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Everything posted by heavensounds

  1. Well that sounds a bit weard to me, but of course it is something new. If this is the way people want to be remembered by then it is ok with me. I think that it is irrelevant what people do with our left-overs since for me that is the same question as what should we do with our old clothes. The one thing that is important is that the body is left for some time after a person dies, so that the soul can leave the body peacefully. After that the body is just one more combination of 5 basic elements of this world...So lifegem or coffin? It is your decision, just give the dead person a few days to leave the body behind and only after that think about your self and your own memories...
  2. Yep I completely understand you and it is very interesting that all of guys have this same pattern. Eventhough people say that men are pigs and they just fool around and all that, but if we do have passion or love for a woman, the time that passes doesn't matter to us! Girls however do care about time and if you wait too long, she'll go away from you, find another person or another person will find her...OK, your situation is bad! Let's be honest - you two had some sort of crush 2 years ago if I understood correctly and you still have feelings towards her, but she doesn't. In other words the flame between you two dissappeared! My suggestion to you is to just let it go. The one thing you should not have in your head right now is that she is the only great woman that you will ever meet! It is not true, great girls are all around you, you just have to open your eyes for someone else than this girl and stop thinking about her...go out - it helps!That is the best thing and maybe, I say maybe...you becoming uninterested will make her interested again...
  3. This is a very interesting topic and i am sure that everyone will find something in their lives, what they cannot explain. I had a lot of experience of this kind in my life but I can remember only two right now so I will describe them in a little bit more detail. The first thing that I cannot explain happened to me when I was around 12 years of age and I was eating dinner with my family. It was dark outside and as far as i remember it was somewhere in september. All of my family members were sitting at the table with me and suddenly we heard footsteps above us in the attics! It was unbelievable and we couldn't believe our ears. It just didn't go away for about a minute or so and then my dad and i decided to go up and take a look at what it is crawling around are attics. We went up the stairs slowly and as we approached the door there was nothing we could here. We slowly opened the doors and stepped inside the attics (quite big). We stood there, waiting to hear somehting, asked if anyone is there but there was no answer and no other sound whatsoever! We searched the whole attics and I was completely scared We found nothing so we went back down into the kitchen and we never hear that "thing" again!The second weard thing happened to me when I was also with my family in Vrsar, Croatia on vacation. We were standing on top of the hill in the night, wathcing yachts far down below and then we started looking into the sky to see a shooting star or something... Suddenly a bright light like a star but a lot brighter appeared far far above and it started moving fast in one direction and we thought it was a plane or something. But then it stopped and started moving backwards, then in circles, weard elipses and then it sort of whooshed out of sight like a comet! I don't know to this day what that was..if anyone can explain that to me, I'd really be happy.There were also other strange stuff that happened to me. Once I was looking out of the window and told my self that I can do stuff with my mind - I was watching some sort of movie of that kind before and I was in the right mood! So I was looking out of the window and a motorcycle came by delievering evening-news. He never turns off his bike, because he just stops throws the newspaper inside our garden and drives on. Well I thought hard that his bike would turn off somehow and GUESS WHAT, IT DID TURN OFF! Delievery-boy tried to turn it back on for about a minute and then I stopped concentrating and the machine started working again...That was amazing feeling and I couldn't believe my eyes...There are powers inside us for sure!
