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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I play runescape every now and then but i dont get play it much. IT has different possibilites and is free unless you want to go to the member areas.
  2. Man, I am impressed. George Bush has stones. I mean, he'll appoint nearly anyone to nearly any position regardless of their lack of credentials. Look at Michael Brown, until recently he was in charge of FEMA & had not an ounce of qualification. Look at the cost in suffering and lives. Look at the cost in dollars to all of our children. Anyone see a parallel with Bush's handling of the situation in Iraq? He didn't listen to the people he paid to know better. He thinks that he has a mandate from heaven. When are we going to show him he's wrong?
  3. War is more than just a racket. It is an industry. Look at the military industrial complex to see who is really running our country. Bush is only playing to the audience that is paying. The project for a new american century is pulling all the strings. Bush appoints its members (Rumsfeld, Cheney, & Wolfowitz to name a few) to high positions, then the rest of his appointees are just large scale campaign contributors (as in FEMA's director who is now gone, but a buch of his appointees with few skills remain at FEMA). Bush is not the only one playing this game. He just plays it more overtly & to a larger scale than ever before.
  4. Can you imagine Cheney as our President? I know he can. I would call anyone who wouldn't mind that extreme. They would have to be either extremely rich, stupid, or both (or maybe a former bath party member).
  5. Actually the correct time to enter the BIOS/CMOS menu is after the 3 LEDs on the keyboard for NUM LOCK, CAPS and SCROLL LOCK light up and turn off, which shows that the keyboard is functional at that point.If the key is unknown, the first key I would try is DEL, if that does not work, I would try ESC through to F12. (Basically just slide across all those buttons, as one is bound to be correct).The only ones you won't get correctly are the combination ones, which I don't believe I've seen one in years, so they're probably becoming obsolete. Another sort, was the shunt/jumper method that would boot straight into the CMOS if it was closed, again I haven't seen these machines since the 386 PCs.A lot of people don't realise that you don't need your CDROM drives to be detected, you can set those HDD settings as OFF instead of AUTO, the only drawback is it won't be seen when trying to boot from the CDROM drive, but if you have 2 or more CDROM devices and you know you only use 1 of those drives to boot from, then you don't need your startup to check the other drive for bootable media.Cheers,MC
  6. wow..i wouldnt think that this system(nintendo revolution) would be this cool..i finally seen the new controller and..you know what...its not that bad.i think the nintendo revolution is gonna go places this time around....it maybe might not stand with the other two consoles which are ps3 and xbox 360...but wow is this a kool looking console...i think the good games are going to be on this system including all the origionals..like metroid and super mario...
  7. The weirdest thing I see on the internet is how people would go around asking where is this, and where is that, when all they have to do is search for it on google or something. You also get faster results usually when you try to find things yourself, instead of asking on a board where you can find something. If it's when you can't find something, that's when you should go asking on boards for help. The internet can do a lot of things, I just wished others knew that sometimes
  8. Hey vujsa,Simple error, this line:$handle = fopen($cachefile, "w+b");Should be:$handle = fopen($cachefile, 'wb');That should be it.Other than that, I would probably have to test it out myself.Cheers,MC
  9. The most important thing I want with a browser is not the speed but it's standards compliance. Opera as far as I know, does poorly in that situation although some parts it does better than IE.I've been listening in on IE7 development, and still hear the same story, "security, security, security", if it wasn't so business driven, we'd be seeing "standards, standards, standards". I really don't care what browser it is, as long as they meet the standards, that's the one I would go for, IE still doesn't fully support CSS1 and it's quite sad to have to point out these things to them just so they can say "it's not a priority, but will be placed on their to do list".I don't blame the developers though, they understand the importance of meeting the standards.As far as I know Safari has the best support for standards, yet I don't own a Mac so I can't say if that's true or not. Out of the other browsers IE has strong points, Firefox has strong points and Opera has strong points, but none of them shine through as being the best towards standards, although IE was a bit slack.<rant>As for the IE developers, why wait for the recommendations to be passed before implementing it? Is it to cut your workload down? Is it so your browsers are always behind? What is it? This is what I don't understand. You know the recommendation will only alter marginally, I doubt they will drop it, so why not work on keeping up too? I just want to be able to make use of the latest in web standards to get the idea whether it's worth renovating the sites again and without having the major browser support this means I have to wait for you.</rant>MC
  10. I don't know things much about digital camerabut these brands are sure they best:NikonCanonSonyPanasonic.
  11. it looks so nice... it's like the Ipod color version but slimmer! I want to have one! I don't have a mp3 player... just an old walkman.
  12. it looks nice! the design look the same thing if you have a yahoo messenger. I say that when this Yahoo Mail is really available and not as beta, Hotmail, Gmail will do something similar. competition! competition!
  13. I like how vague Windows Stop Errors are.Basically, it's failing writing (0x0) to some memory location, which it lists two address for that. Now I wouldn't know what those addresses refer to, but it could be anything from L2 Cache, Video RAM, Memory or even Page File. It could even be related to a hardware address, if any new devices were installed or drivers, etc, it would pay to roll them back or get rid of them. Antivirus or similar software could have similar effects.If it is corrupted memory, I would not try reinstalling until I can honestly rule out that it's not a fault that would affect the installation, else you could make it worse than better.It's quite hard to know what to do in this situation without physically being there and testing every possibility.Cheers,MC
  14. When I took a computer class, they said that search engines use "spiders" to register your site and have it show up when you type a keyword. I'm pretty sure this is true, coming from a professor with a degree in Computer Science but I'm wondering, what exactly are what they call spiders? What are spiders hosted on and all the technical questions. If you know anything technically about specifically how search engines like Google functions, this is the thread for you. So, please - share what you know. Your honest patronage is greatly appreciated and will be listened to.
