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Everything posted by matak

  1. Hell, purgatory and heaven are three versions of eternal life in Catholic religion. Basicly understanding of those three versions you can achieve much in this life. You can belive in many things in life, money, love, science etc, it's just that you have to be honest to yourself in what you belive. God is eternaly good and will give you a chance on whatever you think is right to you. Also your whole life is going to generate depending on your doings, on those things you belive are right. Taking examples of other people who are maybe bad, but their life is great, or others who are good but their life sucks is not what God cares about. For him you are the only thing that matters. God is in everyone of us, so it can also be said that all of us are some kind of God's.There is many things you can do to make your life right now personal Heaven, or personal Hell. By doing bad to yourself your gonna live in Hell, otherwise you are going to live in Heaven. Just keep your eyes open for values that you are tought to learn, to obey and appreciate in this life you live right now. Most people who are at school maybe know that their parents are going to "love" them more if they are great at school. Parents are going to make your life like heaven if you have all A's. Of course there are exceptions, but that is life, it's complexity and variety is the thing that makes it worth living. If it were all the same to all of us then were would the fun be.
  2. I really don't know how to easily explain what arrays are. They are like series of objects with same information you can use to store data in. Maybe the simplest way to explain what array is is just to write couple of constructs with plain variables(strings) and then use array for the same. Let's say you want to write many strings that you wish to include with your template.. You can either write something like this $website1 = "website1.php";$website2 = "website2.php";$website3 = "website3.php";... Which as you can is is quite annoying, or just write it like array $websites = array ("website1.php", "website2.php, "website2.php"); Which makes your code easier to read, and simpler to manage EDIT: Here you can see how arrays can be used to create id browsing..
  3. If you like PHP arrays like i do you probably wondered how to walk through multidimensional arrays. You can construct them maybe from your database or flat file, and output them with simple two functions foreach, and list.. Let's say we have something like this $information = array ( 'id0001' => array ('ivan', 'ivanovich', 'm', '24'), 'id0002' => array ('marko', 'markovich', 'm', '21'), 'id0003' => array ('ana', 'anich', 'z', '35')); that string represents multidimensional array. Multidimensional array is array of arrays. It offers much more efficient way of storing similar information in one string. Our string $information contains array of ID's, and every ID contains array of user information for that ID. Like, name, lastname, gendre, and age. Now for us to use this construct we first set our ID's as $id string using foreach statement, and then asociate $name, $lastname, $gendre, $age strings for each value in array based on it's ID with list function. And then just to see the result we add echo function Here is the code we use for that.. foreach ($information as $id) { list ($name, $lastname, $gendre, $age) = $id; echo '<b>Name: </b>' .ucfirst($name). ' <b>Lastname: </b>' .ucfirst($lastname). ' <b>Gendre: </b>' .strtoupper($gendre). ' <b>Age: </b><i>' .$age. '</i><br>';} Output is this You can see some functions here that are maybe unknown to you like ucfirst(). Here's what they do.. ucfirst() capitalizes the first letter in sentence. If you maybe think that names are going to be like Nikolai Dmitrievich Tolstoy maybe it would be smart to use ucwords() which capitalizes the first letters in all words of string. strtoupper() outputs all letters to uppercase (vice versa is strtolower() ) I didn't put the sample or dl link, couse i think it is quite simple, but if you want it, just post here and i'll make one.. Hope this helps..
  4. sex is important factor in early stage of relationship. i guess in first days months or years it becomes inevitable thing for couple to have constant and good sex. is it crucial? well, i guess it is. most people tend to be gentle at begening and don't force sex couse they are "in love". but after a while if they don't have sex they become nervouse and jumpy when they are abstinent for some time. then when it happens, most of the time it is great for both people, but sometimes two just can't find them selves in "bed" and it becomes to weird so sometimes breakup is coused beacouse of bad sex. although couples always talk about other stuff, most of the time "bed" problems are the reasons for break up.now, the problem comes after few years, when sex just simply becomes boring. you can maybe talk about that how your partner is boring, or how he doesn't turn you on anymore. it can be truth, but i think that it's just question of time when sex just isn't part of your life that often. you can either realize that maybe your whole long year relationship was maybe just based on good sex, and not on similar opinions with your partner. then you begin to wonder why are you with that person etc, etc--should you feel guilty when you realize that you spent all those years with this "new" person you discovered after sex got boring, or should you just get over it, and look for that person imediatly when you want to find a new boy/girl, that is.. well up to you. sex is important, when you just want to have sex, when you realize that sex is something else in relationship that other thing becomes much more important, and just then you see how it is really hard to find somebody with whom(or who dunno) you can spend your whole life with..
