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About GM-University1405241492

  • Rank
    Newbie [Level 2]
  1. @Neilski: Did you really need to quote the entire first post? I really don't think you did... Nice post sparx!
  2. Ahh, thanks vizskywalker, I too will enjoy playing against you at IPB Gaming.But you'll still see me here too, I came back today for computer help.
  3. @Trekkie101 What are you talking about SMF's Admin panel is easy, but IPB's is way easier and more powerful.
  4. @techocian Try using less filters and more burshes, try some nice grunge or fractal style burshes from Deviant Art to get you started, try this one http://yelmen.deviantart.com/art/First-Grunge-Brushpack-21317390, if you need help installing them PM me. @jet I got it from a render pack by a skilled Photoshop user over at Xisto http://www.gamefront.com/downloads (if you guys want to see some aweseome stuff you should take a quick glimpse at some stuff over there by Johnny, Saint-Michael, or Snlildude87, or you could look at Moonwitch's stuff, she's really good.)
  5. I've really enjoyed my stay here both at Xisto and Xisto, and I love the hosting, the accounts are great! I really got alot out of mine, and I will miss you all (well not really, I'll be checking in every now and then), but I'm going to leave to go to Xisto Group's paid hosting service, I'm looking at all of the plans, and developing some original scripts for my site, then I expect to create my hosting account there late August- early September. But you will still be able to find me frequently on IPB Gaming, the graphics section on Xisto, and any of the many technologically centered forums here. ~GMU
  6. There's more to it than just the UFO sightings the crazy people centered on these conspiracies ONLY REALLY (what it's like today) started after a man (can't remember the name...) went public on a Las Vegas news station saying he was a Physists who was hired by the government to reverse-engineer allien space ships, so to be used in anti-gravity technology, and that aliens where harbored at Area 51. The whole story seems pretty crazy to me...
  7. You are on your own server I am assuming? I think you might not have php installed on your server... Try downloading it for free from http://php.net/ it is very easy to install, and if that doesn't work you should try finding a support site/ forum specifically for the server platform you are running...
  8. Is it a trial version, or a licensed version? If it's a licensed version you can go to IPS and file a support request, and they can fix it for you, and if need be they will know how to remove all traces of a user with phpMyAdmin, and will do it for you free...
  9. Here's a guide you can use to help you make a signature image in Photoshop CS. Before we begin you need to pick out a good "render" for your signature. A render is basically an image that takes the focus in your signature, the render I will use currently looks like this First off I hit Ctrl+A and then Ctrl+C, then I go to File> New, and I set my image proportions to 410 wide, and 165 high. Then I hit Ctrl+V and right click the eraser tool I select the Magic eraser tool, I hold down Ctrl and then left click my render. I move my render all the way to the right, then I let go of the mouse button. If the background is currently white, and not like this> http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png Once again select the Magic Eraser tool, and then, pointing your cursor away from your render left click once, the white brackground should dissapear. I'd recommend saving your image now... Create a new layer by going to Layer> New Layer> name it whatever you want> OK Then, go to Window, and check Layers if it is not checked, and then left click your new layer and drag it to the bottom. If Layers is already checked find the Layers box and drag your new layer to the bottom. Select the layer again then select the bucket tool, with the color white slected, and repeatedly fill the layer until it is a solid white. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png Now I select some brushes, and some colors that compliment my render, and I brush the background like mad... Then when I have a nice effect I go back to my render, and select Filter> Blur> Gaussion Blur> .5 Then I lightly bush over my render with my opacity set to 60%. Then I head over to http://www.dafont.com/de/ and get myself a nice techno-ish font. The font I selected is called 13 Misa. Then I select the test tool and my new font, and chose new colors that not only compliment my render, but my brackground. Then I right click the text layer, and give it a a basic shadow. So far I have this (shh... Don't tell NilsC this is another Gift Sig for him... ) > http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png (if you still have questions about how I did the background and the text just reply or send me a PM, and I'll help you out.) Now we create another layer, and we put it on top of everything else so far. When I think my image is good enough I save it as a .png and open it up in MS Paint. And make a 1 pixel black border with the line tool and make an identical border, inside that, just one pixel smaller on every end. My finished product is this Voila!!!
  10. No, it was IPB, and the page was /index.php?somethingcrazyhere=somethingcrazyhere so it wasn't something I uploaded, not really...
  11. Aweseome, thank you for posting this, it's cool that planet's keep getting discovered. I wonder how many planets there are. I really could get started on rambling on all this junk about how many planet there could be, how much they would differ and be simmiliar to us, but... I don't want to start an alien debate (or do I?... )But really, how many planet do you think exsist, it could be thousands, or millions. Possibly billions. We can't really tell, because we don't know how big the universe is, or even any clue as to tell us how many there are.The article named the planet as "Planet Lila".Are there any pictures of the planet? I should have watched the news, I would have loved to see their article about it, I'm a much better listen er than I am a reader, I really don't have to read things that are very long. My posts for instance...
  12. I'm working on a pre-moddified version of phpBB, and I need to know what people who use phpBB like, here is a list of the mods I have packaged. I was also thinking either EZPortal, IM Portal, or the not as well known mxBB portal. And Rules Management, Rating system , Quick Reply with Quote, Profile Control Panel, Post Icons, phpBB2 Fast Hack, and phpBBMyAdmin. So what do you think?
  13. If I was to make a long domain name it would be OneAmazinglyGreatWebSiteWithLotsOfSuperCoolContent AndGamesWithForumsAndChatroomsAndFreeWebmailThatNeedsToBeBookMarkedOrYouMightForgetItSoMozillaFireFoxUsersPleaseHitCtrlAndDOrElseYouWont EverFindThisGreatSiteAgainWithoutGoogle.INFO
  14. I started using SMF for some stuff on my site, and I have to say it is good... I'm using SMF 1.1 Beta 3, it's nice... It's also given me a few ideas for my own forum software, such as that plugin page in the ACP, that is NICE!!!
  15. I use Microsoft Office, I am very familliar with it, because I've used it so long, and like it's features, it's really the small things that count when it comes to comparing them..
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