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Everything posted by longtimeago

  1. The Bible Says (Gala. 2:20) It is very important that the Holy Spirit must reveal our self-life to us to initiate spiritual growth. Self is the fleshly, carnal life of nature, the life of the first Adam (Ephesians 2:1), thoroughly corrupt before God, the life in which there is no good thing in the sight of God. (Romans 7:18) In order for one to get beyond just knowing about Lord Jesus and enter into a fellowship with Him, one must first know oneself, as revealed by the Holy Spirit. First the believer should know himself and say, Not I then he should say, But Christ. This is called self denial. Denying oneself is not by our efforts. We may attend many meetings, more Bible studies, spend more time in prayer. We may have good Christian training and culture in right homes, churches and schools and involve in church activities. By all of these, our old nature, the sinful man cannot be subdued. The Blood of Jesus washes away my sins but it cannot wash away my old man. It needs only the cross to crucify me the sinner. Our sins are dealt with by the Blood of Christ but we ourselves are dealt with by the cross (Watchman Nee) Without self-denial we cannot go in for the baptism of the Spirit ... Calvary precedes Pentecost. Death with Christ precedes the fullness of the Spirit. God does not give power to the old creation nor to the uncrucified soul (Miles. J. Stanford) So dear friends, the only way of selfdenial is to crucify our flesh to the cross together with Christ. Praise the Lord! Christ has already done this on the Calvary and we have to take it by faith and accept our union with Christ in His death. May the Lord enable us to say, Not I But Christ in every aspect of our lives.
  2. The final day was full of reminiscence and this was shown in the sharing session with four students reaffirming their decisions to become missionaries and a handful vowing to submit to God?s obligation. The final two sessions taught us about campus witnessing and involvement and also empowered us with the Holy Spirit for executing the same. Thus ended the camp, apparently on a high note.We had a group talk one night where we were made to chalk out the plans which each group had for their college, and we prayed earnestly as a group asking for God?s help in implementing these plans successfully. Besides, we were shown a movie on William Carey and how he responded to the Lord?s call to India, in spite of being fully aware of the consequences. This proved to be highly inspirational for budding missionaries like us, who would have to take some bitter choices in the future in order to fulfill the commission. We also had a two-by-two combined with the games session, and this was a time of sweet repose for the girls and a ?brawl for the ball? on the football field for the boys!The difference and beauty about this camp was that all its sessions were cohesive and were in sequence. First we were clarified with the meaning and the purpose of missions. Subsequently was proffered its biblical basis followed by the status quo and methods of tackling it. I came to know that this was not planned, but it just happened! Hence, with a heart bursting with conviction to take on the great commission, we left the place speaking to the Lord in a silent whisper as in Isaiah 6:8? ?Here am I. Send me.?
  3. As all of us are aware of the latest operating system VISTA released by Microsoft . But now the Scenario is that microsoft will stop shipping XP in June and thats it,This Clearly shows that Microsoft wants the world to Change to Vista , is this a Good sign for progress ? Is it acceptable ? are there a no laws for this ?Though the over all review suggest that XP is better than vista still XP shipping is gonna be stopped. What do u comment about this ?
  4. Let me explain to you the Scenario , im under a Router and from that router the connection goes to a Layer 2 Switch ( Highly Intelegent ) Now from this switch there goes around 7 sub networks , How ever each subnetwork is being able to communicate within theriselves but cannot communicate with other subnetworks though they are under the same L3 Switch. i understand that the Gateway address differs for each subnetworks from the L3 swith.But is there any way to Communicate among these sub networks ?
  5. Friend i have hosted a Website and i have hosted it in Xisto . Can you please tell me how can i start a Forum in my website similar to Xisto ?Please refer to me the free Forum starters Thanks in Advance
  6. hey baphomestsayer says that he has got this infection already and nothing happened he is alive to post his formums too then how can this be a deadly disease ? that too more than AIDS .He has got and now he hasnt that means there is some medication for this so i consider that this is not as deadly as AIDS because AIDS has no medication.
  7. 11 miles continuouslly ? i am really glad to hear that . My sincere advice is that running 11 miles is good and as you have said before you are preparing for your marothon race , but on the other hand you have to do one important thing that is you have to concentrate on your diet.Because you run so much your body breaks down all the energy within yourself that is even the Fats so if you dont have a good diet you may loose weight and may become weak.So take care and all the best for your marathon!