  5. I often wondered about the name Xisto, and about ppl behind it. Now when i read this story i'm really amazed. Good work opaque, and great that you pulled it of, and that you are now just progressing and upgrading this community features. About the name Xisto, i figured out a meaning of that name to myself, and it's kinda similar to your story. I guess most ppl here that are now developers, have once been game addicts (personaly i played sc, duke nukem, q1, war2 etc). since i got bored of gaming i'm into programming and stuff now, and time i wasted on games i waste on something more usefull.really great story, it's so cool to know the truth behind this respectful site. keep up the good work, and best wishes for the future. I hope i'll live to see 1Gb storage soon
  6. Also it should be noted that PHP is OOP language!
  7. Strings can also be created as arrays like this <?php$information[name] = array ( "ivan" => "ivanovich", "marko" => "markovich", "petar" => "petrovich" ); foreach ($information[name] as $key_name => $key_surname) { echo '<b>Name: </b>'.$key_name.' <b>Surname: </b>'.$key_surname.'<br>'; }?>
  8. Mods are great to play. I played a mod Median 2008, and it's great and fun. But i don't advice anyone to play mods unless they finished the original Hell game
  9. Let's put more links that lead to great tutorials about PHP, so maybe mods can pin this topic? Maybe links to good PHP examples too, not just beginners tutorials Anyhow, post your opinions, i'm going to check my bookmarks to find some good sites Small PHP review: PHP is server side scripting language designed in the 90's to develop more dynamic websites. Before PHP websites were completely static HTML pages. With PHP user interaction was added, and it was a great step forward to pages that we know today. PHP was developed in C++ programming language, and it is 100% free to use. Source code for PHP is also availiable for download, so that users can write their own extensions that suit their needs. I've been learning PHP for 4 months now, and it is really user friendly language to learn. PHP supports numeric and text variables, it has great support for arrays, and it is full programming language, meaning that it supports both procedural programing, OOP or any other kind of programming. Nice tutorial on procedural vs OOP. One of the most usefull features of PHP are arrays. Mostly everything done with php is conected to variables, which can also be made as arrays. Both single dimensional, or associative arrays. Understanding arrays is a good path to understand PHP. Of course that you need to understand basic functions (if {} ifelse {}; switch {}; for (value){dosomething()} etc), but once you understand those functions, and arrays everything else is going to be much more easier to do.
  10. For reading XML with php you need to use something like this (this example even ads XSL stylesheet to XML) $xmldoc = new DOMDocument(); $xmldoc->loadXML('yourxmlfile.xml'); $xsldoc = new DOMDocument(); $xsldoc->loadXML('yourstylesheet.xsl'); $xslt = new XSLTProcessor(); $xslt->importStylesheet($xsldoc); echo $xslt->transformToXML($xmldoc); Just a thing i was wondering, does Xisto have support for XSLTProcessor?!
  11. Best wishes, and don't eat to many fishes!
  12. Yes, i understand that. It's just that it happens. And, bum, everything is different. It's just i had my hopes up high (really high), so that is why i posted this. That situation was just first time that happened to me, and i just snapped. What can you do.
  13. i got my name from an old buddy of mine. he was really great at inventing names for ppl. it short and added from my last name. i kinda figured out it means MagicATAcK, but that's just imagination.
  14. The fact is that i realized that she's off me. I needed to move on. And did that. Finaly I started living and breathing again. Was that love, i don't know. Nobody knows what love is. At this time I discovered strange new feelings about love! Yeah, feeling about love. Can you imagine that. Love itself is a feeling, but I never know that you can have feelings about love. You can hate love, you can love it, despise it. Basicly whole life is based on your feelings for love. Maybe now i even don't belive in it the way i did before.Growing up has much to do with it. Even the way i was rased, way that i looked at other people, married people, strange people, drunk people, people who are lost, who found themselves and that. How to think of that girl now? Maybe you can say i didn't try hard enough. And that is true. I didn't. It is one of those situations you just can't. You could but you can't. Life isn't movie. It's not some kind of novel, where you have one story with few more asside. In life there are 5-10-infinite number of situations, solutions, and oportunities. There is no way that now i'll feel like i abandoned her, or love. I know the words she told me, i saw her eyes last time when i saw here. It was the truth.Looking at the pictures we had togeather feels me sad, but happy at the same time. Time we had has passed, now it's time for something new. My feelings are chiseled in new way about relationship, and i feel that is the way i should go in life. Is it smart to be afraid? Yes. Am i afraid? No. Never, ever i'm gonna be afraid of a decision. You just have to make one, forget, and move on. "The night is young!" is the last fraze she told me. Now i understand it, and wish her the best in life. It is over, forever.
