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Everything posted by heavensounds

  1. Hehe...i know it sounds funny but i really liked the first episode of Harry Potter - rpg I was just of the right age, i like that sort of supernatural magician things and as soon as i started playing it i liked it - easy not too complicated and pretty wonderful effects there...I went through it like 3 times because i wanted to get all the bonus cards that you have to collect throughout the whole game..well that was me...i like to play strategy games more..
  2. I don't have any specific favorite color, because it really depends on the mood im in..I chose blue right now because i feel like blue and maybe yesterday when it was rainin i would pick a darker one (black, grey,...). Each of the colors represent some sort of a feeling a sort of experience or something that you feel when you look at it or have it surounding you...I think there is a also a science that deals with colors and they can tell you all about you just looking at the colors you are wearing...I also notice my self that when there is a rainy day most of the people i see around me wear dark clothes (black, grey, dark green, dark blue, ...) and whene there is a beautiful sunny day there are many light, sunny colors such as (yellow, pink, light blue, ...) and i also put on something orange or maybe blue if there is a sunny day outside...I really noticed that...
  3. I like a few of their tracks a lot....first there was BRING ME TO LIFE - this track was sooo good i will never forget whatcing that spot for like 10 days evera day Then there wa GOING UNDER which was for my taste a bit too rough and MY IMMORTAL - one of the best ballad next to nothing else matters for me...I usually don't listen to rock, metal, and that srot of music. I listen to electronic music mostly trance but i appreciate every work that is done by any producer because i am a producer my self and i know how hard it is to make a descent track and those of evanescence are just that..Greetz
  4. Hm..my family..I really like it..i am really glad that i was born in my family, because i know how hard life can be if u dont have things sorted in your family...What someone said earlier that everybody loves their family - that is not 100% true because i have a lot of friends who trully hate their families and have all rights to do so!So my family...my mom is very kind person and she diferes from most of other women because she is not "a pain in the *bottom*" as they say, and i really admire that. My father hgas the command in my family, but we are all allowed to speak and express opinions - i think and i appreciate that my parent really give me the freedom to live my own life...However my dad is kind of a very careful person and he never jump into stuff whenever he first hear of it and so this is also true for me because i am watching him for my whole life...My brother is also O.K. - he is the most hoinest person i have ever known and eventhough we fight sometimes we are good friends..Well i could go on with this for a week but let me stop here and just thank the almighty GOD for giving me such a wonderful family!
  5. RIght now i dont play any of these games acctually i dont play games at all, because i really dont have time - studyin I beginned online playing with Black Thorn and it was so much fun..Then something happened and it stopped working - the game and so i had to change and look for something new. I also got a new computer and then i heaard about America's army. This is game is soo awsome - in my opinion it is the best because it is free and you really have that army feeling and it is very realistic and stuff an i like that. I dont like unreal turnament or something like that because it is too SF and i dont like that. How cna u be shot in the head with a bazooka and survive?? I hope that after i finish this semester i will find some time to play AA again because it really gives me creeps and make the blood circulate in my vains a looot faster
  6. Microsoft is constantly delivering information to the reporters about the newcoming operating system, Longhorn, whichs end edition is promissed for the end of the following year.This time Microsoft confirmed the time of the BETA version of the system and so this summer Longhorn Beta 1 will be available for workstations, and serves. This way the reasearches will be able to start gettin used to the new enviroment and maybe give opinons and suggestions about how to improve it.At the same time Microsoft stated, that there is a big chance, that along with described two editions there will also be an edition for home-servers, where user accounts, data and documents will be saved...
  7. Well, i really like GMAIL. I used to use Yahoo mail in the past, but when i heard about gmail and tried it i was IMPRESSED!! First of all i like the webbased email systems because they allow me to check them from any computer in the world, whereas the pop3 systems are more complicated in this view. So Yahoo was my mail distributor of choice for a long time but there are many things that makes Gmail a lot better in my opinion. First of all, gmail is very fast! This is i think the most important factor for me to use it. A huge amount of space also plays its part but it is not the main thing, because Yahoo now also have about 1 GB of space so if that was the only thing i was looking for i would have staied with YAhoo. I also like the 10 mb file limit which enables you to acctually send anything you want without having to think all the time - will i be able to send this (what usually happens with Hotmail which is in my opinion the WORST CHOICE!! and i can0't understand that so many people use it)..All in All my recomendation is GMAIL because of 4 main reasons:- free- stable- FAST as hell- LOOOOOTS of space (more and more every day)That was my opinion and according to the poll, many peole are using Gmail which i think is great!
