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I'd like to help, have no experience creating mmorpg's, have played them for a while, do you think I could?-question by inkliizii
I believe that humans created God out of fear. scince the beginning of time humans have always had a fear of what they didi not know (such as death) so they created God and an area for him to live (heaven) so the initial thought of God was a place a human was moved after they died. Due to this there has been some confusion and has branched out to the diffrent religions. The truth is Humans are timid and scared creatures. -reply by Dylan
I'm using both mozilla firefox and opera latest version, from my experience opera is much faster than mozilla firefox when surfing but at some point when I want to download files with download manager which is much faster than the opera download manager, I will use mozilla firefox instead coz it support my download manager.I hv learnt a bit about cache, when I stream anime or listen to music I can just get them from the cache folder though u need to rename and put extension to the file which is a bit troublesome but its better than if u want to download them again, the thing is when I use mozilla and stream video, there seem to hv a limit of cache like 5mb for the video but when I use opera I can get the whole length of the video, so I don't hv to use my download manager to grab video in opera, I can just take the cache file. U can google and learn more about cache in browser if u don't understand what I jz mentioned.In my opinion, opera is much faster if ure jz wanna surf the net but for cool widget and browser looks I think mozilla firefox is a nice package. Just get them both
Increase in monthly limithttp://www.propay.com/ - Accept Credit CardsI am currently a member, #30964073. I am requesting that my monthly limit for taking credit cards be increased to $6,000. At the current time I am unable to process any further orders this month and there are 7 more days to go. Please feel free to call me at 214-235-0439 or by email. Thank you Barbara Fedor -reply by Barbara Fedor
Populate Userform.textbox based on value in a cellUpdating Values In A Text BoxHi, I have a userform I need to populate based on information in rows. I have a column "R" where I have generated random numbers that form the ID stamp. Based on that ID stamp I would like to select the relevant columns of information within the said row where the ID number I have selected match. ie col1 ... Col2... Col3 ... Col4 etc... ColR(ID Stamp) xxx ...Dddd...Ffffff... Eeee...1234 http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I get the userform to select either 1234 or 4578. If I select 1234 then the information in each of those columns for that row will populate the userform in the respective textboxes. I then want to change the information in the textboxes and then copy it back to the worksheet from whence they came but with the new information now residing in them: ie col1 ... Col2... Col3 ... Col4 etc... ColR(ID Stamp) kkkk ...Jjjjjj...Ffffff... Yyyy...1234 Can this be done and if so please let me know. That would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time. -question by David
Try (create my own avatar) and mabe it will work but I am not sure lizzy.-Alyssa--reply by funnygirl(not)
Conditional FormattingUpdating Values In A Text BoxHi, I have a worksheet with a column "D" for due dates and a column "O" representing the status of a query. There are three different statues to the query. "Completed","Actionned" and "Action required". The 1st once entered turns the interior.Colorindex to green (3) the 2nd to orange (46) and the 3rd to yellow (6). When due date is <= DateSerial(Year(now),Month(now),day(now)) then column "O" on the same row where the date is entered, will turn red for "Actionned" and "Action required". However it will stay green if "Completed" is in column "O" of that specific row. I have managed to make this macro work but only in worksheet_change(byval target as excel.Range) and I would like it to work without having to double click on the cell above the one I have entered for the colour coding to appear. I would also like to use the workbook_open() feature as I would need the due date to appear as soon as the workbook is opened and not when I simply enter new information in a subsequent row. Can this be done and if so how? Any coding would be appreciated. Thank you very much for your time. -question by David
Hello,Is Profit Lance A Scam Or NotIf there was some confusion about your subscription, we honestly didn't mean to inconvenience you in any way. Our goal is not to inconvenience our customers .The terms and conditions of our offer are very visible on the order page, they are stated on the order page where you confirm your order, located directly to the top of where your credit card information was entered. There is also a link at the top of the home page that opens up the terms and conditions in a separate window. Customer service is our number one priority and we do everything we can to be open with all of our customers. Of course, mistakes can be made; and if you were not aware of our terms and conditions in our site.You can talk to customer support seven days a week. Our U.S.-based help lines are also staffed each and every day of the week to respond to any questions you may have both before and after your order. Simply call us at 866-481-8192 and we will be happy to walk you through the entire cancellation process.Your satisfaction is our number one concern,Thanks, -reply by Tracey
Just hold "shift" down when you click the program icon in the taskbar and voila! It opens a new instance of that program. -reply by Andreas
Welcome To All Guests Please voice your opinion
iGuest replied to NilsC's topic in General Discussion
