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Everything posted by vizskywalker

  1. CompJoe, there is a difference between running an OS on an x86 and running an OS on an emulated Mac on an x86. PearPC runs MacOSX on a Mac that is emulated on an x86, so all instructions go to Pear and are deciphered into x86 Instructions first. What these guys did, and people are hoping to be able to do, is actually install MacOS as the only operating system on the computer.~Viz
  2. This is going to make me sound like a neb, but what do you mean by Does this mean that most hackers get in by simply creating a cookie on their home computer so that they don't have to spoof the login script? And I thought cookies and sesions were two different things? So jip, could you please explain what exactly a Session ID is there, would it be creating a PHP session and cookies? Also, as far as MD5ing the password, it would be better to store the password in the database in an MD5 hash, otherwise, all some has to do to find out the password is get viewing priveleges of the database. ~Viz
  3. Or, here's another way: get your site popular enough that it deserves to last forever. Set up Google ads on your site or a pay per impression ad system, have it pay to a pay-pal account. Set up your webhoster and domain registrar to be paid automatically with pay-pal. Then, as long as pay-pal exists, your site will stay up.Or, better yet, simply create a business or organization around your website and have a position of webmaster.~VizEDIT: It seems ironic that DA was concerned about losing hosting, yet made moon mad enough to get permanently banned and lose hosting. However, this topic has become a breeding ground for ideas of how to create posthumous hosting situations.
  4. Astahost and Xisto are both forum based webhosting. This means that you must stay active in the forum to keep your site going. It is not impossible to rack up time, microscopic^earthling already has over one year, maybe two by now, of credits. If, and yes, when, you die, your hosting will eventually be taken down unless you have someone post in your name, maybe you could leave your username and password in your will and make upholding the site a condition of inheritance. If you want a more permanent solution, create your own server. All hosting, paid or free, will end when you die because the company will stop receiving your money, except for small time companies that place ads on your site and offer minimal hosting. No you cannot get more permanent hosting for ads, if ads on your site could generate that much money for it to be worth it, you could place ads and buy hosting to get more permanence. Yes administrators and moderators must follow the same credit rules as everyone, and, on any forum, asking to be made staff is almost a guarantee that you won't be.~Viz
  5. If you click on your name in any post, a page appears with a link saying "Find Members Posts." Clicking that link will show you every post you made (or at least the recent ones).~Viz
  6. Knowing Microsoft, what will probably happen is one of three things.The least likely is that Microsoft will capitulate and the issue will be resolved.The next least likely is that there will be OpenGL compatible drivers written by the hardware manufacturers that either a) allow full OpenGL and DirectX support or OpenGL will be added to the cards directly and achieved through BIOS calls, which is slow, but not as slow as translating OpenGL into DirectX.The most probable resolution is that Vista will be released without OpenGL support, but a later update or Service Pack will add support in.Just my two cents, but looking at Microsoft's history with similar problems, I feel it is semi-accurate.Personally, I like OpenGL and ma currently working on a programming language that allows for direct calls to both OpenGL and DirectX without requiring an external library, so this new tact by Microsoft really makes me mad.~Viz
  7. Actually, dreedom of speech says nothing about allowing others to share files across the internet. That freedom in and of itself gives one, and only one, freedom: the freedom to say what you want. It has been expanded through court cases to be the freedom to write and state in anyway that does not infringe on the rights of others whatever opinion you have. Illegally sharing copyrighted material infringes on the rights of copyright holders, which is where the issue arrises from.~Viz
  8. Yay, another assembly programmer! How much assembly do you know, shadowatasta? (Cool nickname too )~Viz
  9. I understand what it is, it is a rundown on various methods of incrementing values and how long they take. It seems to be doing so in batch scripting, perhaps we should ove it there?~Viz
  10. I alternate between Eclipse and Notepad. I haven't ried Netbeans yet. I like Eclipse for many reasons, but as you can tell from my frequent use of Notepad, basically I like IDEs because of the color coding. And don't laugh at notepad, it's the only IDE that works equally well for all languages. ~Viz
  11. Since the script is executed by the server at command and with certain input from the client (usually), I believe that all variables, files, etc. are read at run time, especially since they may change. But when MasterComputers gets on he will definitely have the answer.~Viz