  8. According to PC World, researchers in Microsoft labs in Cambridge are designing a new tevhnology for file sharing, which will enable easier internet distribution of movies, TV shows and bigger program applications to end-users.Under the code-name Avalanche, there is a p2p system, which is very similar to the BitTorrent - big files are divided into small pieces which ease the whole process a lot. User only get files he needs from other users and uses capabilities of his connections better this way and doesn't put pressure on the servers of companies and organisations which gave the file in public. The main downside of all currnt systems is, that users have to wait quite long to get the last bit of the file. For various reasons it happens that the last part is located only at few users and so it is veeeeery hard to get.According ot microsoft, this problem was saved with a special algorythm, which will decode the original file in pieces which will include informarion of all the other parts. Some sort of data DNA will enable the use of a single part with to every user!Avalance will be introduec in England the following year. It will also difere from his brothers, because it will have copyright protection. The user will only be able to share files, which will contain a certain signature form the author...We will see ifthis microsoft thingy will work
  9. IBM announced the birth of a new supercomputer. New machine, named Watson Blue Gene system was built in just 2 months which is a record. It will be used by about 3000 researchers of the IBM Thomas Watson Research Center.The maximum power of Watson Blue Gene is 115 teraflops, which means 115 000 billions of operations per second. These specifications put the newborn supercomputer right behind the IBM most advanced product called Blue Gene (with maximum 135 000 billion operatons per second), which is used in Lawrence Livermore Laboratory.Both computers are made modulary. The Watson system is made of 20 modules, with 2000 PowerPC processors in each of them. Eventhough they used low-energy circuit, Watson Gene will use 400 to 500 thousand dollars a year of electric power.If you wish to have this "little" system at home, order it at IBM for only 40 million dollars - 2 millions for each module. IBM apparently knows what to do with al the spare processors
  10. Hm...I really don't have any drink that is my favorite...it really depends of the year season (summer, winter,...). When it is really hot i like cold lemonades - Schweppes is great and Coca-Cola is very close to my favorite drink in summer - i like it mixed in a half a liter glass with watter and ice - it is really refreshing and good! In summer i also like cold cocktails and BEER - couldn't go on without it heheBut when there is winter I dont like cold drinks that much - I like different kinds of tea the most then. I like to test new tastes of tea and it is kind of addictive, because there are many types of tea - to me all taste good hehe And the drink I hate the most: Coffee (I really can't stand it, if i am sleepy i rather drink some cola or red-bull because it is soo much metter)Well that was me.:Dgreetz
  11. The results of the latest research, that was done by the NPD group company shows, that Apples iTunes is far more popular than the vast majority of p2p systems. In March almost 1,7 million of American households downloaded at least one song using iTunes, which puts it in the second place. The winMX program is still in the first place - used by 2,1 million households. Kazaa and iMesh are behind iTunes and other paid-services, such as Napster or RealPlayer, follow just behind. In March 4% of all american households with internet access used some sort of paid-service to download music. PCWorld
  12. The Famous Jay Leno has in one of his shows "The tonight show" tested the real speed of SMS writing. He faced two telegraphists, who transfered messages with the morse code and two teenagers, who wrote SMS messages. Who won?? It was an easy victory for the 170-years old technology Watch the video of the show... greetz
  13. Some time ago news came out, that Apple is breaking a contract with IBM company, which has till now produced all the processors for all of the apple personal computers. Now roomers became reality and Intel is becomin a new official processor supplier for Apple. Till the summer 2006 processors in computers for less-demanding users (eMac, Mac Mini, ...) will be replaced and somewhere in the middle of 2007 Intel chips are goin to be in the Power versions of Macintoshs also. It is interesting, if Apple will change to x86 and follow the rest of PC manufacturers (Dell, HP, IBM, ...). We are about to see if and how is this goin to influence Apples sucess, till then you have time to read the official news. greetz:rolleyes:
  14. In the last few weeks Netscame returned from the dead. It is now reincarnated for the eigth time but in only 7 days after its appearance lot off things happened to it. Practicaly right after its appearance a few security holes where detected and only a few hours later a new improved version 8.0.1 came out in which security holes where removed (it would allow hackers to gain access to the computer) and a few anti-spyware tools added.Later it was also discovered, that Netscape needs IE installed for it to work!? (weard since it is IEs alternative). Well it really is hard to remove IE from the windows so it is not a BIG problem but it is anyway...And to conclude Miscrosoft reported a few days ago, that the installation of Netscape ruins Internet Explorer, which than shows XML pages as blank ones. Microsoft don't know which versions are hurt, but it is clear that the error emreges in Windows XP SP2. The problem is being discussed at Microsoft and Netscape and we can hope they will find a solution soon...greetz
  15. Micrsoft confirmed what we've already expected. The new-coming explorer IE 7 will only be compatible with windows XP and newer. The two reasons why old dinosaurs that still use Windows 2000 and lower won't be able to use the new IE are: 1. state in which is the extended support of Windows 2000 and 2. mostly of technical nature (IE 7 is goin to have a few security updates and imporvements, which bases on the functionality of the new XP SP2 and this is the reason for its incompatibility with other versions of Windows) Source: Slashdot
  16. I acctually don't hate anyone:)...there are ppl who get on my nerves but thats only temporary, because i try to find something good in everybody and till now i have always succeded. It is important to know, that ppl are acting to you the same way u are acting to them and since i try to be nice to everybody their reaction is usually the same and if it's not i just go away and try not to think about it - when the anger goes away everything is back to normal and i don't hate that guy because he made me mad once....The thing is as a great master have put it: ALL ARE GOOD, ALL ARE BAD! TAKE WHAT IS GOOD & LEAVE WHAT IS BAD!!This sentence is one of the major guides in my life - try it, it is a very nice feelin' to know and practice that!Greetz
  17. I like cats and young dogs from those ordinary animals...I have never had one because my parents wont let me have one and i also think that it would soon start to piss me off, when this dog grew up so maybe it is better i dont have them...Of those exotic animals i would really like to have an intelligent monkey:D Think of it...she has that beautiful soft long tail and she is goin around with you on ya shoulder....i think she would be a lot of fun but some people say that monkeys stink :/ Whatever...i kinda live easily without them..greetz..
  18. I think when it comes to cars it is hard to say whichone is your favorite, because there are some good for one thing and some good for other things...so i guess i would need like 10 cars to be happy:) For fun and for pure joy i guess i would buy myself a ferrari , than for safe driving around i think i would go for volvo, if i wanted to go to mountains i would also need a jeep so i think grand cherokee would be ok;))Ok..let's stop kiddin around...My favorite car is BMW and now i am not lookin from a dreamy perspective, but from a perspective of a normal student who thinks he is goin to be able to afford a bmw after a few years of workin...SO why bmw, it is good, safe, fast & reliable and i like the way it looks VEERY MUCH those new 3 and 5 models are just the best lookin cars i've ever seen!That was my opinion:D
  19. The best movie I have ever seen and which had the biggest influence on me was THE GLADIATOR! This movie was sooo awsome with its story and effects. Then I think I have to put Lord Of The Rings in the second place, especially the first one which i've watched for like 7 times. It has such a great story and it really puts you in the middle world. The Third one i guess is THE RING (all about rings ), because my favorite ganre is mistirious horror movie and this one really had everything that that sort of movie needs. I could go on forever with good movies, because what matters most to me is that the movie realy keeps you focused and you have to think about it! I don't search for possible errors in it cos' i think this is not important as long as the store and actors are good...Yeah i just remeberd the SECRET WINDOW was also a great movie!
