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Everything posted by vizskywalker

  1. Hopefully all members will read this upon arriving at the forusm, will certainly make our lives easier. On a similar note, I somehow way back when heard that mods could give additional credits for excellent tutorials, is that true, and if so, could you please PM me with how to do it?~VizP.S. If this better beongs in the Staff section, I will move it there, but I felt regular members would want to see the answer to this question.
  2. Question, is there anyway to get cedega for free. Because if you can't, then I still vote for trying with Wine, as they have recently been working on DirectX compatibility. I don't know how far they are, but the more users there are with more applications reporting more bugs, the better Wine will become.~Viz
  3. MC, I can answer your question: it depends on what languages are being mixedand in what way. For example, hardware direct access in C++ can be done thorugh assembly functions if compiled separately, and if the assmebly functions are done well, it will be faster. However, generally, mixing BASIC languages with C languages slows the process down. Mixingdifferent interpreted languages also slows things down as multiple interpreters must be opened into memory. compiled mixtures work well if they are precompiled, like the C languages and Assembly, and if both elements were designed to work together and are more eficient on their on, and are merged into one program. Scripted languages largey dpeend on whther the interpreters are resident in memory, and whether one scripting language offers marked efficiancy increases in one task over another. Because there are so many variables, it is usually easier to just stick with one language, and for most programmers, even advanced ones, proves to be more efficient programs.~Viz
  4. As long as your entire HD is not filled with a windows partition, Core 4 installation can overwrite the others to make a dual boot very easily. Otherwise, you can manually run disk druid form redhat9 to do it (I don't remember the particulars, but the redhat site has a tutorial that is very helpful (install guide)). If you run Core 5, there is a .01% chance that it would mess up windows, but most likely, if you encounter a bug, it'd just cras Linux, however, if you aren't going to actively develop Core 5, don't download it, and go for Core 4, you can upgrade easily later.~Viz
  5. Fedora Core 4 is the latest stable version, ersion 5 is still in developement and not stabel, but I run 4 and have few problems with it, but onyl because I'm new to Linux. And if you haven't started using Linux yet, definitely start wth RedHat or Fedora (they are essentially the same, Fedora is the newer RedHats) and then if you are not satisfied switch to Mandrke, SuSe or Ubuntu.~Viz
  6. I don't know how long it's been since you've run Wine, but it's been updated a lot recently. They have a list of games it can successfully (supposedly) play, including games based on the Quake engine such as Jedi Knight II. However, I personally haven't tried any of these. If you haven't tried Wine in a while, see if it lists your games, and if it does, give it a shot. The more tests they have, especially with bugs reported, the more likely they ill be to eventually get it close enough to perfect.~Viz
  7. They are both useful for various purpoese. I prefere CGI (through perl) for setting cookies, but PHP for dealing with MySQL databases. If I had to pick one for webpages, I'd probably go with PHP simply because it was designed for webpages, can be embedded in webpages, and has various webpage features that perl doesn't.~Viz
  8. Not quite sure what that means, so I'm not sure how to help, can you describe that using words? ~Viz
  9. Hate to burst your bubble, but Intel now makes true 64bit chips as well. And whereasAMD chips mainly simply converted basic instructions to handle 64bits at a time, Intel 64bit chips added new features that could only be done in 64bit, not 32bit.~Viz
  10. Since the form goes to a PHP script (where I imagine you perform the SQL query) it is really more of a php question than a database one. However, all you need to do is acces the PHP Post array. you can do this by using it as a variable: $_POST[key] where key is the name of the form element you wish to get a value for. All you have to do is an assignment statement to assign the POST variable to another variable, then simply use that variable inside your query statement. If that doesn't help, showing the code you use, would allow me to better serve your needs. ~Viz
  11. I can only offer my hypothesis of what the problem is, I can't be definite, and I can't offer a solution. If you could tell me what applications have caused, this, I couldhelp more, also, system specs would be helpful. Anyway, I've had a similar problem when trying to access SuperVGA modes in my assembly programs. This issue is caused when the computer is placed into a screen mode that either has a too high refresh rate or a too low refresh rate for the monitor to handle. I'm still looking into fixing this myself, and as I find solutions, I'll let you know. In the meantime, your system specs and the programs causing the problem would be very helpful, as I said before.~Viz
