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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Yeah, the Xisto forum is slow. I think most of us agree on that. As far as the service they offer, its realy fast. My site runs just as fast as any paid web hosting site. Their servers are top notch and very stable.
  2. Yeah, I can't login to cpanel or my ftp client either. It must be a server problem. Anyways, hope everything is fixed soon. By the way, how can you "still can upload image and update my website" if you can't access ftp or cpanel??? Are you using a php script like php nuke or xoops because in that case you still could update your site.
  3. For some reason, I can't login to my SmartFTP account. I get this error, "530 Authentication failed, sorry" whenever I try to. I've had no problem using ftp before. So its not a password or username problem. Are the Xisto ftp accounts down or something? Is anyone else having these problems?
  4. i think that people should not use smilly and would strongly recamend not using it.peace outyimmj
  5. This is very informational i totally agree with every thing i had read with but i would try to shorten it up it is to much for the average guy to read Peace out ymmij
  6. I think that it is going to be a nasty place in 20 years because people are caring less and less but things are going to be helped by people in clubs I think people better start taking care of this earth before we end up killing it off then we will be up a creek that is why you should help with all ecology and things that will help encourge things and get the ball moving your self Peace out ymmij
  7. It would be cool to talk to aliens but dude you really need to handle life and our government before you and try to find or locate other life forms.I know that if people were out there I think it would be pretty intresting to see and maybe meet them Peace out man, Ymmij
  8. email me at Xisto@superuo.com i can host for you.
  9. we use mac os x at our school...it is nice but hard for me to get used to considering that i have used windows all of my life...mac makes things so much easier, faster to get to apps, faster to do everything...but i still love windows since i am used to it and able to do all my programming in windows but cant figure out anything in os x still...if mac were to make a hybrid os like lindows/linspire then i would consider installing that on my laptop-if it supported my hardware which is another thing that i dont like about mac os's...i cant install on any of my comptuers so i cant really mess around with the os other than at school....and that has its limitations...overall mac is on a roll...but im stickin with windows and linux till someone destroys microsoft
  10. I am absolutly loving the killers right now, they are so diffrent. But then now everyone seems to like them. I hate when things go main streem. I also love placebo!Finbar
  11. iGuest


    Wow... Could you guys explain how you get credits? Do you guys get 1 credit with 1 post? I have to get some stuff ready before attempting to register here first, but if my other host hasn't replied yet, I'd be happy to register here!
  12. iGuest


    I have this dilemma. You guys did a good job enticing me to join up! But I already got the required posts and I'm waiting to be accepted in some other hosting. No one has replied for more than 48 hours! So right now, I don't know if I should join here or the other one. Any hosting that accepts uni.cc domains pass for me! Could you guys give me suggestions? It's a waste if I eventually get accepted on the other hosting and have another one here.
  13. Hey vizskywalker,` is known as Backticks in programming/console, in PHP it's one of the methods used to execute a command, instead of using backticks we could have used system(), etc.I use backticks a lot to execute a command within a command, usually in console for filling in desired information without me needing to type it in. e.g. if I am going to find all the RPMs I've installed that are based on my current kernel.rpm -qa | grep `uname -r`What the backticks do is execute the command uname -r which displays the kernel version I'm running, grep then grabs anything from the rpm query-all of anything that matches the exact kernel number in the queries.Not why I would use backticks, I would probably use it to update kernel specific modules if I had just installed a new kernel and needed the modules to be updated.PHP manual should have reference to backticks.As for the idea, mine was not like the above, I was actually thinking of making PHP actually capable of outputting C/C++ programs without the need of compilation, so pretty much making PHP the compiler for C/C++ programs and having the ability to execute it.MC
  14. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Its a programming/group/site for the TI-83 plus graphing calculator. Anyways, don't forget to <- snipped -> ads, so I can make some money. }
  15. Hmm...this does sound interesting. Right now, im using Nucleus as my blog, but maybe I should try drupal out.
  16. Does anyone know how to do this? Because my site has the #1 spot when I google for it, but doesn't even show up on the yahoo search engine.
