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Everything posted by heavensounds

  1. This is hard! And it did happen to me and i think it does happen to just about anyone on this planet...This is why LOVE cannot be the thing to seek in you life - it is so beautiful when it is at its peak and sooo hard when it is gone!The thing is that there certainly are things that went wrong between you two and thats why you two went apart, but you still don't want to loose her...you don't want to loose all those beautiful moments with her right? Now you have to make a decision...I believe that second chance is possible (not third, forth -thats too much and it doesn't make any sense)..but if you have a fight and go apart too fast and then realize that you really love that girl you have to try and get her back!!! If you have the chance (she still loves you) that go and talk to her about it...you'll se - you two will be able to talk very good in this situation because there is nothing left to hide!! And this is why sometimes it is good to break up - cos' you can tell eachother what was bothering you and stuff and you realize that in spite of all that you still miss each other (if you do..)...So you have to decide wheter you love this girl enough to give it another shot and if not then just go on with your life and at first have a bit less contact with her because it is easyer and later on you two can still be friends...good luck!
  2. Hehe..all i can say again is OMG!! How is this going to bring any happiness to humans...what are we abot to find there? Even if there is a certain civilisation in this universe, how can this help us if we stll have to eat, go to job..and we still die at the end! Acctually we can die in the very next moment so why not searching happiness on our lil' planet that offers us everything we need - no we have to destroy that and go on another planet and live there than destroy it too! I just cannot see the sense of all these non-sense :blink:greetz
  3. Hm..I think every thing and so does computer has a certain lifetime - if you leave it on 24/7 it will just die a bit faster...This is why i don't have it turned on all the time and also because it can be dangerous if you are not at home because it can catch a fire! I also have ti in my room where i sleep and evethough it is really silent it bothers me...So i turn it off at night and when i am not @ home!greetz
  4. Hm..yeah i know that situation - it is very tricky and FIRST OF ALL you must know that you didn't make her do that-you are attractive to her-this is not your fault (it is good acctualy;) and now the only thing you should think about is how to let her know that you are not interested in her!You should make it clear to her that you two can be friends but thats all...BE HONEST and just say it as soon as possible - it is really interesting how much honesty does with girls - they really like it and think of you as a fair, honest!I suggest you to call her and tell her that you are sorry that you don't feel the same way as her and you thaught it would be the right thing to tell her that! She'll understand for sure, but there is a chance that shell like you even more because you reacted in such a good way...Well this is the part that makes our lil' lives interesting :blink:Good luck
  5. I feel soo sorry for those soldiers that are dyin' in Iraq for no particular reason other than Bushes psycho-brains. How can american people tolerate their president killing their own soldiers in a country where you cannot achieve anything. I won't say that it wasnt a good thing that americans destroied husseins regime, but that doesn't mean that they are going to be there for the rest of our mother earths life! It just cannot be that way... As mr. Bush put it at Victory 2004 Rally in Erie, Pennsylvania: Yeah Bush you did used force in Iraq, but a loooooot of it hit the civilians and soldiers of your own country!! Try thinking about that and not just your oil... Well let me conclude, that I really feel sorry for those soldiers and i like USA, but these last actions of their president realy make me wanna puke!
  6. I also became "addicted" to it a few motnhs ago...I really like to drink tea because it is nice, refeshing and i think it is alooot healthier than coffee! I like persian-tea dont know what is in it but it is soo good!greetz
  7. Hehe..why do ppl need soooooo much disc space to have 97% free???I really dont understand that...Ok lets say 500gb and this is moooooore than enough but that much..i dunno..I guess programs are goin to become so big that we will need that sort of discs...
  8. Well I used to have yahoo!mail and i must say that Gmail is far far better, faster...maybe now it is not as fastit was before cos' there are many many more people using it but still it is much faster than yahoo imo. Other than that it has Bulkmail remover and virus checker, contact-grouping options, pop3 acces, you can also use it as a online disc storage with Gdrive and there are many many more nice features like viewing all the pictures someone sent you in a single window one below the other full screen...I'd say: SWAP TO GMAIL!!
