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Everything posted by Archangel_Baw

  1. I don't much care for friends, seinfeld, fear factor, or most other shows.I like MINDFREAK, Extreme Makeover Home edition, Medium and shows about the supernatural-real shows not the pre-scripted ones.
  2. I'm Canadian and I have an American Flag in my window:) So I assume nothing. Some of my best friends live in the USA and I love visiting:)
  3. LOL! sorry I just cant get past the name bumwrecker. It's pretty funny. I have NO IDEA how to change the myspace layout, mine has been plain for about 3 years or so, HELP!
  4. I used to love long nails, until I started playing guitar, nails and guitars are NOT friends! Now I just keep them short out of habbit unless I am in some Goddess mood wherein I feel the need to get artistic.
  5. Archangel_Baw


    I've been there and done that, when I was a teen, (with the exception of the inverted cross), and I did one of 2 things:1- I completely ignored the looks on the faces of others. 2- I raised my hand as if to push the person away, smiled as if i was high as a kite, and said "Keep your difficult energy."Both worked well for me:) It kind of makes people realize that I'm NOT the problem. Their own judgement is.I do not exist to impress anyone, nor do I care about those who give me the old 'stink-eye'. I just go about my life as usual because my purpose for being here has nothing to do with people who have staring problems:)You will learn to just ignore it, better yet, avoid eye contact with them, I realize that's difficult to do when you are feel their eyes boring into you, and instinctively, you will always want to meet their eyes and 'stink eye' back, but instead, act as if they simply don't exist.and pretty soon you will be oblivious to it. It only takes 7 days to form a new habbit, and 14 days to quit an old one. so for 1 week ignore them, and for 2 weeks, fight the urge to have the evil-eye war.
  6. I would risk getting screamed at to find out what is going wrong inside of her. No matter how you approach her she will probably be emotionally guarded, but, you can, with sincerity, get her to open up. Perhaps explain to her that from your perspective, she is losing herself and her identity because of these people who do not belong in her life. Perhaps give her examples of how her life has gone to crap ever since she met them and this will force her to think for herself about it and make the connection.Compare her REAL friends with those she is currently associating with, or even better, get in touch with her real friends if possible and maybe they can help you give her a wake up call.There's no way to avoid confronting the issue, and her personal wellbeing is at stake here, so try whatever suggestions you feel may help, and even if they don't, point out to her that at least you love her enough to try to help.
  7. congrats on your 105 posts:)

  8. Welcome To trap 17:) FYI so you don't get in trouble, links are not allowed in the chatbox. post it in your profile if you want someone to check out your myspace page:) Blessings


  9. just stopping by to say hi & add you to my friends :)

  10. Just flew by to say hi & add you to my friends on trap17:)

  11. Try Jujitsu do:) The art of grappling & bone-breaking if neccessary, It's awesome, I love it:)
  12. awesome, it's better than anything I could ever create:)
  13. Very funky, It looks like me when I'm mad at someone, especially the facial expression, I do the 'stink eye' a lot:)
  14. Good morning again sleep nazi, hope your holidays ROCKED! Blessed Be:)

  15. Hello Tiki, Long time no see:) Just wanted to say I hope your holidays were awesome & you're in my thoughts:)

  16. I don't believe that any politicians will make anything better regardless of what sex they are, politics is a business, and all that seems to matter to anyone in office is power and money. I'm sure several people started out wanting to do good, but in most cases they end up just as dishonest as the rest, which is sad
  17. wow! I can't believe this question was actually asked. Honestly, my opinion is that this question is a gateway to a cyber-war. Personally, I believe it is just as right as breathing air, or the color of your skin, etc. I really don't believe it to be a case of right or wrong at all, there is nothing immoral about it, it doesn't harm anyone for it to exist, (and in the cases of people being abused by another of the same sex, that's not about homosexuality, it's about control), so, I'm going to have to agree with anyone who feels this post is redundant.No offense intended but that's my honest opinion:)
  18. As one who used to suffer from anxiety disorder and panic attacks, I can assure you that most of this is Psycho-somatic, or self-imposed, brought on her own fearful "beliefs" that she will choke on pills or have another attack. I think it is best for her to see a therapist about the root causes of these fearful beliefs so she can get rid of them once and for all. Medicine may not be the answer for her at all, she may just need to come to terms with something that seems totally unrelated to pills. I think the paper bag thing, although well intended will continue to feed these fears she is having, however, I know how horrible panic attacks feel, and the best advice I can give is listed above. Just don't try to do everything yourself, seek out a really good therapist for her, if she isn't already seeing someone who is helpful about these matters:)
  19. thank you, to you and your friend. I'm just learning photoshop and I found this very helpful:)
  20. I have lots of info on psi-balls on my website:) some other exercises aswell:) pm me if you'd like the link:) And if you used images in your post, for whatever reason they are not showing up, just wanted to let you know:) Peace
  21. the best way to get results is to not merely believe that Magick works, but to KNOW IT! without doubt. Sceptics always fail because they set themselves up to do so.
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