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Everything posted by longtimeago

  1. friends i would suggest that Gmail is the best , i can just put before you all about gmail, Gmail has a great spam blocker. I have never had junk mail come in to my inbox. Way better than hotmail and yahoo which get junk mail all the time. this includes protection from porno junk mail and other bad things kids shouldn't be seeing.Gmail also gives you 2GB of memory when you register. Hotmail and yahoo don't, well not immediately; you have to use the account for a while to get the same memory gmail gives you already. great for storing large school projects or other forms of media.Better organization. Instead of a lot of "re: subject" emails form the same person, gmail organizes it all into on message, and you can see the entire history within it, so no more searching through endless amounts of replies, it'll all be in one place. good for organization and time management. Therefore Choose Gmail.
  2. hi friends this is the place where many of them get confused , regarding the diffrence between c and c++ , i want to make it clear to you. The main diffrence between c and c++ is that c is a procedural oriented programming where as c++ is an object oriented programming . in c++ we can also do procedural oriented programming, that means we can call that c++ is a procedural oriented programming as well as an object oriented programming. So almost all the professinals preffer c ++ because the Object oriented programming has its own advantages.The main advantage is reusablity. but no one should forget that C is the basic of c++ . Hope you got to know the diffrences clearly friends.
  3. hi friends, I have used OS X for the last few years (sorry) and Ubuntu recently, however prior to that I used Windows exclusively and I still do for work. I have run everything from 3.1 to XP. I have not had Vista on my own computer as of yet, but I have used it at a local computer store (1gb RAM). If you open a Vista interface, ie Aero or Media Player, and move it around your desktop with the mouse, watch what happens to your CPU, it pegs it,So much for multi-tasking on Vista. From what I have read though, it's security features are much better than XP (read on) and its Networking is far superior to any other version of Windows. Personally, my favorite version of Windows is 2000, it is stabler although a little slower than XP. I also like 98. I do not like XP as I have had to fix problems on an ungodly number of computers that have had OS problems running XP. XP is not bad,IF you know and understand how to maintain it, unfortunately there are far too many people out there who just want to turn their computer on and surf the web, email, etc. and do not maintain their OSMore over Win2k Server. It is way FASTER than XP and I'll tell you why.XP is the abbreviation for experience. Which in Microsoft's understanding means they have included a myriad of error catching code to try and interpret every potential USER input that could cause a fatal error. This additional data validation is what slows it down. With the high speed processors, you don't see it as much, but I am using a 400MHz Celron with 512MB ram and running the same software at home (3D Modeling) as at work, my system is faster than the 2.3GHz XP machine at work.It is extremely accessible for tuning and tweaking, and it's rock solid. I have never had a blue screen in 6 years of use. The server version has a large selection of system tools and Microsoft has lots of free downloads of diagnostic and repair utilities. There are fewer hardware conflicts than any other Microsoft OS. It was the last OS by Microsoft that didn't have to be registered or activated to get updates. It will be supported until 2010 according to MS.bye for now.
  4. Hi friends,a couple of fun bits of information come from your question Notice from rvalkass: Any material copied from elsewhere needs to be in QUOTE tags. Please review the rules and readme
  5. hi i would suggest you yourself can take a look inside your processor ,all that you might have thought is how to open it and see . Its incredibly easy. Notice from rvalkass: Any copied material must go in QUOTE tags. Copied from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  6. Notice from rvalkass: Copied from 2 separate posts on Yahoo Answers: https://ca.answers.yahoo.com/
  7. Hey ..Gmail is surely not a virus , actually what is meant by VIRUS ? Vital information resource under seize, Do you think that Gmail is going to seize your resources ? Never they will do that . so friends Cheer up Gmail is not a Virus . Microsoft is a platform for worms and Viruses and not Gmail. More over i want to remind you all Gmail runs on Linux server and there is a No chance such a thing to happen . Virus is an alien word to Google.
