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Everything posted by matak

  1. i just wanted to see how this table thing is going to act when you write lot's of text it's just that right now i don't have any idea on what text to write and to see how it works for thicker border and 3 columns nice work on tables bb code. here's how it works for 3 columns. 3rd one is not aligning properly. with the code i wrote. maybe i typed something wrong, or is this how it's ment to be? anyway nice work, good for presentations too..
  2. I voted for cigoth. I like the animation.
  3. Often ppl wonder what's it about. What is happiness, sorrow, love, hate? Universe and everything else. You can say that the answer is You. It is all about you. All the things that you feel, experience and do, they are all about you. Someone might say that it is selfish. But i don't think so. You can't help anyone else unless first you help yourself. So put this in universe perspective. You can wonder what is behind a galaxy, or what is smaller than atom. To understand that You need to study it, to read about it, to learn, teach. Do math, learn psychics and manage to live your life at the same time. How many people have that chance? Little. A very small number of ppl have that chance, beacouse life is hard.Not everybody can have time to study about universe, and superstring theory. But lot's of people who don't have time to study about it, sometimes really like to read a good book or watch a good movie that puts, and mixes ideas in fun 2 hour ride. If you have time to learn and improve that knowledge then you are going to be massively appreciated by many people. You will help them, in a way that it's hard to imagine. Even visions, and wrong perceptions of everything can set off people. And that is all done by You ;)Everyone of us is a universe for billions of bacteria, viruses, single cell organisms etc. And what's happening in our minds is beyond the perspective of any living beeing. I watched this movie, Waking Life in which they mentioned, that independent researchers were testing users on how do they solve crossword puzzles. They usualy gave them latest issues of some world magazines, but now and then without them knowing they would give them a day old crosswords that millions of people have solved just the day before. Their scores went up by 20%. Of course that is just a movie, and i'm not sure how true it is, but it certanley set me off.
  4. ok i understand that you don't wont to reveal your code. but then again you need to understand that it is really hard for anyone to guess what is wrong with your script when you don't want to show it. i honestly don't belive that you wrote code that is so much valuable so that it can't be shown. maybe your script is full of usernames and passwords which you can't publish, so that would make sense... anyway, i hope that transfering to Xisto and PHP 5 will do the trick
  5. well hitmanblood, you didn't post any of your code. in order for anyone to help, you should post both your PHP and HTML code here so that we can see what's the problem more easily. also use code tags to wrap code..
  6. Some user posted a similar problem i had when i tried to figure out how to update content on my website in less work as possible. This is just part of the "big" plan i have for my site but it can be helpfull to you guys if you like FlatFile. I hope that mod's don't mind me posting the same code here and on their forums, couse if they do i'll delete it from their forums So here's the situation. Let's say you have a folder called 'myfilesdirectory' on your server, in which you upload your text files which you want to use on your website. Also you want those files to be somehow accesible via hyperlinks. Smartest way to do so, with as less as work as possible is to use opendir(), readdir(); and some basic php functions like i'll explain now. My folder contains of these *.txt files, news.txt, contact.txt, links.txt. I want to read those files to an array, which i will use later for two things. First to dynamicly create hyperlinks of those files, and second to asign $_GET values to them, so that we don't need to get away from index.php page at any time. So here's the full code <?php$directory = getcwd();$files=array(); #initialize array$dir = opendir("$directory/myfilesdirectory");while (false !== ($f = readdir($dir))) { if (eregi("\.txt",$f)){ #if filename matches .txt in the name $fstristr = substr($f, 0, -4); array_push($files,"$fstristr"); #push into $files array }}foreach ($files as $link){ echo '<a href="?id='.$link.'">'.ucfirst($link).'</a> ';}echo "<br>";if(in_array($_GET['id'], $files)){ include_once $directory.'/myfilesdirectory/'.$_GET['id'].'.txt';}else { include_once $directory.'/myfilesdirectory/news.txt';}?> Now to explain it piece by piece... 1) $directory= getcwd(); set our directory to the position of our script. There are other ways to do it, but i like this one. 2) $files = array(); initialize $files array which is now empty, but we will fill it later with some PHP functions 3) $dir = opendir("$directory/myfilesdirectory"); sets variable $dir to open 'myfilesdirectory' in which i saved my files 4) while (false !