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Everything posted by vizskywalker

  1. Okay, first of all, Sunblind is only half right. Echo is a very special command in php and has three main forms: 1) echo(); 2) echo""; 3) echo <<<END END; The third is for large blocks of html code so except for needing a space between <?php and echo and between <<<END and <html> nothing is wrong with the first line. However, you do need an <html> tag before your <head> tag as well as after the last html statement. Second major issue, once you invoke the php compiler with the <?php tag, you cannot reopen it. The way to add your php statements is not by adding (for example) <?php include("menu.php"); ?> but by closing the echo and simply adding the php code like so: END;include("menu.php"); Then to reopen a large echo, create a large echo block the same way you did the first time but instead of making the ending word END make it something else, like ENDHTML. Then, after your </body> tag place an </html> tag and on the next line write ENDHTML; and on the last line use the tag to close the php compiler: ?> Because most of your code is html, you could do what Sunblind said, and instead of echoing the html, simply write the html and where you want the php code, invoke the compiler the same way you tried to do in your code. Also, be sure you save the page with a .php extension or everything will be treated as html code, not php code. If any of this confuses you, be sure to ask more questions. ~Viz
  2. Just because the author of some content has been dead for 50 years, don't assume that the content is not covered by copyight. The ability to copyright a document can be passed on through a will, and many times if the content was pulished with a company that company may hold a copyright on it.~Viz
  3. Gaah, problem overload, brain dead *sound effect :kaboom* . Okay, now that I have no brain power, I'll tackle these miniscule bites of a problem .First and formost: I hate wireless in every aspect, and I mean every, but slightly less so for inernet.With that said, I'm going to tackle your problems in reverse(ish?) order.First, if you are used to a querty keyboard, I would stick with it. Querty was designed for very good reason, and it has stuck around so long because it works so well. The only substitue in my opinion for wuerty is dvorak, which is for left handed people (I think).Leaving the mouse out of the set should work, the set would simply act like the mouse is never moved. Meanwhile, Windows will look to the active mouse driver for mouse input. Since Windows is using to different drivers, and I/O software polls drivers and uses them, there should be no conflit in the various devices.Sidenote: Logitech is my favorite I/o company because they realize not eveyrone is a tech wiz. They make drivers for all platforms, and they have a great knowledge base, and each of their products does what it is supposed to, with no hidden requirements ie. in a set the whole set must be there.~Viz
  4. There is also another method very similar to vujsa's that you can use. First of all, all php code begins with <?php and ends with ?> . The echo() command (which can be used with quotes instead of paranthesis) outputs text and html. If you place <<<END immediately after the echo tag you do not need to place quotes after echo and do not need to worry about palcing quotes in your html document, which you do if you place quotes after the echo function. Then, after you finish your html, place END; to end the echo command. It would look like this: <?phpecho <<<END<head><style>input { border: 1px solid orange; font-family: tahoma; font-size: 9pt; color: white; background: EE6006; }textarea { border: 1px solid orange; font-family: tahoma; font-size: 9pt; color: white; background: EE6006; }</style><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1252\"><meta name=\"GENERATOR\" content=\"Microsoft FrontPage 4.0\"><meta name=\"ProgId\" content=\"FrontPage.Editor.Document\"><title> title title</title><style type=\"text/css\">A:link{color:8560A8; text-decoration:none;font-weight:bold;cursor:\"nw-resize\"}A:visited{color:8560A8;text-decoration:none;font-weight:bold}A:Hover { text-decoration: underline; text-decoration:;background-color:7CC576; font-weight:bold; CURSOR:crosshair;}</style><style>body { scrollbar-face-color: #000000;scrollbar-highlight-color: #000000;scrollbar-shadow-color: #000000;scrollbar-3dlight-color: #000000;scrollbar-arrow-color: #000000;}</style><style type=\"text/css\">BODY, TR, TD { font-family:tahoma; font-color:7CC576; font-size: 8pt;text-align:; font-weight:normal; color:"7CC576"; }</style><META HTTP-EQUIV=\"imagetoolbar\" CONTENT=\"no\"></head><body bgcolor=\"black\" topmargin=\"0\" leftmargin=\"0\"><div style=\"position:absolute;left:2;top:2;width:370px;\"><img src=\"img1.jpg\"></div><div style=\"position:absolute;left:372;top:20;width:340px;\"><center> blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah <br><br><img src=\"img2.jpg\">For general inquiries, feel free to <a href=\"mailto:mail@mail.com\">contact me.</a></div><div layer=\"1\" style=\"position:absolute;left:17;top:70;\"><IFRAME name=\"_blank\" src=\"middle.htm\" frameBorder=0 width=338 height=320 style=\"border: 1pt solid black;\"></IFRAME></div><div style=\"position:absolute;left:0;top:0;\"></body>END;?>
  5. My main reason for disliking C++ is that it has no built in graphics support. You must find and download a library of grpahics functions. There are two routes to take. One is do a search for a VGA graphics library and the other is to get a DirectX library and learn DirectX. For a simple DOS game I recommend the former, or even switching to QBASIC.~Viz
  6. m^e, let us not, the highly respected admins and moderators, bash OSes. Not everyone has the knowhow to run Linux because there is no boot it up and it runs (or crashes in Windows' case [sometimes I mean]) version of Linux, so much can only be done from terminal. It is good to know that MS has promised a patch, but I still recommend that everyone use firefox or netscape unless a site specifically calls for IE.~Viz