  8. I think you have stated a situation that is close to the truth.The universe can't be in a state of accelerated expansionThe Hubble constant and the red shift are errors of interpretation.The red shift is real,and it occurs in all directions.It must be due to more than an expanding universeThe farthest galaxies have gone out of existence billions of years ago.The center of each galaxy is an end stage in the evolution of a universe I don't believe a black hole inhabits the centers of galaxies.I believe that some sort of neutron star activity is the prime driver of the center of all galaxies.We are contracting now but it is not a true contraction of the universe,it is a diminishing of the density of space.This would account for a red shift from any direction.The universe is a finite entity and it is in the last stages of it's demise.The big crunch is not a viable end to a universe like ours,it just would not make sense.If we could slice a galaxy open and see the insides we might be surprised at how simple it might be.
  9. hi , first understand this clearly , r u gonna connect 2 comp which r seperated by 500 m ,if so go for wireless networking or ,Lan means connecting computers in a Building or Near to the Building .WAN means its access the another by using Internet connection .DO You Know MAN ??It means Metropolitan Area Network .. We can use this tech on Campus . A MAN typically covers an area of between 5 and 50 km diameter.Many MANs cover an area the size of a city, although in some cases MANs may be as small as a group of buildings. The communications links and equipment in MAN are generally owned by either a consortium of users or by a single network provider who sells the service to the users. This level of service provided to each user must therefore be negotiated with the MAN operator, and some performance guarantees are normally specified. MAN often acts as a high-speed network to allow sharing of regional resources (similar to a large LAN). It is also frequently used to provide a shared connection to other networks using a link to a WAN.Be clear in what category you are going to make your network.
  10. hi all, i have tried everything. i have a tiger mac platform and have a jabber account facility in i chat. i have followed the instructions one to one given by google but i still cant connect to google talk. always get the message that the cannot connect to jabber. can someone help here? thanks
  11. Happy! Birthday trap !!! i am just a new member Stepped into this Wonderful Trap.. and i am proud to see myself stepping in on an occasion when Trap is celebrating its 3rd anniversary ,, my wish is that may this good work of Trap Continue for many years aiming in building a Good Community...i wish Trap should celebrate many more anniversary.
  12. Hi, according to me some sites do very well with Ad sense (even in the millions of dollars a year) while many more sites do extremely poorly with the program (can't even earn $10 a month). One of the misconception people have about Ad sense is they simply slap it in their websites and it will automatically earn them big money which is not true as evidenced by the many disgruntled webmasters. All that you need is to have a bank account you do not need to pay anything to Google to register . just follow all the terms and conditions you can be Successful.
  13. I am trying to download the Google tool bar and my IE says it cannot find the page. I have repeatedly tried during the entire day and yesterday. I had the Google tool bar before but had it deleted from my pc in the Control Panel. I have Window XP and have done a virus scan.I have gone to Google home page, then clicked on more. Clicked on tool bar, install tool bar, selected location, I agree and download, go to a page where there is supposed to be a download window. Nothing happens, the page seems to continue to load so I leave it and it says can't load the page. IF I click on the "don't see a window?" the same thing happens. Any ideas for me? Pop ups are not blocked
  14. My friend lives in Saudi Arabia and he work with different nationality like in America, but racism is to the lowest level in the world.There people do not hate Americans but the policies made by America by the zonist lobby or the jews thats what people hate. the double standards the government plays and the hate towards the Muslims.lots of people want to go there for higher studies as they regard the education standard as the highestI am just telling you the kind of feeling going on in the other part of the world.According to me some Americans are afraid even to travel but on the other hand Another of my friend is an American, but he is not afraid to travel. Sure, some people of other Nations hate Americans, but some Americans also hate persons of other Nations as well. There will always be hate, that is a sad fact, but there is also a lot of love too.his parents just came back from a 3 week European vacation. They were in London, Paris, Venice, Lucerne and I forget the name of the town in Germany.It was a whole bus load of American tourists. His parents were treated very nicely everywhere they went. They are also very sweet people, and how can you hate a sweet person? I truly believe Americans are treated as they act, no matter where in the world they are.
  15. The 6600 only has a small video capability of around 10-12 seconds. It is quite an old handset, some newer ones have a much longer ability. moreover While making a paired devices attempt , my hand set says No blue tooth devices found, try again , but all repeated tries fail.