  15. I want to help to save the world. But I also want to live in benefits of this world. It is much contradict statement, beacouse benefits of this world are things that are bringing it to destruction. Only few examples that i'm gonna mention. First one is electricity, second one is cars, and third is really not that important, waste.Electricity is probably most important discovery in human history. Without it we would still be living in 18th century, with candle lights. Is there a need to write about what wouldn't be possible without electricity?! When you look at it closely nothing would be possible beacouse this whole modern world is based on it. If i had a chance to build a world of my own, i would know that it probably would last longer (lets say 1000 years) without electricity and just 10 years with it. Calculating everything right, i guess that those 1000 years wouldn't be so tempting couse i wouldn't have eg. internet. So, i don't want to save the world by cutting down electricity.Second one, cars, is maybe less important. I lived last 5 years with a car, and due to some things that happend i don't use car these past few months. I know with me not using car i'm contributing to greener planet, but today it is raining, and i need to go 10 miles to my college with a bus. I have umbrella and that's cool, but this rain is just weird, it always wets my shoes my pants, and it's icky feeling. I wished i had a car today, but well, i'm not made of sugar so nothing is going to happen.Third part is waste. And planet. We humans, are mortal. We die and leave this world of to nothing, or heaven depending on ppl belives. But we leave lot's of waste behind. All of us need to eat, drink etc. That is a process that's been going on for thousand years, and due to our enormous population now there is just so much waste. But on planets side of view that is nothing. We are just contributing to it's mass, even better, we are not doing anything but reproducing molecules that were there from one state to another, and dumping it to planet again. In million years, that waste is going to be stone, or anything else, and we are probably not gonna be here.So when i wonder about saving the planet, i don't wonder on how to save it by not doing something that i like, beacouse we are humans, we like doing things that we like, and we don't do things that we don't. Rather, i think of this process of living. But not just myself, or the other, but space, planets, suns. There is something more than just this, and personaly i'm sure of it. Thinking how to improve processes that we do everyday and that we like, so that they polute less and for them to be more efficient is thing that i hope is going to save this planet.That is knowlegde. Learning, studying and educating ppl, of things that can make them happy the same as things that are they doing now, but are going to pollute less is important. So instead of driving around, we should probably stay put, live a bit slower more efficient, and think about those things more. Idea will popout, and solution is gonna be made. Let's just hope that it's made before the world is distroyed, but that, let's be honest, is not our decision to make.
  16. Tizag has also a good (great tut) about PHP PHP 101 tuts on Zend page, are also great Oreilly page on arrays is also a must-read
  17. i agree with musiconly. there is great joomla component for posting comments on site. with bit of modding it can be great for any site. also ajax chatbox components, and phpbb forums bridges. joomla is really powerfull CMS and about blog tools, like many wrote here, wordpress is slickest answer. hope you find whatcha like. my 2nd post, so i can sleep better now. night all
  18. on most forums mods delete links like this. guess Xisto is really cool about that. btw, i would click on your adsense links, but you should click on mine then.. darn.. i don't have adsense.. wonder why
  19. The thing that has been bugging me for a while was that switch statement that we use to create ID browsing (some use If-Ifelse but results are the same for both). I wanted to figure out a way to use more dynamic switch statement so that i only need to update my links array in order to create links for template. With use of foreach, array_keys, and in_array functions finally i managed to do so. Also i'm planing on changing foreach with array_walk but i'll do that later. Now for the code.. First we create an associative array something like this $glavni_linkovi = array( "Index" => "glavna.html", "Link1" => "link1/index.html", "Link2" => "link2/index.html", "Link3" => "link3/index.html" ); After we loop through it with foreach function to create our dynamic links (i just love the word dynamic) foreach ($glavni_linkovi as $gl_li => $gl_li_path) { echo '<a href="?p='.$gl_li.'">'.$gl_li.'</a> ';} Then we write down this code $page = $_GET['p']; I'll quote a fellow trapper on that code and use array_keys to create a new string that holds keys of our main array ($glavni_linkovi). That trick is needed beacouse in_array function that i used later doesn't check for keys in associative array, but for values. And i used keys as my ID's for browsing.. Managed to confuse myself with this sentence $linkovi = array_keys($glavni_linkovi); And after all that a function that i'm proud off.. if (in_array($page, $linkovi)){ foreach ($glavni_linkovi as $gl_li => $gl_li_path) { switch($page) { case $gl_li: include $gl_li_path; break; } }}elseif ($page == ""){ include $glavni_linkovi['Index'];}else { echo " <h1>Started a ban function! :)</h1> <p>As soon as i learn to create one.</p> <p>Your IP address is: ".$REMOTE_ADDR."</p>";}?> First part where in_array checks is ID value in array $linkovi, and switch statement that dynamicly changes ID based on it's value.. Wohoo.. I just love PHP..Second part elseif checks what array is used for loading page when ID=="".. I would like to write better code for this so i can maybe change Index value and that it sets [0] value of array for ID=="", but i don't know how. Maybe some people here who now how to code can help. And thanks to jlhaslip notice, the third ELSE part starts a ban function when "hacker" tries to enter other values in browser, in order to inject some malicious code. All you need to do now is to change values of $glavni_linkovi array and rest is done with the code Here is a working example... And here is a download zippy.. Hope you like the code, and again thanks to all coders that share Matak
  20. Strange about that. I installed ultimate, with p4 2.4ghz 512ram and gforce 6600gs (256ram) and it works nice. even faster then xp..
