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Everything posted by jimmy89

  1. have you tried using the deployment wizard to find which files need to be deployed with it, extracting them then adding them to your install package? if you are making your own installer you could then install those files when you install your program!
  2. i have also had this problem with the sub categories, if anyone knows ow to make them that would be good!also, can someone please explain the cash mod idea! i have read some stuff on it but it still makes no sense! thanks-jimmy
  3. the virtual pc 2004 is now freeware and can be downloaded from the microsoft website. go here http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download or if you want you can also now download the virtual pc 2007 (which is only a beta version at the moment and must be downloaded from microsoft connect!)
  4. it is amazing the advancements that we come made through time. I remember when i first ever got the internet (it was 56.6kbps and it was free (i kid you not!!)) and we had never thought of 11mbps, that wasn't even imaginable! but as Aka_Bar said, leave it to the Japanese to come up with something like that!at the moment internet over a mobile phone is expensive (i remember trying to connect my laptop to the internet through my phone (very expensive journey to say the least!)), but i think as new technology shows up its going to get cheaper!but, if you really wanted some fast mobile phone internet, get yourself a WiFi enabled phone (there are some nokia's that have this) find a WiFi enabled area and surf away, all for the cost of basic internet access (which these days can be rather cheap)still, i think this new phone technology is great! and im sure we will be seeing it soon enough! here in Australia, our largest network has just widely released 3G networks and i don't think we will be upgrading to the TD-CDMA network in anytime soon!
  5. you can also unload your form instead of just hiding it! Private Sub Command1_Clickme.unloadEnd Subshould be enough to properly close the form. there is more on unloading forms and how to do it in this topic >> http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?showtopib.net+unloading when you hide a form you are leaving it in the momory just hidden from the user. now this is ok for smaller applications and you ca get away with it. but if you are making applications that need memory and lots of it, or you are building for computers that may not have much memory, you are going to need the memory that the hidden form is taking! unloading the form takes back this memory and can use it elsewhere. also, the only time visual basic will close the program properly is when all the forms are closed, if you still have open forms (they are hidden but still open!) visual basic will not close the program and it will continue to run! This is not a good thing to get into! it is alright when you are in a debug environment and you can just press the 'stop' button to end debugging! but what happens when there is an end use that loads the program, uses it then closes it, the program is still running in the background, again using memory! hiding forms though can still have its advantages! if you were planning to use information on that form later in your program and didn't want to put them into public variables, then you can leave the form running just to keep the information, then once its been used to moved to a better place, you can close the form. if you do hide forms all the time and want to close a program properly you can use one line of code to close all your hidden forms and end the program. Private Sub Command1_ClickendEnd Sub is all you need to close the program and get rid of all the hidden forms good luck programming -jimmy
  6. the visual studio 2005 professional version comes with animations that have to be installed as a optional item. They include all of the animations that were used in earlier versions of windows and include ones like the file copy dialog, file delete, upload to ftp, download files et etc. They are pretty simple but it that is something you are looking for, they can be useful. because they are so large i cannot post them here on the board, but i will try and put them up on my Xisto site. ill reply again when they are up! the zipped version is rather large (2.03MB) so be warned! also, since you can embed almost any gif animation into a vb form then any animated gif that you come across on the internet you could possibly use. There are many sites (i wont list them now, but do some googling and you'll find some) that give away animations for royalty-free use. but remember, the more animations and pictures that you add to your forms, the slower the form is going to become to load which will in effect slow down your entire application, so use wisely! good luck -jimmy
  7. are you using windows xp? because windows xp has the zero configuration tool you can set up the wireless connection using windows and not the netgerar client, the netgear client doesn't work. I amusing windows 2000 and cannot rely on windows to manage my wireless adapter, i have to use the netgear client!
  8. yeah it does have 5.1 support. one of the reasons i opted for the external soundcard over the internal version was that I needed something that i could move from computer to computer easily and i would also be able to use on my laptop. also, it will make it easier connecting devices, like as you said, i wont have to pull the computer out.
  9. i have tried that and so far i have had no luck. I am going to contact netgear but at the moment their customer support site is down and i cannot contact them!
  10. Hi,I have just reinstalled windows 2k on my laptop and have been trying to connect to my wireless network. I have managed to get the wireless adapter to connect to the computer (it has power and the computer recognizes it) and the software that comes with the card can see the AP. when i try to connect to the AP nothing happens. i am not able to connect to anything, no pings, no network, no internet!the wireless card is a Netgear Wg511v2 and the AP is a D-Link DI-524. Would this be a problem with the software on the computer? i have managed to connect to this same network using the same card using windows xp (using the Zero Config Utility).Thanks-jimmy
  11. also, if it isn't any switches, try connecting a external screen to your laptop to check its the graphics card that doing it!just an idea!