  17. <?php echo '<' . '?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?' . '>'; ?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/; xml:lang="en" lang="en"><head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Title</title></head><body> <h4>Web-based Compiler</h4> <form name="compiler" id="compiler" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"> <p>Enter your code below:</p> <br> <textarea name="code" id="code" cols="80" rows="20"><?php if(isset($_POST['code'])) echo $_POST['code']; ?></textarea> <br> <input name="Compile" id="Compile" value="Compile" type="submit" /> <input name="Clear" id="Clear" value="Clear" type="reset" /> </form><?php if(isset($_POST['code'])){ $code = $_POST['code']; $codefilename = 'temp.cc'; $outfilename = 'temp.out'; $fh = fopen($codefilename, 'w') or die ('Failed writing file'); fwrite($fh, $code); fclose($fh); $compilercommand = 'g++ ' . $codefilename . ' -o ' . $outfilename . ' -O3'; system($compilercommand); $path = `pwd`; $file = $path . $outfilename; $file = str_replace("\n", '/', $file); $file1 = `$file`; echo "<pre>$file1</pre>";}?></body></html>OK compilation works, user however is apache, but program seems to work if we change the content to something that's allowed to execute, will try cgi-bin's method and see if that works.How we could output this, is if we write the output to another file and just bring that up? although lets work on trying to output straight to the browser first.Well, hopefully this has given you some ground to work off, I'll come back when it's not so early in the morning, might not be back again, since I got a 21st to attend tonight.Signing off, 6 in the morning.MCOK screw the above, except the code.We need to figure out how to chcon -t httpd_sys_script_exec_t temp.out and to also include our current working directory in the PATH, since this has been the only way I've been able to successfully run the script.I temporary changed the PATH to reflect where it's located, e.g. PATH=$PAhttp://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ then ran the chcon command above on the temp.out file. Then tested it, everything worked. So now all that's needed is a workaround.MCStayed up till 6:43am
  18. Opps, sry for the double post. I attempted to correct a spelling error....lol.If the admins could delete the first one for me...and this one....much appreciated.
  19. One of the most obvious signs that such emails are scams is the poor spelling or bad grammer often found in the message body. In the example of this bogus email which can be found at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you will see such things as "Fill your informations", "reserve the rights" and "for an unlimited perriod". You will also see unclear thinking by the use of words like "Apparently" where if it were actually true, they would have said something like "We have detected an unusual number of emails" indicating a supposed fact rather then an apparent guess. These scam emails are perpetrated by folks with some html code knowledge but with a poor knowledge of the English language. I rather believe that these scams are a result of our unfortunate "instant gratification" society since the perpetrators think they can do no wrong, will not get caught and don't take the time to correct mistakes (like spellchecking their work). Just some info to keep in mind...
  20. M^E have you been stealing my ideas?Damn, it was only a few days ago I thought wouldn't it be neat if I wrote a PHP script that could emulate the work of a C/C++ compiled console program and output it to browser, although a lot of flaws with how it would be displayed, etc, but I would overcome this by only working on functions that would work.I haven't looked at what you're wanting to do yet, but I'll look at this when I got more time, just thought I'd pop in since I haven't been seen here in a few days.Web based compilation has been done, I know it exists, but I haven't seen any source code for such a thing but it won't be too hard to implement as long as you've got a strong understanding of the language.I'll now read what you want and dream about all the possibilities.Cheers,MCOK so I couldn't help but stay a bit longer to add input.Make sure the directory you're writing to is writable, another thing would be the environment, users are usually chroot'ed to stay only inside space allocated to a web environment, I guess you're personally doing this on your own server? If that's the case, you'll need to figure out who the owner of the file belongs too, hopefully it's the user and not the server's user in which case you won't have rights to the file without some other commands which I dare not suggest be used in PHP at all, it's really a door for some problems.You really need to send your code through a parser to make sure nothing bad has been entered, it's a real security problem this, but for now, lets work on getting it working then deal with all security issues later.brb with working code , <iostream> exists, but not to the browser, it's considering it a HTML tag, and being handled by the browser, check source code.MC
  21. Look what i've been doing lately...http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Spreading the truth... *Xisto mascot????*
  22. Xoops is small and awesome! To many people use phpnuke and Mambo anyways.Use xoops today! *im an unofficial xoops mascot*
  23. I thought this (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) was kind of funny. Serves them right for offering such a bad an unstable service. Xisto is so much better...! Notice from NilsC: If this is supposed to be a review of another free host you did a terrible job. 1, it's a one liner spam, 2 it does not have any content, 3 do not use astahosts name on other sites or promote Xisto by by derogatory means.
  24. Everyone's site is down, including mine. My website has been down for nine hours+. Hopefully, everything will be back online soon.
  25. Ok, my site has been down for 9 hours now. How much longer is this going to take?
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