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electriic ink

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Everything posted by electriic ink

  1. I don't know - you have multiple service so if I were to write a description of your site it would be: { Design and hosting for web developers providing an adequate level of entertainment } And if I were to vote in the poll, I'd vote for the last 3 options cmatcme
  2. Well, since then I've updated the graphics and tried to make it more obvious on how to open the navigation system. Google seems to approve of my sites more now that I have worked on it. I decided not to update the navigation systems on the old part of my site and have left that desolate and have told viewers I am doing so. I am trying to encourage the visitors to go the my new site entitled xtra by displaying popups when people load and unload the site and get people to laod the popup voluntarily by having a link entitled "Please regard this advertisement". On my new site, which is called cmatcmextra, I have set out a definite colour scheme and opened up my language use to asp aswell as javascript. I have made it password protected for my sakes and try to update it regulary, atleast twice a week. I have a poll on my site so I can make my content related to what viewers fancy, also I've heard that it encourages viewers to come back (if it's a good site they'll wish to see the results. I've tried to keep excessive advertising down but enlisted some help from help from other companies for free who only required a small text link, anywhere on the page. Finally, I've tried to keep images down to a minimum for page speed and simplicity which I consider bliss. Not bad for a hobby site and for two and a half months, eh? Anyway, what do you think? All these link to my site: -Number 1 -Number 2 -Number 3
  3. I like and have voted for /page.php ŚŚ /index.php has too much decoration and makes the text hard to read. /homepage.php is plainer. Decoration rules, but over-decoration make a page look over-decorative I don't know how the frontpage theme fits in with the rest of site. Consistency is just as important as decoration. If you whole site ends up being designed like /index.php, you'll lose yourself many customers because their eyes will go funny as they cannot read the text. You may have visually impaired customers who will go off the site straight away. That's a no! Through the results of your poll decide between /homepage.php and /page.php due to the outlined reasons. The voters may have just took a look at /index.php and thought "Hey these graphics look nice" and voted for that. If you've just ignored what I just said at least remember, a customer is everyone. He can have a slightest disability which will make such a difference to your site. cmatcmextra PS I rewrote it because I confused /index.php with /homepage.php. Sorry Is there an edit button? Notice from serverph: no edit button for regular members, sorry. but i already deleted your earlier post and left this rewrite you did.
  4. Can never connect with any msn application.
  5. I've been away for quite a while but have returned now. with it I bring a tutorial I call A Complete Guide To Tables. If I miss anything out feel free to add anything else: --------------------- Tutorial Start --------------------- Why? Why are they used? Why?! Tables are used every you go for organizing pictures and informtaion. Tables are used in search engines, games websites and this site too! They are used even without you knowing. Why do so many people use them? Because their so universal. You can use them to specifically align any given data, be it a falsh movie an image, text or even a combination of everything. The Tags <table> The very beginning of your table. All tables must begin with this. <caption> Displays a small caption above the main part of the table <th> Usually in bold and has a special background colour. This is the table header. <tr> Begin a new table row. <td> This is where you store the core information of your table. It stands for table data. New Tags <thead> and <tbody> Recently these two new tags have been to the table system. They provide a 3D look to your table :: or so I was told! Ending </caption> </th> </td> </tr> </thead> </tbody> </table> These tags, just like most end html tags, have a forward slash after them to demonstrate they're ending something. What's after the forward slash shows what it ends. It is good practice to do this as it cleans up your code. If you wish to point out errors and clean up code, click here. Properties of The Tags About Properties Properties of the tags are things that are permitted inside the tags like in <a href="website.html"> The href is the property. I've heard some people call them attributes. The Properties <table> the properties here, to my knowledge are border, bgcolor, cellspacing, cellpadding, align, height, width And these same attributes can be applied to all of the aforementioned tags. Remember ~ Close Of All Tags With </ > ~ This is not a full tutorial Recommended Links Of course I had to learn of this from somewhere (though I'd like to think I was born natural) so I rounded up some useful links to extend your knowledge ~ So, You Want To Create A Table, Huh? Source: HTML Goodies ~ HTML Tables Source: W3Schools ~ Google Search: create html tables Source: Google --------------------- Tutorial End --------------------- Thanks For Paying Attention. Feel Free To Add More cmatcmextra
  6. Here are some things you can do with anchor tags:************* To link the another website: <a href="http://example.com/; name="Example" title="Example"> ************** To link to another webpage on your website: <a href="example.html"> Takes you to example.html in the same directory that you are in. <a href="/example/example.html"> The / after your first speech mark takes you to your first directory. It then says to take you example.html which is in directory example! *************** OK this looks a bit tricky but it's effective: <a href="example.html" onMouseOver="window.status='Mouse Over'; return true" onMouseOut="window.status='MouseOut';"> What it does is when you place your mouse over the link, the status bar - the bar which usually says Done when a page loads - displays Mouse Over and as it suggests when you place your mouse out, the status bar displays MouseOut. **************** Other cool things to do with anchor tags: <a onMouseOver="window.location='jk.html';"> Takes you to jk.html when you place your mouse over the link <a onMouseOver="window.alert('Lok')"> Displays an alert window when you place your mouse over the link. ***************** Other onMouse functions onMouseWheel - Some mice have wheels, when that is rolled the function takes place. onMouseClick - When the mouse is clicked on the link onMouseDown - When the mouse is pushed down not clicked EXAMPLE: <a onMouseWheel="window.alert('Luck')">Lucky</a> Displays an alert with Luck in it when the mouse wheel is rolled over link Lucky ************** Other pointers: Close off all anchor (a) tags with "</a>" Href stands for hyperlink reference. The onMouse functions will only work if the user has javascript. *************** Just trying to help / CMATCME
  7. I wish IE had a function like thatMicrosft :tut:
  8. And people still keep diaries now-a-days?I thought people thought that they were just a chore at the end the day, but obviously I was wrong.IF I kept a diary I personally would've thrown it out by now, purely because I hated my past!