  9. Yeah we all share same or similar stories i guess! People are in a way quite weard, because we really have to fit in every aspect...I'll never believe to someone that tells me that only inside is important! It is, but outside is important too...BOTH things must be ok and there must be some sort of chemistry between two people eventhough they are just friends...If you look around you'll see that yuo are in a way attracted to girls and also friends...every person attracts or disatraccts you..or you just dont feel anything..The thing is, and this is why it is sooo hard to find the right girl, that you have to fit with this chemistry thing, you have to be attractive to one another phisicaly and you both have to have same goals in life - only in this way a relationship can succed!What can i say...be open to new oportunities and do not intentionaly close your self down to girls, because one day you might find a girl that would fit you but you just won't be prepared to accept her...well you have to!greetz
  10. Yes very nice that you brought that subject up! Because today christmas is so comercialized. If we look at the word CHRISTmas we can find jesus christ inside and this is why everybody should remember that this is the time HE was born and we our selves should be re-born in a spiritual sense too! We shouldnt take christmas just as a FAMILY holiday as it is very likely to be refered as such...it is a holiday when we should look inside of us and think what we did and what we ARE doing with our lives and try to become a better person...Well that is just my opinion..if you like xmas in any other way..enjoy it too!!
  11. Well i think that the biggest problem with American army is AT THE TOP. And lets see who is at the top - noone else than Bush and all the other top-generals there!I think that is sooo not right that those american generals force their own soldiers in such missions that involve killing civilians without soldiers even knowing it! I think that soldiers are more or less innocent because they just performs what they have to...those who plan and strategicly guide missions are those who should be sent to jail!no offence..
  12. The best cartoon of all times is surely Tom & Jerry imo! I think that modern cartoons doesn't have enough of that GOOD & BAD that has to be present in all of the cartoons 4 kids to realize that being GOOD is better...Some of the new toon like cow and chicken or southpark just make kids stupider, BAD and make them think of unimportnant and irrelevant things that won't help them in their lives but will lead them down the wrong path...
  13. Hm..I really trust GMail because they cannot affor not to be safe enough with that many ppl using it i guess! And also they offer so much space that lots of data would have been endanegered if security was not good enough..I would also trust Yahoo!Mail and hotmail...the most important thing is that there are many ppl using the service because company has bigger responsibility then..
  14. Hm..this is a hard one since it depends on the situation and time of the year i guess!I reaaaly like COCACOLA eventhough I drink it all my life I am still not bored and sometimes, when i am totally without any power left..Cocacola brigns life into me again...Next thing is water, fresh clean and natural...it is the basic drink that everyone should drink as often as possible because we were made to drink it and it doesn't have all these hidden sugars that are in all the other drinks..I cannot forget BEER:)) I really like it and i think it is a very good drink, esepcially in the summer when it is soo hot and you just have to drink something cold..I also like to drink it with pizza..they are really so good together..there are many other drinks that are very very good, but i just cant say they are my favorite like malibu, breezer, ... Well that was it...greetz;)
  15. I think the best way to keep US and other soldiers safe is to put them OUT OF IRAQ! Don't think that I don't have compassion for them because I know it is not their fault that they are there. I think that all those equipment is not important, because at last you have to go out and fight like that was done in the old days...I can only say on thing: BUSH & co. killed all those american soldiers and all IRAQI troops and civilians...He and his anti-terror war...he is fighting a war against something he created & now ppl have to die because of it..