Asus questionWelcome To All GuestsI am thinking about getting an Asus Intel Premium Dual core t4400 processor laptop, and I am unfamiliar with the name. Is this a good product or should I keep my eyes peeled for something else? Any help in this matter is much appreciated. I am a college student and would be using it mostly for school and maybe some Utorrent downloads here and there. I am looking to spend around 500-600 price range. Again thanks for any input. T.J. -reply by T.J. -
freak the mightyFreak The Mightythe book was kind of boring at first but then it became better and better by the minute.Its very sad story .About how two kids get along with each other .Both friends help each other with each of their abilities.Max has the feet to walk on but dosnt have the brain.Kevin has the brain but doent have the good legs to walk on his feet have to use crutches.Kevin is interested in King arthur so kevin is always going on quest with his friend,Max.Maxs has alot of trouble because he is dum and his dad is arrested for killing the mom.Kenny kane(max dad )one day kenny kane comes back for his boy because hes going to use his own son to earn money.He tricks the police and gets out of jail.He takes him to a place where loretta lee and iggy are there.Loretta lee and iggy know kenny kane because they were friends helping kenny kane with his crimes.Even though loretta lee was bad she wanted to help max get away from his father so iggy and loretta plan a trick to get the father back in jail.Lorettaand iggy rememeber max because he came with the cripple kid to lorettas place to give her purse back the one that was stolen.The cripple kid then hears about how max got kid napped by his dad so he tries to find max back.The cripple kid still remembers the place where loreta and iggy live because of the time they returned her purse.Kevin knows that lorettas place is the only place thet he will find max because as they were returning the purse kevin remembers her saying that iggy was partners with kenny kane .So he calls the police finds max and kanny kane stys for jail for good.Loreta has a broken neck because kenny kane found out before he went to jail thatloretta tried helping max escape -reply by shanifaKeywords: what is different about the book and themovie of freak the might
Are Girls Prettier Without Makeup? Vote & Say You Thoughts
iGuest replied to lihuyt's topic in Health & Fitness
Girls with a little make up aren't bad... It isn't necessary but it's nice to have a little on I think it just brings a little more attention to them if they manage to highlights their eyes and lips but that's just my opinion... Heavy makeup is a major turnoff... Moderate to light makeup like a foundation+ lipstick+ eyeliner is ok :/ anymore and it's kinda gross :/ -reply by KentaTakashi -
Friendship age gapAge Differences Of FriendsI'm 15 years old and I have some friends my age but the majority of my friends are older I have a friend that is 37 years old with 2 children and we get on so well. I absolutely love her to pieces! We email each other nearly every day. I find it ridiculous to have a "restriction" on friendship age...I believe that if you get on well together...Who cares about age! -reply by Annie
How To Get Credits Quickly credit points quickly
iGuest replied to seef's topic in Web Hosting Support
hi everybodyHow To Get Credits Quickly If you don't want to post lots of short articles and replies, what you can do is, find a topic that interests you. Do a little research about it, compile your findings and post them in the forum. If it's long, you can get quite a lot of points with a post and you won't have to bother about posting for a week or so. If I remember correctly, posting in the tutorial section gets you more credits. That's why I suggest that you post something that is educational and which we can learn from -reply by ravidatla -
im emo but i hate chavs I Hate Chavs And Chav ScumI hate chav for they treat emos they treat them like crap sorry but where all the same but for one thing we don't spit on the PUBLIC FLOOR'S and where baggy jeans that look like the pooed themself and try and acted hard when there not it dose my head in and rapping it has no reson its so competive its like OMG!... We have loads at my school walking round with there flat hates they all look the same with swearing I want say what they say as its not right to say: but they don't speak english its like init post to be isnt it blood what is that post to mean if you understand my point just make me so angry/txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley7.Gif -reply by georgina jenkins
Had the same thing happen to my MX 17 Area 51. Sent it to them, they "fixed it" then 5 months later it happened again.
Google A Number?Google A Number?Actually Google is a big big number but a zillion is 1 with a million zeros but a googol.Is 1 with one hundred zeros a bezillion is 1 followed by a million multiplied by a million zeros a gezillion is a complex number it is 10 to the power of a million to the power of 100 apparently a zezillion is a complex number also it is 10 to the power of a million to the power of a million that is the greatest number I found -reply by Al Xong Rinpoche
Not a game for kids, my 11 year old is giving me a hard time because I refuse to allow him to play or watch this game. I'm sure it has all these great features and story lines, but the whole point of the game is to kill, but not only to kill but to mutilate anyone and everyone you choose. No wonder our children are not thinking twice about carrying a gun to school. Children and a lot of adults have problems figuring out the difference between reality and fiction. What good comes form this game? What good things are in this game? None that I can see or hear. What about the people who walk around with the thoughts of hurting and killing people in their head already, this just plays out the fantasy of that and could potentially turn fiction into realty.
