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Everything posted by heavensounds

  1. I think that these sort of things happen a lot more often than we think and of course not everybody is brought to justice. However, it is good that few cases like this one do come to public, because maybe a few psyhcopaths in the hands of the great psychopat (Bush) can be really harmful to all the world and especially to poor iraqies. There is only one thing that troubles me: Why would the USA government put this sort of info out in public? BEcause they do control everything and they could stop that from being published. I think that the reason is that they are trying to tell us, that they are fair and honorable and stuff like that - HEY guess what, I DONT BUY IT!Greetz
  2. Well, I come from Slovenia, a small country in the middle of Europe. I am a student now, but I have to say that I have quite good memories of the high-school, eventhough it is much much easier, better and more fun to be a student and do and study things that you really like. We started usually at 8 in the morning and finished at around 1 or 2 in the afternoon, so I had quite some free time. The most anoying thing was that we had a few major courses that we had to attend 5 times a week and that was pure suffer, because one of those was math and I really can't stand math All in all, I think it is a great experience and one of those periods in life, where you find out many new things and start to grow up.Best whishes to everybody in high-schooles and to those who have already finished them, too
  3. I do agree with you guys. Computers can get soooo boring - the reason why i'm writing this There is only one thing on the computer, I'm never bored of and that is producing music - that is inovative and creative and cannot get boring! Try to do something new, creative guys..
  4. I also use hotmail, yahoo and Gmail and I have to say, that Gmail blocks the spam better than any other spam-blocker in the world. I get big amounts of spam (about 150 a day) and they are ALL put into the Spam folder...every once in a while (lets say a week or so) I maybe get one spam mail into my inbox and i report it as spam and the thing is gone. With all the other services things are wwaaaay less efficient and I get lots of spam every day..so as I've told many times before - GMAIL IS THE BEST!Greetz
  5. hehe..great find! I love the template, but it would be useless as it clearly misses metaphors or something to show the user what to do and that is the main purpose of a website. However, it looks preety darn amazing and I didn't know that it is possible to imitate such a thing..best whishes
  6. Hey man, thanky you for these snippets. It is nice to see something clean and simple, because usually these codes are long and complex so it is hard to understand anything if you are not a skilled programmer. I know the basics of php and this stuff is really helpful...Thanks again for that mate, Bye
  7. Hm this is a very good question. She is hot that is sure, but that does not allow her to have sex with little boys that are unable to do anything, because a few month ago they had their first errection and she knows that they are innocent or I don't know what her fetish is! It is weard for a hot girl like her to have to have sex with young boys...I think she should not go to prison if both sides agreed, but she sure has to be punished according to the law as sex with people younger than 16 is forbidden, at least in our country!Well, in USA everything is possible and she just might have sex with the judge and they will go on the Jerry Springer Show Just my few thoughts...
  8. Well I think that it is very unlikely, as Google is preety much internet-based company and I think it will stay that way. No company should try to take everything but get better and better in its own field and for Google that is internet, search engines and everything that is connected with it...So there will be NO GOOGLE OS in my opinion..
  9. I'm sorry to say that but this is a STUPID QUESTION, because life is a big gift and if you WANT to die than you certainly won't go to heaven. So this is a stupid question...
  10. I think that everybody talk a loooot too much about this problem! As it was mentioned in one of the previous postes - it is unnatural and disgusting! If homosexuality becomes normaln in a certain society - this is the sign that the last day is near! And I totally agree here with Alah!Nothing more to say..
  11. Well, I think that this is quite possible and even probable, if we do not stop doing things the way we are now. Spending money for prevention of the collision is, however, just a good marketing move and something that will calm the public down. I don't think that there is anything we can do, if this asteroid is really facing towards us. But lets look at it that way: What is it going to change for us? It will be just another problem, we will have to face, because of our attachment to this world and our body! Imagine that you are not attached to this body and this world, life...think about the freedom that awaits you in this realization! It is acctually nothing more than mere realization that THINGS ARE JUST THE WAY THEY ARE and you cannot change them even though you spend hours being angry because of the cruelty of this world..Why not accept it, instead? Believe me that if you do accept everything around you just as it is, the asteroid won't be a problem anymore!Best whishes
  12. Well it is simple! We should not make money out of naything like that, but hey that is exactly what sells best today! At the end, we-consumers are thos who support that industry. If we didn't buy all this movies and porn and watch is in cinemas and computers, the whole industry would go down very soon. If you feel that is is wrong that industries show that sort of violence, you shouldn't watch it and tell your friends not to watch it and all the world not to watch it - just think about what your sucess rate would be? In my opinion, not very high! So, it is right that you are crittical to this stuff, but be sure not to bother yourself too much with problems like this, because it will only attach you to them and the result will be your unhappiness!Best whishes
  13. Sory mate, but this is pure crap! Just think of it that way - WHY ON EARTH WOULD SOMEONE GIVE YOU FREE MONEY for no work at all?!?! It is just not rational and is therefore a complete nonsense. Baring in mind the today's amount of spam and scams on the web, this is even harder to believe, because you are far more likely to loose money then gain extra money! Well, I wish you bes of luck and advise you to stay away from anything and anyone that offers you FREE MONEY, because there is no such thing anymore in this world of capitalism and egoizm...