  12. well i have to say its a good site, layout is nice, nice colour choice (its very easy to read) but i must agree with Aka_Bar, do you really need to do it? still, if you want to do it by all means go ahead!one side note, a search feature wouldn't be too bad, for now its ok cause you only have a few links, but when you start getting multiple pages for each topic, searching would be good!anyway, keep you the good work-jimmy
  13. Hey, if you did a search of google you could find some pretty good tutorials and articles on vb.net. my favourite is dev articles. there vb.net tutorials is not as such projects that you can do but tutorials on how to do things in vb.net. there website is https://www.devarticles.com/c/b/VB.Net/ if you wanted to go have a look. also, http://www.homeandlearn.co.uk/NET/vbNet.html have some pretty good beginner tutorials (making forms, logic, loops, arrays etc etc). heaps of stuff! good if your just starting out, or even if your advanced and need to know something! they have code examples and its pretty easy to understand good luck and happy programming -jimmy
  14. it will also depend how secure you want this to be, i found a script on the internet that can be used to get people to login and logout. if is very simple and does NOT offer any type of real security. the passwords and user names and not encrypted and are written in plain english! still, if you wanted something basic and simple, thats always good!i cannot remember the website that i got it from, but ill have a look for it (its on my comp somewhere!!!) and post it if i find it!Good Luck-jimmy
  15. this sounds like a really good program! your review was also excellent, after reading this i have no downloaded the program just to see whats its like! and its not bad, great features and your right about the ftp module, if only!!! otherwise its great!
  16. i don't think that would be able to create such a thing. if they are trying to create a tv 'channel' then that would mean 24/7 they would be broadcasting youtube movies. how are they going to find movies of good quality that they could broadcast?maybe if they wanted to make a tv show, that was on some channel, just for a half hour, something that showed a particular theme (like funny movies/clips) for a while. but they would have a real problem having to find movies/clips that were of good quality and could be showed on tv (you cant really show some movies that ive seen on there on tv!!!)besides, they already have all of the movies and tehy can show them where ever and how ever they want, cause as soon as your videos on their site, its theirs! still, its an interesting idea but i dont think it will go ahead.
  17. yeah im not looking for something to do really serious work but just games and music! also, it says that it is able to record from old tapes and records through a connection and has some kind of filter that can fix the quality! is this good is is it just another fancy feature?Thanks!!
  18. i own the sony erricson k800i. great phone! anyway, using the usb cable that comes with it i can hook the phone up to my computer. then i can do all stuff like get messages pictures as well as get the internet through the phone. now the 6800i has 3g so the internet is of an ok speed, anything less then 3g would be rather slow.also the other factor is money, surfing the internet using your phone could be expensive, much more expensive then paying for dial-up or broadband! anyway, thats just a suggestion!
  19. I have been looking to purchase a Soundblaster Live! 24-bit External Soundcard. What do other people think of it? is it good? is it worth the money? if you dont think its good, any recommedations?
  20. i have tried this code but now i get a different error. it now says no such file or directory. [root@james-laptop ndiswrapper-1.34rc2]# ./ndiswrapper -i Wg511v2.INFbash: ./ndiswrapper: No such file or directory thanks!
  21. I can still surf the net and copy fiels from computer to computer well its just that the range is not the best. i think that if i went and got a pcmcia card or usb dongle that was the same brand as the AC then i might be able to get better reception! i'll give it a try and see what happens!
  22. well i have been running fedora core 6 on my laptop since it came out and before that i had fedora core 5. its a great operating system!! both have seemed to run on my latop very well. i have been running it on my main system for ages before i put it on the laptop, and i think the onyl reason that i out it on the laptop was it worked so well in my desktop!my laptop isn't the greatest of machines (256mb memory shared graphics, 40gb hard drive, amd sempron mobile 3000+) but it still runs fedora well.the only thing that wont work on my laptop is the wireless network card, but that was no suprise to me anyway!
  23. Hi, I have been trying to install my wireless pcmcia card onto fedora core 6. to do this i have been trying to use ndiswrapper https://sourceforge.net/projects/ndiswrapper/ but with no luck. i am using ndiswrapper-1.34 and i keep running into some problems. I can successfully complete the make distclean, make and make install (root) commands and they work without a problem. It is only when i try to enter the command ndiswrapper -i filename.inf (replacing filename.inf with the .inf file of my pc card) i get the following error i have copied the files to my home directroy (/home/james/ndiswrapper-1.34) and have copied the .inf and .sys files there too. But still i keep getting this error! does anyone know whats happening to cause this error? Thanks
  24. well my pcmcia card that i tried on my laptop was a netgear and it didn't seem to work at all! i had very bad range and the signal strength kept cutting in and out. Windows seemed to say that i only had 1 or 2 bars of reception, but the netgear client said that it was around 50% plus most of the time, and im not sure which one i should have been following. Fedora Core said that the signal strength ranged from mid 40% to around 60%. this reception was only about 10 meters away from the actual wireless router!
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