  16. The third one WITH arnold was a bad idea, so you can imagine how crappy a 4th one would be without him. I'd like to see The Rock as a Terminator, if they had to make one.Not many can imagine a Terminator movie sans Arnold. He has been there from the beginning - he is an icon because of those movies. Tons of people, myself included, wouldn't waste my money on an Arnold-less Terminator movie.Unfortunately, as long as Terminator is making big bucks, it has to continue with or without Arnold. Who knows, the next might be better without him? Don't get me wrong...I've loved the guy since his Conan the Barbarian days, but things have to change sooner or later
  17. Google may be the new Microsoft if we see it from outside but technically speaking it is NOT POSSIBLE for Google to be the new Microsoft . GOOGLE MAY BE THE NEW LINUX ,because recently Google has recently upgraded all its desktop and servers to LINUX . At present Google runs on LINUX and it does not use any of the MICROSOFT products . So therefore technically speaking GOOGLE IS AN ADVANCED LINUX and it will soon show wonders using LINUX.
  18. hey all thing i noted about Google earth is that it is great but some say since it gets the images of streets and so it is violation of privacy. But according to me No, it?s not a violation of privacy IF the photo was taken on public property. If however, they took a picture while standing in your driveway, lawn, etc. then it is a violation of privacy. That?s why there are curtains and blinds for windows - while it is ?impolite? to peer in, no one can stop you doing so (if on public property). So Google Earth is a Wonderful technique by Google !!!
  19. friends for those who missed the movie get a brief idea abt the movie here..my opinion is i like the movie..but it was not as expected...As seen in Spider-Man 1, Uncle Ben was carjacked and shot. What we find out in Spider-Man 3 is that it was not the thug that Peter confronted in #1, but rather, his partner, Flint Marko, who was hoping to get some money for his sick daughter. He asked Uncle Ben to get out of his car at gun point and Ben tried to talk him out of it in his peaceful, Uncle Ben style, you know? Well, then his partner (the guy that robbed the wrestling manager in #1) came running out and Flint was startled, which caused his finger to slip and accidently kill Uncle Ben. He was very sorry for this and took off running. His partner got into the jacked car and, well, you know what happened there.So then in the time of Spider-Man 3, Flint has recently escaped prison for an unrelated crime and goes to his wife (or ex, they never say but there is some tension there)'s apartment in this grungey neighborhood and sneaks in to visit his daughter. It's evident the cops are searching for him outside so the wife (who catches him in the apartment) asks him to leave and so he does, his daughter giving him a necklace of hers, and then leaving and running on foot away from the police.They chase him onto this scientific experimental ground where for some reason these scientists are testing this particle project in this big spinny pit thing. Flint falls in and is stuck. The experiment starts because though the scientists know there's something in there, they figure it's just a bird and it'll fly out. So this big spinny thing starts spinning with sand swirling all around (I don't know if it really was sand or some other particle that looks similar to sand) and we see his insides starting to 'crystalize' and then his body starts deteriotating as if he's being sand-blasted haha. He dissolves and the cops come up and see he's gone and assume he got killed.Later, we see the sand just laying there and suddenly some of the particles start moving towards each other, veeeeeeery slowly forming a human figure. He sees the necklace from his daughter and tries to pic it up but his hand crumbles until he eventually gets a hang of reforming himself.If you are further intrested my suggestion is tat Go see the Movie.... cant explain further more..
  20. Man I tell ya, I love Nokia, there the best. I'm 14 and I gotr a cell when I was 10 yrs. old. It was a very good phone, actually i've been with Nokia forever. I've had like 7 phones from them, once I dropped 1 in the toilet and it still worked, and I was bikeing 1 day, and it fell out of my potcket and into a puddle, it still worked. And the battery came off and the thing the battery connected to, was all bent, and it still worked! So I say go for it man, get that nokia, u wont be sorry.In specific about 5300 ,,the nokia 5300 has Superior sound quality Dedicated music keys 1.3-megapixel camera with landscape mode19an the Service is T-Mobile and if you want to store 1,500 songs buy the 2gb memory card (sold separately)Its grand! Depending on what your using it for that is... I use it to take pictures at local events in my town and when I go hunting I like taking pictures of the wildlife before I actually do the hunting part. It works wonderfully for those things!
