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Everything posted by vizskywalker

  1. SELECT * FROM users WHERE user = 'foobar'-- AND 'a'='a' AND pass = 'thisdoesnotmatter'That is the example of free entry into the system.I just have one question. AND requires that both pieces be true so: SELECT * FROM users WHERE user = 'foobar' AND 'a'='a' AND pass = 'thisdoesnotmatter' should return empty unless there is a use with name foobar and password thisdoesnotmatter.I'm assuming that the -- after user = 'foobar' changes this so access is granted,but what exactly does -- do? would it change the result form 0 (false) to -1 (because it is the decrement symbol)?~Viz
  2. If you still have your Windows XP Install Disc, you can setup the hard drive so that Windows will recognize it (even in you rcurrent computer, no need for another Mac). However, all data will be lost on the disc. Put your XP install disc into the computer and reboot, choosing to boot from the CD. Choose a new install, and when you come to the screen where you need to select a partition to install on, highlight the partition on the Mac disc (it will probably be of unknown type). At the bottom of the screen, several options will be listed, choose delete. Delete the partition and it will be listed as raw. Then select the partition and format it as NTFS, and restart the computer without actually installing Windows. That should fix your problem.~Viz
  3. The real question is can the creator decrypt his own crypt. If not, how are we supposed to. That's like the guy who gave me something to decrypt, and the method he used to encrypt it was (it was in ascii, every byte is one character. [byte] will be a variable standing for each byte of the message) [byte] = [byte] xor 11111111b[byte] = [byte] or 10101010b[byte] = [byte] and 0000000b[byte] = [byte] + rand(int(0, 255))(The preceeding was pseudo code) This in essence crypted everything into a random character with no way of going back, pointless, but totally secure . ~Viz
  4. Redhat (or more properly now, Fedora, unless you are talking about the enterprise edition) is that that difficult to install. The only major difference between a Redhat install and a Windows install is that Redhat requires the user to create and choose various partitions for various things, whereas Windows didn't use to, but does now. Also, Redhat requires you to setup a bootloader, which Windows doesn't. The Redhat website has an excellent manual designed just to help people install Redhat or Fedora, and makes the installation process a breeze.~Viz
  5. Theoretically, the interference should only be if you are going through it, in actuality, do to random factors and the fact that the world hates us all (well just me really) it may cause slight degradation anyway. Couple more questions, when you are connected, how strong is the signal, and what is your signal strength and noise level? These can be seen formt he Linksys software thing under the Link Information tab, hit More then Statistics. Also, what driver version are you using? I think there was a new driver release from Microsoft, but I don't remember.~Viz
  6. Yalk to your neighbor, find out if they use a portable or cell phone, and if they do, what model so you can find the frequency. Here's a list of interference causing issues from linksys: DO you lose a connection to the internet? Or to the WAP completely? ~Viz
  7. The way they managed to get disks that can hold half a terra is by something so simple, I thought hard drives already did it. Currently, hard drives stor data like this:[byte1][byte2][byte3][byte4][byte5][byte6][byte7][byte8]This is a horizontal method of byte storage and the bytes take up a lot of room on disk (relatively, something that small can't tkae up a lot of room, but, you get the picture).What the half terra HDs do is store data like this (note b=byte):__________________|b||b||b||b||b||b||b||b||1||2||3||4||5||6||7||8||_||_||_||_||_||_||_||_|This vertical method of byte storgae takes up far less room. If you assume that every character and space is a unit of volume on the disk (same depth for both) Then the top method takes 40 units to store the data but the bottom one only takes 24 units, a significant improvement especially when there are 549,755,813,888 bytes in one half of a terrabyte.~Viz
  8. First of all I would like to point out that if the system is really old, it is more likely to have 256Mb of RAM in 4 64Mb sticks than 1GB. Second, if even one of the RAM sticks is bad that can sometimes, depending on the motherboard, prevent a bootup. If you can rule out the motherboard as not being a problem and the motherboard receives power, to test the RAM, place only one stick in the machine at a time. This will not give you enough to work with, but if the computer boots at all and does a memory check the stick is fine. If it starts to boot then hangs, or doesn't boot, the RAM is bad.~Viz