  8. Thanks for all your suggestion on controling my sleep . But i tried nothing worked out. but on the other hand something worked out for me . I was trying to get up early in the moring but i couldnt so what i did was i selected my favorite subject.For me it is Networking and i joined a Networking class and the timing for the class is from morning 7 to 8 so now i have to compulsarily get up inorder to attend the class.Before i was getting up at 8 now i get up at 6.just try following up this technique of studing your favourite subject earlyin the morning and it may work out for you too
  9. Adding on to what you have said about streching , i totally agree , during class hours too , when i feel that my back has gone stressed i do streching.But regarding this i want to share an important thing on Back streching. Just what you need to do is stand straight and keep your both hands on your neck. The position is that you hold your neck backwards with your two hands such that both of your elbow comes in parellel line near your chest . Now ask your friend to hug you from the back and lift you up with your elbow too hugged.You will experience a sound in your back bone and it is nothing but the air bubbles and you will feel totally relieved from back painsThis is what i do when i sit for a long hours and it releaves me
  10. Now let us look at how a email is transfered form the sender to the reciever.Now this involves some protocalwhich you may have to browse and look for the working of those protocal however i have tried to explain them tooNow the sender sends an Email and the Reciver recives it. How is this done ? The sender types the email in themail user agent . this is the outlook express in windows or ththunderbird in linux. But now all the well knowemail servers has inbuilt mail user agent so that you need not use one seperately.Now when the email is sent it reaches the mail server of the sender that is the senders mail server from themail user agent. This is done using the SMTP .SMTP is simple mail transfer protocal and this is used in most of the mail transfers.Now the mail has reached the senders mail server. From the senders mail server the mail is being transferredto the recivers mail server and this is done again by using SMTP protocalAt this point dont be confused what is a protocal.Protocals are nothing but a set of Rules.Now the mail has been recieved at the recivers mail server from the senders mail server.Now the work of the reciversmail server is that to ensure delivery to the reciver mail user agent. This is done only when the reciver request for the mail and then the mail is Given to the reciver.This is done by using either of the two protocals i) POP3ii) IMAPPOP3 was used in older days and still some mail servers uses pop3 protocal and this is nothing but POST OFFICCE PROTOCAL 3 and in this case the mail is actually transferrd from the recivers mail server to the recivers mail useragentBut the Drawback is that there is a possiblitty of a hacker to hack into this transfer.So modern mail servers likeGMAIL uses IMAP.Here in IMAP the mail is not transferred between the mail server of the reciver and the mail user agent of the reciver but just a connection is established between and the mail useragent reads directly from the serverThis is how a mail is sent and recieved accross the internet.
  11. All You need to know about surfing the internet when you hit a website.All of us surf the internet almost daily.But what happens while browsing and whats the backend process. Hopemy explaination will guide you.First of all when we want to surf the internet we open a webborwser and we locate the address bar or the URL bar.URL is nothing but Uniform resource locator .We enter the website address in the URL space or what we call the address bar and we hit enter.Actually what happens is every website has a webserver and when we connect it we actually connect to the webserver,each webserver has an IP address. For example for https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl the IP address is .so instead ofentering https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl you can also enter the IP adderess and it will direct you to the google homepage.But why do we use Domain names intstead of IP address?The answer for this question is so simple that we as humans we find it difficult the remember numbers thats the IP address .Let us consider a real life example. as of today if we consider that you know 100 websites byheart and you usethem regularly , if at all you had to remember the IP adderss for those 100 websites instead of the Domain namesdo you think that you will remember ? Certainly not. so only for the advantage of the humans this IP to Domain nameConversion has been implemented.Now let us study how does this work. Now the scenario is you want to connect to a web server of a particular IPaddress and you dont know the actual IP address.You know only the DoMAIn name.There are some servers known as DNS . these are Domain Namer Server. Each webserver has its own Domain Name serverIt is the work of this server to Convert the Name into the IP address.Let us consider you and me as the client for the webserver. The Scenario now is that the client wants to connect to the server but the client dont know the IP address of the server it just know the Domain name so can the client connect to the Domain Name server of the webserver and get the IP and then connect itself to ther server?No the Client without knowing the IP address of the server it has to collect the IP and then with the Ip onlyit can establish connection.What does the client do inorder to know the IP .?THere are 10 ROOT DOMAIN NAME SERVERS IN THE WORLD,when the client enters the domain the Local Domain Name Server of the client is checked whether it has any Cachae and in that the IP is available for the requested domain.The Local Domain name server will contain the IP address if an only if the Domain has been visited previosly.In this case the IP address is retrived from the local Domain Name Server and the connection is established between the client and the requested webserver.Now what if the local DOmain Name Server dosent contain the Ip address of the requested Domain.In such a casethe Local DoMain name server contacts the roon Domain Name server. The root Domain name server just looks at the ending portion of the domain whether it is .com or .net or so , then it transfers the control to the DNS server of .COM .net or the specified extention. Then in this case let us consider client has requested for an .com website.So now the control has been transfered to the .com Domain Name server. Now the .com Domain name server reads the subdomain or the domainitself if there is no subdomain and it points or transferrs control to the Domain Name Server of the requestedweb server.Now the control has been transfered to the requested webserver's Domain name server. This Server has the IP address of its web server and it gives it tothe client.Now the Client has got the IP address of the requested webserver and it connects to the website directly.Thus this is what happens when you enter a website in the browser and hit enter.
