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Everything posted by Spyda

  1. Use traffic exchanges and put the link in your sig, but do not dspam it . If you spam youtr site around not many people will visit it, now if you be a good member and put it in your sig, then maybe people will visit it. But traffic e's are the best restort
  2. Spyda


    Usually I would make an introduction and say to read the rjules, but I guess since you have hosting and have posted a lot then there is no point in doing so. Just what to say a late hello, and hope you stay with Xisto for A LONG Time to come!
  3. Nice mini tutroial, I wonder if this actually works, or if it only works for dsome people and not all. I do want to see the other diet you had so post it okay
  4. Um? I dont thinl thaT GOOG;LE would hack into somebody elses website, because of hopw respected they are as a company, this is very interesting that this woudld happen. Maybe it was just a problem with your broswer or somethigng because I didnt have a proble. Probablly this occured at a different time when i was not on
  5. Spyda


    Hello Mkai, Nice to meet you. I am bk2070, and I've been at trap for a long time. Yoiu should like it herre and all the members. I fyou need anything feel free to PM a mod. or admin. Also, read the Xisto readme so you know what can and vcannot be done. I hope you enjoy the site, have fund getting a website.
  6. That's awesome I have alwways been fond of dreamweAver and liked the previoius versions I wonder what some new thiings will be included the latest version of it, I also would like to know the costs and basic information like thst. A cannot wait for the next update.
  7. I'm pretty sure it is safe, I mean xISTO would never use something thatr could be vunerable to us, or anybody, but yeah I know what you mean I heard that cpanel is at a security risk.
  8. Its good for wealthy people, but I do not think that average people will have any use for it. If this happens all you have to do is wait till you can make the temp just tight, you do not need a big machine, but there will be people that wil buy your product, but moist average people will have no use for it.
  9. Hey nice to meett you,. it is good to see a new member. Read the rules. and do the right stuff good luck
  10. The Ea Sports Nascar ones are the most realsitic cause you can make a player, and then you have to customize the player and add things to noth only him but to the car as well. You also can customize the track and have to go to the pitt when your car is bad or low on oil or fuel. It is really cool, but i have not played it in a long time so I do not know if it s still very realistic compoared to your respective games!
  11. Seacrh engine of course. i use the search engine every single day whenevr I need to search the web I use it. I think the email i good, but I donrt have an acocunt on it. also like their webmaster tools that help you make your site better. Adsense is a cool way to make money off you site, so I like everything google yay, if only they made food then I would eat that too lol
  12. My favorite is the ftp addon to firefox. THat is the best because you can use it while surfing then et. Also, it is the easy one for me to figure out. didnt take long before I was puting files into my account and getting my hosting account all suitted up for the real world :PIts calleD fireftp
  13. Just eat the right foods, like vergies and things like that. Cut down on soda, and anything that is really sweet. Also try and excersse as much, try walking home the long way so you burn extra calories or decide to go to the mall and powerwalk with friends so it fell less like excersise. Don;t do the atkins diet and all those fake excerise things they do not work. THe best thing is to burn more calories then you consume. Doing that and you will sure lose the etra fat around you whole body
  14. hahaha, if microsoft did build cars that is excatly what would happen. Microsoft isn't really good at computers, even though they make the most and more money, but mac and linux are coming up to the standard that windows had and maybe oneday microsoft does make a car, a good car and not like what you said
  15. Spyda

    Area 51

    No aliesn jsut a place that gov't put their crazy ideas and stuff and make cray things it actually really good place for gov't cause nobody knows what they are doing excactly, we alll have clues but only people who have actually been inside area 51 will know what is really going on there
  16. Hopefulkly the teacher assigns you 2 to a project or something so hen you can talk to her dring the project you might have, and try to impress her ith the skills you have with the project. If that doesnt happen talk with somebody around her and then maybe she'll join the conversation and then you csn tlak to her through there.
  17. If you have slower broadband then there still a need for them cause if you have to give up your comptuer to somebody else or something, then you can pause it and resume later, or it still makes downlaods faster lol.
  18. Move on mate, she def. had problems with herselv that she need to work on. You seem like a good guy and need a girl better for you, and not somebody who one time says they married you, and the other says good bye. Move on, the best thing i think of
  19. Sorry,but i have not experienced any of this. i have experienced no downtime and the service remains good as it always is. dont know why, maybe i wasnt on when there was downtime, but other than that the service has seemd the same
  20. it could be good cuz when usearch another site ur site mite be coming up, and it could help you become better ith google. so backlinks are actually good. But maybe too mcuh could hurt cause ur site may look like a link site
  21. How come I don't see any of this jk, i know since i am no admin/mod i cant see thatBut good job, naything that makes the forum better is good! even if we cant c it
  22. Is there a game convertor that converts .rar, and .iso games into the regular game file that PSP accepts. Cause there is this homebrew psp chess game that I want to download. And some reason its a .rar, and it said something about Iso which idk what that is. It also said something about downgrading your psp, which idk what this is as well. Ps. is this illegal to download homebrew games? Like games other people made or is it perfetly fine
  23. That want you to pay, but even if you do downloading those files are still illegal , they not free juss cause you pay for it. Say with allpspgames.com . don't pay for them, they are not a real site, and if you do pay for them and download a ton of files you can be prosecuted. Just a heads up for those two sites!
  24. cant get to u ste, guess u forgot to post or did something against tos? I like the banner, makes cool banner especially for your site. The font good too.9.9/10
  25. Thats loong.... woah i never knew it ould be that long. I cannt count to 204 let alone that big number. Wow numbers are very weird, why do we even need a number that is such big and such wide as the one presneted. What is the purpose for such number, what does ut cure drug disease, or drug addicitions?
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