  4. In my country there is no such thing anymore and I have to say that I am sad, because of it. For me, the biggest purpose of maintaining virginity and similar cultural patterns, is to preserve the dignity of a woman. However, I also miss the same rule applied to men, because we are in this thing together, although we are the hunters and it is a bit different because of this. The thing is, that if a girl knows that she has to be a virgin, she'll only have sex with the right man, the man for whom she thinks will spend the life with her and that is a lot better than todays sex-all-around, which degrades a woman and also a man!We should, however, bare in mind that it is impossible to do anything about this wave of openess, "freedom" and the right to do anything with anyone. If you take a look at Romans, Greeks and other big civilizations - all of them towards the end had problems with weard sexuality, which was based on pleasure and not on the reproduction. All these civilizations were in the phase of decline when that started to happen - people got wealthy and soon there was nothing to do except search for material pleasures - including the greatest one - sex. As we all know, both of these civilisations disappeared and so will ours, because the sole fact that such "wrong liberty to do anything we want" is spreading so fast, tells us that we are going down.So..perserving virginity? Yes, of course it is good & No, we can't and shouldn't do anything right now to prevent what is happening, because it is the only right thing to happen in this era of our civilization. You could only prevent it with violence, but violence never works
  5. Well this is funny! B) Loughin' my *bottom* out here. How can someone still believe that the earth is flat!? That is madness, but if people believe that there is no God I can easily understand that there are also people who believe that the earth is flat - probability is just the same
  6. I hit me when I was still young, because at first I also thought that it is real, i had my favorite fighters and albums and everything. There was a rumour, I remember, that there are real wrestling fights and those acted, but I think that the truth is that all of this is just showbiz and when i realized that, I stopped watching it. Just think about Hulk Hogan - he was the american idol and that is why he was winning - we were all happy when he came out of the box and ripped his t-shirt off all thumping and then he made the decisive thing in the "battle"...There are also commentators and the play a significant role, because they are actually putting it all together and making it look like it is real boxing with all their technique-talk and stuff like that...All in all, you cannot deny that they are very good actors but you also should not be fooled that they are hitting each other like that...
  7. Well there is a big difference and you will find out sooner or later that these two things couldn't be more different Crush is something that happens in an instant or may develop for some time, but it is a quick strong and powerful emotion that makes you fly - you feel butterflies in your stomach, you can't eat or you might don't experience all these things but you still have a crush. The important thing about crush is, that it happens at the beginning of a relationsship and it usually lasts for a month or three. Some people claim that they have a crush for their whole life but that is crap, because that is LOVE.Now love is something deeper, it is what you feel towards your dad and mom, but a bit different. When you love a person you firstly and mostly CARE about her, you FEEL COMFORTABLE around her, you share the same interests, you wanna be with that person till the rest of your life. The big and probably first prerequisite for love is FRIENDSHIP. If you are not the best friends with your partner then things just can't work - you have to phisically attract each other in the beginning and there should be something like chemistry going on, but in the back you should become veeery good friends, because only like that you can spend time together and feel good. This might sound weard to you and at your age, things are mostly crush-like, but you'll se at about 20, 21 that love is something deeper and a lot more beautiful if you find the right person...It is actually the same as with other things on this planet and in this life: QUICK, STRONG AND SHORT EMOTIONS make you happy for a short time, but if you are capable of LONGTERM, LESS-POWERFUL but DEEP EMOTIONS, this makes you happy for your whole lifetime...You have plenty time to think about it, find your own path, your own truth, but you might consider what is written above...Take care..
  8. Hmm...that is an interesting situation! I know how you feel and I know it sucks. My suggestion is that you do something about it, because otherwise you'll end up torturing yourself later why didn't you do something earlier. Don't let questions like "Why have I missed that one chance!? " ruin your future life, act now! That might sound like a marketing tip, but in a way this is just the same as marketing. She is your client and you have to know exactly what she wants and what are the limits - but most importantly you have to engage and do something. She obiviously have problems with relationships at work or with people who are working with her, but you could do it completely unnoticed...I mean why should anyone know that you two are together?! I know that it is possible to make it work and if you really like her it is worth giving it a shot in my opinion.What do you have to loose? She might just like you the way you like her and is probably asking herself the same question as you do! So you jsut tkae her out and the you two make an agriement that you will be business-like when you work (believe me this can be a biiiig turn on, because you cannot kiss, touch you girl and she becomes something almost forbidden...I assure you that it will not make things worse!Well best of luck to you and again JUST DO IT!
