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Everything posted by sonesay

  1. Your website kplow1986.trap17.com seems to load fine for me. Its probably the case that your ip's been blocked by the web server.
  2. Lol that is one of my worse nightmares. I have never had that happen and hope it never does. That would be incredibly embarrassing. What did you do after that? I would guess you would have had to trade insurance details with the other drivers involved but that would be uncomfortable lol. Did you at least find a hose to clean up first ? What about the other peoples faces and their reactions ? Sorry to hear that happen to you buddy .
  3. If you are using PHP then you can use the session variable (I think thats what its called) $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']. This will return a string with various values depending on the user agent of the client. Now you just need to code what type of broswers your looking for and since its mobile broswers your after heres a list of user agents so far. http://www.zytrax.com/tech/web/mobile_ids.html Use preg_match() to check and redirect as needed. heres a sample of my code below. I think yours will have to be much longer to include all mobile browsers. That is if you want to check for all right? $ua = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];$pattern = "/msie\s(5\.[5-9]|6\.[0-9])/i";if(preg_match($pattern,$ua)){ header("location: redirect.php");} edit: I'm not sure if preg_match can take arrays as the pattern, if it can then you can setup an array of all those broswer strings. easy . Update:*** Actually someone has already written some code for this. http://detectmobilebrowsers.mobi/ I think this would be alot easier then trying to preg_match all on your own. GL
  4. I find your avatar annoying lol. The frame rate sucks anyway your body position at your kicks full extend is too sideways. I'm no dancer but are you not suppose to keep your body upright as possible when doing kicks? Makes sense right you keep your balance and this applies to all forms of physical activity.

  5. I think the main problem with your site's wouldnt be the design at all. When I first go there I am lost at to what the purpose of your site is for. I can guess it has something to do with games since your young and obviously kids are into games. The links to games and screen shots tell the same story but seriously there are so many gaming sites out there that provide many services. Why would anyone want to go and join your website when there are better sites out there? Is is the articles you write or maybe pictures or videos you link? I suggest you ask yourself what is the purpose of your sites and make it clear to new visitors what your sites offer because I'm pretty sure that's one of the main rules of having a website. Maybe an 'about us' page will help? What I hate? When I go to your site I have no idea its clear purpose and think its just another waste of web space. The only thing that keeps me there is because I'm giving it a review to try and help you out. Horrible.
  6. Whoa express. How often does your internet connection register a new ip? I know that happens when I have to reconnect my internet because file download sites limit my ip and I have to re log in to Xisto again. I'm just wondering how your ISP works over there with internet connections if it assigns new ips frequently thats annoying and I am glad I dont have your problem. The original poster hasn't even replied so I'm not sure asking any more questions would be worth while.
  7. Ok just some general questions that I think may help in finding your problem. What type of connection are you using? what browser are you using that is not working? Have you tried another browser? If all browsers are having trouble then its most likely to do with your internet connection somehow. Also if you have another forum you go to try logging in there too and see if it has the same effect.
  8. Happy Birthday. I didn't realize your were that young from all the post I've read from you I would have figured you were much older. 23 like many others are a good age and I'm sure you'll make good use of it .
  9. That was a little funny but I cant see it working without hurting the other persons feeling. Don't be so shallow towards people who aren't fortunate enough to be attractive in appearance.
  10. Yeah it is an annoying problem but I got my file imported. thank fully on Xisto phpmyadmin allows you max upload file size of 51,200 KiB but on my local version I was limited to 2,048 KiB. I had a 4MB file so I had to use sql queries.
  11. http://nz.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.php you don't need an ebook. To be honest the php manual is sufficient in my opinion. Just try those links out.
  12. Hey everyone, I just want to point out a problem I have found with our current hosting setup with cpanel and phpmyadmin. The problem occurs when you try to run some sql in particular a query that imports csv files into a table you have already created. The query will try and execute using your default user name which is 'sonesayi@localhost' for me. I cannot add this user name 'sonesayi@localhost' to that database so what is another way to solve this problem? Additional users i create are always prefixed with 'sonesayi_' so there is no way I can assign the owner of that database to 'sonesayi' so that I can execute my query.