  21. It's summer, so before I do other things I have 2 or 3 weeks at a vacation house, where I can swim all I want. Since I love swimming, I've been planning to swim practically all day (laps). Swimming helps us to reduce weightor u can use detox diets to loose weight .The detox diet focuses on getting rid of the harmful aspects of our everyday diet.detox diets will help u to a great extent to reduce weight and be slim.Instead of eating 2 - 3meals per day, try eating 4 - 5 small meals per day, or 3 meals and 2 healthy snack meals.Food substitutions can help tremendously when trying to reduce calories and speed up the metabolism.else all you need is a lil bit of controlover the fastfood's fooddo maybe 35 sit ups in the morning to build up on your abs..drink more water and not other drinks...this may workThis is practical and u can try this one too.... find daily calorie intake calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours - it optimizes your metabolism)5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day8 glasses of waterhave complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energyhave protein (lean meat, legumes etc) for dinner - repairs musclecardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min (ideally 45min because the first 20-30min body burns carbs and only then starts burning fat), light weight training (more muscle=faster metabolism)dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, pasta etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:) Atlast EAT HEALTHY FOOD NOT FATTY FOODS
  22. I use both Gmail and Yahoo!, and honestly, I perfer Yahoo Mail over gmail. For you US users, gmail is the better option if you're looking for more storage and free POPing of your mail. But other then that, I don't see any advantages over Yahoo! Mail.The Yahoo! Mail has a better look and feel to their interface, the google one is basic(reason is loads faster). You have folders in Yahoo Mail, Gmail uses Labels, which clutters your inbox.I just find the Yahoo! Mail is more organized, better looking, and more user friendly regarding customization of colors, avatars, etc. I'm going to be a Yahoo! Mail user forever, and my gmail account is there for other reasons, but will never be my main one
  23. IN SPECIFIC a College is an institution of higher education that grants degrees and certificates. The term is also used to designate the organizational units of a university such as the College of Education or the College of Engineering. An institution of higher learning that offers undergraduate programs , usually of a four year duration , which lead to the bachelor's degree in the arts or sciences (BA or BS). The term "college" is also used in a general sense to refer to a post-secondary institution.A university is an institution of higher education and of research, which grants academic degrees. A university provides both tertiary and quaternary education. University is derived from the Latin universitas, meaning corporation (since the first medieval European universities were often groups of scholars-for-hire).Basically, a college can be stand alone and just offer BA and BS degrees or a college can be a division within a university (ie. College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Life Science which would offer BA, BS, MS, and PhD degrees.
  24. college includes any kind of school after high school (including community). University is usually a 4 year school.In the US it's the size of the school. Smaller schools in the US are called colleges while larger ones are Universities. I think they are all called universities in some other countries.In the US-- nothing.Typically colleges are a little smaller than universities, but not always.we can also look like a university is the big house, while college is its branchesBut in the united states, there is a difference. the university where my friend went to recently upgraded from a college to a university before i started attending. as someone stated before me, it relies on the school size, which then partially determines funding from the government. (4 year vs 2 year programs dont matter as many colleges have 4 year programs)its similar to a high school going from an AA (two a) school to an AAA (three a) school. basically means the school outgrew its size and needed to upgrade.in other countries, university and college are synomns. the words are interchangable. to a degree they are here too, such as "i'm going to college" or "i'm a college student" could mean going to either a large university or a community college. its all in context.several people added information that is incorrect. not all universities can give PHDs (mine couldnt). and having a research team has nothing to do with its classification. when my "college" upgraded to a university, it already had the separate schools for art, science, and so on set up.but in the pure form; Universities grant PhDs while colleges grant as high as a Masters; however there is some cross over.
  25. hicollege is a part of Harvard University focusing on educating undergradutes, university refers to the entire educational institution, including the undergraduate college, the graduate and professional schools, research centers, administration, and affiliates..
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