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electriic ink

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Everything posted by electriic ink

  1. Today whilst buying lunch, I went up to the school canteen and read what I could order. About 3rd on the list was Italian Pasta which nearly made me laugh. What about you, have you ever read some stupid things?
  2. Hi everybody. What group do you belong to? You can tell which one you are because somewhere underneath your username it says Group: and that is what group you belong to. When you found out vote and post and reply
  3. So using shtml you can using ssi (server side includes)
  4. This to some may seem like a simple and obvious question, but is there a difference between what you can code in shtml and what you code in html or are they the same. Is it just a different extension for html programming like htm?
  5. Hi SystemWisdom and welcome to the forums Yeah, I believe I've challenged you a few times there and won You'll have to do a lot to beat me! Try and win Have a good stay and stay active.
  6. Bandwidth is the amount of data opened on a particular website. Say John opened 20kb from example.com then John would have used up 20kb of example.com 's bandwidth. Then if Becky opens 30kb from example.com then she's used up 30 kb of example.com 's bandwidth. Together they used up 50kb. ---------- That's quite simple. Now... John opens a page from domain.com which is 5kb big. In this are lots of examples of the code <script src="code.js"> </script> and <embed src="flash.swf"> </embed> There are 3 js files and 4 flash files which together have a total size of 500kb. When someone opens up the page they'll be using 505kb of bandwidth. ---------- Flora opens up the page mark.trap17.com/mark2/ which is 3kb big. In this page there is one external (outside) .js link. When she opens the page she only uses 3kb of your bandwidth as that javascript file is not on your site. ---------- The bandwidth used on your site is the amount of data opened on a your site.
  7. I turn my computer off whenever I leave it for 30 minutes, which is quite a short time for some peoples standards. If they can cope with 40,000 on/off cycles then why not just go Start --> Turn Off Computer --> Turn Off. If your not lazy enough to type that message then surely you can click your mouse three times
  8. A found a way to view the posts for that forum. Click here I'm looking at them now. They are real. People have posted there.
  9. I don't think that that's the right explantion for two reasons:[+] I'm not hosted[+] That was posted on March the 18th and only noticed it today! I could be blind though -_-If that is the correct explanation, do I need to worry about this and can an moderator please clarify this, thank you.
  10. I'd play more sport and maybe watch more TV which may not be as rubbish as it is now. Who knows? It's influenced my life in so many ways it would probably be different. I would have a different attitude towards everything. Wow ... great topic
  11. Not with ps1 disks but with the ps2 disks themselves! Once you've played the disk lots of times and have advanced very far the disks don't read but you can't find anything wrong with them! It only happens with the games I like and all never with the ones I hate. I can those as many times as I want but they don't break.Weird really!
  12. Today, I've noticed a little symbol next to my name which says Warn: (0%) and then a progress bar next to it. I presume it's for telling people whether they've got any warning but there must be something more like at 100% your account gets terminated so can anyone direct me to any links or give me a guide about this new systemThanks ///
  13. Welcome back luke! Hope you stay for a long and pleasent time How many credits did you have when you came back? Glad you appreciate its advances
  14. Well then, know any other website's for screenshots?
  15. Wait just refreshing the home page ... wow 92.64 credits I can take about 2.5 months off and still be able to request hosting! no9t9, you actually had 7 month's worth
  16. Only some parts. Going into forums and constantly watching peoples incorekt langweg, gramer 'n' spelin aswel a forem abreeviashons must have some affect on how you spell and think. Say your 12 and your living with someone who doesn't know langauge very well and that someone is trying to teach you your language their way, after 4 months or so your language will alter slightly and keep on parting with your real home language. Forums are just the same.
  17. I've just registered there as cmatcme_forum_test and you can't post any topics or read the posts. Maybe it was the old url for the forums. OpaQue?
  18. Very weird There's 152 pages worth of posts but I can't see them. I can't login either. Maybe it's Xisto's backup copy of the recent posts or a moderator's forum?
  19. There is only a God if you believe and science says we are the result of an explosion.Which would you rather be?---- Crafted caringly and made to believe your special---- Some accident that happened and be result of an explosionLife has hard choices!Why did you just quote all of your previous post for the sake of one link?
  20. Maybe the Chinese are stopped from registering because that's the free hosting company's main customer and if they let them register the company will close.
  21. I chose fast food because there's nothing like a meal at McDonalds and Burger King once a month, that's why I never get bored of it, I only permit myself one a month. I know its unhealthy but who cares?
  22. Something similar was discussed over here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/20912-css-design-custom-css-for-this-site/
  23. I'd like to travel in my own private helicopter, but we haven't got one so I have to walk or go by car
  24. Yes, they just said and if would be a pretty dumb language if it didn't Doesn't the Xisto shoutbox use refresh and it does refresh. Yes Xisto. It would hard to work it out though because you don't see it in the view source. Even if it doesn't there has to be some website which uses php refresh. We're not talking about meta redirect, we're talking about php refresh. If may not work 100% of the time but it will work more often than the other methods. Anyway isn't the point of obtaining a server sided langauge to use it?
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