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Everything posted by Tramposch

  1. It is an addon you can purchase. I THINK you can do it using myCENT credits. I added it on through the Xisto - Web Hosting client area. I believe I am paying $2.49/month for it though.If you don't want to pay for that, then you can just email support@xisto.com to add the entries you need. That isn't hard at all. But sometimes takes a bit longer. I guess it just depends on what you need.
  2. Hmm... Best Buy for $400.... I am guessing 4-5 years haha. Seeing as it isn't available for individual sale, we still got a while. I truly love the concept though.
  3. Yea, I have found so much through this forum. If not directly on this forum, then from a user's site I somehow got from the forum. This is a great place. And it has a great theme. I like it a lot better than the old one.
  4. View suggestions are a great thing. I try to incorporate as many as possible. They are definitely one of your most valuable resources. I would highly suggest leaving a contact email or form on your website that they can submit suggestions, comments, or anything else through.
  5. I do too. If he can create the best web host ever, I think he can handle this script. Especially since he had a wonderfully integrated points type system before.
  6. I usually start off having an idea of what I want. Then I create a model in Photoshop then think how I can do it in CSS and HTML. After I plan that out, I splice up the layout into usable images and create my template. Then I add content and such from there. It works out rather nicely for me and haven't run into problems yet. If I realize I have missed something, then I just go back and add it.Another great thing to do is use php includes. This way you can include the header and footer (and anything else in the template) then put in your content. That way if you need to edit the template, it is a lot less painful and time consuming.
  7. Nope, you are not the only one. This happened before too. myCENT is still not perfect, as it is pretty new. So bugs like this are expected.
  8. I can make you a template if you would like. I would just need more info about what you would like. And how your website is going to be used. If it is just a normal website with no software within, it is a lot easier. However if you are making a site that runs a CMS, forum software, blog, etc... then it would take more work. Either way, contact me about it via PM.
  9. I used templates once and didn't like it because of lack of options. Now all I do is hard code themes. Though I mostly deal with different web site software now that I install a theme for, then edit it from there. I find making a complete custom theme is very time consuming and sometimes not worth it. As I always put it, why reinvent the wheel? If somebody has done it, take what they have done and make it work for you. Of course you must leave their credits unless you have edited enough for it to be considered your work.
  10. I have heard of Dolphin, but never used it. I think I will check that out. I am looking at community software right now and the only decent looking one I have found is ELGG. I'll download the ad version and see how I like it. Thanks for the ideas guys.
  11. I think there might be some maintenance of the script or something. The READY means that the script ran, but the transfer must be stalled. Mine too has been stuck for a while. Like I said, the script just hasn't run again to check.
  12. You can add it on when you buy the domain on Xisto - Web Hosting. I did that. If you just buy the domain, you can always email support@xisto.com to make a DNS entry. I think, though, that DNS management is a bit more expensive than $.99. That or I am getting ripped off. I believe I pay $2.49/mo. Not hard to keep up, but it is more.On a side note, the myCENT payment method is by far the best way to pay. I have been posting for a few days and I already almost have enough for next month's hosting bill.
  13. If you have a niche, you can compete with Facebook. Well, maybe not compete, but be given a chance at doing well. Facebook reaches millions and your target is 10,00. It is doable, but it will take some work. Facebook started as a specific college only website, then expanded to all colleges, then to everybody.The hardest part is going to be launching it. Once you get it spread from there, traffic comes to you. Find a lot of different ways to market it too. I know it may not be relevant, but a huge portion of traffic on the internet is YouTube. Making some videos might help a lot. Also it depends on how it is developed. If you are custom making it, make sure you go through it thoroughly and rid it of bugs. If you are using a platform, make it original with custom themes and have it offer things other sites running off that platform do not have.Difference is a great thing. Difference and implementation. Those 2 words are going to be big in the marketing of this.
  14. No matter what service you use you will be charged service fees. To make it simple, I would just use PayPal if I were in your shoes. More people use it than any other payment gateway (that I know of) and it is very secure and has a lot of options. Sure, they charge, but it is very reasonable. And it costs a lot less than what a credit card company would. 2Checkout is also another great option. Or offering both to reach the widest amount of customers possible. Having many options is a very good thing.
