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Everything posted by vizskywalker

  1. Wait, move right on F? Whatever happened to WASD movement? I have also seen that book, and I thought it looked good as well. There is another book with a similar title, I can't remember if they are the same publisher, about game graphics for teens, also very useful.~Viz
  2. Another question dealing with the same kind of scenario. I use activestate perl 5.8 and whenever I open a socket, the print command stops displaying text. Does anyone know a workaround/why this happens?~Viz
  3. I find it confusing too, it seems harder to optimize differently than for one any size system. Maybe there is some marketing advantage to it? I was told this when I asked a Microsoft salesperson what the difference was. On my home network of large proportions I've mixed numerous copies of Home and Pro. Granted one of the computers with Home is greatly taxed speed wise, but it has lots of memory intensive programs that always run on it, so I don't blame windows. Here is the Microsoft comparison page for the various Windows XPs: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. As you can see under the Professional description, Professional offers So, not that you are wrong and I am right, I'm just as confused as you are, but just a defense of where I got my info from. ~Viz
  4. Okay, here's my answer. Observer C can see fine, but only out of his/her left eye. The other eye is blind. Observer A accepts this, but Observer B does not, and tests it the whole night. Around 2:00 a.m. Observer C gets fed up with Observer B and punches him in the mouth. This starts a bar brawl that results in total blindness through injuries of Observers A through C because of death, thus solving the issue. So I like pickles.~edit: I think I just figured it out seriously. Observer C is blind. Observer A saw the laser beam hit Observer C, and knows the reason. Observer B didn't see the laser hit Observer C and wil wonder why Observer C is blind.
  5. Thank you, that worked. I am new to MySQL, and I was perusing the reference manual and the match thing appeared to be the solution. Just out of curiosity, however, do you have any idea why that didn't work? Also, if I use the `username` = 'Vizsky' thing, do I need to have username be a fulltext index?~Viz
  6. It's not a limit, just the way the networking capability was designed. What I was told was that Home's networking capability was desinged around small networks, it would work extra effectively for small networks, but the larger the network grew, the less efficient it would become. Pro is the other way around. A tiny network will be less efficient because the network capability was designed to be optimized for huge networks. Why they wouldn't just make one "let's optimize for everything" is beyond me. but no real limit.~Viz
  7. If I remember correctly, Microsoft has discontinued support for any non SP1a or SP2 versions of XP. SP1 and non-SP systems can no longer receive updates. However, as for why you would want XP Pro instead of Home: the main difference between Pro and Home is networking capability. Home was not designed to network anything more than a prnter and two or three computers, whereas Pro was designed to network an entire business. Since wireless has taken over houses, many people are now exceeding that two computers and a printer semi-limit for Home. However, I doubt that the hack given here does anything more than make Windows think it is Pro instead of Home, not add any of the differences between Home and Pro.~Viz
  8. It all depends. If you have the capability of creating a website and testing it on your own computer, I'd make most of the site on the computer and then upload everything via ftp. If, however, one item needs modification, and the first version is already uploaded, I'd use file manager. For a quick drag-and-drop ftp setup, you can add an ftp to My Network Places on any Windows XP machine. I think that has alreaddy been covered somewhere on this forum. I will do a seacrh and get back to you with the instructions. I use the windows ftp and have relatively no problems with it.~Viz
  9. Nice one, haze, I wonder if that box really exists for purchase. Notepad is, as I said before, what I use. If you somehow lost your copy on windows, you can go to http://www.notepad.org/ to get another copy.~Viz
  10. Do you mean a what you see is what you get program? Or do you mean something similar to a basic text editor. For a basic text editor kind of HTML editor, I use plain old notepadd, but notepad++ is even better. You can find it here. ~Viz
  11. Muska & Lipman generally publish good quality books, so I think these two will be good. I ahve skimmed them in various bookstores and they looked good to me, but I have not read either and they did not cover the specific topic I was wondering about at the time so I did not purchase them. I would recommend that before you buy either book, browse gamedev.net and see if they can't get you started for free.~Viz
