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Everything posted by jimmy89

  1. i have tried using Windows Media Player and the media player that came with the drivers, neither worked! but i am going to try iTunes and RealPlayer soon to see if they can do anything! the mute button that I have on my computer only changes the mute feature in windows, so its not really a 'physical' mute button!thanks-jimmy
  2. thats very strange. i think its microsoft that is the only OS that releases heaps of patches EVERY week for something thats gone wrong! and then symantec comes out and says that it is the most secure, i think not!and as xboxrulz said, as symantec sells PC software and thats where their market is, thats why they MAY BE biased to Windows cause without them, they would have no customers.
  3. i have also had a similar problem on the same page. but for some reason i only had errors i started this topic on it a while back http://forums.xisto.com/topic/92639-topic/?findpost=
  4. i like this code! its simple and it works well! i use notepad heaps and having to go into the open with menu then select notepad can get annoying after a while! this trick will make it a bit easier to work with!thanks-jimmy
  5. thats some good code, but its just the same as going to and adding the value DisableTaskManager with a value of 1 also, it might be good to add the code to re-enable the task manager in case you actually want to use it! if i understood the code correctly; A = Shell("REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Pol icies\System /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f", vbNormalFocus)then this code should re-enable it! happy coding -jimmy
  6. the sound card is a Realtek AC'97 on board. also if i didn't mention before, this is on a laptop! i have tried installing the drivers that came with the computer (the ones on the install cd), ive tried the chipset drivers (downloaded from the realtek site) and even tried the drivers from windows update. none of these have worked at all!i should also go into more detail about the problem also! the speaker icon in the tray is showing and there is no mute or error symbols either! the mixer is up full 100% and the device is set as 'Speakers (Realtek AC'97 Audio)'. the device manager is not reporting any errors and says 'this device is working properly'.when i attempt to play something (i'll use WMP11 as an example) the program loads, the song starts, the play button turns to the pause button, but nothing happens, no sound and also, the song counter doesn't tick over (as if the song isn't playing) also the scroll bar that follows the song progress isn't moving!thanks for your help so far-jimmy
  7. Hi,I have recently bought the new version windows vista and installed it on my laptop! works great! except for the sound, i cannot get anything to play!!i can install the sound card drivers fine, no problems there, it says everything works. The volume is at 100% and all the program sliders are full too!!but still, nothing plays! whats my problem?thanks for your help-jimmy
  8. firstly i think that there should be some kind of 'game discussion' but nothing about how one game is better then an other! understand the viewpoint that the mods and admins have about useless posts and that it could get hard to keep an eye on and keep 'clean'. i would like to see them continued but without the meaningless and spam posts that litter it now! i also understand how hard this is though!as i understand it, Xisto is the forums for the technical minded people and doesn't have as much 'real life' as the trap forums. if people want to talk about games and why they hate other games so much, they can do it over there (i know how bad that sounds, im not trying to dump all the problems on the trap mods and admins). If Xisto is more a technical forum, then maybe the games sub forums should be about the technical aspects of games!though this is just one mans ideas and thoughts, this is a forum wide problem and everyone needs to have their say. ultimately, it is going to be the admins choice and whatever it is, i will happily support it!-jimmy
  9. yeah, the speakers that I have at the moment are the best that I can afford! which i must say is pretty good, the sound card works great and it sounds excellent!i would suggest this sound card to anyone!
  10. ok, thanks for clearing that up for us!
  11. When in my control panel and i attempt to look at my subscribed topics (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) i load the page and then am faced with a heap of errors that appearing aove the header of the page. they read also, the shoutbox text turns really large (like someone has changed the font size) this is a screenshot of what i saw! the page still worked fine and there was no problems viewing another pages! thanks -jimmy
  12. hi all, thanks for all your replies! i am only now just starting to design the project and get more ideas! the first thing i need to know before i start getting too involved is, what type of database can i use? this project is going to be run off my computer and i am going to be making/building/compiling the project on the same computer. Once the project is finished, it is going to be transfered to a different computer to be marked etc.what i need to know is what type of database can i use on a single computer (a network option i don't think would work) that can work on vb.net 2005 and can be transfered from computer to computer easily (just copying files in one folder and not having to go searching for files all over the computer).Thanks for your help-jimmy
  13. its rather scary that thing kind of thing can happen, and as always trust microsoft to leave a security hole that huge!! still i cant see why you would want to hack an xbox 360! whats the point, unless you wanted saved games or something on the Hard Drive!!this would also mean that all new versions of the console will have the patch pre-applied? hopefully, i am planning to buy one soon!