  14. Yeah, I agree with MIGUE2k7 - computers cannot take over our planet, because they are only tools in the hands of humans! The best thing they can do is something we have taught them to do - nothing more. We should understand the basic difference between computers and us; the difference is in our consciousness or one could say in our soul. We are unique, we think, we do everything with certain motives and so on...If you look at computers, it is impossible for a computer to have a motive when displaying you information - the motive behind every computer is the one from humans! We had the motive to create something as PC's are today and we had the motive to use it and abuse it, we had the motive to make money with it and so on and so on...So there is nothing to be afraid of, because even artificial intelligence is something made from the human motive to ease up his work. Computer can make simple decisions with artifificial intelligence but cannot think or have a motive when doing something...Best whishes
  15. Hm..I think that your subquestion - How much time does computer take from you? - is not the best, because the main question is, how many things you can do without your computer. Just think, almost everything today is governed by the internet as the most important thing of today's computer world - banking, bookings, school stuff, college-stuff, company-work,....The thing is that time is not the most important variable here, but the amount of stuff you can do and actually do using computer and the internet!It is quite interesting and even horrifying to see how much we are dependant of computers..Best whishes
  16. Well I have never had a mac computer as my personal computer, but I used it quite a few times and i am a regular Windows user. I have to say that at first glance I liked Mac, but after using it for a while to do certain things I realized that Windows are a lot easier and faster to operate. Maybe that is my personal view, but I have to say that Windows are much more usable than Mac...Best whishes
  17. I think that the world hates United States od America, because of their government! There is also this rummor going around, that Americans are just stupid and they do not know anything about the world geography or anything similar. As I've said these are all rummors and one should never judge the whole country by its president or a few people he have met. The one thing that really is problematic is the politics of the USA. They just don't want to sign the Kyote protocol, which would prevent the destruction of our planet eventhought they face great natural disasters. The next thing are their media, because they are all controlled by a few big companies tied closely with the president and he can therefore put in public whatever he wants. Plus all that, they are in WAR, a real war that takes more casualties every day than the whole amount of casualties in the slaughter a few days ago.These things are happening and they are reality people jsut deny to realize as truth! BUT, as I've said in the beginning - it is important to know that not all americans are like that and many are very smart, educated and intelligent people.Stereotypes are never good, but always present everywhere - we just have to live with it!Best whises
  18. I would suggest NOD32, because it really takes very lil' RAM and works fantasticly as long as you use something to check for spyware. I use it for a few years now and I am really happy, never had any problems with it - really a great program so at least try it out ;)Best whishes
  19. That sure is an amazing offer! However, it will not be easy to achieve, but I'm willing to give it a try! There is only one thing that troubles me a lil' bit - if this is all in BETA stage, that menas that if I manage to get to let's say 250 credits and I only need 30 more and you decide to quit with the whole thing, everything is lost?Have anyone done it already? It would be great if someone would post if it works and OpaQue please post how things are going so that people can stop posting that much somewhere in the middle if it turns out that this service won't work anymore....Thanks and good luck with posting people!
  20. Don't forget that a lot more people die EVERYDAY in IRAQ and it is not interesting enough to be put in the news by the media, BUT IT SHOULD BE!!!This is pure sensationalism and I say that with all respects to the victims and their loved ones. Best whishes
  21. As far as I see this things, it is impossible to tell you what exactly is the one thing that will turn the girl on. Maybe it is even more complex then with us guys, who do find certain atributes on women sexy and they naturally turn us on. Women are turned on by many different things like nice eyes, nice hair, sexy *bottom*, sexy clothes, sexy muscles, good-looking body and much much more!! It is therefore impossible to tell you what exactly will turn on a women you are interested in! However, there are certain society-based things that are marked as beautiful today, like great body that you see on TV and deep sexy eyes, cute face....that is about it! And it is the same with us - we also look for stuff that media put in our head through our life and defined in us what we feel as sexy...BUT, some girls do not like guys that look to good-they find them *BLEEP*y, problematic and better-looking then them! Only very self-confident girls can have long-lasting relationsships with good-looking-hot guys because there is always the danger of some girl stealing their boyfriend if you know what i mean...well good luck with girls and best whishes!
