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Everything posted by mojoman

  1. I believe we do take things for granted, along with every other modernized/industrialized country imo
  2. I have seen videos like this before, and to me its completely absurd and bogus. I find it highly unbelievable that the government would do this. Like for instance, a missile hitting the Pentagon? Then explain the bodies of those on the plane that crashed that were found, as well as parts of the plane, and even a flight recorder. Eyewitnesses even saw the jet. Another example would be the metal melting, the fires caused by the jet fuel may not have been hot enough to melt the steel, but it was enough to weaken it. The falling of the floors according to your video was caused by explosives, but the floors were not able to absorb the energy coming down. Here's some more facts contradicting claims made by videos like that. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  3. I had one of those vista packs installed before, and damn it looked good for awhile.Then I found out it messed around with some of my programs a bit, like my Norton 360. I couldn't get it LiveUpdate to work, and every 30-60 minutes or so, an error would pop up about an Illegal system dll relocation and an error with shell32.dll. I had trouble installing programs like some games and patches too lol
  4. Thanks for the heads up review....Me and a couple of friends were planning on seeing a movie this weekend
  5. I am personally for it. I do believe you should be a lot more responsible though, as a condom might not always workWhen it comes to cases of lets say a 15 year old girl getting raped and she gets pregnant..I dont think the girl has to go through the experience of raising a child that was also created by rape. The girl getting an abortion is perfectly understandable to me.
  6. I find it completely impossible, that we are the only life in our large universe. Life doesn't have to be advanced, ,microorganisms might inhabit a planet, which would till be considered a form of life. Mars once had water, maybe there is still a small form of life in its frozen ice caps? I also heard that another planet similar to Earth was discovered, so maybe it might have life that is either advanced or primitive
  7. I found it good. Me and a few friends saw it together, and it wasn't as bad as I heard it was. In my opinion, I don't think there were too many villains in this one. I would agree with your opinion on the symbiote. I woulda like it a bit more dragged out more on how sandman and venom came together. I don't think they're planning on a 4th movie
  8. HAHAHAHAHAHAAHaha...Great ending lol :lol:I be he didn't look because he was too tired from walking or as it says, the rain was too heavy lol. Great story
  9. My room is like a tornado struck. I have clothes everywhere, some from probably 2 weeks ago lol. Papers from school can be found on my shelves and floor. I have game boxes on top of my drawers. The only time its clean is when I have a large amount of family or friends visiting. The minute they leave, its a mess again.
  10. Mine would be salmon. I love eating salmon, as I can't ever get enough of it
  11. Whenever fights occur at my school, they're usually between girls, and they are a lot more brutal than fights between guys lolI have never gotten into an actual fight, maybe just a bit of pushing, shoving, usual getting pissed off at someone or vice-versa.
  12. This is one of those tough moral questions...In my opinion, I find it ok to kill them. The death penalty has been around for ages. Putting them to work may be a good idea though.Those who would say that its wrong and are against it... What if your closest friend or relative was tortured and/or killed brutally? Would you honestly want to see that guy still alive, sitting in prison, getting fed etc.
  13. I think all loyalty-pledges are silly. What if a new hitler gets elected president of the US (hey, maybe he already has lol.. ) Then what good will loyal americans do the world? When the hypothetical new hitler is overthrown, it would be the disloyal people who would be the heroes. I guess it's not actually saying you ahve to be loyal to he current government, but still, it, like all written things, can be interperated in more ways than one.
  14. The Total War series, is without a doubt, the best single player strategy game. After you finish the campaign, you can even download gazillions of mods from totalwar.org, or twcenter.net, which completely modify the campaign. There are 100s, Napoleonic total war, The Crusades: total war, Middle earth total war (lol, really) the list is endless. If you dont have the internet you can still easily download these mods onto a blank disc from an internet cafe :lol:So yeah, go for total war, but i warn you, the multiplayer for it seriously sucks.
  15. 1 - Pls get your terminology correct. If anyone is out of line, its Putin, not "Russia". The cold war was an arms race, and both sides were as bad as each other. The Russian government wanted to expand communism, the US government wanted to expand Democracy. Except, the last russian chairman, Gorbachev i think, who ended the whole conflict, and kennedy, who tried to change things, and look what happened to him...That's one thing you can say for the Russians, when their leader made peace, he wasnt assassinated. 2 - Yes, the threat should be taken seriously. This is quite obvious, it is a simple matter of: "they build something, we build something too". Therefore it should be taken seriously, because it could start an arms race. But what the heck do you mean "Russians are ruthless people"?? Have you met all the Russians lol? 3- Of course the US shouldnt continue with the defense system! I mean, lol, Iran doesnt even have nukes yet, and they deny they are even building any....and North Korea wtf? It's on the other side of the world lol! "If the nation we are building it on allows us to build it there. no other nation should stop them"? uhhh.....didnt Castro allow Kruschev to install missiles in Cuba in the 1960s? Under your theory, the missiles should have stayed there becaue Castro allowed them to? Personally i agree with Putin. At the end of the Cold war, the USA and Russia both agreed to stop the destructive arms race and not threaten each other. Building missiles on Russia's doorstep seems to me to break that treaty.