  9. Have you installed the driver for the Linksys Card (I have a similar WAP and PCMCIA card and had some issues at first as well). If so, did you install it before ever inserting the card, if not, uninstall the driver and reinstall, then add the card. Sometimes wireless cards also have problems when multiple connections are open. If you are using the linksys card (which I would recommend, it was designed for the WAP), disable the intel wireless connection. Also, make sure you use either channel 1 or 6 (or 11, but 1 and 6 are best, for home, I use 6) for your Wireless connection and make sure that you create another network other than the default. To check and see if your neighbors have a connection, open the Linksys Wireless card software, click the Middle Tab (It says something like Networks) and click search, if your neighbor has an available network, it will then be listed.The problem with portable phones is that FCC regulations require wireless cards to accept any interference from other radio waves (so as not to interfere with radios and portable phones). To make sure that you are not on the same frequency as your phone, find the frequency of your phone and select a channel that doesn't share a frequency with it. This is why I said channels 1 or 6. Channel 1 is 2.412GHz and channel 6 is 2.437GHz. The diffent channels create slightly different frequencies. To find out if your neighbors have a portable phone within range, just call and ask them, although they should not be a problem if your wireless card is that close to the WAP.If you can, make sure both antenna (if there are two) point in the same direction and that the WAP is not too much higher up than the wireless card.Connection drops could be a variety of things. Interference from other devices (like portable phones), overheating of the wireless card (my WPC54G will overheat to the point where I can smeel noxious plastic, it still works fine, but I have to let it cool down), a bad WAP or card, Windows, or any number of things. If neither card works, you can rule out it being a card problem. If the laptop can receive wireless signals in other places (like at Starbucks) then it isn't Windows. If another wireless laptop can get your signal, it isn't the WAP.Let me know if any of this helps, and, if not, feel free to ask ore questions.~Viz
  10. Make sure you use rubbing alchohol, anything else may be too strong. And if some gunk won't come off, lightly go over it in the same direction a couple of times or you may scratch the monitor.~Viz
  11. MAC Address banning mught work. Is it possible to remotely see a MAC address? I know a couple of forums I've been on have used IP bans to prevent users who could not abide by forum rules from returning with a new email address and username, but I don't know how affective they were. MAC banning sounds like a good idea though. Thanks jip, I'll look into it.~Viz
  12. According to trekkie, aol blocks sendmail and only allows SMTP, but I will try it. Does sendmail use an http header?~Viz
  13. The answer is, not much compares. The for and if statements still exist, but in a slightly differing format. Visual Basic is Object Oriented (sort of) and Ti-Basic isn't. Ti-Basic is more similar to QBasic than Visual Basic, but even there it's quite different. I would recommend doing a search for QBasic and trying to learn that, then learn Visula Basic.If you know Ti-Basic, then you know how to program QBasic, you just need to learn the commands. Once you know the QBasic commands, learning Visual Basic becomes a lot easier. And if you have any questions, feel free to ask.~Viz
  14. I tried to use a php script to send an email, and it sends to most email accounts. But not aol accounts. This isn't because it has no from field, I gave it one. Is SMTP set up correctly so that the mail() function will use SMTP to send emails? Any other ideas on what the problem is?~Viz
  15. Due to vujsa beating over the head with common sense (and a reread of the php manual) I have concluded that the answer to my question is no. Basically I was trying to be able to write header 'Location: http://astahost.com;; instead ofheader('Location: http://astahost.com;; which cannot be done. Thanks anyway. ~Viz
  16. Actually, 64 bit is not a cheap hack, it doeas take advantage of the 64bit capability of a 64bit processor. However, because there are no applications that make use of the 64bit commands, and 64 bit Windows offers less support for 16bit software than the 32bit variant. I would also recommend somehow getting rid of the Windows 64bit. The real Windows designed for 64bit use is Longhorn, which will come out after 64bit processors become readily avaiable.~Viz
