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Everything posted by heavensounds

  1. It is true, that alcehmy is about converting other metals to gold using the philosopher's stone (which everyone tried to make). But there is more to alchemy, it has a deeper, more philosophical view and it is important that we know that it is not only about producing gold. Here is a nice site which concentrates more on this philosophical view of alchemy if you are interested... CLICK HERE Have a nice day;) Greetz
  2. Hey...where i usually travel by car, but i guess this is not my favorite type of transportation. I like trains and coupes, because you don't even know you are driving and it is kind of romantic I don't like planes because i just don't trust them eventhough i know it is the safest type of transportation (the smallest proportion of people die in a plane crash). I also like travelling and crousin with ships (I was in Greece once and it was fantastic).So to conclude, I usually travel by car but I really like crousin on a ship or travellin by train.Greetz
  3. I think it wouldn't be wise to uninstall it, beacuse as you can see all of the folders and windows explorer are formed onIE basis...If you open My Documents for example and in the adress bar you enter lets say http://forums.xisto.com/ than your My Documents folder would noramly open the page as it was IE...so WINDOWS & IE are two things that just have to be together to work...You'll have to live with it if you want your windows to function properly;)greetz
  4. Can someone please explain to me why one would acctualy use PRE LOADING IMAGES...What is the whole idea??Is it possible that it would pre load some images which are on lets say music.html and i am currently on the index.html page?? This would be nice because the other page would load when someone is looking the index page and then don't have to wait for the next one to load cos' it would have already beed loaded...Thx for any help...GREETZ
  5. LoL...it's amazing what people are capable of, but we must bare in mind that all this bullets, guns,... are made for killing another human being mostly (sometimes also a bear or a deer:)) ) and if these bullets will be so accurate, u know what that means for human-kindLets say criminals get this weapon in their hands, they could just walk around and kill people and when they had to hide they would go in some house, have 5 guns set up to shoot when someone gets in and they would be uncatchable...weard example but can be true....So after all we must think if this military "progress" leads to something good or bad!greetz
  6. In my opinion there are two ways in which computers will evolve...The first one: Science will go on and improve and improve even more, which means computers will be faster, more ram, new technologies (Cyberworld-the way it is in matrix just it will be fiction) and other interesting things will come, I also think that windows will go down:DDDAnd now the second one: As we see now, our little earth is changing and it is because of all that industry that we have (in which most computers were made)...So we will have to stop this "progress" and go back a lil to times when we were closer to nature, because this will be the only option if we wanted to survive...So I don't know which path will be chosen in the time of my life but i am sure that soon the second way will be chosen otherwise we will destroy ourselves...Greetz;)
  7. Usually I watch The 70's show - it is the best show ever!!! (You just have to laugh all the time)...and then usually i watch What i like about you because we have these two series one after another everyday from 5 to 6 pm....There are also many movies i like to watch such as criminal, horror and stuff..I liked macgyver when i was young but now it is a lil' boring:D but when i was a kid i tried most of his stuff out - never ended up that well:D:Dgreetz;)
  8. Hello, i have the sam problem:( I just can't get it work and my site was added to a lot of other sites but it just doesn't want to add me hereIt says that i will be added in a few days but then nothing happens and I wrote to them but there is no answer...If anyone has the solution PLEASE post it!Thx
  9. I'd say meesenger is the best thing for this VIDEO + SOUND and it works nice....The thing why it is better is because most of the people have MSN messenger so they can be reached easily and i know quite few people who acctually know about skype...this is my reason!Greetz;)
  10. Well it is cool and i think the best program around for chating but I agree with someone who said that it only supports what you listen in WMP because many users use Winamp and other player cus' they are just better! So this would be one of the things that could get improved...I like that in the main window you see pictures next to nicks but it could be a bit bigger!All in All it is the best chat program out there;)greetz
  11. Look...It is all about how you feel when you eat animals and I think in what you believe...let me explain:First you have to know that most of those chickens you eat live 15 days maximum and is that healthy meat?- i'll leave it to your judgement! So first thing is health - Men were not made to eat animals because our teeth are made for vegetables but lets say that is not a problem. The next thing is your believe, if you believe in karma than if you kill an animal this is bad karma and you will suffer in this live or some next because of it - so you don't kill animal neither you eat them, because they had to die because of you!But here is the catch...I think that if you just eat meat and that animal died anyway, this is not and cannot be bad karma, bcause you were not the cause of her death! (If you didn't buy it, someone else would). And so for me the only thing that keeps me mostly from eating meat is the compassion and knowing the way this animals are killed (i saw the procedure a few times - AND IT IS NOT AN ACT ON A LEVEL OF A HUMAN BEING!).So it is up to you in what you believe, but here are a few thing you might keep in mind;)greetz
  12. Hm..To me money doesn't seem to be one of the important things in my life so this is definetly not the most important thing, but it is important that you have enough money to be able to live normaly. So my ideal job would be something creative and not too hard either for my body or my nerves. I need as much money as I need to live normaly not having to think of everything I buy and stuff...I would also like lots of free time beacuse if I once have a family, I would like to be with them not working all the time...But there is always this basic problem:MONEY ------:-- ENOUGH FREE TIME And you have to decide for one of them...Perosnally I am more interested in ENOUGH FREE TIME so I would say that I am where the ":" is Greetz..
