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Everything posted by longtimeago

  1. If by transformation pack you mean changing the look (GUI) of XP to Vista, I think would work out fine depending on the software you use and the ability of your hardware to change it. If your computer has RAM under 1 GB and/or a low-memory integrated graphics card, I would suggest doing the above as I have tried it several times and failed miserably.If you mean using the Vista Upgrade Edition or the upgrade option in Windows Vista installation, I would definately advice against it and recommed that you install a fresh copy of Vista.
  2. If there was no internet what can one do except going behind libraries.If the internet was not available ,in oder to get information i would have browsed through books and in the amount of time and the money i spend on the computer or on the net center today will be spent on books and Libraries. Some say life without internet wold have been impossible , but i say still i would have been possible.
  3. only life is on earth,there is no aliens no life beyond this planet,and after a zillion years and dollars it will be proven ,so y waste money just take my word,but on the other hand some say man has already set foot on mars. and i strongly believe as it has been proved that there are traces of water on mars there might have been microscopic life on mars.
  4. hello! i stand for Apple Ipod , i got a 30 GB apple video ipod and i dont find any disadvantages in that including security , moreover the accessories available for the Ipod is really cool.
  5. I know what you mean it's great having a ipod only because i can listen to it on long drives in my car. The absolute best thing is that they are not like cds only because they NEVER scratch!!! i think that's the best part. now i'm investing into getting a bigger gig ipod because i only have the 1st generation nano and there is so many songs i have that they can't fit into the ipod. My nano is just best for running because they are not that heavy as others.
  6. Hello,The NIC (network interface card) has a single unique MAC address.You have 256*256*256*256*256*256 possible unique MAC addresses, since 4 bits can contain the range 0-15 (16 possibilities) and there are 4+4=8 bits (16*16=256 possibilities) per "octet" (XX).This is wildly different from the number of legal MAC addresses that can be assigned to NICs, incidentally, since many more than half of these theoretical addresses are reserved.
  7. Give him the feeling that you feel comfortable with him. (You can even say to him that you feel comfortable with him.)Make sure you look pretty and be talkative, you can ask him for example 'how his day was', that's always a good beginning for a nice conversation. However do stay yourself, 'cause that's why the boy's fallen in love with you, not;)Good luck!(I remember my first date, I was nervous as hell! Didn't know what to do either, but everything went just spontaneous, and that's the best. It will work out well, just trust in yoursellf
  8. hii used download accelerator plus for a while but it is nothing compared to internet download manager IDM
  9. Blue-Ray discs require a blue laser to get the info....A red laser beam is too large to read the pits and convert them into usable data...Blue lasers have tighter, smaller beams and wavelengths so that's also why they can pack more data onto the same sized disc....Now the older DVD that use the red laser, their pits are large enough for the Blue-Ray laser to read them too....So a Blue Ray can read both, but an older DVD player can only do the older DVD because they use a Red laser in them.
  10. Recently i did one of my project using AJAX and i could experience the real advantage of this Language , What do you say about that ?
  11. I use fire fox and some time IE ,Fire Fox is indeed safer, and it's open source so it means that anyone in the world can join in in improving it unlike internet explorer which is only worked on by Microsoft staff.it must be good, because the latest versions of internet explorer have stolen many standard Firefox features, namely tabbed browsing and other stuff which Firefox has had for ages.oh, and aside from not falling foul of spy ware and such Firefox also has themes and extensions so you can customize how it works and looks :Pyou could use both, but i see no reason to. on the many computer's that i fix i remove all references to internet explorer and install mozilla Firefox instead - most users don't tend to notice the difference but it means i won't see their pc again in a month or two compared to the ones with internet explorer on which get end up riddled with nasties from surfing the 'net.
  12. hi,If it's Yahoo Email, go to options at top right of the page,Go through the options, You should find anything that you want to do about your email.When you get your emails you can click on the check all at the top left of the emails. Then click delete , It will delete all of them with one click.
  13. The best system for the internet is Linux because internet is a place prone to many back doors and Trojans and viruses and Linux is a system where these stuffs cannot indulge. So go for Linux.
  14. friends you can just say which media player is the best according to your needs,1. If you want to convert from Windows Media (*.wmv,*.wma,*.asf), you need Windows Media Player 9 or above to be installed.2. If you want to convert from QuickTime Media (*.mov,*.mp4,*.3gp,*.qt,*.dv), you need QuickTime Player 6 or above to be installed.3. If you want to convert from AVI Media (*.avi), you may need proper codecs to be installed.4. The program supports MPEG Media (*.mpg, *.mpeg) internally, you don't need to install any other components.Hope you know which is best for you
  15. hi,Just because something is the most popular doesn't make it the best. Google is generally the choice of the inexperienced internet user because Google have been clever in their advertising and marketed a simple to use search engine. Yahoo on the other hand offers much more to the user and is generally used more by the professional and experienced user. I personally prefer Yahoo and have been using it for around 7 years, but I think that they need to advertise themselves more.On the other hand Google became popular for having reasonable results, but mainly for having the cleanest interface, one text box on a nice clean screen, so it loads quickly, you can find what you want easily, and you don't have to look at lots of graphical ads in the results. Yahoo and altavista, Google's main competition at the time, both have very graphics-heavy, over-loaded front pages in comparison.
