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Everything posted by Archangel_Baw

  1. crappy, well I'd remove messenger and re-install it, and there is virus deleting trial versions online for free, try some of those, it may take a few tries but eventually you'll find something that works:) good luck:)
  2. My oldest son would LOVE these, He's obssessed with Pokemon. Very nice and much better than I can do. Keep up the good work:)
  3. Thats great news, lets all pray it will be affordable to everyone who needs it:)
  4. I have a few ideas about how to fix it, first of all block the sender, and maybe you'll have to get a virus removing software. If that doesn't work, just re-install msn messenger, and if that doesn't work, you may have to re-install windows. It's a pain in the but*, however, the sooner you do it the better.
  5. well smile, soon you'll be finished with school and feeling the same about your career, lol. I've been out of schol for years and I certainly don't miss it:)
  6. apparently the consensus is Spiritual immortality. I find this a comforting thought:) It goes to show that regardless of who follows what religion, we are all of the belief that our souls always have and always will exist:)
  7. thanks for the add:) Happy Easter & Blessings

  8. this was great, thank you for taking the time to post it so idiots like me can learn something new:)
  9. I'm not into gaming or anything like that, but it looks nice to me. Nice work:)
  10. Newsflash: anyone who hates you because of anything she said or did was never a real friend, especially your so called 'best friend', and her? she's a hoodrat not a 'girlfriend', you can obviously do much better. Take it as a blessing in disguise. And don't feel bad about having been played, they will all get back what they have dished out to you. So, take comfort in the fact that the fake relationship is over and all the fake people in your life are leaving with it:) Now you have room for REAL friends and a girlfriend capable of loving you properly:) And finally: Hold your head high and elevate, do not allow these people to keep you feeling low and drag you down to their scumbag level! You're in my blessings and prayers Blessed Be
  11. I think the author of that 'religious book' you read needs to get his/her head examined. And so do you if you believe that bs!
  12. posts like this one are cyber-wars waiting to happen.personally, I'm not Christian, but I have had both negative and positive interactions with Christian folk, regardless, I'm sure the religion was INTENDED to instill kindness in its followers, but there are so many contradictory statements in the bible that It frustrates me to no end. I just chalk it up to mans fault for trying to quote God and using their own words to do it.
  13. re: silly_goose500, thank you for your reply, I agree with you 100 %. I think musicmaza misunderstood what form of Magick I was speaking of, which is fine, it isn't for everyone, lol:)
  14. Re: sonesay, hes my 2nd son:) so far, maybe I'll have a daughter someday, but it'll be a while yet lolRe SM: He does look like he's gonna pull a stewie, but he is so calm, he rarely cries, unless he's hungry:) I've been blessed:) He was 7lbs 7oz at birth and healthy as a horse. He now weighs about 10lbsRe: jlhaslip, thank you, and he can feel free to take his time growing up:) However My oldest son Ronnie is 12 now, lol, the awareness of the world is just now sinking in for him:) But he's a good natured person, very kind, sweet and affectionate. Both of my boys are really well behaved, I've been blessed for sure.
  15. Ok everyone, heres the skinny...His Name is Marcus William And He was born February 22nd 2008 at 5:21am, weighing in at 7lbs 7 oz and 21 Inches long, heres the link to his pic
  16. I believe we have more than just one other sense, some of us are blessed with many. I use mine as frequently as all the normal 5 senses and trust my intuition 100%.
  17. LMAO! I'm sorry but the way you explained that was hillarious. I Have been in a similar situation FAR TOO MANY TIMES and when I was younger, Buddy would've worn my guitar for a hat, or underwear, whichever. But now, I have a totally different approach to people like that.I try to just completely ignore control-freak people like that, (because I know they seriously thrive on harassing others), and when they do get in my face, I raise my hand in a 'whatever' position as if to push them away from me without touching the person & I say (regardless of how they have verbally attacked me) "keep your difficult energy" and walk away from them with an ENORMOUS grin on my face, purposely ignoring whatever comes out of their mouth after I've said that. It works out great because by the time the person reacts, (my gesture usually stuns them for a bit because it's so unexpected), I'm long gone and he/she looks like the idiot he/she is, talking to him/her self, and I really don't care what he/she has to say, considering I never wanted to speak to the person to begin with.It's much easier said than done at times, but i just refuse to allow people to manipulate me with their negativity. I (like everyone else), have enough of my own issues to work through and I seriously can't be bothered to aquire anymore. I believe that by engaging in any interaction with a negative person, I would just be enabling him/her to provoke me, and it would then be my own fault, because I was warned by that feeling of serious dislike to avoid the person in the first place.
  18. It's your hormones, lol, our (female) bodies undergo an imbalance just prior to the onset of our menstrual periods, and sadly many an innocent by-standing male has been the unfortunate recipient of our misdirected wrath which is why they tend to be nervous around us.My husband is the perfect example of this, lol, he gets really quiet, usually goes online to talk to anyone BUT me because he doesn't want to 'say the wrong thing & set me off! He's cute.
  19. I play guitar, but not in a band- I get too nervous with an audience:) How do you do it?
  20. Trap is awesome, You've come to the right place:)
  21. I am miserable when I'm sick and I try to avoid people so I don't misdirect my frustration and bite someone's head off who is only trying to help me.
  22. I've heard the saying that If you die in your dreams you die in real life, I think perhaps it may have happened to some people, but not to me so I believe it is possible I just hope it doesn't happen to anyone, ever!

    i just uploaded THE BELLY PIC check it out lol

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