  13. Since today is Pope John Paul II's funeral I am interested if you know about him and how do you feel about it...were you affected even if you are not of catholic religion? For me personaly He was a great man and I am sure if there were many people like him, our world would look much better!! I live in a country (Slovenia) where Catholic is the major religion and even if I am not institutionaly religious person I feel big compassion for Him. He was the first to accept us as a Indipendent country when Yugoslavia went apart, He visited us twice and He did lots of good work and also many big steps as a Pope around the whole world.Since He was the only Pope I knew (he had this position for 26 years and I am 19 years old), I wont say that he was the best ever, but I do think that it will be hard for someone to be this good (modern, but still aware of traditional norms and values!).What is your opinion if you have one?Greetz
  14. I would say NEITHER, because OPERA is far better from both of them as it is a lot faster and it has the advantage of having many windows opened in the same program. I tried all of them and Firefox did impress me until I read that opera is the fastest. Than I needed 3 days to get used to it and now I wold never go to another browser again (pop up blocker that works great, super-wand (fills forms), multi-window,...). All this things makes it better than IE or Firefox so GIVE OPERA A TRY and this discussion will be closed very soon;)greetz
  15. Well I can't say that I acctualy have a Job beacuse I am a student;) But in Summer i work to get some money..last year I was doing something for a newspaper! But after i finish studyin I'll have my own firm and I'll make looooooots of money...heheYea Yea I have dreams...:)Greetz
  16. Well this game is one of the best games that were ever made in my opinion, but i am sad, because i cant play it anymore in windows xp:( it just doesnt want to run!!ANYONE KNOWS WHAT COULD BE WRONG OR HAS THE SAME PROBLEMS???
  17. In my freetime i usually go out when there is a sunny day;) I also produce music at home so this takes almost all of my free time but i also like to watch movies, read a book,... One thing that i should do more often, but i don't is studying:))
  18. "Whyme" I'm just wondering, if you never ask yourself if there is anything more than our material world? How do you explain miracles which even scientists cannot explain or the fact, that even scientist cannot deny the existence of the soul...??
  19. Well I use Bitdefender 8.0 professional and I must say that it works great for me...It is fast, reliable and I never had any problems with viruses..
  20. If you look around yourself and things that happen you realize, that everything is in an unusual order (after fall comes winter, after day comes night,...). Is the source of this order purely and eniterly material or is there something else that puts things in order? I personaly think that there is something more than just our material world and the world of feelings (i mean the 5 major organs of sense and our emotions). I think that there is some sort of PURE GOOD outthere (that could also be called God or something else-it doesn't matter) and this pure good is the reason for all thins to work. It is also the reason for us to feel bad when we do something wrong or when we kill someone... So this good is what we should all seek and the reason why doing something bad is not o.k. (our bad feelings of guilt are a nice PROOF!) and what do you think?
  21. Hey, I searched the web and I am sorry to tell you that this is almost for sure not possible...here is one answer on some other forum --> CLICK I will try to find a way, but i think you'll have to find another way around it;) Good day..
  22. Well I like Iverson because I admire his skills and the way he moves around the court...he is so DAMN QUICK and eve though he is not that tall he makes incredible things - and thats why i lik him;)
  23. I am using OPERA 8.0 beta and I really like it cos' it starts fast and it surfs fast...there was a study recently of which I talked about in a topic here on Xisto.. CLICK HERE to visit that topic...
  24. I'll ask him and let you know which video card he uses...but i don't think thats the problem it think he has radeon X700 so that shouldnt be the problem i think..well i'll wait for more help;)
  25. I think that this is the most appropriate place in this forum to put this question...Well my friend told me that lately when he starts the game and there are those lil' movies at the beginning..they don't work normally but they "start and stop" so much that he can't even get in the game..(it was the worst with thief 3 where he was rarely able even to get in the game)....It looks as the problems are the biggest with games from EIDOS....On some other forum they said that maybe codecs are the problem, but i tried reinstalling it and it was the same and i also removed all the codecs (thought it could help) but it didn't...Well if someone has any idea pls help..
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