  16. I totally agree with this. Forcing yourself to do stuff you don't want to do, and fighting stuff you do want to do never helps anything, you just do it, forget about it, and then you go and do what you find fun again. If your really worried about your future, and not what your parents think, then start off easy. Pick something your interested in, and start off doing easy things to do with it in your spare time - for instance, you fancy yourself a writer, start off by reading the harry potter series. Then move up to lord of the rings. Then some classic writers like walter scott. If you like the first series, actually like it, you'll gradually start to move up faster and faster till eventually you can read the count of monte cristo in a week and be top of your english class. Same is true of every other thing you might want to be - interested in computer programming? start off slow, build a website. Then build a better one. Move up. Interested in politics? read a newspaper. then read another one. then read all of them. And so on. Good luck, but do not force yourself to do things you don't want to do.
  17. Personally i don't know what the critics are talking about, this movie rocks! just like the first two...IMO there's an overload in action/fantasy movies in the wake of LOTR and Galadiator...things like Kingdom of Heavan, Troy, alexander, narnia, pirates, and so on. Cause there are so many, obviously ther reviews get worse as people get more and more bored.For me though, the fact that there are a lot doesnt stop them from being brilliant!And pirates is rly the best one out of that list, how can u guys not like the character of Jack Sparrow lol? Depp rules in all the roles he plays, that one especially. Imo without his character, the entire trilogy would be a flop.The only bad thing about this movie is the confusing first half, but the second totally makes up for it. These movies arent supposed to be intelligent, they're meant to be complete fun lol, and that's what they are
  18. ZOMG! This is the first iv'e heard about this...you learn something new every day, but it's not always something nice That is ...sick! just sick! its facking ridiculous, women do jobs that are equal, if not more, important than men! this crap is ridiculous, i mean, if there are only males how are people going to reproduce? the USA and the UK need to stop messing about with iraq, who's government was actually one of the better ones in the mideast, and start sorting crap like this out! This all goes back to the stupid stupid stupid stupid reign of Constantine the "great" anyone who's seen the da vinci code should know about this, and a lot of people think it's fiction, but it is actually fact with much historical evidence to support it. The council of nicaea decided, among other things, that males should have superiority over females in the bible - ( im sorry if this offends anybody, i have nothing against those who follow the religion and who no doubt create great good with it in the modern world, this is merely what has happened in the past ) - anyway, this history of this event is quite long so ill go through what i know in detail. When constantine rose to power in rome, there was constant violence between Pagans and Christians. Constantine himself was a pagan, and was only baptised on his deathbeh - all historians agree on this fact. However, he was also a clever man, and you do not become the only roman emperor with the title "the great", as well as founder of the roman empire's second-greatest city, without being a very very clever man. He knew that the christians were growing in number, yet he also knew he had to please the pagans as well if he wanted to make christianity the official religion of the roman empire. Therefore he merged the two religions, and the finer details of the gospel were discussed at the council of nicaea, as i already explained. And so, in time, slowly, but surely, females we're downgraded, culminating in the Maleus Malificarum, a guide to hunting witches, published in the early Medieval era. Things have slowly been getting better, but this blatant disregard for the value of women, stems quite heavily from this early, blood-stained, construction of religions. (once again i do not want to offend anyone, without the modern religions, the world would be a much worse place. I merely criticise the old ones) anyway, that's all i have to say, i expect a load of angry replies soon
  19. Hiya ppl Im the owner of an IPB site much like this one, and i was wondering, how do you make it so it displays certain posts, like the portal for this forum? ATM it just looks like this, no posts at all, u can only see the calendar and the rest of the left-hand sidebars http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (im on low creds atm, so if it doesnt show up check again in an hour or so, should have made enough posts by then ) can any1 help? Much obliged 2 any1 who posts here
  20. I dont think hogwarts is gonna feature much in this 1, if at all.Pretty easy to guess that tbh - 1, Dumbledore died... 2, Snape finally got to be Defence against the Dark Arts teacher which hes applied for every year, now he finally got it, that plot chain reached its conclusion , 3 dumbledore died, and 4, dumbledore died and i agree with them both dying, the prophecy says that "neither can live while the other survives" or something like that, but it doesnt say that both can't die.Seeing as the books appear to have gotten progressively solemner as they go on, it would make sense.
  21. I'd say its the other round at the moment, to be honest.Good time to remember a quote from the da vinci code: "displaying your faith openly nowadays is like painting a target on your back"Not very far from the truth. Look at the years since 9/11, islamophobia has risen staggeringly, and is still going! As for Catholicism, its been viewed with suspicion that has increased for quite some time now. Atheism is without doubt the fastest growing belief at the moment imo
  22. hey who deleted my post? i was only joking Anyway, i personally think internet slang is ok, as long as it stays on the internet. I don't think it should effect the english language as long as it stays as it is, a jokey form of talking. It can be annoying at times, but at other times quite funny.(check my sig out lol ) 1 4r3 t3h pwn4g3, b1tch3s!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111one!!!!!!!!!!11111111111
  23. Without doubt the best strategy game in the world. IMO its gone down a bit since shogun and MTW1, not in graphics but in substance, the old unique "fun" element isnt there anymore, and its more focused on eye candy :(Still rocks of course, just not as much as it did, especially multiplayer.Im looking forward to XIII century though, it looks pretty much the same as TW, but as its by totally different people, im hopeful
  24. hell yeah! Runescape pvp was scary as hell (if you wanted to actually kill people by taking your good stuff that is). The ultimate high point for me was killing this wizard and getting a MASSIVE amount of runes, along with Wizard Boots, got me about 1mil in profits
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