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Everything posted by jimmy89

  1. It really depends on when a moderator gets around to looking through the applications. They are normally pretty good, but each case is different! don't nag them about it though! While your waiting, have a look around the forums and post some good posts.
  2. thats some amazing work! congratulations. i agree with what the others have said about the person not seeming to fit in with the rest of the image though. the vector art that you used reminds me of a flash animation that I made, it uses the similar arrows. the gradient is simple yet effective and the lines that look like plant vines work great also!keep up the good work-jimmy
  3. the best font is one that fits where it is placed and looks good. not one font looks good everywhere, especially if your going a fancy font. many of the sites that offer 'free fonts' are only for personal use - so be careful where you get them from, maybe look for some licensed under creative commons!
  4. i had a cooling fan that was rattling around inside my case once, drove me crazy! as rockershive said, just open up the case and just check everything, grad a screwdriver and tighten up everything, make sure everythigs in the right place.
  5. i also join the non-players side, it just can't do it! i try to think of strategies, but then the other people (and computers) will just fins something i didn't! I just dont have the mind for it!
  6. Happy New Year to all! Its a bit late now - but I've been celebrating, still... I spent a quite night at home and watched fireworks on tv with some friends! Had a BBQ and a good night! I hope that everyones 2008 is a great year!
  7. I'm not sure on the ports that you can use to access the mail. You can check whether it is the port that is blocked or not by using command prompt (windows) or your terminal (linux) and entering CONSOLE telnet rcssx.com 25This should check if you can connect to the port, if you cannot connect, you cannot get email from this port. If you can connect, it must be something wrong with the way you are configuring your email client.Maybe a mod or admin will be able to confirm the ports available for accessing mail?
  8. I always thought that it was possible too, but i've never bought credits or need to, so i'm not sure if its ever worked. EDIT: It was mentioned in another topic a while back that you could get extra credits by contacting sales@Xisto.com. It also said that the costs for the credits were as follows:
  9. it looks like your gateway to the US is via NZ. It then gets to a AT&T network in LA and seems to stop there. It looks like the AT&T seems to be having problems.I think the reason proxys are working is because they are using a different connection to the gamma server. as yordan said in the other post there must be a problem with certain networks, their gateways and the routing between networks
  10. You cannot get anything for free (unless its web hosting ). As Jeigh said, we are an oil-centric society and we need the power. We cannot run large cities of the small power we gain from solar and wind power!
  11. by the look of where your trace dies, it looks like there is a problem on the mzima network somewhere near the Los Angeles data center. Your connection goes through San Jose and then to LA then dies. I just checked my trace and it seems to be routing me through the level3.net backbone once it leaves AU and reaches the US. from memory, i think the xisto data center is in LA which means there must be something wrong with that network and the Xisto data centerSten, im assuming your using aapt, but what happens when you do a trace route? What are the hops it takes before it dies?
  12. I only know simple electonics but if you were to put a variable resister inline with the switch, you can then also control the speed at which the fan is running, and then turn it on/off if you want to! this is just an idea, im not sure if it would work - and im not willing to try it on my computer just yet! you could also fork out a few dolars to purchase one of these. It fits into the 3.5" bay on your computer and provides a display of pc temps and controls fan speeds at the same time. Also, the blue light would look nice on any pc have a look at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ for heaps of other solutions!
  13. is everyone that is having problems got a dynamic or static ip address. As saint-michael said, if someone has tried to login multiple times unsuccessfully using a IP address - it may have been blocked. If you have a dynamic ip and you connect to the internet, maybe your picking up a ip address that is blocked, not by you but by someone else maybe!I had this problem a few months back - it sorted itself out a few days later without any intervention on my behalf, nor the isp or xisto. I had all the same problems, couldn't connect, no ping, trace etc etc
  14. there is a heap of posts on the apple forum about this error and so far, none of the apple staff, or anyone at all for that fact have been able to find a solution to this problem! hopefully someone will find one soon!
  15. the speed will be an added bonus when transferring data from computer to usb drives. If they could then make a usb bridge that was usb3 compatible then you could transfer information from computer to computer at those speeds!btw sten, congrats on the 500 posts!
  16. What port are you using to send mail? If you are using port 25, most ISP's block this port (due to obvious reasons) and if you are trying to send mail using that port, it won't work!
  17. thats a damn lot of kids! and they are just at the age where they will be playing games in class and getting distracted (the younger ones that is!) the older kids might actually find that useful, while some mays just play games too!I wonder what specs the machines will be. My guess is a simple dual core, 40gb hard drive, integrated graphics, cd/dvd drive and wlan. Very simple, but I think thats all they would need! but who would say no to a free laptop!
  18. I'm with wutske, the only class i didn't use my laptop in is math. I found is so much easier to just write in down the my book or on paper. Then again, our entire textbook for maths was on the computer - so that could have come in handy!Maybe you could try introducing tablet pc's that will still allow students to 'write' down the stuff like maths and still have a laptop. My old school let us have laptops on the condition that we weren't allowed to connect to the network (virus' and the such!) which was a real pain. We had to use a usb thumb drive every time we wanted to get something from the net or print something on the college network!If the schools are going to supply laptops to students, they should be able to monitor the useage of them as per any other computer. I know that we had the computers totally locked out for limited (student) users which meant they could not change a single setting on the computer. This would be ok for school-issue laptops, but if students bring their own - the school wouldn't be able to do that.Still, I believe that computers for students is going to be the way of the future, we will see eventually every student has their own computer and things learnt in class will be available to the students via a school network. I remember back in the old days (and this is going back many years) in primary school (years 3 and 4) we had a computer lab of about 12 computers for a school of 300 or so students as well as 3 library terminals. Just before i left they had upgraded to a single computer in each classroom (totaling about 30 computers in total). Its amazing how much its changed.
  19. the eternal question that has been answered millions of times It really depends on what your doing in terms of using the computer. Mac has all your video editing, sound editing, picture editing while windows has most of the market and runs the majority of the software on the market - so in other words windows is just good for anything you can't do on a mac! Personally, I can't decide, they both have their upsides, and both have their downsides!
  20. I do it the dodgy way and make my images in adobe fireworks, save them as a png file and then use png2ico (which is a command line application which converts png files to ico files) to make my icons. You can specify all the options on size and quality though the command line and it outputs your icons!
  21. As far as can tell so far is that the website that it is linked to is registered under a hotmail address (very legit), it seems to be a anti autorun application and not an anti virus application as advertised. It doesn't check as a virus with the latest comodo antivirus updates and i have submitted it to comodo for verification.I ran it under visualization and all it seems to do is stop programs on cd and flash drives from autorunning! I'll do some more checking into it when i have more time, but at the moment it just seems like a useless tool!
  22. I use flashget cause its easy to use, nice clean interface and doesn't have any spyware looking addons! for torrents, i use azureus - i think its just cause im used to it and all the advanced features it has. flashget is good for simple downloading but i like tweeking my torrent downloads (especially if they are big) and azureus does this perfectly!
  23. it took me ages to get my site listed on the google indexes, and now its not even anywhere near the top of the listings!
  24. the problem with this is that if people put credits into the bank, they can save up credits, stop posting for ages and still have the same amount of cedits when they left! its ok for non hosted people, but the hosted people would have an advantage!
  25. As I, as well as many others have learnt comodo loves its popups! but you get used to them after a while
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