  12. Hello friends this its the basic question which strikes every computer engineer when they are in their acadecmic studies.They start to program and some really love it and some hate it . It is not that they hate it but they dont understand it andso they dont want it. It is obvious that some thing that some one dont understand they will not be intrested in.There are certain others that they understand programming but not to the core . So they try to Jump into other field of computers like NEWORKING , HARDWARE etc. But some say there too you need to have programming.So the real confision now among the computer engineers in their learning process is, is there other option other than programmingin the field of computer science.But now i start my debate here saying yes there are many other fields and i expect you too to debate focussing on your viewsand let the confusion among the computer science student be clear.Now i take my case as an example and i want to debate on this topic. I Basically im a computer science student and i started learning programming i found that it is intresting , but om the learning process i came across the FIELD HARWARE AND NETWORKING and i found that that is still more intresting than programmingSo i started involving myself more in that rather than in programming.But what happened was that after some time though i had some knowledge about programming i was unable to write a program individuallySo i really made up my mind to Jump into networking.AH..this is the time when i was introduced to Management studies regaring computers. There is a Management Course withrespectto computer and there we are not gonna deal Core Technical stuff. But regarding overall stuff about computers we study.And it is MBA in Computer management .So there is also many other management courses which holds good with Computer science.So my conclusion is that a computer enggineer+Management studies can make oneself releieved from programming and more over it can take oneself to greater heights.So thats it you can decide for yourself.Are you a comp. engg. but not good in programming ? still wanna survive ? here is thatopputunitry .
  13. Hello! Friends when is saw this topic the question which struck my mind is that should i tell the truth or shold i say a lieThen i decide that atleast here in TRAP i must express my true opinion.Accodring to me i totally agree with Velma , people lie for safety inorder to hide their Identity.First i started using the internet at my age of 15 ( to be noted under 18 ) so when i got an internet connection the first thing i tried to do is creating an email for me . At that time i approached yahoo! so when i gave i date of birth it recognised that im a child and i need for parental email . That was the time i first Lied in the internet.I gave a Fakke Date of birth.Then as days passed by i started using yahoo! chat and there the first word that people asked me was " ur asl plz ? " then at that time i didnt know the meaning of asl and i asked my friend he told that it means the chat mate wants me to tellthe age sex and location.So the next time when i looged into yahoo! chats i gave my age sex and location and i was happy that i started chatting.Then i noted that when ever i type the age sex and location the reply that i got was "bye"Then again i was confused then i asked another friend that what is this. so they said in chats no one wanna chat with a kidThen i started lying there .Now i can assusre you that almose 99% fake their asl and i too started that.And in many cases like this internet has been a place where people lie.But on the other hand is there any way out ? Yes IF ALL THE INTERNET USERS START TO TELL THE TRUTH then the future generationcan follow up and can make internet a real place for real people.For this its not me who must initiate or you but it is we who should ...
  14. I had a simple but terrible Experience . Usually we think that the CPU of the computer is a Big wall and we can use it as our elbow rest and sometimes even as a Book Stand.I too thought the same till yesterday and what Happened was that suddenly the CPU moved a little i mean it slanted and came to the original position , may be due to the pressure i applied and then it was not a big issueThen when i switched on the system it worked fine and i was happy , suddenly it got Switched Off.. Then I tried Switching it on again and again , it would on for a second and get switched off. Then i recollected that i had slanted the Computer CPU just few mins ago , so i opened the cabinet and to my suprise i saw that the Power Cord from the SMPS was stuck in between the FAN , the processor fan and the fan stopped and Processor got overheated and it halted my system.So then luckly it was a cold night i took the CPU to the Chill place and it was okay.But learnt a lesson that i should not play with the CPU as a Toy.Be Careful .