  17. If you want a good card as cheaply as possible, I recommend the NVIDIA GeForce FX series. They are only about a year old, but are still awesome, and most run for under 100 dollars. If you want to spend more than 100 (your price range was 100 - 300) then the previuosly suggested cards are good choices. I find that NVIDIA GeForce works better than ATI Radeon in desktops though.~Viz
  18. Actually, I'm not looking for a function. In perl, you can simply print http headers like so: print "Location: http://astahost.com "Cookie: name = 'name', value = value\n";print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";The double newline character signals the end of the headers. I was wondering if using echo or print in php, the same thing was possible, because when I tried it, nothing happened, and I wondered if a special format was required, like maybe
  19. I know you can use the header() function to send http headers. But I want to know if it is possible to simply echo them, like you can print them in perl. Also, is it possible to create a non-expiring cookie. Most sites that have a remember me option imply set the cookie to expire in a year or two, but it will eventually expire. Is it possible to create a cookie that never expires?~Viz
  20. Any idea how often the satellite image refreshes? Because everytime I check it is the same image, no cars in the road and trees block my house. I want to get a night shot with some cars in it, but I would need to know how often a picture is taken.~Viz
  21. Actually, there are less severe methods of banning than what moontwitch described, although they are being used less and less. A user can be banned for only a set amount of time. When a user is banned, they cannot make posts, although they can still log on to the forum (I believe because I have seen a banned member online once). They are then placed in the banned group so any post they made will adjust to have them listed as banned, but the post was made before the ban.~Viz
  22. Any very soft rag (and I mean really soft) can be used to clean dust off of a laptop screen. For other gunk (dried oil from fingers, food goblets, etc.) You will need a specially treated rag. I have heard said that Windex will work, but Windex is a might strong for the plastic over the liquid crystals and I don't recommend it. Any computer store, such as CompUSA will sell treated rags for cheap thatcan be used to clean the screen and then discarded. I recently purchased some and they worked very well. Simply ask an associate where they are, and find the cheapest one, if your screen is bad enough to need the most expensive one (since they are all probably the same, except for the most expensive which will be extra special) your screen probably has scratches and you will need to look for one that can help remove scratches (most of the ones I've seen that do this do so by wearing dow the screen around the scratch, in which case you might as well use Windex.)~Viz
  23. Just to clarify what happened, you went Control Panel->Add Or Remove Programs -> Add/Remove Windows Components then checked Accesories and Utilities, and hit Next, and it said freecell.dat was not found on the cd and aborted? Did I get that right? If so, freecell.dat is a game file, so go back to the Add/Remove Windows Components but this time select Accessories and Utilities and hit details. Deselect games, and make sure that Accessories is selected. Then try and complete the installation.~Viz
  24. First of all, you can't have a oentium celeron, they are different chips, unless you mean a celeron with the speed of a pentium I, which is too slow to run XP. Second of all, Windows XP 64bit is so called because it runs on a 64bit processor, and celerons do not come in 64bit yet. Only very new pentiums come in 64bit, but you must make sure you get a 64bit pentium. Or you could get a 64bit AMD, which is more common. But without a 64bit processor, Windows 64bit will not install.~Viz
  25. I undertsand the principle behind the code that would be used to ban the ip address, what I don't know is how the ip is picked. For example, I've logged onto Xisto from school, the library, and home, three different ips. So which ip would be banned if I get an ip ban. Banning the library would not be good because then no one in the library could log on. So how is it decided. And to clarify, just in case Xisto is not of this system, I'm talking more about systems in which IP banning is used to prevent that ip from creating a new account.~Viz
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