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Everything posted by t3jem

  1. The way a game works when it makes itself fullscreen is it takes all the input from keyboard and mouse. If you go click something else it will bring focus to that window (or desktop if you click that). So when you chang the focus the game will minimize automatically and switch to that window even if it is on your other screen. The same thing may happen if you alt+tab and click the mouse so the mouse clicks on the desktop. I have a dual screen as well and have yet you find a way around this other then run in windowed mode on games that support it (call of duty or games like that will not work if you do windowed mode ). Hope this helps you.As for an application to help with this. I don't think there is one.
  2. I think they do have an online sims game, Sims 2 i think? Anyways, as for your other idea. They can't get money off of that, so they can't give that stuff away. They would have to find some way to pay for it. Perhaps they would start a 50 dollar a month fee so you can enter the drawing. Anyways, i'm on the road and have to go.
  3. I probably would have tried to tell the kids off, but I live in a pretty mundane neighborhood and never see anything like that. I would have definitly called the cops and helped the kid sue them. Other than that, I really don't see what you could have done other than get your butt kicked too. It's horrible that they would have done that. I really hope those kids get caught.
  4. I'm glad he's going to jail. I say 25 years. If he hasn't learned his lesson after the first two times maybe he will after 25 years. Spam is as good a harrasment. Had he been following you around all the time asking "Would you like to buy (insert product" then you would sue him too. I'm glad he got caught. I hope they catch more and can deter more people from spamming.
  5. This looks like a good program, I would create a new email just for it so I dont get spammed, and I would try it if I didn't have to give my address, wish it would pay via paypal. I may try it some other time, but for now i'll leave it. Thanks for the link though.
  6. Well.. I really don't want to make you feel bad or anything, but from what it sounds like, she isn't terribly interested in you; however, like you said, she is very shy and may not have the courage to do anything. I would wait a little longer, but I'm also a stand back kind of guy. Maybe you could hint a little at how you feel about her and see how she reacts. Other than that, I don't think I can give much more advice.Good luck.
  7. there could be several problems. It could be a filter issue, perhaps the network admin filtered forums/Xisto. It could also be that someone messed with the "hosts" file (though unlikely). To check, you should ping Xisto with the command prompt and report what IP addres it gives for the site.
  8. I tried it out once, it does not look like fun at all. I see no point in the game really. I did try to get into it, but after a couple of weeks, I just quit, wasn't fun for me.
  9. like jlhaslip said, don't worry about how you look. Just worry about how you act, be yourself and be respectful. You don't want people to go out with you just because your beautiful, you want them to like you. Your looks will change in the future, you will not.
  10. The sooner you plan for the future the better it will be. If you start saving money now for retirement it will be easier and sooner. If you wait it will be harder and take longer to retire. I read a book called The Automatic Millionair. I don't have the link to it, but it is a great read on how to set it up so you will automatically retire when you want basically. It's not like retiring in the next week, but it teaches you how to easily save money to where it doesn't even affect your everyday life, but when your, say 50, you'll have like 3 million dollars in your bank. It's a very good read if you're looking for a good retirement plan.
  11. My friend has an HP, but you know what? It's only bad because of the way he uses it. HP is just as good as any other manufacturer, you just have to know how to use it. I'm guessing your friend's computer was laggy because there were a bunch of programs on there or it had virii/adware/malware. My friend's computer is horrible because he goes to bad sights and doesn't know how to keep his computer clean. I don't know about the prices (I'm too lazy to check), but the computers are just as good as any other. I'm just more comfortable getting a Dell machine then an HP
  12. wouldn't the smallest website on earth just be a blank index.html document? or "home.htm" would be better as its less characters, I don't see any other way then to make a web browser that can read compressed pages.
  13. I may be wrong, but this looks alot like a pyramid scheme that you have gotten yourself into and you are now linking people to your own site ( "Nathan32" and "nategraves.com" are kind of close). I'm not saying its true, but that's what it looks like. Even if it isn't true, it still looks like a pyramid scheme and I never trust those websites anyways. I can't see where you get the money from.
  14. t3jem

    I'm So Angry!

    Yea, virii are a pain, I hope everything clears up for you soon. As for Watermonkey, Macs can get virii, but most people make them for windows because its easier and more widely used. Alot of virus makers don't like windows either (I understand why). So, if everyone hated Apple, then macs would be the ones with virii while windows was the one people said was better because it doesn't get virii (I would still prefer mac, more reliable and faster). That just may be why mac is faster though, they don't have to worry about working every last moment on security rather than speed. Welp, just my two cents.
  15. Have you ever seen "inconvinient truth"? That movie shows that this warm period is a real problem. The warm period in the middle ages was nothing compared to what's going on now. Go take a look at that and tell this is just like the middle ages. Also, there are so many people in the world, if everyone switch to energy efficient lightbulbs and cut, oh 10 miles of driving a week we could cut about 20% of our pollution, and that's not even getting into the energy efficient appliances and unplugging stuff when your not using them.This warm period is a problem, if we don't do anything about it we may just end up with a "Day After Tomarrow" scenario. And me living in Arizona, cannot stand 30 F temperatures during the summer.
  16. the first part of the code, where it says "java script". You have to take out the space. That's why you go to google, it's searching for the website, if you take out the space it will work. As for the effect, it messes with the images on the site I think, at least that's the effect I got.
  17. I'm sure everyone annoys others by talking too much about their hobbies/likes/dislikes. My advice to you is to let them know that they are talking too much about it and tell them it's getting annoying (in a nice way). Being told that your talking too much will let them know that they need to tone it down a little around certain people (like you), just make sure your nice about it or you'll hurt their feelings.
  18. Well, I'm not very good at counseling, but I'll try. For the part about chasing girls, your hormones are raging and controlling your body right now, it is hard to fight it, but you just have to gain more self control. As for being depressed, just think of all the good things in life. For one, your alive aren't you? That's always a good thing. Try and hang out with some kids that are smart and will help you study for school, that will help get grades up. If all else fails, try seeing a counselor for help.Hope this helps.
  19. I see what you guys are talking about now, thanks. Not a big change, but I think it looks better.
  20. Wow, I've been wondering how to do this for ages. Thank you so much. I'm definitly going to be using this. Again, thank you so much.
  21. still don't see a change. If you mean the chemical beaker yea i've seen that, but I figured that always changes and not a big deal (like the winter olympics and mothers day). Other then that, no difference.
  22. Well, seems the egyptians were geniuses . They're even teaching us stuff long after they're gone. The cement companies aren't going to be happy about this, but at least it's cheap and healthy.
  23. I don't use live search so I'm not sure, but even if live search managed to be as good as google (unlikely [made by microsoft]) I still think google will be on top because it has a bigger audience and people are already used to it.P.S. Yes, I am a microsoft basher
  24. I don't see any change in google, whether it be the main google or igoogle or in firefox or internet explorer I don't see a change. What exactly changed? I'll wait until your screenshots are up so I can see it.
  25. very cool. I'll be sure to participate in this. Thank you for this.One suggestion I would make is for the challenges maybe you could have hacking challenges too , but that's just me, not many people know how to hack.
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