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Everything posted by jimmy89

  1. Hi,I have been trying to install adobe photoshop cs3 for a little over a week now. The problem is when I'm installing at the end it says it has successfully installed shared components, but has failed to install photoshop cs3 and shared components.This is really annoying because nothing that I have found on the internet helps. Other people have had the same problem, but thats because they have installed beta versions, which I didn't install! I have tried the CS3 clean-up tool from adobe - that doesn't help either!The only other adobe/macromedia products that I have installed on my computer are Flash/Dreamweaver/Fireworks 8 - and acrobat reader 7.Any help would be greatly appreciated-jimmy
  2. i found a way to save pictures, movies, flash and almost anything embeded in firefox. Go to the tools menu, click page info. Then go to the media tab. There you can find all of the pictures/images, movies, animations etc that are embeded or use by the page. Very useful for saving images, or downloading flash games/moves!-jimmy
  3. but you don't get a 'signal' when you connect a normal LAN card, so I assumed that It was wireless. -jimmy
  4. I have managed to install Mac OSX 10.4.3 (I think) on my desktop. It was ok, but there was plenty of things that didn't work (usb, internet, sound) this list goes on!!And I eventually did the same as ethergeek, just got rid of it! It just wasn't worth it! The only time that it would be useful is if there was possibly no way that you could get your hands on a proper mac and needed to run mac software!Also, its illegal!-jimmy
  5. what type of network card did you get? I assuming that because you said it picked up the signal that it is a wireless network card.The wireless network USB dongle that I have is a DLink and it works get also, and I didn't even have to install drivers, just plugged it in and Windows installed the drivers for me, perfect wireless network!-jimmy
  6. I signed up as a beta tester when i first read this topic in January. And, I have only just been accepted into their Beta program.Its a pretty good program, small download and works well. There is only a few channels, but that might change after the full version is released!So, that means I also have invites, if you're up for one, send me a PM.-jimmy
  7. Another great tool is the JS Minifier that was posted on this board http://forums.xisto.com/topic/92729-topic/?findpost=1064367213 earlier in the year. It basically removes all the whitespaces, which can dramatically reduce your code length. It can be found at http://fmarcia.info/jsmin/test.html Happy Scripting -jimmy
  8. so I have to be running stardock to make it look its best! Do I have to have the full version (the one you have to pay for) or can I be using the free version?
  9. Thats a rather expensive list you've compiled there! May I ask where you found all of them from? I was looking for the Win98 Codename for a friend ages ago (don't ask why he wanted it) and couldn't find a definitive answer anywhere!Cheers-jimmy
  10. Thats a very nice script! There is an endless amount of uses for this type of pop up, as Tavox said, imagine the possibilities!Thanks for sharing it-jimmy
  11. I have attempted to use the transformation pack on a copy of xp and it nothing short of killed my install. It overwrote files left, right and center and corrupted a few files along the way. To have the new UI, I thought it was worth a few small problems - but the end looked nothing like it did in the screenshots.So my advice, use with caution. And, If anyone has been able to install it to look like above, please share how you did it!-jimmy
  12. cool! thanks. I have some good ideas for that font... -jimmy
  13. I have seen copies of old programs all around the Internet, which can be useful sometimes. But I have never seen a collection of them in one place like this before!But because they are old versions of programs, does that still mean that if you had to pay for them when they came out, do you still have to 'pay' for them? Would it be illegal to install them on your computer?-jimmy
  14. Its amazing that there is such a huge hole in their Operating System. Though, most come to expect things like this from microsoft, not something as massive as this!Do you know which versions of Windows does this effect? Only XP, or does it go back a few versions?-jimmy
  15. also, what version of linux are you using? Whats your flavour?
  16. They are very well done, congratulations!just a question, did you use a font to get the writing on the 'crazy corn' sig? if so, what font is it? I could use that on some of the things I am making!Thanks-jimmy
  17. Are you after some help in getting your USB connector to work, or are you just telling everyone that you had to switch back to windows?P.S Are your USB ports recognized by your OS? Nothing plugged in will work till they are recognized!
  18. I have used this program ages ago. From memory, it wasn't to bad and was a bit of fun! Great for novice game makers! I think i still have it on a cd somewhere, might go dig it out now...-jimmy
  19. First step you can take is to change your cPanel password. I am assuming this is the password that has been changed. Goto the link below and follow the prompts. NOTE: This process needs 10 HOSTING CREDITS to complete, which I'm sure is a worthy sacrifice, just make sure you have them! Reset CPanel Password (10 Credits) If you cannot find any other solution, you can terminate your hosting. It will get rid of your site all together, but only use this as a last resort. Terminate Hosting Good Luck -jimmy PS: If anyone is wondering where I got the links from, there in the Free Web Hosting menu at the top of every Xisto page!
  20. Another program that I have been using now, and works very well is called vdownloader. get it for free from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It's very small, and comes zipped and is easy to use 1. Get the watch link from youtube or the video site. 2. Click the download button, and choose the options you want. It will download the video you want and convert it to the format you want. There are 3 formats available (AVI, MPEG and PSP (not sure what that is, might be MP4)) as well as options for video size and bit rate for audio. Its very easy to use, small download, and converts it to easily read formats (no downloading .flv players!) -jimmy
  21. I think I have found a solution on the Zome Alarm website. II found this quote on a few different sites. which I don't think is your problem as you said you are using the Zone Alarm Pro. I suggest going to this website (http://www.zonealarm.com/ and following the steps they say to take in setting up ICS and Zone Alarm. hopefully these steps allow you to use the Internet on your Laptop. If not, my other suggestion is to try opening the ports that ICS uses to share the Internet, which at the moment I cannot find! Anyway, Good Luck -jimmy
  22. Looks good! nice simple idea that has many different uses!i think that the mods and admins could use this for the web hosting sign up, if it could make its own topic in the forums!keep up the good work-jimmy
  23. yeah! thats worked perfectly! Thanks for your help-jimmy
  24. the values that it's coming up with is 1 (total) and 34 (total_pings), which then it evaluates 1 / 34 as 0 and not 0.029 which is what it should be. Is there anyway to stop it rounding the values back to zero?thanks-jimmy
  25. Firstly, congratulations on being able to get the computers to connect!If the connection says that its working, then hopefully it is! If you have shared folders, which XP automatically does check those. Goto My Network Places > View Workgroup Computers (both computers should have the same workgroup) and look for the other computer, click on the computer to view shares.To share the Internet - The broadband is connected via the Local Area Network (LAN) Card. Because it is, you want to share this connection. This is the connection to the Internet, even though it is called the LAN connection. everything that goes through that connection is to and from the internet!depending on the internet browser you are using, you want to set that browser up to automatically detect the connection. this should hopefully allow you to use the Internet on the laptophopefully this sorts it out for you-jimmy
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