbox 360's going on live at the same time with my linksys router...Now if I fire up both both 306's freeze up. -reply by Alex
Pokemon Heart Gold And Soul Silver (remakes) Confirmed!
iGuest replied to Forte's topic in Computer Gaming
soulsilverPokemon Heart Gold And Soul Silver (remakes) Confirmed!Yeah their changing everthing. I checked on it and their brining back the old Pokegear from the Johto games with all new stuff in it! Their also remakeing the maps in it. The game will have botth Johto and Kanto. It going to be like the orioginal Silver. -reply by Jgml -
I just broke up with my long term boyfriend of 3 years and 3 months I loved him I still wish him all the happiness in the world. I want him to be happy..Reasons we broke up were that I couldnt take all the lies anymore.. He was cheating on me ...Talking to women on facebook behind my back esp those types who looked like sluts, theres also a women who lives locally who use to txt him all the time but whn I asked him he said she was a friend.When I asked for this friends number he gave me it but he asked one of his colleagues to pose as this supposedly friend of his, but I knew it was him beacuse I could hear the machinery in the background in the place that he works.When I confronted him he blatently lied to my face and wanted me to forget it he told me he could not live without me and wanted to be with me for the rest of his life. I belivevd him. I feel I was taken advantage of because I am a down to earth person I always wear my heart on my sleeve the type of person as in what you see is what you get. I did everything for him , when he needed help/advice I was there. When he talked about what was bothering him I was always there to listen to him I always wanted him to be happyand keep smiling. I feel so angry..I told him he could do whatever he wanted it was his life and I told him to leave me alone. I tried to understand him so many times but I couldnt he was always confusing me to the point where I thought to my self what the hell am I doing?? the hard part was when I said "thats it its finished" its been a week now ive changed my number and I hope to God I don't bump into him in town we both bank with the same bank!! He sold his car the week we broke up, I don't know which car hes bought now- I'm actually glad I don't know..Right now I'm still hurting I keep listening to all the sad songs and actually cried watching the friends episode where Ross and Rachel break up, it was on tv last night. I cry when I go to sleep thinking about the times we spent together.. I am depressed but I know ill get over it...I'm keeping myself busy I'm going to the gym 5 days a week now and surrounding my self with the people who love me. I'm trying to think positively I will get over him I know I'm a strong person. I deserve someone better.-reply by guest
what ssl isWhat does SSL means?It's used a lot on cell phones too, when you are downloading a software update or something. You will know that it is being used because of a little icon of an "S"-reply by stevo
Pokemon Heart Gold And Soul Silver (remakes) Confirmed!
iGuest replied to Forte's topic in Computer Gaming
Replying to Fortewell I played all those games like blue,red,yellow,gold,silver,crystal,firered,leafgreen,colloseumpokemon stadium stadium2,gale of darkness ,emerald,shapphire,and ruby but like I never played the game diamond and peral especially platium I stoped playin pokemon games cuz I didnt like new other game I tought that emerald was a very fine ggame but now they are makin the new game heart gold and soul silver like *** man catch em all wow like I mean wats the ppoint of it now I like the old episode wen ash had cyndaquil and tododile but u cant use it in the new game but I think this game would probably be good but I'm hoping they could make a game that comes with all the version and u start in kanto and u make your way up to the orange islands then all the way to sinnohn hahaha that would be cool-reply by kevin -
Is There Life Anywhere Else On The Universe ?
iGuest replied to red_dragon_here's topic in Science and Technology
I accept Genesis 1, records the steps of Colonization of a Planet. Spacetime travel is not like Earth time.So whoever recorded the Day of Creation, knew 1000 years on Earth is as a Day of space travel, recorded in the new testament in 2Peter 3:8.Earth was Colonized by Humans 'in our Image' in Genesis 1,2.Genesis 1:26. KJV. "And God said, Let us make mand in our image, after our likeness,"Genesi 2:22. "And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman,"Adam was put in a deep sleep, like we do when we operate on a Person. God/Us did Supernaturally Colonize Earth and Reproduced Female Clones from the Male ribs.This supernatural power is High Tech Science today.We need a High Tech Translation of All Scripture and Myth, to accept the High Tech Science Humans in our Image, are our High Tech Ancestor Humans Species, that did Colonize Earth, only supernatural to Humans that handed down this information in Scripture and Myth without High Tech Science.-reply by Dolores Lear -
Easy money How Do I Make Gold Fast In Runescape/for noob levels chicken are good money, collect feathers and raw chicken (bones are recommend too) when you are little bit better you should kill some cows collect hides and bones,(raw beef is recommend too for cooking and food.) if u are training wc,mining or fishing in wc take all woods what u get and sell them in .G.E and same in fishing and mining. When your mining u should save iron and coals and do steel bars from them. Now I'm 90 wc and done 4 mill's money on my way to 90 wc. -reply by zauku
I m a big fan of massari! I really like is all songs speciall real love! and inta hayati! he is gr8!
I like the most action moviesA List Of Great Movies!I mean american movies1:transporter2:wrong side of the town3:the mummy 34:rambo 4-reply by Faisal Ahmad
Php Simple Login Tutorial Learn how to make a simple login
iGuest replied to HmmZ's topic in General Discussion
Your system gives no errors but I implemented it in my website I can register and stuff so thats nice The problem is that it says that the login information is wrong but I'm not stupid so I know its the right one could you maybe take a look ? -question by Dutchie -
Muslims Not Allowed To Date having sex not married - discussion
iGuest replied to loyal's topic in Dating And Relationships
NEED A CHALLENGING ANSWER FOR THAT!Muslims Not Allowed To DateAll Brothers iam also a young Muslim and I know whats going through all your minds when it comes to young age but all these activities are the traps of Saitan the devil u don't understand only cursing Islam Islam Islam is not the way man have you people ever read the holy bible, the torah & the veda u tell me where it gives u permission to have sex freely even if you are a christen, Jew or hindu if you read your releigion carefully you will find that matters relating to sex & social life are all same in your books as well I CHALLENGE YOU ALL PEOPLE IF ANYONE OF YOU CAN BRING A SINGLE VERSE FROM YOUR OWN RELIGIOUS BOOKS THAT SAYS SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE IS ALLOWED! YOU CANT FIND IT CUZ ITS SAME IN ALL RELIGIONS there are some things which are common in all religions atleast we should follow THEM as a HOLY WORD from our LORD! listen carefully SAITAN is your worst enemy! this is not due to ISLAM but it is due to the reason that you people do not follow your religion & don't forget to tell me that where it is written in your holy book that sex before marriage is permitted if you do not follow your holy scriptures then your not going to Heaven but you are opening a door to HELL iam sure when we die we will understand that if not now~ regards, JUNAID A TRUE MUSLIM! junaid_mvp@hotmail.Com