  21. Here's something that i accidentally discovered a while back How to write with bbcode... <?php$mycode = '<?php echo("hello");?> [b]<html>[/b]';$stvarno = array ("<", ">", "[b]", "[/b]");$zamjenjeno = array ("<",">", "<b>", "</b>");$code = str_replace($stvarno, $zamjenjeno, $mycode);echo ("$code");?> Here's the link to the topic. I see that you are using a bunch of code for that, and i would like to hear advantages of coding that way. Looks like OOP to me. A thing i'll need to learn in near future. Thanks
  22. After a while struggling with PHP arrays in order to build even more dynamic, more like administrator friendly dynamic links i figured out it could be done this way. First we need to build ourselves an associative array like this $glavni_linkovi = array( "Index" => "This is the index file!", "Link1" => "This is path to link1!!", "Link2" => "This is path to link2!!", "Link3" => "This is path to link3!! :)" ); After we made our array with foreach statement we can make our links. I made it something like this foreach ($glavni_linkovi as $gl_li => $gl_li_path) { echo '<a href="?p='.$gl_li_path.'">'.$gl_li.'</a> ';} Now we go to the part where we use $_GET like posted above to use that associative array in our page. Code looks a bit messy but it's couse i didn't know any other way to use Default switch with foreach statement.. Here's the code $page = $_GET['p'];if ($page == "") { echo $glavni_linkovi['Index'];}else {foreach ($glavni_linkovi as $gl_li => $gl_li_path) {switch($page) { case $gl_li_path: echo $gl_li_path; break;}}} This can be quite handy beacouse we don't need to write switch statement every time when we create link. Also we don't need to write links manualy, beacouse they are created automaticly when added to associative array.. Hope u Like this example. Here's how it works. Link. And here's the download zippy if you don't understand how to implement it in webpage..Zippy Thanks to all Xisto coders! matak
  23. good luck with your date :D

  24. Death can be explained in many ways, i like it explained like when a caterpillar becomes a cocoon, before it becomes a butterfly. Does a caterpillar know that she or he is becoming a butterfly or does she or he thinks that it is it's death. In someways it is both - a caterpillar dies and after a while a beautiful butterfly is born. I hope that it is the same way for humans. Death is a cocoon for the life after, in which we are born again as butterfly's.
  25. I'm using vista for 20ish days now.. I really like the os. i found two problems by now1. UDF support is not good now. It means you can't run images larger than 2Gb's on virtual drive (Power ISO)2. Video recording software like CAM Studio isn't working right. I had to install Auto Screen Recorder which records video, but has no option to record audio at the same time like Cam Studio has so i needed to record audio with another program at the same time. But now i need to combine those two with vobdub and that is just double job for nothing.Vista looks stable and good OS, and i generaly like it. But those baby bugs are annoying so i guess for a while i'm doing a downgrade to XP couse i need that video's working for my biz i'm planning. Also those annoying popups like windows defender are unexplainable to me. I even stoped the service and now when i log on OS shows some error message. I just don't have time to tweak it for now.my ratingsxp 9/10bsd 8/10 (free BSD)vista 7/10linux 6/10 (rating is low couse of those annoying number of distros, which is supposed to be a good thing. i just don't like it)
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