  9. This is a very weard problem and I think I had the same situation. Everything was ok on other computers but on my vista-laptop I just couldn't see all the other computers in the network. I don't remember completely what I've done but I think that if I had other computers logged on to the network and using it - that helped. Plus you have to make sure that you really use the same name of the network...you should also enable file sharing on vista...I wish I'd be able to help you more, but I really cannot remember nothing else right now...Also search google!! That always helps me:) Best whishes
  10. Well I stick to Gmail for around 2 years if i'm not mistaken. It has been the best service I've ever used all the time! It just offers everything I need, it makes mailing a lot easier and what is most important to me, FAST! I used to use yahoo, but as soon as i got invited to gmail, I started using it and Yahoo never saw me from that day on - gmail is just better (better functions, faster servers, easier interface)...That is it, I can never go back to yahoo or even outlook express or similar!
  11. What you suggest is partially true, but not all of it! You should know that there is possibility of someone forging some sort of proof of payment and could make an incredible scam this way. People would be completely sure that they do pay, but they actually would not...It is hard to proof anything on the internet I guess!
  12. I'd also say - go with Vista! I am using it for about half a year now and am positively impressed. It is the best and the most up-to-date windows system and there are many improvements since XP version. Well there are how much, five years between them! Vista also has a lot of interesting new features, which are very useful and come very handy if you work with pictures, search for any file, shortcut and all that stuff...it is good!As for the games - Vista runs a completely seperate hm "process" for games, so windows and games are two different things and Vista only takes as much as it needs and leaves the rest of the computer to games. If anything goes bad with games, Vista is untouched and you can ctrl+alt+delete out of game, having everything you worked on earlier left just as it was on you desktop...Of course there is also directx10, which is going to be used more and more from now on, so this is also one of the reasons to use Vista instead of XP...You have to decide for yourself, but in my opinion you should not buy an old laptop. Invest and I'm sure it will return as long hours of happy games-playing.Best whishes
  13. I am from Slovenia, a small country in the south of Europe, which is bordering on Austria, Croatia, Italy and Hungary. I am really happy to see that the whole world is here on this forums so to speak. I doubt that anyone from Slovenia is also here, but it just might be since Xisto is the best hosting solution on the planet
  14. I also have a DELL laptop but i checked on dell support site if my battery is ok or if i should replace it. The serial number was OK so I hope nothing like this could happen to me. I feel sorry for the guy, because he probably lost all his data - i just hope he had everything backed up and that he gets a refund from DELL!!!Best whishes
  15. Well I am another person who just loves Vista! I uninstalled it the first time I got it, because there were too many flaws and I didn't like it at the beginning, but now I have it installed for about half a year and I recently upgraded my laptop so that now i have 2gb of ram and everything is running smoother than ever before in windows XP. My biggest support-comment for Vista is that everything JUST WORKS! You plug-in something and it works, there are literally no hang-ups (don't remember if i had a serious one in half a year!). When a program stopes responding it is completely seperated from other processes so you can do anything you want, while the program takes it's time to respond again - it goes the same for computer games (they are completely seperated from anything else so whatever happens to them does not affect your system at all). Plus all this stuf Vista also has many other new nice features as you can see from the tips above...I really don't know why people hate Vista - I think it is because they hate Microsoft or because they can't use it because their computer is not good enough!
  16. My favorite games are those which I played when I was a bit younger in my early childhood. You can probably figure out that I am talking aboutAge of Empires 1 and 2 - these two games really revolutionized the whole real-time strategic gaming and in my opinion they had the best amout of playabilty eventhough the graphics were not THAT good!Later on I also player Warcraft 3 and I really liked the good-looking "civilizations" and the whole story but I think that with all the heroes and that stuff, things got too complicated than they should! It is the same with most of today's games - why complicate it so much??? I wish someone would make a simple yet very beautiful (graphically sufficent for modern standards) game...Maybe one day that will become a fashion again
  17. That is a good question..too bad you haven't started a poll, because it would be very interesting to find out the most used resolution. I use 1280?800, because I have a wide-screen laptop. I think that most people use 1024?768 and maybe there is an increasing number of those who use 1280?1024. I am actually very surprised, that you still use 800?600. Is the reason in your old monitor, which is not capable of higher resolutions or is that a matter of your preference, since everything appears larger @ 800?600???