  7. Sounds good, but warn me if you are playing online with me, my nick is always a variation of what it is here. I don't want to be czaught off gueard if you're using something I help you make to kill me over and over .~Viz
  8. Well, I see one appliction in the gaming area, which is probably thje one you are going to use it for, which is cheating in multiplayer games. I'm interested in if you have any other reasons for wanting to edit packets.~Viz
  9. You've intrigued me and I shall do as much research o help as possible. When I get home (this Wednessday) I have a wealth of books which will probably be helpful and I shall be sure to help in any way I can. Two things though, one, would it be possible for you to share the VB file with me so I do not have to try and recreate the entire code if I need to see it all? Secondly, what applications do you see for this?~Viz
  10. That's okay, the faq is realtively new, but now you know for next time, check the faq first.~Viz
  11. Thanks, although that didn't have the solution, it led me to the solution. I need to have a user for the server, accessing anonymously was the problem.~Viz
  12. If you can't get the computers to talk to each other (to recognize the netowrk) make sure your cable is this kind. Oh, and XP has a nifty system for transferring settings and files, but I don't remember what it is called, windows should try and help you with it or you can find it easily in the windows help. ~Viz
  13. I do too, which is why I have to do research, not just start coding right away. Plus I need to talk to m^e and make sure my search uses the same algorithm as his, or look at his to improve upon it.~Viz
  14. I am having a problem with some of the php/mysql functions. What I want to do is display the results that a MySQL shell would give a user when executing a query. Using the mysql_query() function I get a resource, but the mysql_fetch_row() and mysql_fetch_object() functions do not seem to be working. If requested, code can be provided, but what I'm looking for is more of an example on how to use these functions or other functions to display the output of a query. Thank you.~Viz
  15. If, as you say, one side of the ethernet cable is crossed, in other words it is a crossover cable, then it should be able to directl connect your two computers without the router. You can then set up a network easily between xp and 2k, if you need to by running the network setup wizard on xp and fiollowing its instructions. That should allow for around 100Mbps data transfer.~Viz
  16. IE sortof has plugins, like the yahoo toolbar and googlebar. I'm going to try and make something like thatmaybe a button that you can add to the standard toolbar like Adobe has for Acrobat. It's going to take a lot of work and research, and I'm not home right now, so please be patient, I promise to mkae it my number 1 priority.~Viz
  17. This is not the internet cafe case. This case dealt with creating and distributing file sharing (especially peer-to-peer) programs with the intent that they be or by promoting that they can be used for copyright violation.~Viz
  18. spacewaste was almost correct. It isn't thousands of nameservers, but thousands of PORTS (as m^e said) on each nameserver, so really only one server is required. ThHere are over 5000 usable ports for a nameserver.~Viz
  19. There are many different ways in which networks work. I believe that Xisto assigns a different static ip address to each site, but I'm not sure. Either way, here is how the basic idea works:1) You point your domain to the nameserver, this name server is a DNS.2) You must also tell the company running the nameserver what your domain is, for example, with Xisto when setting up an account, you must tell them your domain.3) When the namesevrer receives your domain, it checks on which local ip address that domain is supposed to point to, this is why informing your host company is important.4) A router/switch directs the query to the proper machine on the local server.That is a very oversimplified explanation, if you want more in depth info, either post here or talk to ICANN.ICANN is the organization in charge of all domain name registration and ip address assigning.~Viz
  20. On Monday, June 27, 2005 in the case of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. et al. v. Grokster, LTD., et al. the Supreme Court upheld a ruling by a lower court against peer-to-peer file sharing software. The court stated that distributing a file sharing peer-to-peer software with the intent or purpose that it be used to violate copyright is illegal and the distributor is subject to legal action for the violations of the software's users. For more information you can see the entire documetn released by the supreme court here. ~Viz
  21. M^E, I was wondering if you would be willing to make a tutorial on writing extensions or plugins or whatever category this falls under for Firefox. And also, When I get home next week (this coming Wednessday) I will see if I can start work on an Xisto search plugin for IE if you haven't already done so. And netscape for those who use that.~Viz
  22. Thanks so much m^e. I wish I knew how you did this, but it's probably over my head. Now we can stress searching the forum before posting because it will be so much easier.~Viz
  23. Thanks for the clarification, m^e. As soon as I get home from California I will add the reciprocal link.~Viz
  24. That easter egg also serves a specific purpose. There is a way to have that sentence displayed in all the fonts on your computer. This sentence is the test sentence for fonts because it contains all of the letters in the alphabet. This easter egg is a quick way in excel where every cell holds a different font (I believe that's another easter egg, but I don't know which) to compare every font on your computer, unless you have too many fonts, in which case it is almost every font.~Viz
  25. m^e, I like the directory, and am going to place a reciprocal link on my site. However, I wanted to inform you that as a result, I received an email from director@directory.astahost.com asking me to place a link to http://www.online.me/ on my site. I was wondering: a) is the message supposed to ask that and are we required to place that add on our site?~Viz
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