  12. There are two main differences between Windows XP 64bit and Windows XP 32bit.1) It only runs on a 64bit processor, so most people cannot upgrade to it.2) Very few applications run on it.XP 64bit was eventually designed to solve a catch-22 with Intel. Intel was refusing to make a 64bit processor until there was a 64bit Windows because there would be no large OS to run on it. Windows refused to make a 64bit OS until there was a 64bit Intel chip because most computers that run Windows still use Intel. Eventually, both companies realized they needed to breach the 64bit world, so as a compromise, Windows converted XP into a crummy 64bit so Intel would make 64bit chips. The real 64bit Windows is Longhorn, which should be coming out in less than a year.~Viz
  13. Yes, there are some books you can just buy from the bookstore and read, but my suggestion is to simply do a web search for tutorials on the language you want to learn, and ask questions here.~Viz
  14. I'm sorry to see you go, GM, you've been a great asset both here and at trap. It's nice to know that the only reson you're leaving is becuase you needed more, and it's also nice to know we are still able to provide it. And I'm going ot enjoy playing with and against you at IPB. I look forward to when you pop in to say hi.~Viz
  15. Both PHP and CGI (when done in perl) have enough functionality for a simple members page where the members data is kept in a .txt style file. If you want to use a database such as MySQL, then it becomes a lot easier to use PHP, however, for some other databases, it is still just as easy in perl. Whic you use is entirely up to you, I've done both.~Viz
  16. Wow, basically my qusetion from three years ago. When I was at tripod.com for hosting (which in no way compares to Xisto), they only allowed cgi to be done via perl, and that was the only cgi they would allow. PHP scripts were also not allowed. As to your question, yes, this method works exceptionally well. Using cookies ha the added benefit that users may not have to resign in every time they want to access the page. Another way, and I'm not going to sya either is better, is to use php sessions, which I believe are more temporary than cookies. PHP also has cookie capability, but I think your method lends itself well to perl, and you shouldn't learn php just for that, although php is an excellent language.A word of advice: don't use the cgi.pm module to set and check cookies. It is overly clunky and cookies are easy enough to deal with anyway. If you have any cookie questions in perl, I can answer them easily, and I even have a login perl page that I can let you look at.~Viz
  17. For any languages that relate well to the internet, such as scripting languages and java, I find that pageresource.com offers excellent tutorials. To get started, I recommend the first to links on its java pages. They got me started and were easy to follow as well. I also give my vote to the sun tutorial, and you can find it through pageresource as well.~Viz
  18. Could you either post the script here so I can a) test it myself, and check it out, or PM it to me if it is too large to post (more than maybe 50 or so lines tops). I promise to try and help to the best of my ability.~Viz
  19. For a free compiler, you can't get much better than dev c++. As far as advanced tutorials, it depends on where you want to branch into. For example, if you want to make games, I'd recommend gamedev.net ~Viz
  20. Absolutely. Depending on how the partitioning is handled it could easily overwrite the MBR to remove the Windows 2000 section as bootible. Or even worse, it may extend the partition table to cover the first bytes of the Windows Partition. It may also harm the Server 2003 partition.On the bright side, there are partition utilities that can partition off unused disk space on another artition safely, such as the free Partition Druid that comes with Fedora Linux, a free download. And Partition Druid can be used from the disk in windows so you don't have to install Linux.~Viz
  21. Could you be more specific? Is this multiple file loads in the same script? Also, how much RAM do you have? I have an idea as to why this may be occuring but I need those pieces of information to help.~Viz
  22. Jedipi, I believe the moderators discussed this in Staff forum. One of us (not me, please don't shoot the messenger) accidentally placed you on permanent approval for all of your posts. For some reason the method of removing it does not seem to be working. We are trying to fix this problem, but until then please be patient with us.~Viz
  23. The reason that MacOSX is more stable is it better coders working on it who fixed bugs before release, and the reason it has fewer viruses is not because it has fewer holes, but virus writers write for the largest market, which is still windows. The X86 version will also soon become an official release because Apple computers are now being built with Intel chips. However, MacOS will not install on these X86 machines unless it detectes other apple hardware.~Viz
  24. Good liquid cooling systems are quiet, and cool as well as up to 5 fans. However, they are more prone to breaking down than fans because in reality they are still a fledgling technology, but the better ones (which are expensive) whould be fine.~Viz
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