  15. This is a most common question that arises among most of the people that whether technology is good or bad, some may claim it to be bad because of some personnel experiences and some may claim it good because of someother personnel experiences According to me Technology is Good if we use it in the right way and on the other hand it can be made Bad , But please Note that as it is it is not Bad.Let me Quote some Examples man Discoverted the flying machince and it was a great tecnolagical upgradation but when we see the recent past it was used for a mass destruction the Twin Tower attack. This is and example of using technology in the wrong way.Another Quote is that the invention of Bombs and Snipper Riffles , these are used by the people for Destruction Purpose . For this too i cam quote an example . In the recent past the pakistan former President Benezir Bhutto Was killed . This is an Clear cut example for bad usage of the technological UpgradationBut we should not conclude that technology is Bad seeing These Examples.Just think for a while how many of us tune in out television to see the weather report and the forecasting , how many of us like to watch a LIVE match in the telivision , how many of us can live without a refrigirator. All these things ares just simple examples of the modern technology.So MY CONCLUSION is that Technology as of it is neither good nor bad, it is all about How we make it . We can take it as good , or we can take it as bad. Just It is left to you.
  16. Hey Just now i have watched a movie , in that there i found a good but yet it is a funny way to control anger, whenever you feel angry just think of some Jokes or some jovial incident that has happened in your life and just relax and you will start to laugh thinking of that incident of your life , just then your anger may be reduced.This was followed in that movie which i saw and i really don t know how will it Work in real life.But anyway Just give a try , It May work for you too. because getting angry is not good for one s health.
  17. hello friends , Benazir Bhutto's death woke up many Nations and this has called for an United decision to abolish terrorist .she was well aware of the risk to her life . In an interview, with a reporter she readily admitted the possibility of attack on herself. But still she took a step in.Some say its her fault, some say the government , some say terrorist , some say they are not clear about it.Who is to be Blamed? what is to be done ? She made a comment "The extremists need a dictatorship, and dictatorship needs extremists." Now she is no more and who is the right person to take her position ?
  18. I am happy that you have expressed the real happening of today s world in ur topic. Yes because of some terrorist many innocent are also mistaken ,and this must be dealt with .It all started in the Twin tower attack and after saddams death the matter seemed to be calm, but now after Benezirs Death this has gone all the more serious.Moreover you in such situation trying to prove to the world by your actions is more important .
  19. Yes , i too totally agree that there is life beyond death, once we die our soul comes out of our body and we instantly go to heaven infront of the judgement throne and there Lord Jesus and God Lord Almighty is there to Judge us ,It is Jesus Christ the only person who can Save us from our sins , so those who believe in him are saved during the time of Judgement , No one Comes to the father except through Jesus his Son.So whomsoever Believes in him ( Jesus ) Shall not perish but have ever lasting life , so they can enter into the Kingdom of God.Else we have to face Jesus as a Judge , I and including all must Meet him ( Jesus ) as our personnel saviour and Not as a Judge.
  20. First of all let me tell you the best way to avoid pimples is that when ever u get a pimple .. squeeze the pimple out.. i mean take out the bad blood and the pus , then if you leave it as such you will get a scar , Inorder to avoid that after taking the bad blood out just take a piece of cotton and soak it in fresh Lime Juice then apply it in the place of the pimple and clean it . The scar wont appear.Now the case is if u had already had a scar just the lime Juice alone wont work out , all you need to do is that take the cotton and soak it in a mixture of lime juice and honey apply it on the scar and wash it after 10 minutes , this reduces the scar as lime is a natural Bleach.Take care of your Eyes as Lime can cause Irritation
  21. Thanks For Sharing it so clearly , i too have been using remote Desktop at times , but i have certain doubts in Remote Desktop , Just i am Confused about one maijor issue , if anyone can clear it for me it would be helpful.The thing is that using remote Desktop connection one can Shut Down a computer from a Remote Location and restart the computer , but when we restart the computer i need to enter the BOIS password , is there any way for that too.. ?I mean Complete Access of the computer from a remote location . Is that Possible ?
  22. I dont go for Exercise in particular . but on the other hand i go to college by walk it is around 1 km Up and down , moreover i go Late so i have to Run to college , so i consider this as a Exersice in my routine which i cant avoid.
  23. But i dont think this is as famous and popular like google adsense , in google adsense itself i experience a problem , they say from google that my account is witheld that is the payment is stopped because i did not enter the PIN.They Claim that they have sent the PIN,But i didnt recieve it yet, so what i want to make clear is that , in such big company itself that is in well established company like google itself problem like this occurs , then just think about the newly comming companies like this who say that they pay more than Google.Is it safe to Trust ?
  24. Recently i came across some of my online friends id as name@googlemail.com whereas as far as i know google provides only gmail that is name@gmail.com so do any of you have google mail i mean yourname@googlemail.com ?If so kindly let others know how to have one @googlemail.comOn the other hand for people who are working in google get their email id as name@google.com .
  25. The best way to calm oneself when you get angry is that just try to forget the matter which made you angry , else try to see some comedy videos or go for a funny movie.Or if you are angry on a particular person for any reason , just forget that reason and start thinking of the times when you were close and happy with that person, when you think of those happy times you will realize how did you get angry with that person.So be Cool Always.
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