  16. hi I have done online education. One of my three Master's degrees was completed online. Honestly, I believe the online Master's was harder than my other two.isemi-retired. While I never worked for a fortune 500 company, people I worked with five years ago didn't hold University of Phoenix in high regard.There may be companies that reimburse employees for University of Phoenix degrees, however, there are some that won't. Intel Corp. is one big company that will not reimburse employees for a business degree from University of Phoenix.Yes, I have a problem with the cost. Why pay University of Phoenix, Capella, or Kaplan or any other for-profit school tuition if you can get the same degree online from a state school for 1/2 the cost?Accreditation does matter. However, there are several different levels of accreditation. There is regional accreditation which is what the typical state schools and most of the for-profits have. There is also specialized programmatic accreditations that are over and above regional accreditation. Some examples of these are AACSB for business, ABET for Technology and Engineering, APA for psychology programs etc. For-profit, online schools usually won't have these types of accreditations. Many state schools will have these accreditations.Good luck,
  17. Yes.It's been proven and seems pretty clear that addiction to video games is an escapist addiction and indicates that the person doesn't want to deal with issues that are going on in their life.I think the usual behavior changes apply, sleeping disorders, anger, short temper, depression, manic episodes, social withdraw. eating disorders and etc.Depends on who you define addiction. I think many of us can handle a few hours a day devoted to games, TV, sports, hobbies, or etc.
  18. Hi according to me the studies are inconclusive. Recently, it has been found that carrying mobile during thunder and lightning, the lightning can strike a person with a mobile more likely than the one without a mobile. There is also an inconclusive study by Germans that carrying mobiles closer to your private parts can affect the production of sperms and eggs. However, there are innumerable cases of misuse of mobile camera for filming innocent people, especially the girl friends or friends friend in compromising position or school girls made to perform with young boys and taken short video clips and sent to mms, etc. On the other hand it is very dangerous sometime .have u ever heard that doctors have said that if mobiles are on charger(charging) and u pick up the call of someone... then u can get the heart attack because while on charging it have the power of electricity and when we put near the ear it effects the veins of body, So be careful friends.
  19. hi according to me as of now the car which gives the best mileage can be considered as my favorite car and its form Ford. Few months back Ford has released a new version named by FORD FIESTA and according to my knowledge it gives a mileage of 30 km per litre and moreover it is not a petrol car but a diesel one.
  20. Friend, Height and Age do not go hand in hand , and would suggest you not to compare your height with your age on the other hand Check it with your weight , your height and weight should be proportional.
  21. Hi friends,According to me being fit means its just not having a good physical body structure, its the state of once inner body , i mean the inner metabolism, some may look lean but yet they may be fit , on the other hand some may look fat and heavy but they may be weak, and another important thing is that to have a sound mind, one should have a sound mind in oder to be fit.
  22. Once i have come across what Peter smith said, The premiere of Harry Potter the movie will lead to a whole new generation of youngsters discovering witchcraft and wizardry....Increasing numbers of children are spending hours alone browsing the internet in search of Satanic websites and we are concerned that nobody is monitoring this growing fascination, yes friends i agree Harry potter is not a good book to read, it spoils young minds. and there are some reasons why you should not read These books and i came across it recently and i am putting those to you , friends these are the reasons which i came across and im happy to let you also. Notice from rvalkass: Being hosted you should know that anything you copy needs to be in QUOTE tags. Please review the readme, rules and TOS.
  23. The last book i read was Inviting the Holy Spirit and the book was written by Pastor Benny Hinn , i havent completed the book yet but still i will say that it is worth reading the book, its not just reading its something more when you read the book,hope i will finish it soon and i suggest you also to read it.
  24. friends, i will tell you what is OS in a simpler form.An operating system is one which acts as an interface between the user and the computer and it is the soul of the computer, we can call the operating system as a larger program too. what happens when you switch on the computer is that the operating system gets loaded into the main memory that is what is known as the booting of the computer.
  25. friends for me it is Gmail "The best" because i came to know all the fearutes available in it.I wold like you also to know the reason why i stand for Gmail, Gmail has a great spam blocker. I have never had junk mail come in to my inbox. Way better than hotmail and yahoo which get junk mail all the time. this includes protection from porno junk mail and other bad things kids shouldn't be seeing.Gmail also gives you 2GB of memory when you register. Hotmail and yahoo don't, well not immediately; you have to use the account for a while to get the same memory gmail gives you already. great for storing large school projects or other forms of media.Better organization. Instead of a lot of "re: subject" emails form the same person, gmail organizes it all into on message, and you can see the entire history within it, so no more searching through endless amounts of replies, it'll all be in one place. good for organization and time management. Hope you have the complete idea about Gmail now.
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