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Everything posted by vizskywalker

  1. Ooh, forgot that method, need to try it, since at install Windows would freeze everytime I went to install the language pack for east asian languages. And m^e, I'd love to know how to use them programmatically, and also, how to use them lingually.~Viz
  2. Vujsa, I'd like that, since every time I try to use my windows disk to install east asian languages, it freezes on me.~Viz
  3. I like that word moon, we should make it the first in the Xisto dictionary. But question, is there anyway to get the script to remove just as many credits as were awarded, because If I have essentially a two page quote, but messup the quote tag, I gain 10 credits (probably) when I probably only deserve a couple. If all you do is change the tag, I am up 8 credits from where I should be. ~Viz
  4. THe problem may be based on exactly what a Celeron chip is. Intel Celeron chips are really Pentium chips in which the L2 (or if the chip has it, L3) cache did not check out as working properly. The bad cache is disabled, and renamed to Celeron and sold, it is simply a way of making money off of defective hardware. If the L2 cahce was enabled on this chip, it was probably a defective L2 cache that caused it to be sold as a Celeron, so as soon as L2 cache is attempted to be used by the processor, it would have a fatal error. So probably the situation is bad L2 cache somehow became reenabled and is causing problems, and just needs to be disabled again (which seems to be what you said happened, disabling the L2 cache it worked fine). So if the person wants a processor with L2 cache, they need to go with a Pentium, not a Celeron.~Viz
  5. No, warbird, Cube Domain is right, the moderators had a discussion about this, his account was deleted. And I think the maximum awarded is 10 credits, but I don't know all the details about the adjustment script, so I can't answer that question. Abhiram, if it is obvious you ment to quote (like typing [queot] instead of
  6. Because both Xisto and Xisto - Web Hosting are subcompanies of Xisto, I believe that transfer is incredibly easy. Worst case scenario, if you used absolute urls in all of your code, you may have to change them to relative urls and perform a file transfer. I see you have enough credits that should yu perform this switch soon, that won't be a problem. Good luck, and congrats on the return to work.~Viz
  7. Abhiram, the credit script automatically awards credits for all text not enclosed in some block, either code or quote. Because we know there are some dishonest people in the world, the removal of credits script works in such a fashion as to remove more credits than were gained for the offense, to discourage the practice of posting long plagiarised material or nonsense. If a post earns you more credits than you had, when it is fixed to have the quote blocks added, you will drop into the negatives. If you gained 30 or so credits, but only had 1, you will probably lose enough to drop you below -30. Not knowing the script (OpaQue wrote it himself, and, as far as I know, never shared it with anyone) I don't know what the ratio is, so your best bet is just be very careful about what you post. Also, if you realize you made an erro and forgot to quote or something, simply report the post yourself, state the error, and we will let OpaQue manually adjust the credits, and you will only lose the amount the improper action gave you, so there will be no danger ofdropping below where you were. Remember, you must be proactive in this forum, as the staff cannot read minds, and the scripts don't try to.~Viz
  8. You made a post, I do not remember which one, that had credits adjusted for failure to use thequote tag on plagiarised content. You lost enough credits (it was a large post) to put your account below -30 credits, at which point it was automatically deleted. I am sorry, but Xisto has strict rules about this, and the administrators took the proper and listed action.It had nothing to do with the content of your site. I believe you are welcome to gain another set of hosting credits and reapply for hosting, although, unfortunately, all of the content stored on your site is permanently deleted.~Viz
  9. Thank you m^e. Currently the plan is that all moderators at Xisto will be givne auto-ops. Which means, I would like all of you to drop by sometime, register a nick with NickServ, let me know what it is. I'm also working on a new bot for the channel, from scratch. Anyone who would be willing to help is gladly accepted.~Viz
  10. Also, if you are using XHTML, be sure to read the documentation on how to do comments. In XHTML 1.0 Strict, putting HTML comments around code inside javascript tags is invalid, and will cause lack of validation. Instead, you need to use the CDATA comments.~Viz
