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Everything posted by vizskywalker

  1. Thank you so much OpaQue. I know you've been busy saving the servers.~Viz
  2. I also think that is a good idea as I too have wanted one. For the time being, until a forum like that is created. Just find the forum that that tutorial would fall under if we didn't have a tutorial section, and post the question there. I will make sure an Admin sees this.~Viz
  3. When sperm meets egg, a zygote is created. This zygote contains the dna for the baby. The food the mother ingests is digested and broken down. Some of the broken down partw, like proteins and carbohydrates, are taken to the uterus where they are passed to the zygote. The ribosomes in the zygote look at the dna of the child and use the nucleic acids and amino acids to create new proteins that eventually develop into muscle tissue, skin, bones, organs, etc. So the food is broken down and reassembled by the zygote which comes from the reproductive cells of the parents.~Viz
  4. Energy is neither created nor destroyed, but neither is mass. It's a duality thing because energy can be converted to mass and vice versa. Take fission, that converts mass into energy. So that ost was correct.And please don't use all caps, it is considered shouting and rude.~Viz
  5. Not mini, micro, so smll you couldn'y see it, cooling, if the temperature stays the same as processors today, wopuld be no problem, water cooling system = 99% of the case, processor, graphics card, everyting else = 1%. The entire computer inside the monitor would become king, even with lcd panels .~Viz
  6. One of the main reason people are looking at quantum computers (the only theoretical 64 state computers because of the 64 quantum states) is because of it would be so much smaller than modern day chips. The additional states allow for mainly supercomputer aspects more so than personal computing aspcts, but personal computing would eventually switch.One reason is for medical technology. Imag an MRI which takes images of little slivers of a person. Assume that each sliver is one cubic millimeter. That is a lot of little pictures to be taken and encoded into a lot of ones and zeros. With a 64 state system, 64 bits could theoretically be encoded in one base 64 byte, because it would be either the presence or absence of a quanta as each bit. That drastically reduces the amount of data units that would be needed fr storage.Also, supercoputers are usually just a lot of processors running at the same time with a central processor to keep everything in sync, like the SETI@home program. One of the problems wit designing supercomputers is that the more processors are added for more power, the more the distance between them grows, which slows down the data transfer between the processors. Distance has a large effect on how well computers work, which is why 100ft ethernet cables are so rare. Because quantum computers would be so tiny, each bit would be the size of an atom, if that, and the whole processor wold just be a large molecule, you could connect thousands of processors without having to worry about distance.~Viz
  7. That's not the kind of extended I meant. If you look at a four state boolean system it has these states (f = four state, b = binary):0f = 00b1f = 01b2f = 10b3f = 11bSo an extended BOOLEAN (Boolean only has true false) table for this four state system would look something like this:AND:0f AND 0f = 0f = false false (00b AND 00b = 00b)0f AND 1f = 0f = false false (00b AND 01b = 00b)0f AND 2f = 0f = false false (00b AND 10b = 00b)0f AND 3f = 0f = false false (00b AND 11b = 00b)1f AND 0f = 0f = false false (01b AND 00b = 00b)1f AND 1f = 1f = false true (01b AND 01b = 01b)1f AND 2f = 0f = false false (01b AND 10b = 00b)1f AND 3f = 1f = false true (01b AND 11b = 01b)2f AND 0f = 0f = false false (10b AND 00b = 00b)2f AND 1f = 0f = false false (10b AND 01b = 00b)2f AND 2f = 2f = true false (10b AND 10b = 10b)2f AND 3f = 2f = true false (10b AND 11b = 10b)3f AND 0f = 0f = false false (11b AND 00b = 00b)3f AND 1f = 1f = false true (11b AND 01b = 01b)3f AND 2f = 2f = true false (11b AND 10b = 10b)3f AND 3f = 3f = true true (11b AND 11b = 11b)For a 64 state system it would be that kind of thing only a lot more of it. That's if we wanted to keep boolean logic. Any power of two state system can emulate with a large truth table a two state system by simply extending a boolean logic table to deal with the multiple states as large binary numbers.~Viz
  8. Both the php script you wrote (with username and password x'ed out for security and the web address would be helpful.~Viz
  9. Without a greater block of code to know what $adminemail represents we can't help you. And the error message that MySql gives you would help us assess the problem.~Viz
  10. The reputation system is currently offline because as Xisto updates its system we are doing so piece by piece to minimize headaches. But I appreciate it and want you to know that all previous reputation data is still stored in the database and the system will be coming back.~Viz