  9. Hi Amby, Unlike you I hate art aswell as Biology and French. Well. If you're looking for something to do, come visit my latest discussion: The Meaning Of Life
  10. Are you allowed to debate about that? I have never tried utilising a Machintosh but I've hear lots of great parodies over them. Here's one I'll think you'll find entertaining. It's about a guy who stutters over his words MP3 is about 620KB in size May contain abusive language
  11. What do you think the meaning of life is?-----------------------------------------------What is the point of life? You get born. Then you have to work go to school, college, university for 60 years of your life. Then, when your too old to be "useful" you get send to some care home for 20 years to sit around and be bored. That's what I understand.Anybody here disagree?
  12. My desktop is nice and tidy and is part of a volcano theme I downloaded off the net! Just click here 88KB
  13. Truly amazing how he got the windows to interact with eachother and them to resize on cue is amazing. I gonna use that code (if I can find it) on my site!
  14. Thanks for the advice. I tried it. It didn't work but considering that, maybe its because I have dialup that I cannot access the hosting.Do you have dialup and have you acessed the cpanel.I'm beginning to think that maybe when I posted there was an error in the processing. Maybe it could be possible to reprocess the account and see if that works.
  15. No no no. I went on to the page http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and before I could do anything whatsoever, no information displayed; just CANNOT FIND SERVER.
  16. When I viewed this message it didn't look double-posted. Thanks for your advice but it's still down. Can you visit my control panel and see what comes up. I tried accessing someone elses cpanel too and it also comes up with CANNOT FIND SERVER. Does this mean some of the javascript used on the page {if any} I am ineligable to use or have not the appropiate settings?
  17. Don't feel left out or unique. I have an immediate dislike for anyone who smokes smells of smoke etc. I have not told anyone that before.No offense to anyone who does though/FEEL FREE TO ADD REPUTATION.I'M A REPUTABLE PERSON!
  18. My website is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and my control panel for that website (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) brings up a deadly error. CANNOT FIND SERVER. For those users out there and for admin experienced with Xisto hosting, is this a common error. I processed my site at 14:50 UT, about 40 minutes before this post. Is that the cause of the problem? Help/ A CMATCMEXTRA IN TROUBLE/
  19. I have been an active member for up to 10 minutes now and every time I refresh reload the cpanel of my website there's a cannot find server error. Everything else seems to have worked. Am I being too impatient?
  20. Cool!So a guess they tracked down and deleted all holders of the code. I'd like to see what it looked like!!
  21. I would play Geri Halliwell's It's Raining Men. It would brighten everyone up, depending on whether they see the men as happy living or dead corpses!!!
  22. The last movie I saw was on DVD and that was Shrek 2 about a week ago. / This week I hope to see Oceans 12, rated (in the papers) /
  23. Vote for your favourite artist. These are a selection of British artists I randomly picked out of my head. Old ones too. Lest we forget the past, the future moves;If we forget the past, the future moves still.
  24. I'm listening to Life For A Rent. I do have good music tastes. I have also listened to Just Lose It -- Eminem
  25. How many songs can you write down in a reply in one minute?Do the test and write them down here:Life For A RentWhat You Waiting For?Boulevard Of Broken DreamsUptown GirlAmerican IdiotLose YourselfWithout MeJust Lose ItLike Toy SoldiersRosesNot really very good is it? But when I rushed of time my mind goes blank. How many of you are like that.Now I'm going to vote in the poll.
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