  12. I think the best site is overclockers.com The most important thing for overclocking is to make sure you have plenty of cooling power. Before my overcock, my system was only running at around 37 degress C, and my BIOS won't even give me a temperature warning until 50 degrees C, so I knew I was safe to overclock without adtional fans. Check what temperature your CPU is currently running at, and how high it can go before frying, and evaluate whether or not you need another fan. If all posible fans are already filled, then if you need extra cooling, get a watercooling system. As far as how to actually overclock, if the motherboard has jumpers, use them, and if the bios allows you to change the settings, use that. If you an do both, choose one, but don't mix and match. Then, increment the speed at the lowest increments posible until the system doesn't boot consistantly, then cycle it down one. Happy OCing ~Viz
  13. I'm no expert on overclocking, as I just did it, and, like you, I used to be scared of it. As far as overclocking processors go, all it entails is telling the motherboard, bios, and or processor through jumpers and settings to allow the processor to run at faster speeds. These speeds are already built into the chip, but during testing at factory, it was decided that this chip, motherboard, etc. should not run at those speeds for maximum stability, many can handle higher speeds safely, though.~Viz
  14. Already a memebr and a proud donater of an MX entry. Already had one bot caught one with that MX entry. As soon as my website goes public it will have a honeypot page. For business websites, this is better than a ToS or Privacy Statement for convincing viewers that their email addresses are safe with you and you won't spam them. If you are stopping spammers, it almost guarantees you aren't one .~Viz
  15. Sarah, get an applet that allows for IRC communication such as PJIRC. I'mnot sure, but you may be able to set it up on your Xisto site. Asathost also has an applet that connects directly to te #Xisto channel on dalnet. It can be found through a link from the IRC Support Forum. Hope to see you in IRC. ~Viz
  16. I'm running a boosted Celeron running at 715Mhz (760 is unstable and the speed mulitplier is locked and I haven't had a chance to solder a jumper to unlock it) instead of around 633, it's not a huge gain, but it helps.~Viz
  17. If you end a process required for windows, one of two things will happen: a) windows will hang or the process will restart. If any other process is ended, the program running that process will end, or, if it is a multiprocess program, lose that functionailty or restart the process. To see what a process does and if it is safe to end or not, check out http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. ~Viz
  18. Pluto is currently defined as a planet. The debate comes because Charon is almost as big as it, and they sort of orbit around each other. However, Pluto is the more stationary, so it is the planet. The other reason for concern is that Pluto's and Neptune's orbits cause them to change position as far as 8th and 9th planets, but they are both considered planets.~Viz
  19. If it orbits our Star, the Sun, Sol, it is in our Solar System. That is why it is called a solar system, it is a system revolving around a solar object (a star). Which solar system something is in depends entirely on which star it orbits.~Viz
  20. Can you please be more specific? What OS are you running and what networking products? Without more information, adequate help may not be possible.~Viz
  21. By United Sates law, and this piece is respected in most countries, publication of any copyrightable material cause it to be cpyrighted to the author, photographer, whatever, whther it be published in print or online, by the owner or a publishing agency. So all those things that say Copyright <Year> <Name> are really copywritten. It isn't lying.And no, Jow does not own the tree, he owns the particular picture of the tree he took. If you take a picture of the same tree in the same position, that is not cpyright violation UNLESS you do it to have a replica of Joe's work. but in court your intent would need to be proven.~VizP.S. This response isCopyright 2005 Zvi Effron, All Rights Reserved to Xisto Corporation and any subsidiaries thereof.
  22. Actually, Herrco, many hosters do offer CGI in perl support without offering PHP support for two reasons: 1) they wanted to offer limited SSL capability, and perl came out first and 2) it is easier to restrict to the program writer what can and can't be done in perl.~Viz
  23. Since you said that your discs 3 and 4 did not pass the checksum, if the download is the proper size and all the files appear correctly, may I assume that the discs are okay even if they fail checksum, or should I wait for perfect checksum?~Viz
  24. Actually, what I described is for hosting, not to post. Yes the file manager is amateurish, but I think OpaQue was thinking most people would use ftp. Don't ask for too much more bandwidth: a) if you don't need it, they won't give it to you and if you do need it then either 1) you have too many large files and you will be told that we a re not a file storage place or 2) you will be told to go to Xisto - Web Hosting (Xisto's excellent paid) as placing a couple adds on your site will generate the revenue you need for paid hosting.~Viz
  25. It is impossible to use XML to create a forum, as XML (or rather, the way webpages use it, XHTML) does not have the ability to store to databases and read files, one of which is necessary to create a forum. This is because it is a markup language, not a scripting or programming language. Markup languages are designed to provide formatting for files, not interactivity.~Viz
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