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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I have always felt those who are smart are feared upon, what people don't understand is what they want to stop.I too have done similar acts and it was only out of revenge because of how unfair I felt I was treated and all the false accusations pointing my way.I understand why most people would do this, just a word of caution, what you do will be considered illegal and they won't be afraid to press it further, which could mean being expelled and being labelled a hacker in your student record which pretty much ends you being able to get further education from any provider. Not something I would like to see happen to anyone. Although this is basic, they may go further than this, you never know, which could mean you'll pay for damages.But my final result, I am not encouraging you for what you did, but I respect it none the less. Lazy administration, especially in leaving a system logged on without no counter measure is definitely not a good sign and really, the only person to blame is the admin for leaving it, not the person who got hold of it and may have taken out the servers, although in this case, of course the admins will try to find something to blame and not say it was their fault.It's easier to blame something/someone than to resolve the problem. Instead of blaming, they should look for a resolution in insuring that this would not happen again, but surely they will not rectify the problem and go with blaming.If someone hacked into my system, I would congratulate them, then work on resolving the problem so that it would not happen again, even if they destroyed most my files, it's ok if you look after your systems well and do daily incremental backups and full backups.I solved the problems for data loss, I solved the problems for leaving a high privilleged user logged in which the system is idle. What I haven't solved is what others help me find.Cheers,MC
  2. You can change Firefox's user agent manually.Open your browser and in the address bar type about:configSorry removed part of my post you'll need to find out more on how to do it yourself.Simple enough right?Using Telnet, well I don't want to explain the challenge too much, just want to explain telnet.You should understand how a web browser works, running a text browser is a good way to learn what you should pass to an http server.The first thing to pass to a server is your request, you've already open a connection by connecting to it, it's now asking you what you want, if you don't tell it what you want then it'll drop you.Again removed it, sorry.That's it.Cheers,MC
  3. Thanks for the review and I'll make some of those changes, especially the new members avatars. Im using Xoops on this website, which I kind of like better than Drupal.
  4. I'm working on Slipstreaming Linux CDs, by no means easy like slipstreaming windows, but I like the challenge.One thing I should mention if you are slipstreaming Windows XP, etc, is that you may want to slipstream drivers onto it as well. I might write a guide to how to do this.Cheers,MC
  5. I just want to show you a basic curve:[0][1][2][3][4][5][1][5][5][5][5][5][2][5][3][5][4][5][5][5][ ] = 1 pixel0 is the lightest 5 is the base colour or darkest. 0 is most likely white.Try this with black, you can extend the numbers, just set your pencil to opacity 20% and with each pixel apply the number in the brackets the amount of times suggested, when you zoom out you should notice a curved corner.This is pretty much as basic as you can get, from there, it's just applying the right amount of lightness to darkness to produce the type of curve you want.I'm sure others will have better ways, I just use this method when creating small images like icons.Cheers,MC
  6. Challenge 1 Solution Guide:We open the page and already are confronted with a message.OK so we have something to go by, so why not just put that in the browser.That is easiest method to try out. Always look for the simpliest ways to doing something else you could spend hours and hours trying the most complex ways and get nowhere fast.How about viewing the source code, notice anything? It's a good idea to view the source code, and page properties just to reveal information we may have not seen.Lets just click the link to see where it takes us, ok now we're back at the same page, but now we've got the variable name with a set value, maybe we should change this value to reflect something else don't you think?Now we're getting somewhere.OK we're given another message, the wording used is very important. How are we going to use it though? Well, lets just guess that, and we'll set a value to what we already know.OK, we're on the right track.Did you read everything?There's definitely a clue with the warning which gets passed a value, we can see what it's trying to do, but where is it getting this from? You should understand this error message and what function it's trying to do.Learn about passing multiple GET methods and you'll figure this out, there's clues from the wording that will help you.I tried to hide relevant information to actually solving this, but you should be able to pass it.Cheers,MC
  7. I can get as far as the personal control panel using just Telnet, is there any limits to what we can use?I'm currently at work, so limited to what I can try but I guess this is good enough for a start, I'll finish it when I get back home.Cheers,MCOK I was wrong, maybe my work computer does have enough to get through this.You have hacked me , you win, the pass is ***********.Cheers,MC
  8. lol OMG I have like 5 different adware programs. 10 spyware things3 firewallsand some moreSlows my comp down so much so its really really annoying. SP2 doesnt slow comp down to much, just a tad. But then again I delete my temp internet files and cookies like every 30 min.
  9. Why would you pay for one. Last time I checked it cost over 100$ a year to have one and you can get a domain name and like 100 gigs/unlimited bandwidth for that price. Yeah that is sad that a webhosting company was on a .tk. Was it a free one or a paid one? Not all .tk sites are crappy. They give you free traffic so I put all sites that I do on a .tk and some other free url redirection services just to get the traffic.