  15. I'll have to disagree on a certain statement, in my opinion, you should blend the adsense onto your site well. It looks good as a design element, therefore providing beneficial on that certain aspect.Just look at GAIAOnline, the largest forum in the world. They tend to put the ads on the right so when you try to use the scroll, you might accidentally click it. Pretty smart, and tricky too! You should use that method.
  16. I once signed up for an account and I was under 18. Never got the chance to use it.But hey, a better method would be asking for Paypal donations, in my opinion. There might be a chance when someone who's loaded with dough comes over to your site, enjoy it and give you a large sum of money.And about adsense, you only get a few cents per click. That to me is a bit cheap on Google's part. Want to know the one who's actually reaping the real profits.. Google itself.
  17. Apparently, the staff doesn't care enough to answer you. But one of the special things about Xisto is it doesn't mount any advertisements onto your site. My suggestion to you is to keep your dignity. Don't take any ads besides your own!You'll obtain a lot of respect this way, not from the staff but from us "little people" the staff can't waste time bothering with.
  18. Here is my feedback based on the questions you asked. Hope it helps:1> Are you ready to accept ads on your website ?-No, never! Unless there's something in it for us, then no. There are many other ad-supported networks that don't require posting, and if you start adding some, there will be no hesitation from everyone moving their site somewhere else and leave the forums dry.2> Are you ready to make a small payment for not posting?If we would, then we would all go to Xisto - Web Hosting. Everyone here comprises of cheap people looking for a way to bypass paying. Otherwise, we would have paid a long time ago.3> Do you feel that you are compelled to post? If yes, Suggest about other methods in which we can ask you to come up and support us. We are supported by advertising networks. -Not really. Some people here might say they are, but that's just for your sake. You know so too, and if you want to test us, take away the hosting - this board will be dead within minutes...4> Do you feel that the facilities provided by this host is enough for you. If not, what do you require.-A hot tub. And nicer staff members. Both will do.5> Do you require Cpanel. [ We provide the most advanced cpanel ]-We all need cPanel. And Fantastico isn't the most advance, Fantastico2 is - but you're only reserving that for paid members.6> Can you comprise Cpanel with more hosting facilites like space and BW.-No, we will not compromise cPanel. Most free hosting users are amateurs who don't know enough to pay for hosting. Getting rid of cPanel will get rid of members.
  19. The Internet itself is free from jurisdiction of state and police. However, when it comes to fraudulence financial-wise, that is where Interpol steps in. But there is no law that posters have to follow based on the freedom of speech.But about freedom of speech, it has been practically chopped off from it's knee. The best way to survive here in Xisto is to be really, REALLY vague and cover up your opinions. This is just the way life is...
  20. Well, that's a painful lesson to learn. Getting your account suspended for not having time to post, I mean. I feel empathy for you, it's kind of sad that you have to wait until the staff unsuspends your account for you. But no one listens to the little people nowadays so sadly, you're going to have to wait a while...When you're hosted on something like Xisto, it is important to have back-ups. You should find a different host to stash your files, just in case.
  21. 9-16-05. Do you know what that date is? I do, because it was yesterday.Apparently, that was the day a couple in school started going out, so they wrote that date in the wall. Just reading this kind of crap makes you want to gouge my eyes off. Sadly, this is just how these teenager phonies are nowadays. "Please don't hate me, I want this date to be remembered!" Remembered, my *bottom*! If you've been married for 80 years, then that's a cause for celebration! But you haven't, so go jump off a cliff!
  22. I would try a Last Known Boot configuration. I don't think you altered anything in the BIOS right? If you did alter something in the BIOS then it seems to be referring to Shadowing of the Video card and Caching of the CMOS startup, just to increase their loading speed. To do the Last Known Boot just after the BIOS screen and after the Search for bootable devices press F8 and you should get the Windows XP startup menu, select Last Known Good Boot (or something like that) and see if that resolves the problem. However being a blue screen I'm not sure how much XP relies on the BIOS when it reaches that stage. Cheers, MC
  23. I like the glossy blue color. I really don't know why, honestly, but glossy blue is really soft on the eyes and is also a really swell looking layout color. Any website designed with this kind of color is all right in my book.What really matters isn't the layout. It's the content, to be honest.But then again, people will overlook the content if the layout is bad, so just craft a really nice site and then you can worry about what your visitors are reading...
  24. Dude, why are you so pissed off about bandwidth? If someone cared enough about hypothetic site and read it often, I would be flattered. Do you know what a website is for? The sole purpose of a website is to share and exchange information - not so you would have a site to call your own. I am shocked and appalled that you would call yourself a webmaster. "Please don't hate me, I'm only protecting your bandwidth!" Bandwidth, my *bottom*! If you can make 2,000 people go to your site regularly and actually care about what you have to say, then that's a cause for celebration. But no, you only care about the most USELESS, pathetic thing, bandwidth. Your site is like your fingernail, I mean, your face is dirty, your *bottom* has a bit of crap that needs wiping, but as long as your fingernail is clean, you think people will believe you're a really neat person. Now there's some food for thought about superficiality...
  25. I never knew about this, thank you for giving everyone this information. I have to agree on this. It's really sad that most companies do this to their clients. I was actually planning to raise up to 500 credits and then apply for hosting but now I see that it can't be done. Honestly, some people actually HAVE jobs or go to college. Sometimes, there simply isn't enough time to post here every day, worrying about when your website will expire. But this is just the way it's like, you just can't do anything. After all, no one cares or listens to the "little people" nowadays, they just mindlessly care about their own needs (in this case, a community). Sad, really. But as a little stream of light, look at it this way. Companies never pay any attention to the little people. I mean, just look out your windows, you will find greed and selfishness everywhere. That's just life, and that's just how things are...
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