  18. Well I think that neither fattnes or uglyness can play an important role in getting someone to love you, since its friendship that matters most in good relationships! It is easier I guess for someone beutiful and fit to find a girlfriend nowadays, BUT there is also much bigger chance that the girl who is with this guy, will do that only because she is atracted to him phisicaly! That means that she doesn't even know about his personality and all that so when they have sex for a few times, things get boring and NOTHING LEFTS, because they are together because of their outlooks! The inside IS the most important in long-term relationships and I think it is maybe even easier for someone who is not that beautiful or slim to find a REAL girlfriend than to someone who can get any girl he wants...at least both situations are similarly uneasy!As for the difference between fat and ugly people in relation to getting a PART-TIME or ONE-NIGHT girlfriend, it is easier for someone who is lets say beautiful and a bit overweight. the vice-versa, because the first thing a girl looks at is the face and behaviour of a man. You should also consider, that today being fit and slim also corresponds with the word beautiful, so these two terms are acctually very connected!
  19. I mostly sleep in pijamas through all of the year! In summer I do have shorts and t-shirt if it is too hot but other than that only pijamas...
  20. I think that eventhough globalization is wokring its thing preety good right now, there still are differences between countries and it is very intersting to hear that the situation in India as the first poster described it, is exatcly the same as here in my country - Slovenia, Europe. We also have the very same problem which makes it ncessary that you have an MBA college or something similar to have a great job plus there is also a problem with social sciencies, for which there are hardly any jobs left here and it is very hard to get employed. Well as for the question Job vs. Studies: hm, I think that some of both...you should work, you should get practical experiences but you should never ever quit college for that reason - it is just stupid, because you probably do not think at working in that part-time firm till the rest of your life - think of these part-time jobs as sort of experiences you need in order to get a real job one day when you do actualy finish the college!In United States as one of the posters mentioned, it is easier to get a descent job as far as i know - there are many more opportunities and if you are good, companies there will make use of you.. Am I right or is this just another wide-spread crap?Best whises to you all..
  21. I am sure that is one of the hardest things to achieve on this planet, however if you do manage to get inside Goodle, you are a winner! I remember I read somewhere about how they treat their employees. I tell you, I was totally impressed. They have everything from gim, sauna, recreational centres for tennis etc. and all other wellness things included in their job directly at the place, where the company is. Of course all the money does not go directly to employees but it is not all about the money, it is the atmosphere which is great in google and that makes it such a good job in my opinion. Succeed in getting this job is probably one of the hardest things ever..
  22. I was a great fan of winamp and used it all my life until i got Win Vista which have improved and integrated the new Windows media player so good, that I really enjoy using it now and one most important thing that made me change this program is SPEED! It opens in a fracture of a second while winamp really do take some time to load and do stuff...Plus the library of windows media player is very nicely integrated with windows vista features...In windows XP I always used Winamp!
  23. They look great, mate! Have you used some sort of template, because I think I saw something similar around the web and I think I made one like that myself once
  24. Well I agree with the post VISTA DO ROCK, but you have to get used to it and you really have to have a two-core processor and at least 2gb of ram! That really makes it faster & better, because it uses the ram to load recently used programs so that they do not need to be loaded from disk again and again as you reopen them (this procedure of loading from disc is the slowest operation in your computer). Other then speed of opening programs and more reliability & security there are also other great new features. It has indexing so you can find any program or file on your computer directly from the start menu in 1 second! You can edit pictures (brightness, contrast, saturation), what makes it great for me as an amateur photographer so i can edit pictures on the fly without having to open photoshop or something similar!Well there are so many other things and it also looks MUCH better than the old XP that YOU SHOULD GIVE IT A BIG SHOT IF YOU HAVE TWO CORES AND AT LEAST 2GB OF RAM...Best whishes..
  25. Well, I've been using Vista for about half a year and I've never had similar problems! I am also using Vista Ultimate and I am very happy with it, being an experienced Windows user. I think that most problems happen because of the human factor, because we do things that should not be done. In Vista everything you do, you have to confirm it again...and that makes it easier because you can think again before you do something stupid :PWell, I hope that accident won't turn you away from Vista...Best whishes
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