  10. I use GIMP to create the image in PNG format, I create 3 sizes, 16 x 16, 32 x 32 and 48 x 48 with low colours to high colours. I then use png2ico to convert them into ICO format. This is for the application icons. I also create the icons for menus, toolbars, statusbar and whatever else I think would look good with an icon. They all follow a similar creation, I usually create an icon resource file for my programs where I build the icons directly into the program.I keep a pallete of base colours that work well for me, I do my own antiliasing by lowering opacity in colours or just going over with a lightening/darkening pencil to give it a smooth look. If I'm going to do shading, I work with a fuzzy air brush. These are probably my most prominent things I would do, other than that, I work on it's perception, making sure it'll look good, especially if using transparency I test basic background colours with the icon to see if there's no visible problems.Cheers,MC
  11. That is funny. I never knew that, but it would make sence that they wouldn't ever delete anything since why would they have to when they give out 2 gigs of space so you know they have unlimited bw and space. Any actualy know how much space google has or how many gmail accounts are out there? Yes their main aim is to get money. If that wasn't it then why would they do it and spend so much money on it?
  12. iGuest


    Most of you may not know about them so:Fozzy (with lead singer Chris Jericho of WWE, and lead guitarist Rich 'The Duke' Ward of Cafu, Stuck Mojo) will be playing, Saturday 7th May 2005 @ London Astoria. The time will be 18.00.You can get tix at the Mean Fiddler/Astoria website...Also:The guys are going to be doing an autograph session/instore on May 7th in London... 07 May @ 5pm @ Forbidden Planet I really suggest you see them live. If you are interested in hearing some of their stuff, listen to their new album: All that Remains.Anybody else seeing them live???? Or heard of em?
  13. I run DosBox under Linux as an alternative to viewing how my console programs would hopefully look under MS-DOS, since if I'm going to write console programs, may as well have it working across different platforms.Other than that, I rarely use DOS at all. Maybe the odd occassion I'll fire it up for something, but it's becoming less frequent.Cheers,MC
  14. That's an ok challenge I guess.You are the uber 1337 hax0r , the password is ************ I'll let someone else figure this outCheers,MC
  15. Frontpage is nasty. Wouldn't touch it with a barge pole, it puts too much crap into the code.I usually work manually with Notepad (unless it is a lot of coding then I use wordpad). But sometimes I use Namo Webeditor to put certain mundane and repetative things in. I use it mainly fo the styling of the site (tables) then go back to notepad.I have tried Dreamweaver, but the computer I do my work on isn't strong enough.
  16. You are right, but I can not stand floating layers with CSS. They always manage to go wrong. And what exactly are the problems with using tables? I have only found small errors when using the box-model, of which I don't use. I think it is just another reason for the W3 to bossing us around. Well no more I say.
  17. There is no best.Windows server has features that Linux doesn't and vice-versa. However, personally I prefer Linux, due to the features it has that support my way of style.
  18. I don't think there is really a best. Whereas Mac's excel in the media department and security, the Windows excels in the other departments like DTP, WP, Spreadsheets.I have not yet used a Mac computer, but I think I prefer Windows. Although I do a lot of media work, I prefer the GUI of Windows. And my computer doesn't crash (it's specs are high and I keep it maintained).
  19. I'm assuming it's 80 characters wide x 25 characters down which is standard Linux terminal size. It does seem it'll be a slim chance that you could change it, although I know you can definitely change it, I don't think that it's display would be great.If you know your program will go over the 25 lines limit run it with | more, e.g. ./yourprogram | moreand this will prompt you to press a key to display more, space bar moves down a whole page.If you do however want to try it out, I'll will tell you how to configure it.Cheers,MC
  20. Don't put yourself down so much, we all had to begin somewhere. A lot of my own PHP experience has been trial and error, though I do have a background in C/C++ as well as Perl but you still had to learn PHP as it's own language and not confuse it with the other general languages. Try on a test (blank) page <?phpecho date('l, j F Y'); // e.g. Wednesday, 27 April 2005?> What does your browser display? You must realise too that the date format will be taken from the server it resides on, using it's time settings, it may not be neccessarily the same time zone as you, you may need to fix this too. If this script works, then there's no problem other than it could result in an error which means turning on errors would be a good idea to see what problems exist. Cheers, MC
  21. I don't care what you say the best classic game ever is either pacman or breakoutpeaceout ymmij
  22. I totally disagree with you i am a cancer patient and if there was any way to help people and me we would be able to control lots of things even how long people live if we were able to keep people healthy they would be able to keep them alive alot longer and wouldn't you of wished your family would still be alive in fourty years!!!peace outymmij
  23. I have been an artist for three years now and would encourge anyone that is intrested to reach for there goals there is alot of schooling but i beleive that if you want something bad enough you will reach for the stars myself i am planning on becoming a jeweler and i hope if you want something bad enough you will get it peace outYmmij
  24. I'v tha neWWs'D v. & it 'Oesnt WRRk.Hhhhhheeeeeeeellllllppppppppppppppppppp............................please.In English=I have the newest version and it still doesn't work.Help...I am ***. <[Not my fault, i'm just translating it.]
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