  12. I have a database that I am using to keep track of the members to my website. THe statements I used to create the database are as follows: create database mousling_userscreate table members(memberID int default \'0\' not null auto_increment, username char(20), password char(20), firstname char(20), lastname char(30), email char(50), privelege char(30), banned bool, primary key (memberID), unique id (memberID))alter table members add fulltext (username)The reason there are no prompt symbols or anything like that is I used a php page and mysql_query() to send these queries. The problem comes in when trying to match records from the database with a string such as to check if a username already exists. Currently I have one record with a username of Vizsky, but when I send the queryselect * from members where match (username) against ('Vizsky') I get no records returned. What am I doing wrong and how can I use queries to check when a username or password already exists? ~Viz
  13. There are numerous good places to find perl tutorials. All of the ones suggested so far are excellent, as are pageresource.com and htmlgoodies.com Also, if you have any more specific questions, the people at this forum (and especially I) will be more than happy to assist you.However, I would also recommend that you look into PHP. I used to use perl because it was the only thing my hoster would allow, but since I've switched to Xisto I find php can do more things more simply. So I am not saying that either language is better, they both excel at certain fields, I am saying look into php and see if it wouldn't do what you want more easily.~Viz
  14. First of all, there was no need to quote m^e's entire post. Second of all, you only get paid on the 15th of a month after you have hit $50. Since we are close to that mark, we will hopefully find out on the 15th of June if they actually pay. So for now it is just high hopes.~Viz
  15. They do accept othe methods of paymenyt other than stormpay to send out payments. But why didn't I get an email from them? ~Viz
  16. Twitch, it's not the same effect at all. If moderators catch the 90% wrong post followed by a 90% right post, they will delete the 90% wrong one and you will lose more hosting redits than it gave you. If, however, you reported the mistake, the moderators will make the edit for you and there will be no problem.~Viz
  17. Okay, if netbux and pay-pup are unrelated, why do they have the same policy message, and why do they close for maintenece at the same time?~Viz
  18. Have you checked under My Network Places to see if the E: drive is there? Windows does not place networked drives in My Computer, but in My Network Places (the icon looks exactly like a networked folder icon, but the name will be something like computername\\c:\).~Viz
  19. I'm not incredulous, but what I'd previously read (I'm relatively new to java) seemed to indicate it wasn't doable, and I just want to know how it is done so I can do it. I believe it works (at least if I could ever connect). I still get this error (this time with IE and accepting the certificate): Unable to connect : java.net.ConnectException : Connection timed out: connect ~Viz
  20. That's two under pay-pup, I'm referred as well, so Far I've made you about $1.00 total from both. Would it be possible to set up some sort of php script in a post or something so we could keep track of how close we are to our goal of $185?And how do I check how much I've made off of my referrals? (Is there a way to see individual earnings for my referrals?)~Viz
  21. I use two different systems, one before release and one after release.Before release I use a four number system A.B.C.D where A is the major version, B is the number of days I have actually worked on it, C is the number of times I have sat down and worked on it (which is at least as large as B, but it may be larger if I work on it, go see a movie then work on it some more), and D is the build number.After release I use a three number system X.Y.Z where X is the release number, Y is the update number (new features not worthy of a new version) and Z is the patch number.~Viz
  22. To have a folder (or drive) be shared across a network in Windows (at least in XP), right click on the folder and go to properties. Click on the sharing tab and select share this folder. Then add the settings you want and click okay. Then you are done and the sharing should work. The folder can be found in my network places.~Viz
  23. Stained wood is likely to result in problems that unstained (which will definitely cause problems). However, because little spikes of metal extend below the motherboard, if spacers are not used to keep the motherboard above the wood, any small bumps or movements will scrape the stain and eventually lead to problems.~VizP.S. I've been banned from the computer for the most part (evil parents) and we don't have internet access right now (bad Comcast) so my posts will be sporadic.
  24. That sounds cool (I had a similar idea for some other languages, I never really liked c++, but I'm starting to appreciate it). How would you go about getting user input for the php run c++ program?~Viz
  25. What were your credits before you started posting again, if they were below -30, your account is gone. And it doesn't look like you are hosted anymore, so it looks like that happened.~Viz
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