== ($f = readdir($dir))) is used to 5) if (eregi("\.txt",$f)){ #if filename matches .txt in the name $fstristr = substr($f, 0, -4); array_push($files,"$fstristr"); #push into $files array } eregi() is used so that only files with .txt extensions get $f value $fstristr = substr($f, 0, -4) is used to strip those extensions by using substr() to read file until last 4 characters which are .txt array_push($files, "$fstristr") now we use array_push to fill that $files array with our files that are read and striped nicely to fit our needs. At this time $files array looks something like this array ([0] => "content", [1] => "links", [2] => "news") notice how it sorted out array, maybe later i will use some kind of function to sort it more convinient than it is now Basicly that is the "new" code, the rest of the code is more or less familiar to even newbies in php, but i'll explain it briefly.. 6) foreach ($files as $link){ echo '<a href="?id='.$link.'">'.ucfirst($link).'</a> ';} foreach is used to dynamicly create links from the $files array (ucfirst is used to capitalize first letters) and last but not the least 7) if(in_array($_GET['id'], $files)){ include_once $directory.'/myfilesdirectory/'.$_GET['id'].'.txt';}else { include_once $directory.'/myfilesdirectory/news.txt';}?> This script looks weather a $_GET['id'] is in array $files, and if true includes that file. Else is the default file which is going to be loaded while $_GET is not yet set. The preview of the script is availiable here And a download is availiable here
  7. Humans are trying to analyze everything beacouse we need to understand. There are ppl that just live life beacouse they feel it's simpler than analyzing it, but on the other side there are ppl that analyze everything. With analyzing by using our senses, and even more important thing is Assumption. Humans sometimes assume that something is something becouse of this and that. They learn ways to test and to prove that assumption. Many scientists have come to their discoveries first by assumption and then by analyzing it and proving themselves that they are right or wrong.If you assume that what you see is what you get (WYSWING ) then you will never question anything and just live by that rules, in dark, or in fear that maybe by trying to figure something out you will get to the answers that could drive you to madness. Maybe one of the best feelings that you can have is when you turn out to be right in your assumption. Let's say you see a girl in a bar and she looks in your way, and smiles to you. You can assume that she likes you, approach her and maybe start a nice chatter discover you just like her so much and she likes you. Get married with her and have children. Of course, you can also assume that like all the time before she is just smiling to someone behind you and never talk to her. Both of those things can be right, but if you never ask you will never know.That is like science, or even religion, and almost everything else in life. I know for myself that i assume too much, and i often end up being wrong in it. But someday i'll assume just right, beacouse i'm assuming that it just has to happen. I'll rather live and be wrong, but live by my feelings, than just say "What's there is there, and i there is no way to change it". That additude is not going to bring anybody anywhere, beacouse we need to take our chance, we need to take a risk and just dig into something to find out the truth behind it. I love psychics and enjoy reading books about it. I also like to assume that there is much much more in life than many people belive, but it is not easy to get it. Learning, reading, practicing and sacrificing to that couse will probably end up with positive result, and if it doesn't at least i'll know, i lived a life that i felt was worth living. Analyze this
  8. Interesting theory. Although you lack some of the latest psychics information regarding the creation of the universe. First quarks are not considered smallest particles that create whole universe anymore. Quarks are made from Quantum theories and are small particles which make protons, or neutrons, which then make atoms, which form molecules which form matter in 4 known forms to man. Liquid, Solid, "Boiling", and Plasma state.Your theory is interesting beacouse of how you feel that universe acts, i mean how you see other dimensions of space and time. The latest theory of unification called Superstring Theory proves that there are no only 4 dimensions in which we live in but rather there are 11 dimensions (there is a posibility that there is even more, but i didn't get to that part yet). So you see we are living in 11dimensional universe, although we are only aware of 4 dimensions. 3 dimensions of space, and 1 dimension of time.Trying to visualize 10 dimensions of space is really hard, and maybe only few ppl in the whole world can do it, so most of the people have free mind when they want to visualize other dimensions. Also one more thing that this new theory says that it is quite possible that after Big Bang this wasn't the only universe created, and possibly there were many other universes created also. Just it is beyond our near minded perceptivnes to visualize those universes.There is a possibility that we are just "cought" in 3 dimensions by some ways of nature, and that we ourselves need to open our minds to wide variety of perceptions of other dimensions, which can sometimes result in great visions, you can have about your Beeing in this place called universe. One of those visions homer simpson had that day, and you liked it a lot. I saw that same thing and i liked it too. But you can say also that maybe there is more to it, other than going really small, then really big and then getting back to really small. Although i find that idea very attractive.