  13. I have previous experience in 3d studio max but that was like a few years back and I am still rusty on it. I think back in version 4 I was working on it. To make simple models may not take much time but it probably wont be too good. Isn't there options out there for you to find free ones you can use online? I would not worry too much personally about getting good models if your just focusing on your programming at this stage and go ahead and find free models already created for use.
  14. Automatic doors would of prevented this from happening as there would be no one to run over. I think what happen was the guys at the front was just too excited and figured running over him to get in first would be ok. Now the further back would have been thinking the same thing. I just want to get in screw this guy, I want my deals. Sadly this is most likely what happen and before anyone comes to their senses hes already dead?
  15. Thanks for the link jlhaslip. The script that I am currently using does keep aspect ratios the same. The problem is caused by different image sizes (The sizes vary and ratios vary for each image so the generated thumbs are just a smaller version of that). I seem to have fixed this by adding a div to contain the image and then setting a minimum height. I appears to be fine in ff3, safari 3.2, and opera 9.62. If anyone can check in IE that would be great.
  16. Ok maybe its my fault that I wasn't clear enough. I tried my best but I cant seem to understand how you came to the conclusion that I had a problem with my layout by referring me to that link. The link you gave me just explained a way to create elastic layouts but I have a fixed width for my navigation and elastic content already. I stated on my 3rd paragraph that I was happy with the way it expanded. My only problem was the inconsistent heights of the DIV for each portfolio items entry. I actually like the wrapping of the portfolio items as widths contracted. My problem was with the inconsistent heights. You say they overlap in firefox and Opera? What do you mean my portfolio items are overlapping? Can you take a screen shot and show me because I don't see that happening. Also what resolution are you viewing it at? I checked in ff3 and opera and it seems fine besides the height problem of item DIV's. There is a minimum width set so on both ff3 and opera and safari I get at least 2 portfolio items shown on each row. If all this problem is on IE7 I can understand as I have not got access to the browser and cannot check it for myself.
  17. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Hey guys, In the past few days I was making changes to how I uploaded my images and portfolio entries. I now have a working form that takes new portfolio item entries and images then generates thumbnails as well when its uploaded. This makes my life easier when adding in new items . My problem is that now since the thumb nails are generated automatically and vary in size due to the different heights and widths of each image I get inconsistent thumbnail sizes being generated and put on my portfolio entries. This results in my DIV for each portfolio entries height and width being inconsistent. This is not a huge problem but I want to know what others think. is it really a big deal to you? If so are they any ideas on how to improve the layout? The reason I have chosen go with floating DIV's instead of a table layout is I get the auto spreading and grouping of items as the page gets expanded. I think this is a nice feature because you utilize the entire page as opposed to fix width layouts. Comments on other sections are also welcomed and much appreciated. I'm pretty much brain dead from all this thinking so I may have miss something I could improve on that is so obvious. Cheers Sone note: also I am able to check in IE7 since my PC's power supply is dead so if anyone can check and let me know of any problems that would be nice.
  18. Nice job on the website. I like the whole layout and theme there. It looks like it took a lot of work to make. Rvalkass did make some good points about accessibility issues in particular about the css backgrounds for headings/titles and flash for navigation. In the past I would probably more likely side with him but I think in today's age depending on your target audience focusing on too much accessibility would limit your creativity. This is just my opinion and I would say if someone does not have access to an up to date browser and have flash plugin then they would certainly not be my target audience and there fore it would not matter that they cannot see my site as I had intended.I think the only reason the logo is too low is because of your ads at the start/top. I scrolled down a little and it shows up fine but yeah it all depends on the clients resolution. My screen is 900 pixels high so I can see it fine when I scroll down to hide the ads.As for the validation it would be a good idea to start making pages valid if you plan to work specifically in the web development area. This is just a standard thing but you'd be amazed at how many professional sites don't even validate so in a sense its still much more of ones taking pride in their code than something being critical and a must do.Again nice job and welcome back by the way
  19. I haven't spent enough time working with flash so I cannot answer that question. I suggest you try searching around and post any links of any examples you find. Maybe someone who is much more experienced in flash can answer this question for us.