  11. I retested the first script, it works. Just make sure that you replace the x's with real numbers in your script if you in your version they are x's.~Viz
  12. OK, sorry about the misunderstanding. If you could post the error messages it would be helpful. For the first one, I don't know how the page is accessed to know what to check for. It looks like you are using sockets, but I don't from where to where.For the second one, you are missing a double quote after the thank you message. I tested it with the quote in it and sent off a sample form with all a's so you can see if that was the only problem or not.To better diagnose the scripts and debug, error messageswould be useful.~Viz
  13. the put and get commadns weren't working?~Viz
  14. I have the same problem, text based ftp like command prompt or the linux variant work fine, but graphical ones don't. Very puzzling and annoying. Maybe I'll have to make an http ftp so people won't have to worry about this problem.~Viz
  15. I see several problems. The first is that a, b and o are all local variables, so a cannot be accessed by the calculate function. To change this, before all of the functions add these lines: var a;var b;var o;The next is that you never define o. To fix this add in the clearField function just after textField = "";o = p;. The third problem is that your statement textField.value = c; in the calculate function is inside the switch block. Simply move it outside of the switch block like so:function calculate(){ with (document.Calc) { b = parseFloat(textField.value); switch(o) { case "+": c = a + b; break; case "-": c = a - b; break; case "*": c = a * b; break; case "/": c = a / b; break; case "%": c = a % b; break; } textField.value = c; }}The last problem is that the user must hit enter after every operation instead of being able to do two additions without the equal button, but I leave fixing that up to you. Otherwise this is a very well done calculator. ~Viz
  16. rhodesian, I'm having a similar problem. See if you can use the comand prompt ftp commadn to get in.~Viz
  17. Tha's why I don't user service pack 2. It cuased mor eproblems than it fixed and all the security wholes were plugged with releases for service pack 1a anyway.~Viz
  18. There are DVD-R burners, acutually. So they are fully copyable. However, one of the things sony did is modify the DVD-R. If you read the disc carefully, it says DVD-ROM, which is slightly different from a regular DVD-R so that many DVD burners can copy it, but it still isn't necessarily playable. (I think, if I got it wrong I am sure someone will correct me, but I am 95% sure.)~Viz
  19. The problem I think Klass is trying to explain, and show the fix for, is that sometimes windows does disregard the bios setting. That is when the registry must be edited.~Viz
  20. Let me get this straight. Currently the system sorts by rank, but you want the user to be able to sort by name, army, and money. First of all, sorting by money (since this is for the army system) would allow users to get a feel for who has what amount even if it is question marks instead of a gold listing because there spy is too low. Then let me refer you to this thread which talks about various sorting algorithms. I would use qwijibow's bubble sort as it is fast and not very complicated. However, quicksort will work as well. Both are well documented and a search should provide all the information you need if (as I suspect you are) you are capable of taking an algorithm and coding it. ~Viz
  21. You can also frequently change a BIOS setting to boot up with numlock on. Windows usually checks for and follows this setting.~Viz
  22. Yep, MySQL is currently down on the server, the hardware change that Xisto had to undergo has messed many things up, and getting everything up to speed will take time. Things wil be avialable off and on until the server is all set up.~Viz
  23. Glad I could be of assistance , and sorry for my question about writing it yourself, I didn't realize what forum it was in.~Viz
  24. My recommendation would be to find free hosting elsewhere and try your scripts there. Or simply use Apache or xamp to create a local server on your computer with php support to test your scripts rather than post them here.~Viz
  25. They don't actually have the domain names. What the companies do is allow you to claim them by having a service to point the domain name and propogate it, then give you access. THe difference between a subdomain and a domain is simply how much you have to type in to get to the webpage.A domain, or toplevel domain, is followed by .com or .net or some other identifier. yahoo.com is an example.A sub domain is any doamin that must be appended to the toplevel, like www. http://yahoo.com/ has a subdomain of www (which is the default subdomain) and a toplevel domain of yahoo. If you go to the yahoo mailserver, it has a separate subdomain, kind of like a separate folder, of mail. So the full domain is mail.yahoo.com.~Viz
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