  14. ive done a similar thing in flash. These simple things are so much fun to make! i once had to make a whole stick animation, its hard work (contrary to popular belief) but its worth it when you play it!
  15. thats always good to know! anything to speed up your computer is nice!also, is this applicable to all versions of windows or only 2k, xp, vista?-jimmy
  16. well i cant say which one is better as not have ever played EternalWars. but, i have played runescape and its pretty good, theres heaps to do and it will keep you entertained for ages.it will be interesting to see what everyone else thinks-jimmy
  17. i have played warcraft 3 for ages and its the best game! but sadly, as far as i know there is no support for it anymore and blizzard is not supporting it anymore. such a shame! and i haven't really fallen for the WoW craze like millions of others!we'll just have to stick to the game we love best!-jimmy
  18. i have a d-link wireless router, the DI-524. its a great little wireless router, great coverage and always reliable. its cheap, it works all the time and does what i need it to!it is only 54mbps, but that is all i need! if you are looking for something a bit faster, you might have to go a different model. though, if all you are doing is surfing the net and downloading some small files, this is still a very viable option. File transfer speeds are good and the connection quality is always strong, even if im on the other side of the house (25 mtrs +) )(thats through walls, concrete etc)I can also suggest the DWL-G122, the USB wireless reciever. it works just as well and can pick up the wireless signals for ages around the router!good luck with your choices-jimmy
  19. well i have had this game for while now and have actually managed to complete the game 100%, yes thats right EVERYTHING! everything, big or small has been done! there is nothing left at all! so now i just drive around doing what ever i want.
  20. this looks like a rather interesting game. all the 'real life' influences would make it a fun game to play. I haven't had time yet to sign up and have a go, but when i do ill get back and tell you how it went!it also looks like a rather popular game, the graphics on the home page showing all the players and their locations looked pretty full, but i have to say there was only one person from Australia (i might have to fix that!!)
  21. i like that idea mark! its simple, easily implemented and can help everyone out! also, if the credit counter was publicly visible (say next to post 1 as mark said) then when members are reading through posts they can see how good a post actually has to be to get a reasonable amount of credits.great idea, keep the ideas coming! hopefully the admins can implement this for us soon!-jimmy
  22. that looks like a great laptop! i wonder what OS it runs, linux, mac or windows? it would be such a shame to have to put vista on something as great as this!i cant wait too see things like this in the shops soon!-jimmy
  23. using windows xp on all the computers, when you connect to the printer windows should automatically install drivers.1. Goto My Computer, Click My Network Places (Explorer Bar).2. Click View Workgroup Computers (Explorer Bar)3. Find the computer that has the printer physically connected to it, open it4. Find the printer and right click it!5 Select Connect... and wait for the drivers to install.this should install the print drivers and install the printer on your computer. the printer should now be available in print dialogs i.e. word etc etc and from the Control Panel > Printers window.tell us how it goes-jimmy
  24. the amount of work you are going to have to do will depend mostly on how many members you have posting, and how many posts you are getting each day. the more posts, the more you have to moderate and the harder it becomes. I would recommend starting of with yourself looking after the forums and as it grows choose some good, reliable members to become mods and help keep an eye on the forum! as WeaponX said, try some free forum boards, like phpBB or SimpleMachines and see how it works and if it works as you want it to! if its all good, then you can think about buying some professional board hosting or buying a board (like Invision Power Board, its great!) and hosting it workself! good luck -jimmy
  25. there is a free pop3 based mail service called bluebottle (https://www.bluebottle.com/). They have a pretty fast and reliable service, and best of all they have anti-spam features. it works like so, you can only receive mail from people that you white list. if they are not on your white list they recieve an email asking to add them. njot too bad, also, you can choose to have a pass code. say your code was 1234, then whenever someone sends you a email they add 1234 to the subject line and it automatically goes through. if you don't like this, you can turn them off totally. they have webmail, pop3, smtp access. you can start with their free account and move up to payed mail if you want. the next version up is has 250mb storage and 20mb attachments for US$9.95 per YEAR!! the premium version has 1GB storage and 30MB attach. all for US$24.95 per YEAR! all in all, a good email provider if your looking for POP / IMAP / SMTP access!
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