  20. **I removed harsh comments its uncalled for***. I think you did well for one of your first sites. You have a long way to go man but that doesn't mean you aren't capable. Your still young so if you work hard you'll be pretty good by the time you hit 20. I'm not being stink here I'm just saying what I think is the honest truth no sugar coated nothing. A lot of the obvious comments have been made already on how to improve it so I wont add anything. There is plenty to improve on and since its such a simple site I think you can do it.I'm not even sure why I wanted to even comment here since its such an old thread. I think its because I don't agree with some of the comments but I accept we are all entitled to our own opinions.
  21. Well not necessarily break up songs but heres some good ones by 2Pac. I listen to them when ever I'm down.- There you go- Bury me a G - Still I rise- Better dayz- All about u- They dont give a F*ck about us- Staring through my rear viewThey may at least get your mind off feeling / missing your ex or end up making you hate her lol. His lyrics are explicit so be warned.
  22. Yeah I was thinking that as well but somehow it just didn't work. I have got it to work now but yeah the whole process was a head ache. as it is now: si folder is 775 mkdir.php is 775 but it wont execute anymore since I removed executable from it. (it doesn't matter since I already have the folder created) testfolder is 750 (my image upload folder) was created by mkdir.php (I cant delete this now with cpanel because its not owned by me. rmdir() wont work either because it has files in there (my uploaded images)). It works but I have to tidy it up. I'm not sure why but under file manager in cpanel my view of testfolder is always empty but I can browse and view its contents at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. I'm thinking now the only way to remove it is to write a php script. I saw one just earlier when I was looking up information on removing directories where it checked for files inside the directory and removed them all before removing the parent folder. /sigh
  23. I have a permissions problem when I try and run my mkdir.php file on the Xisto server. I have set my folders of 'si' and file 'mkdir.php' to 777 and I still get permission denied error. Is there something else I can do? <?phpmkdir("testfolder", 0700);?> Luckily for me I'm only building this for my own personal use so validating is just something I was hoping to sort out if I ever want to build something where other users can upload files. The mimetype is one way to help but it has been noted on the php.net site as being client side validation by the browser so it can be tricked. I think the other method I came across was reading the file size and also reading the first few bytes to determine if it was indeed an image file but so far I still haven't been able to locate that information again.
  24. Ok I think I know whats causing the problem. When you retrieve the DIV content from the other page with your ads there it has JavaScript. The JavaScript is the actual code that renders the ads so why its not working is the code is just being pulled in and not executed like it would if you were to open the page on its own. I checked in firebug too and the response from the Ajax call is just the plain source and no executed JavaScript. The only way for it to work is if you can figure out a way to execute it before pulling it into your main page but at this stage I have no clue.Good luck with finding a solution.
  25. I've just tried to test my upload script on the Xisto hosting server and unsure whats the proper way to keep the upload directory secure.How I have it setup locally:my 'uploads' folder is chown to 'nobody' and set 775. The reason I set it to 'nobody' is when it was set to 777 the files uploaded where by 'nobody' so I'm assuming thats what xampp is doing. This seems to work but if there is a proper way do tell.How I have it on Xisto:'uploads' folder is set back to 774 (when it was on 777 uploads work but I'm sure it not safe this way?). so now I get permissions error. I'm guessing if I get php file to create the folder it would have its permission but there must be a better way to do this?Another thing: I dont have any checks so any file can be uploaded. I looked on the php.net page where I got the code and people have suggested ways on securing it but most just seem like weak validation. Does anyone one know how to properly handle files being uploaded and restrict it only to real images?
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