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Everything posted by heavensounds

  1. Hm...I think that this is another program that doesn't work. Maybe i am a bit too critical, but as far as i experienced this sort of programs - they dont work as good as they promise in advertisements! Maybe you do gain a bit of speed because of better settings and stuff but that is minimal...all in all you shouldn't forget that the most important things is your ISP or Internet service provider, because he gives you the amount of bandwith you pay for...you are never going to get higher speeds with any program because of this bandwith-limitation!But i do agree that it is a pleasant thought that a certain program will make you internet connection faaaaaster This is also the reason I am about to try this program too...i enjoy in testing those things but i am quite sure that it won't work as promised..greetz
  2. Yeah this one is preety long, but i know some german words that are much much longer...I guess in english this one is the longest! Here is one of the words that won the big german WORD conetst: Rindfleischetikettierungs?berwachungsaufgaben-?bertragungsgesetz well i guess only a few will understand it but it is *darn* long
  3. Yeah relationships are a sort of thing that you can't live without, but they can be preety stressful at times. But there are also many good things about them, since we cannot live entirely alone all the time because we get depressed and stuff...Sometimes things in this life are just inevitable but usually they bring pleasure AND pain so we can live somehow with them :PPure joy is impossible in this material world...thats just he way it is
  4. Yeah that sucks! I know hwo you feel - have had the same experience, but my parents only took my powercable for the computer and i was unable to turn it on Well I then fixed my grades and got it back...In a way i can understand them, because i was really blowing the school and computer was my biggest "time-consumer", but i knew why they took it away and that is a good thing.Sometime parents just ground kids without asking them for the reason they did stuff (for esample steal something, kick someones **bottom**,...) and then the kid only starts to hate his parents and he is sure about to do the same in the next similar situation! So this is why i think grounding is not the best option, if the kid doesn't realize that what he did was wrong - i know it is hard for us-kids sometimes to understand our parents, but mostly they are right since they are quite some time on this planet :)My advice ot you: just take care of your math, so you'll get your computer back and in the future maybe do a bit more for sql...greetz
  5. Well I think that talking about the end of the world doesn't change anything but it is a good thing, since it brings out the question of the beginning of the world and acctually gives us something deeper to think about...How can we answer if the world is going to end someday if we do not know how it started, where it is located (where lays our space?) and what world acctually is?!I think that phisicians are goping down a veeery wrong way, thinking that the world started someday and it is about to end one day...things just are - this is important in my point of view! You can say that they were created by GOD or something else (just to point out...talking about what god did without knowing what or who GOD is, is not smart imo) but the main thing is that we are here with our problems, history and we try to live as happy as we can and avoid pain...The fact that the world is about to end someday or not, won't change a thing in our life - we have to enjoy the moment in a way that brings us eternal happines not just momentary one, because all material things pass and suffering is therefore inevitable...so stop worryin if the world is going to end someday, but try to think or maybe even understand WHY YOU ACCTUALLY LIVE!my humble opinion
  6. Yeah i also think that these two are hard to compare, since they are mostly used for different purposes! HTML is something that everyone should know if he is making webpages - it is like a bible! I don't know much PHP, only as much as i need to know to sucesfully set up and run my forum....and forums are one thing for which php is great! We should put JAVAtm also in this comparison i think..greetz
  7. Hehe...this is not such a bad idea but I think that ONE WHICH IS GOOD is enough....two antivirus programs are going to eat tons of your RAM and this is why I think it is not a good idea to have two of them...If you have too much RAM and don't know how to spend it, then go and instal 2 or more antivirus softwares and I assure you RAM will be spent greetz
  8. Weel I think this is a bunch of crap, because if you think a little bit....everything today goes in a way of preventing others to see any information that has something to do with you...now tell me how is microsoft about to find out TO WHO THEY SHOULD SELL MONEY?? This is why it is impossible...you could make 10000 email adresses and forward this from on to the other and earn millions of dollars...People just hink before you do something with mail or anything else on the computer!greetz
  9. Mostly I use winamp, because my computer is on almost all day so i use my comp - speakers which are very good. Otherwise I use my stereo and mp3 player when I go around...I think that WINAMP is the best prog for listening music on computer with its many functions easy interface and fast working. just my opinion :lol:greetz
  10. huh...this is a hard question, since there are so many good games but in a different way. I think Age Of Empires 2 is the best game I've ever played and eventhough it is not the most good-looking, it's playability pays off for all that is missing in the visuals department in my opinion! Well ofcourse there were other games that I have to mention like Half-life, AA and many many others that are also incredible, but you know I can't talk about them all...AOE2 WINS!! :lol:greetz
  11. I think that this IQ tests are pure nonescense! They just tells you not how smart or intelligent you are but how good u are in logical thinking so it should be called: LOGICAL THINKING TEST OR LTT in my opinion....logic is by far not the only thing that determines the intelligence of a man, because there are also EQ (emotional intelligence) and spiritual or higher skills...If someone cannot understand philosophy he is not intelligent in my opinion and real philosophy usually goes beyond logic!!The real proof is that Einstein who was a great matematician and phisician was very sucessful with these tests...With phisics and math you really need to be very good at logic and be able to remember things - thats all! and this is acctually what IQ test is about in my opinion...So we could also call it MATH AND PHISICS TEST but LOGIC TEST is more appropriate, while Intelligence quocient is totally missed...my opinion, greetz
  12. I am soo desperate A month ago i started dating this the most amazing girl and for the first motnh everything was mooore than perfect...than she started getting weard and now we are sort of over...I don't know if i'll be able to survive this! I am totally lost, confused and sad. Now she doesn't eve want to talk to me...LIFE IS SO MUCH SUFFERING!!!