  15. This is incredibly funny to mess around with. I wish you could choose to hear any comment. I also can't really find a real purpose to this, haha. Maybe if you write an insanely long comment and what to hear it. But who does that?
  16. I will check out Vbulliten, I haven't ever used that before. And php-nuke.The hard thing is, I can't be much more specific. I am looking for nothing specifically, just general website software. I just want to expand my knowledge.
  17. They should be able to get the information, if the storage device was not permanently damaged. It is possible the phone reset, thus erasing the data. Then you would be out of luck.
  18. I was just really looking for software in general. Something cool that you have worked with. Paid for free doesn't matter too much. I am not really looking for web design templates. If you want to see what my website is like, the url is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  19. I am looking for any cool website software that anybody has to share. I feel like I have dealt with everything. I know I haven't but I have used a lot of different forum software, a few different CMSs, ELGG, and a few blogging platforms. I want something new to work with that might be helpful to me now or down the road. I don't really even know where to look for different software. So even pointing me in a direction to find new things would be amazing.I really just need input. Writing what you have to share and a description would be awesome.Thanks.
  20. I really only use Dreamweaver. It is just plain amazing. It doesn't take much effort to make a page, and the interface is very pleasant. You can do everything from the GUI interface or code it yourself. It also has different views so you can view the design, the design and code, and the code.I would suggest that or Notepad++
  21. I highly recommend AEF. I used to be on the design team over at their forums and if I ever need forum software, that is what I use. I really like how everything works, and it very easily customizable. There is a great support community and a growing number of add ons and themes. I think I still have one over there, I believe it was called orange-clip or something like that. Overall, best free forum software ever.
  22. I personally prefer ATI mainly because it suits my needs a lot better. Their cards, I find, are very good for video rendering and movie playing and things like that. If I was more of a gamer, I would go for NVidia because they can give the performance needed to play hardcore games like Crysis and such. I have an ATI card in my laptop right now, and it really does what I need it to do. I can't expect too much out of it because it is a pretty low end mobile card, but it is way better than nothing. I am kind of sad that Apple is using NVIDIA cards now. I am buying a MacBook soon and it is one thing that turns me off of them. But they still offer amazing performance, so I don't mind as much.
  23. It all got taken care of last night. I think they were just extremely backed up from their server issues. Give it a little longer and they will probably reply.
  24. DRUPAL FTW!!!Drupal is a great piece of software. It can be somewhat confusing to start with, but once you get the hang of it, it's amazing. It isn't exactly considered a CMS, but it can work to be one. There are a lot of extensions for it as well. It is by far my favorite thing to use for that.But if you want something easier I like TinyPortal. There was another one I knew of that I used for a while that worked very well, but I can't remember the name. The main thing to do is look at what each provides, then what you need and see which provides what you need, or at least most of it.
  25. I have the exact same problem, actually. Though I don't play games, I just work on websites and broadcast live and such. But what I found out is that giving yourself rewards helps out a lot. Right now my current reward is a MacBook. If I get all my stuff done, I will be able to get one. This actually works out in 2 ways for me. One is that I will actually have the money from doing certain jobs and selling stuff on eBay. The other is that when my stuff is done, I will be ready for a new notebook.Find something you can work for. It doesn't necessarily mean buying something, but do something that will get you motivated. I too have tried countless times to create a schedule, but in the end I don't follow it or it just doesn't get made. I have always wanted to get started using my iPhone's calendar more often, but I just forget about it. Another important thing is getting in the habit of doing it. It takes about 3 weeks to make a habit. If you can find a way to remind yourself to make that schedule and do it for 3 weeks, you should form a habit and will not need reminders. Another thing that my parents somewhat threaten me with is think of what you will not be able to do if you don't get the things done. Then think of what you can do. I know I can score high on everything without doing homework, but I still do it because it makes my parents happy and they pay me more for higher grades. You just have to find that one thing that gets you motivated.
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