  9. sure sounds like PHP problem if you tested this script. try running phpinfo on your hosting provider to see the version of PHP they are using. then you should check for compatibility of your code with the version of PHP used at your hosting. i suggest that you use Xisto hosting couse it uses PHP 5.2 which is much better than older versions. Runing phpinfo on your site can be done by you creating info.php file and putting this code inside <?phpphpinfo();?>
  10. When you recive SPAM e-mails to your inbox DON'T move them to trash. Select them and Mark them As SPAM!! Also you don't need to delete e-mails in your Spam folder couse spam older than a month is automaticly deleted. Curent status 413 spam e-mails
  11. I found this code works just fine <form method="GET">Username: <input type="text" name="username"><br>Rank: <input type="text" name="rank"><br>Email: <input type="text" name="email"><br>Link: <input type="text" name="link"><br><input type="submit" value="Process"></form><?php$username = $_GET['username'];echo $username.'<br>';$rank = $_GET['rank'];echo $rank.'<br>';$email = $_GET['email'];echo $email.'<br>';$link = $_GET['link'];echo $link.'<br>';?> I really don't know what is your problem, but you could post your full script, with errors if you have any. Also for form submition i would recommend using PHP $_POST instead of $_GET.
  12. I think that Python is the simplest language to learn programming with. Also PHP is simple too. But i guess it depends on a person which syntax is easiest for him to understand.
  13. It is funny and doesn't mean a thing to me. Bush thinks that he can control the world, and that is funny i know about a guy who thought the same. His name was Hitler. Basicly what he's trying to say with this is "If you go to space, show US a passport!". And of course your briefcase ;)It's that too many James Bond movies about bad guys trying to control the world that braine washed his mind. Thank god he can't be president no more, and i just hope that American ppl are going to be a bit smarter when they select new one. But then again, really, who cares
  14. I just learned this simple method on how to use functions to combine two values from a form. First we create ourselves a simple POST form <form method="POST">Name: <input type="text" name="nickname">Location: <input type="text" name="location"><input type="submit" value="Input"></form> Now we add this php to that same file <?php$nick = $_POST['nickname'];$location = $_POST['location'];function information($nick, $location){ echo 'My nick is '.ucfirst($nick).'<br>My location is '.$location; }information($nick, $location);?> that code is similar to this one <?php$nick = $_POST['nickname'];$location = $_POST['location'];function information($nick, $location){ return 'My nick is '.ucfirst($nick).'<br>My location is '.$location; }$combine = information($nick, $location);echo $combine;?> It's up to you to decide which one to use And that is it. I really find this code quite useful for understanding functions in PHP. Hope it does the same for you. (here's the example) EDIT: Edited form as truefusion said below
  15. never enable register_globals couse it is a security risk. But if you really want to you can do it with .htaccess file. try googleing for it... i think there is a "How to.." even here at Xisto forums...
  16. i think you have one extra dot in your include code.. include (".../includes/testphpinclude.html"); should be include ("../includes/testphpinclude.html");
  17. I tried to output this code of yours but id didnt do nothing with this <?phpinclude('bbcode.php');$bbcode = new bbcode;$my_content = '[b]This is Bold[/b], [s]Strike[/s]';$bbcode->parse($my_content);?> What do i need to echo to get $my_content bbcoded!? Sorry i'm a oop newbie
  18. Try this website https://portforward.com/. There is explanation on how to do that what you are looking for on many known ruters. I had similar problem when i wanted to publicly display my localhost. The problem was that when i entered my IP address in webbrowser, instead of browser showing MyLocalHost site it showed MyRouterHost site (it's the site where you go when typing (or similar IP) adress). All you have to do is set port forwarding on your router redirect to your Apache port (make it other than 80 eg.. 8886). Now i would write how to make that for my router, but i don't think that would help you. So try that site. Also, i had massive problems, with firewalls (both on computer and on my router), i also needed to create Static IP adress for my LAN card, and several other things. That is beacouse i have a cheap router. I wish you luck and a good router EDIT: Corected the name of the website
  19. i think that he just wanted to be funny. although maybe he doesn't realize that yet oh and i forgot.. no offense meant
  20. GTA: 4 is whole new game! And i can't wait for PC version
  21. I must comment this beacouse i think this is the funniest post i've ever read on Xisto. seez, you just made me laugh like no one did for a long time. congratulations.
  22. It is true that people often worship only happiness and not sorrow without the understanding that with no sorrow they would not have the same understanding of happiness. Same metafore could be used for many other emotions we have in life, sometimes when we find ourselves sick, we remember how it was good to be healthy. Little people know, or understand that egzactly that is the reason we need to find ourselves sick, just to understand how happy we need to be when we are healthy. Mages all over the world have found the meaning of their quests, and try to teach it to others. But also they know that if their job would be easy, if everybody just accepted their teaching that those teaching wouldn't be worth that much. When schoolar acceptes teachings of his mentor mentor rises even more, and becomes even more aware of his task ahead. Opposite of that is when schoolar doesn't accept or just doesn't understand the tasks put in his path by his mentor, mentor starts to doubt his quest, and if he is week he will quit and abbandon his teachings.That is why all of us need to be aware of our doings, we need to do them by heart and true meaning beacouse that is the only way when we begin to doubt our path, then we will remember that we are doing it from the heart, and that is the only way we are going to succed in our plan.
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