  13. yeah I also needed this, but then i made a flash site out of a template and it had an mp3 player built-in so now i don't need it anymore...But i think it is a good way to spice up your page, just b careful that your mp3s won't be too big as loading-time is going to be veeery big!greetz
  14. Well I can tell you only one thing - an expert told me that! If you want your computer to live long, don't overclock it...otherwise search google for help :Pmy lil piece of advice
  15. Well another scam if you ask me, because WHY WOULD SOMEONE GIVE YOU MONEY FOR FREE???!!!!! it just ain't logical...i hope that noone will suffer because of this - they usually have a sort of thing that yuo have to pay just a litlle bit in advance and than you'll get LOOOT's of money, but then you get nothing and you relaize that you only lost some money!!greetz
  16. huh..it was about a 2 years ago and i was looking for a good free server with unlimited file-size oz. no file-size limit, no ads and quite some space...I really needed this because i produce music and one tracks is about 20mbs big so filesize-limit was important! And i was searching and searching and finally got here to Xisto - i didn't believe at first, but it seemed logical, so i gave it a shot...I use Xisto ever since, eventhough my account was deleted once, because i was unable to post for a long time, but i got back soon..I can't say how happy i am that your service exists!greetz
  17. Kansai Electric company, the second largest electric suplier in Japan, managed to achieve amazing terabit connection.This was achieved with the use of an optical cable. Kansai Electric used fibre-optic cables on power-transmitting steel towers to achieve the speed of one terabit per second, which is more than 100 times faster than inter-city data transmissions currently in use. That means that you can transmit a DVD movie in one tenth of a second!!!The company, Japan's second-largest power supplier, has not decided when to put the technology into practical use but says it is possible that it would come in 2010 or later.
  18. Samsung is about to open internet music store and will be a direct competition to Apple and their iTunes Store. Their mp3 players were not the most succesful till now but now they will go down the "apple" road and offer specialized software and the above mentioned internet music store. Their first goal is to sell products there, where they were sucsesfull in the past - there where iTunes is not present!
  19. I have AMD AthlonXP1800+ and i am very satisfied with it! I am using it for 2 years now and can't say anything against it - it works great with 512 DDRAM - i really don't need anything better since i don't play games that much...
  20. Hm..I like nintendo in my childhood. Those were the days of gameboy I played this "console" 8 hours a day and had tons of games but i think it is also the reason for me to have glasses now because the light and contrast of gameboy was bad and my eyes hurt after playin it for some time...Anyway nintendo is a good company for children mostly I think...greetz
  21. Hm...I also noticed that, but i think that the problem is that you are far more concentrated on that sort of stuff when you are sick! What I mean is that it happens all the time, you just don't notice it..Why does it happen that the cell phone rings just when you thought of someone or etc.?? I think it is because of our thelepatical capabilities, that we all have inside us but mostly unused or latent. This examples show us the power of it and we shouldn't think it is a coincidence - because there is no such thing as coincidence!greetz
  22. Well, I try to control myself as much as I can, beacuse usually I act the way I wouldn't if i wasnt angry! and i hate that! I usually go somewhere and listen to trance music because it really chills me and when the anger passes - i am ql and i go back..
  23. This is a good question you set! What if I die the next day? And we really have no guarantee that we wont die tomorrow, so we must live like it is the last day of our lives, BUT now we have the problem - what is the way we want to spend the rest day of our lives? This is a hard question because everyone is goin to say - I'll go out there and party, drink, bla bla,... but than death comes and you are absolutely not ready for it!! I once heard a good quote, it goes something like this: "When we are single, we want a girlfriend,when we have a girlfriend, we want to marry her,when we are married, we want kids,when we have kids, we want them to be happy and grow succesfuly,but when we are about to die, we realize that we haven't lived at all!We just plan and plan and think about our PAST AND FUTURE, but we should LIVE IN THE PRESENT MOMENT and use it in a way that we think it is the best, if we die the next day....greetz
  24. In my opinion, mind is as powerful or even more powerful than our phisical stength! It is wrong that our civilization does not believe and support development of this side of us...I think that with proper training and concentration you can do incredible stuff with your mind. In our daily life we experience from time to time things that we cannot explain - we think about something and this happens a moment after or you and a person that is close to you say similar things in the same moment....these are just a few examples of what mind is capable - we have the potential but we cannot use our mind in its full because we don't know how to do it! Here is a story that happened to me....I met this girl and we started dating..we both play tennis and we wanted to play mix couples in the winter league, but she has already found a partner a week ago so we couldn't play together...we made fun how can we eliminate this guy And the next day we went to play tennis and a friend tells us that that guy was hit by a car and that he will be unable to play tennis for 10 months....I WAS SHOCKED! I felt responsible a bit and as sson as i saw my girlfriend we both thought that we somehow made that happen...So, I think it is only mind that can do something like that, because I really don't believe in coincidences!greetz
  25. Well I think that without a single doubt this was and IS the best computer strategy game that was ever made! It is simple, loooooots of fun and it is just enough complicated so you can play it for quite some time wihtout getting bored. I played this game for about 5 years when it came out and i was thrilled about it. Most of all I liked Franks and their paladins - this army was totally unbeatable if opponent let me come in the imperial age! Oh I really have beautiful memories of this...Now AOE3 is coming and as far as i saw those trailers n' stuff it looks wonderful but we are about to see how good will be its playability - that is what made AOE2 so special and great...If we consider the amount of time that is needed for AOE3 to come out, I think it will be awsome but will never beat AOE2!!greetz
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