  16. Hehe...now that is funny Is this clock also capable of barking?? How much time people spend on stuff like this that won't help anyone...I don't hink it is a hoax but it is not that great idea after all...I am looking forward to a moment, when scientists are goin to develop robots that would go to work instead of me and I'll get paid! This is the only thing I need.. ;)greetz
  17. Well I am bit too old to be a Potter fan, but i think it is a nice story - esepcially the first 3 books...now things are getting to complicated and this first "THING" that was in first 3 books is now gone...I think now i know why trilogies are the best - more is too much!I liked the first three movies very much - nice LOTR kind of stuff that takes to a beautifl journey, but when i saw the latest i wasn't that impressed..things are just too complicated or maybe there are too many thigns to make a good movie...ANYWAYS this sotry is ok, but by far not a smuch as it is talked about...greetz
  18. Hehe, now thats interesting, but I think it is soooo NOT NEEDED!! I just dont get it why people are tryin to improve everything when everything is already quite ok! Maybe we should downgrade a few things and go back living closer to nature eventhough we find that impossible to imagine nowadays...I really think that something big will have to happen for us to understand that we cannot use our mother earth and push her to its limits! She will fight back and she does now with all the tornados, earthquakes and stuff...People just doesn't realize that...thats all..So I think that wooden boats and bycicles instead of cars would be a good start!greetz
  19. huh..thats hard I don't think i have a certain so called obsession...I love spending time on my computer that is true - but mostly that is because i have nothing better to do, I would rather go out with my friends or go out and do some sport...It is nice, because you can MSN with your friends, I also make music (ok this could be my obsession) and design websites...Otherwise I don't think i have anything special....i like to do million things and not get stuck with just one of them!Greetz
  20. Yeah this should be mentioned more on the news and everywhere around the internet, because many poeple just give away their important info and someone than steals their money!NEVER, i repeat NEVER SHOULD YOU SEND ANYTHING IMPORTANT with email....not a single company wishes you to send your personal info or something accross the net with email...BE CAREFUL!
  21. Well i always loved xmas as it is the most special and magical time of the year for me. When i was little i got loots of presents but mostly after a few weeks I only needed just a few of them and others were forgotten! So now i usually get money or i tell "santa" exactly what i want and i get that...it is not a surprise anymore, but i still prefer that there is gift under the tree and then all my family gathers around it listenin to xmas music and opening gifts...I really love those moments - sooo special and nice...If you only get money this is no problem, i usually get it too...THE REAL THING CHRISTMAS IS ABOUT ARE THOSE MAGICAL MOMENTS AROUND THE TREE WHEN YOU JUST HAVE TO LOVE EACH OTHER! I also think xmas gives you the oportunity to think a bit deeper thoughts and tryto back off from the normal daily live - it is more spiritual...greetz & MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERBODY
  22. Yeah i noticed that too, but it really doesn't bother me as long as there are no pop-ups or big flashing banners...I hitnk their messenger is going to be the best but we have to wait a bit and give it time to develop..In a few years all of us are going to use Gmessenger! :Ptrust me...hehe
  23. Hehe, I alwas lough when i hear about things like sending a man to the moon! How is that going to change anything?? We were there if we believe americans that they were there and still nothing changed...We still die and have to live with our problems...maybe spending money for something more important would be a much better idea...THE MONEY thatis going to be spent for this project would feed half of the africa's starving populationthink a bit people, why do we have to go on the moon?
  24. well GMAIL is the best mail i've ever used, because of its speed and stability not to mention the best UI. I went straight to gmail from yahoomail when I heard about it and I was impressed!Lately I notice that download speed are abit lower because there are sooo many users now using gmail and it is really spreading with loots of speed...I think these invitations are a good way to keep people who just want to spam accounts to keep away because it is at least a bit tougher to get an invitation than just normaly sign in...That is a good thing IMO and i think it will stay that way ( at least i hope so)..greetz
  25. THIS IS A HOAX!! HOAXBUSTERS HOMEPAGE I think this is not a funny joke, but a sick one, because people can acctualy get ideas form this page and someone is about to try that at home!?! I think this page should be shut down immidiately!! greetz
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