i have the tallet to be come like Van PercyArsenal Youth Club Academy Currenly Recruting Players ! !I was born I love the game football as I grow up I found it very difficult to play football in my country Cameroon because we do not have the facilities to become great footballer I do not want this tallent in me to die without being a star please if there is any one that can help me to see my dreams come to through we can have it all done I can call the person my manager and I will not let the person down waiting for a responds -reply by funwie edwin
I am so grateful for this site,at least I managed to get an idea of geting primes,as a programmer(beginner) I want to learn how to read and write to files,I do understand that the type of file is determined by the extension on it.For example,files with extension'.Txt' are text files,'.Doc' are word files etc I want to write a C program that will be able to ceive the different types of numbers and write them in appropiate files.I want to start by using 3 files,file_even for word document,file_odd for text doc and file_prime for an excel file. If I use integersf rom 1 to 250,and write all even files with their halves in file_even so that the every even number is on its own line and a number is separated from its half with a tab,write all odd numberswith theirs squares in file_odd so that every odd number is on its own line and is separated from its square with a tab,also write all prime numbers and their thirds(rounded to 2 decimal places) in file_prime and every prime number is on its own lineand a prime number and its third in separate cells(equivalent of of tabs) I wrote a certain code but I want to compare oor even make it better,some help,thanks -Dense
Wireless On The Xbox 360 Without An Adapter.
iGuest replied to LegallyHigh's topic in Hardware Workshop
hey I did all this (Network Bridging from Xbox to laptop) it worked fine up untill a few hours ago, it just says it cannot find an ip address and I've tried resetting and re-bridging it all but nothing seems to work, I try ICS it works, but I have a strict nat which as you all should know, it's very bad for MW2. Any tips on how to get it to work again? Much appreciated. -reply by Jason Ewan -
Know the facts 1stWhat If Marijuana Was Legal?Hi all, I think its is good to have these discussions regarding weed as it can give some knowledge to those who don't know the truth. It can be a shame when some people do make comments on what they have read and not what they have found out through research or from there own experience. I live in England UK and have been smoking weed for 17 years, I have regular health checks (twice a year) due to my job and I am told every time by various doctors that I have no health problems and this mainly due to me not smoking tobacco or drinking alchol. I work with medical staff off aprox 35 staff and at least half of them smoke weed on a regular basis, none of us have mental problems, eating problems and probably have never been late for work. This is the type of research goverments should be concentrating on and not lie about weed they are paid to lie it seems. I have an IQ of 147, never had depression and regualy play sport. I feel weed should be legal for medical purpuses but for public use there would have to be restrictions like aplying for a license to grow personal amounts, It should still be ilegal to deal and definatly ilegal to supply to anyone under 18, I have tried other drugs but its only yourself to blame if you carry on doing these drugs you cant blame weed for trying other drugs just yourself. Growing your own weed would make sure you knew what was in in unlike bying of the street where dealers will spray in with all kinds of rubish that will kill you (crushed down glass). If governments cared so much they would know this but they don't care, and if they realy knew anything they would know how much money they could make on tax, how many jobs they could start, how much money they could put in to the economy. Its all very simple if you take the time to listen and not judge on what you hear or some mate who had a bad experience, is now on heroin, won't do anything with there life. We only get 1 shot at life so enjoy it, be safe, and know the facts, think for yourselves don't let someone else do that for you. Any other factes you would like to know just ask. 9000 people died in the UK in 2009 from alchol (not long term diseases). 0 people died in the world from smoking weed - FACT -reply by Professor Greenthumb
no audio when avi files have been encoded to dvd videoNero Problemswhen I convert my files for dvd video and burn them off, the picture is fine but there's no sound -reply by mike
i would like to play for aresnal Arsenal Youth Club Academy Currenly Recruting Players ! ! Hi I'm from Kuwait and I would like to play for aresnal.I'm right footed and I'm 17 years old.I got choosen every year in high school to present my school soccer team.I play as as a striker,attacking midfield,centre forward. Yours faithfully, Awadh Al Mutairi If u just any thing else would just contact me please at my email: young_buck@live.Com
Had this problem yesterday on a dual boot machine with WinXP and Ubuntu. I use Grub as the bootloader. This can happen if the MBR has a problem, but also if you added or removed a hard disk. The solution was to change the options in grub's /boot/grub/menu.Lst. Make sure the line like (hd0,1) actually specifies the right disk and partition. Try changing it, for example to (hd1,1) (second hard disk, second partition; see http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ) If you have lines like map (hd0) (hd1) map (hd1) (hd0) try removing them. If you don't, you can try adding them. See http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ If you need to re-install grub as the bootloader, you can do that with a Linux LiveCD. -reply by rduke15