  11. Define a DIY hardrive. Does that mean making the drive itself on your own? Cause that would a)be more expensive, and be pretty dumb. If you simply mean taking a drive and making the external case yourself, then whether or not it is cheaper depends on what you want your external hard drive to be able to do. The more advanced, the closer the price is to a premade, because remember, premades are essentially DIY by someone else in bulk.~Viz
  12. Okay first of all, Klass asked to be demodded, I don't think staying away for a while will get mods or admins (or even members) pnished except in case of lost hoting credits. Also, moon, you're only partly correct, mods see you as an anonymous login as well.~Viz
  13. It could be a result of the hacking we experienced. A lot of files were changed on the server.~Viz
  14. I don't know if this one counts, but https://www.microsoft.com/de-de. Every time I set up a new computer I spedn hours ont hat site performing all the updates.~Viz
  15. Oooohhhh, I have one to add to list: astahost.com; This one eats up all my time. Yes, I am the proud founder of IAIPAA (internet addictees IP address anonymous, a biyearly meeting group for internet addictees). I spend about 8 hours a day at least on Xisto.com. I notice it sapping away at my school productivity, but there is little I can do, I must continue (I am a mod).Oddly enough though, most of things other people are addicted to, like everquest, myspace, blogs, I never view or use. Oh well.~Viz
  16. Are you using th elite skin? or the ambience one. Because although the ambience skin has no large images, it's design uses lots of small images for borders and what not, and I think it looks very nice.~Viz
  17. Woops, I made a huge typo in my above post, which I have now edited, yes, that would technically be illegal. Your site stands little chance of being prosecuted, but even so, you need to at the very list put the songs in the credits, legally, obtain permission from the copyright holder.~Viz
  18. Short answer, yes. Long answer, depends, are you showing the movie to anyone? If it's just for personal use, not showing to anyone else, it's legal. Technically, anyway.~Viz
  19. You took to long to get to the buffet, the ood spoiled, the chefs threw it out and went home. I'll make a larger one for you this weekend. ~Viz
  20. Aww.. I wanted to suggest HTML_Guru for moderation . Glad to have you onboard man ! You'll be a great moderator, look for a PM from me in the next few days with instructions for IRC so I can get you set up with operator rights there. Oh, and I set up a buffet for you as a celebration feast: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ~Viz
  21. So, query wise, how does a search for the record pertaining to 'yordan' vary depending on whether or not I have an index? I know without an index it would be: SELECT * FROM <table> WHERE `name`='yordan'(At least I think there are quotes around yordan.) ~Viz
  22. Okay first of all, until you activate your hosting account by following the link in the email you received (which it looks like you did not do), you should be able to continue posting and receiving credits just as you have been, with no loss per day.To the situation, I see two solutions:1) I am going to make sure an admin sees this (such as OpaQue) as they will need to remove the token you have been given.2) You can go ahead with the hosting now, and then build up 30 credits (more slowly due to the loss per day) and upgrade.If you decide to go with ption 2, please let me know quickly before I have an admin remove your hosting token rendering you unable to activate the account.~Viz
  23. I've been searching the MySQL documentatiopn, but I can't seem to find exactly what purpose indexes serve. I have a database that needs to be searchale by practically every column, and I don't know whether everything needs to be indexed, and if so how. Any information on the imprtance of indexes, and perhaps a small explanantion of the different kinds would be appreciated.Thanks~Viz
  24. DWORD stands for a double word. The registry is dealrt with byte by byte, and a word is two bytes, so a dword is two words, or foour bytes. I haven't done this, so I don't know exactly what the outcome will be, but the windows version is the version of the build of windows, to see what I think the output should be, simply boot in safe mode, at the top of the desktop, the windows version is displayed. It essentially tells you what verison ('95, '98, 2000, ME, XP, etc.) what build (different releases have different builds) and the latest service pack involved, as well as possibly a little other information.~Viz
  25. Where'd you hear this qwiji? I've used programs (and written a couple) that access memory outside of that range, and access true memory (not virtual RAM) over the 768MB mark. ~Viz
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