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Everything posted by Imtay22

  1. Welcome, Joker! ! Nice to see you've come to use Xisto as your webhost! Xisto is one of the best webhosts around. Just read the links below and get started! Please take time to Read the Rules, Xisto Readme, and FAQ located inside the readme. Hope you enjoy your stay at the Xisto forums! And if you may need any assistance, feel free to PM me! Thanks and welcome!
  2. Imtay22


    Welcome, abyx! Nice to see you've come to use Xisto as your webhost! Xisto has a great communtiy, lots of nice people here. Hope you enjoy your web-hosting! And don't forget to read below! Please take time to Read the Rules, Xisto Readme, and FAQ located inside the readme. Hope you enjoy your stay at the Xisto forums! And if you may need any assistance, feel free to PM me! Thanks and welcome!
  3. Great, I never really understood tables at all! Bye, tables! I won't use you, except for MySQL stuff. Thanks you!
  4. Aww man, sorry, dude. I will tell my parents about this and have them get checked, whether they want to or not. I will send my prayers to your family. Sorry.
  5. Made it today. Its a Green Day one that I used some splatter brushes with a logo. The title that says "Green Day" is from a band-name brush set. I like it.
  6. Use SSL and PHP Sessions. Just search "php sessions" and "apache ssl" and you should come up with what you are looking for. Hope I could help!
  7. Welcome, MattJoseph! Nice to see you've come to use Xisto as your webhost! You're one of the younger Trappers. Just read around the forum, and the paragraph below! Please take time to Read the Rules, Xisto Readme, and FAQ located inside the readme. Hope you enjoy your stay at the Xisto forums! And if you may need any assistance, feel free to PM me! Thanks and welcome!
  8. Happy Birthday!

  9. Okay that's it, S&M! Thanks! I will test this out now. Will post back if I need help.
  10. Thats a nice script I like it. THe google custom search is for me, though.
  11. Wow. That was a great tutorial. Now for the text. I agree with that S&M guy, the blending is not at it's best. How 'bout next you make a tutorial on some great text, if you are from a "great place" . The size could be bigger, but that's just what I think. G' night!
  12. I am making a script in php, and for it I need to know how to make a random 7 digit code. I think it has something to do with md5, but i am not sure. Thanks!EDIT- Can someone please change the title to "How to make a random 7 digit code in php?" Thanks!
  13. How do you all like phpbb3? I downloaded it and i am going to upload it soon. So, what are the pros and cons about this forum software? Admin CP? The one thing I would like is custom BBCode. Does it have that?
  14. Yay! Happy birthday! so old, but then so new. I think I can still post, but yay Xisto is three! Bye!
  15. I will get mine in asap. Using the gimp.
  16. Agreed with above post. Who could really ever use over 2.5 gigs of space for emails? GMail's just fine, more space that I could ever use!
  17. I might go see this movie tomorrow. I am waiting for the new Fantastic 4 movie to come out! Now that sounds like a good movie!
  18. Welcome back! Hope to see you 'round often! Get those hosting credits back up so I can see your site! Happy Saturday!
  19. Imtay22


    Welcome, gdinod! Nice to see you've come to use Xisto as your webhost! Xisto is a great web host, and they have great service! Please take time to Read the Rules, Xisto Readme, and FAQ located inside the readme. Hope you enjoy your stay at the Xisto forums! And if you may need any assistance, feel free to PM me! Thanks and welcome!
  20. Okay thanks! I can do stuff with web design. Again, if you need any help, just pm me here or there! Happy Saturday!
  21. Nice site! I joined just know on the forums so if you need any help just pm me her or there! SO web-hosting templates- or actual web hosting? If it's real web- hosting, I can help with that. I am an okay graphics designer.PS- Part four of RuneScape server guide?
  22. I am trying to get into my router. I don't know what user and pass to use for this because I tried "admin" with pass "admin" and "admin" with pass 'password". Now what? I think I have a pretty out-dated router. Can anyone help? Thanks!~
  23. Thanks, I'm making a RSPS right now, and I am trying to get into my router. I tried the normal usernames and passwords, but they don't work. If you could help that would be great! Router- Thanks!
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