  22. I think that Homosexuality is WRONG, BUT we should all understand what the words right and wrong actually mean in this case. Of course it is nobody's fault to be a gay, but is someone today really a gay by nature or is he a product of society and mass media?? Is the increasing amount of gay people today right or wrong? These are the main sub-questions that will help us answer the main question of right and wrong. In my opinion, a very small amount of people today are gay by nature. In nature we do find rare examples when certain animals are homosexual, but these happens very rarely. So, if today the number of gay people is increasing, something is happening and nature is the last to change for sure! What is happening then? In my opinion, the vast majority of gay people nowaydays are simple products of our modern society. Just look around you, in a few years, maybe it will be so cool and unique to be a gay that everybody will want to be homosexual. So is homosexuality solely a call of nature or maybe something that is being put in poor human's heads by today's society via mass media? Lets go to the main question of this debate - Is homosexuality right or wrong? I voted for wrong and that is because today being gay became something too normal. Even more than that, gay people are often treated like superhumas that should not be touched and whose rights are constantly violated. Mostly we find the media reporting on how bad are governments, because they do not let two fathers or two mothers raise children, which are definetly not THEIR children, because that is only possible if male species has sex with female species. The fact is, that media rarely puts itself on the side of more traditionaly oriented experts who claim that this is against the nature. So I asked myself: ?Why?? Are all that media-sponsored pro-gay movements indisputably right or is it the all-permeating-industry behind it all?In the background all this gay-boom is sponsored by large industries that promote gay-world and create gay-clothing, gay-look. Just think about the way you feel when you see someone dressed in a certain ?gay? way. Even if you are extremely tolerant, deep inside you, you know that this person looks gay-like. What I'm trying to say is, that these images of gay people and how they look, how they behave and how their body language looks, is a product of society and was created in our heads by manipulative industrial powers through mass-media that fully support pro-gay movements.If everybody were homosexual, our civilization would end in a single generation! That is a simple and definite fact that is usually forgotten. And this is one of the reasons why it is wrong; it is something that happens in nature, but is simply not normal. It is an anomaly just like as many others. THE ONE THING, ALL THESE ANOMALIES SHARE, IS, THAT THEY ARE RARE!!! And as long as homosexuality is rare, nothing is wrong with it. BUT today, society is trying to tell us that this is a normal thing and that it is the same to be homosexual or heterosexual, producing mass images of gay people, making gay parades - and consequently there are more gay people than there would be without that industry. Things got out of control and many young people who have troubles finding themselves as teenagers find homosexuality as an OK-choice of self-image; and that is when homosexuality isn't that rare anymore and this is where homosexuality becomes wrong!Of course, we cannot do anything about it, because it is a process that comes with "development" of each and every society. It is a matter of question, if that is truly a development! Homosexuality is a normal side-product of our today's open way of thinking that is far too liberal, too open. To put it simple, things went from traditional rigid limits to complete liberal freedom and that went too far, resulting in a society without any prohibitions and completely without basic values. Just as homosexuality should not be forbidden, so it should not become something that is similar to heterosexuality, becoming an equal identity-choice for today's teenagers. So this is today's situation. What can we do about it? Is there anything at all we can do? Yes, we can change ourselves! We are the ones that let the outer world trouble us, we are the ones that hate and love people around us and we get attached to material, transitory objects. If we manage to release ourselves from these attachments, we are happy - nothing binds us anymore to this unstable world full of suffering and illusory happiness that ends the next moment after it happens...There is much more to be said on the subject and many evidences could be included in this text, but I'll leave that for some other time. I hope that explains my attitude towards today's homosexuality at least a little...Best whishes to all *person*- and heterosexuals!
  23. I think that career has a certain effect on one's life expectancy but it is for sure not the only or the major influence. It is one's attitude towards life and living that mostly affects our life expectancy. For example, if you are a manager with an extremely stressful job, it is your attitude towards your job that is the most important and will prevent your organism from destroying itself. You can be an ethical manager and try to be good with money not as your primary goal - but happines... or you can be totally money oriented which will lead to unhappiness and disease. It is the same with easier or less stressful jobs like in the kindergarden for example...you can beat yourself to death, because you are not making an extremely powerful career and get cancer in a few years, or you can enjoy working with children and don't worry at all...So happines and consequently longer life expectancy is depends preety much upon our own ATTITUDE TOWARD LIFE..best whises
  24. Yeah, I've heard about this program - it is great and really does the job without a single problem. However, I remember that once when I messed with the registry using TweakXP, a few things stopped working and even after reenabling them in TweakXP, the whole thing was messed up. Since then I only use it for stuff that doesn't include hardcore registry changes, which might lead to previously described problems...However, it is still better to use tweakXP then to manually change stuff in REGEDIT --> that is very dangerous if you do not know what you are doing and can lead to your system not booting at all or something like that..so be carefullbest whishes
  25. Hehe..intersting to find this topic right now here in the latest topics, because I'm playing GTA for the first time now after number one came out. I've played the first version for quite a long time and I really liked the game - it is a great way to kill some time and people Well, recently I got Vice City and I really like it as well, because today the first version is a bit too old to be played - I guess we are too accustomed to better graphics nowadays. Well, I didn't play the third and the second version, so I'd have to say that Vice City is the best version up till now...Well, have a great time with whichever version you are playing :lol:Best whishes, M
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