  20. Well I had once an experience I will never forget and I swear it is true! Me % my family were sitting around the table and eating dinner, when suddenly we heard something walking above us, I guess it was coming from our loft, which was just above us (I live in a house). Me and my dad decided to go up there and take a look, because it didn't stop. We went out and slowly started to go up the staircase and as we were just in front of those closed door to the loft we heard it again - it was a LOT more clear this time and footsteps seemed heavier. We slowly went to the door and we opened them slowly...it was soo creepy and then suddenly all the noise stopped - as that thing was scared or something. My father had a light with him and we looke from corner to corner, but there was nothing. We went back down and started eating dinner again when we heard it again but it was like slowly going away and then it dissappeared - we never heard it again. About dejawu - I read once that when we are born we pass the so called river of illusion or something and our whole life scrolls before us then when we pass that river we forget everything. Those so-called dejawus are parts that were not totally forgotten, bits that uncover our future because it is interesting that we all know our future, we just cannot remember it (this is also why they say that to learn means to remember things - you already know it you just have to re-remember it!!:lol:I like this theory, because it really describes well and explains those dejavu's that happen to all of us...Greetz
  21. Well...I don't like any particular brand, because some of them are better for sports others for goin' out,... For sports i like Nike, because i really think it is the best and as a Tennis player i need the best shoes n' stuff...As my normal life is concerned, I really don't care that much about chlotes as long as I feel O.K. wearin them - I think this is what really matters about chlotes, how YOU feel in them, brand is of second or third importance...I also think that what you wear in a way describes your personality, because you won't wear light sunny chlotes if you are a miserable person or in some sort of depression and vice-versa. What you said about people makin' fun of you in schools because of the brand you are wearin' - it is true, brand does matter to most of the people, at least here in Slovenia where I live, but you must accept that and as I said earlyer it is important that you feel ok in those chlotes. So if people make fun of you, do you feel ok in them??? If not then try to find a way to get BRAND-chlotes even though they are expensive and as far as I am concerned I don't have enough money to afford them! But if we look from the other perspective this problem is nothing if you compare it with children in Africa who don't have anything to wear or even to drink...So think before you feel bad about yourself;)Greetz
  22. Well I'd say that the biggest issue today is tryin to prevent TOTAL POLLUTION of our lil' earth and to think ahead for what we are going to use as a fresh-water resource in about 20 years. The thing is that with todays usage of fresh water and gas we don't have enough supplies even for 20,30 years because out climate is changing and looot's of fresh unsalty water that was frozen is now melting, which causes mixing with salt --> no more fresh water. The next thing is that with that melting of ice the whole earth is goin' out of ballance..and I could go on and on.So if you ask me we should be conserned about what are we goin' to drink 20, 30 years in the future and try to find a way to stop global warming asap which would prevent these disasters from happenin'...Greetz...
  23. Well I think OPERA is a lot better and faster then firefox plus it has this lovely interface with no bottom-bar. It is really fast! I usually use FULL SCREEN VIEW and in opera this is truly FULL SCREEN, because you only see the page and nothing else - it also loads fast and it never crashes...Thats all i have to say I suggest you to use it or at least try it!Peace
  24. Hehe..I think it is still rising although I have 2150 mb for about a week now. They have incredible amount of space-we could say it is unlimited and they are adding space every day so our accounts and space will grow and grow:)...I was just wondering, do you people use gdrive? I think it is cool but the problem is in 10mb file size limit..Well I use one of the tools to cut files to 10mb pieces and then upload them - It is very fast and it is not a problem at all! Greetz
  25. I was tryin to make that for centuries and it is SOOOOO easy:)) 1. You upload a track on the server (lets say "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;) 2. You open the NOTEPAD and all you have to do is write or copy-paste the whole adress, so your notepad will look like this http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This is all that should be written in it... 3. Now save the file to something and change the extension to .m3u (In our example that would be --> music.m3u 4. upload this 1kb file on your server and link to it from your site.. Whenever someone will click on the link it will open WINAMP automaticly and it will start streaming "music.mp3" or whatever track you want.. Here is an esample, which I use on my site: SOUND OF HEAVEN Go to the music submenu and listen to one of my tracks... I hope this helps because it is SOO easy:DD Greetz
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