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Everything posted by Spyda

  1. Wow, nicely done. It seems as if a lot of effor was done to make the design of the site proffessional, unlike most of the crappy sites on the interent today. I like how use used flash for the template, this makes me think over if I really want to use any flash on my site. Before I read your post, once I saw .edu I was wodnering how you were able to get a .edu domain, then I read the whole thing . Like I said before, very nice job. I bet that Indian university is very proud on the job you have done and appreciate it very much
  2. Wow, I never knew it could be that complicated to use a template. Like I said before I thought it was as simple as copying and pasting. But, what bugs me is how you must have adobe photoshop, which I dont have. I downloaded the trial and since that ran out I am screwed. I can use the one at school, but since there is a strict "No Download Policy" I wouldn't be able to download it there.I don't want to get a custom template, because like what was said the cost can be extremely expensive. And I have a budget at hand which I am not willing to go over. Now all of this brings up another topic. It seems that you dont really like template monster. I had previously just thought, maybe my ignorance, that template monster had the best "templates" hence their name. So if they aren't that good, then do you know of any sites that may have better templates at a cheaper price like 20-30 instead of 60-80.
  3. I would get a unique template, but my site has a budget and I already used up some money to get a domain, and ipb, so I'm running out of cash. Besides, 60 dollars is expensive enough for me.... Plus it's not my paypal, Im too young to get one so all of this is with the help of my *wondeful and thoughtful brother*...(he extorteed me to write that )Anyway back to the topic: So this all depends on the type of template I am getting?What I thought is the template that I want would be in a zip and all I do is copy the css and paste it in the index files with the appropriate headers and footers ect. So is it harder then just copying and pasting? Geez........
  4. Looking over template monster's templates, and saw some templates that I like. I thought to myself " How would I install one of these if I do get it?"So that's my question, how do you? On the site it says you need adobe photoshop for some of the skins the ones that use flash I think, but can anybody tell me how would I install it?
  5. Most people would disagree with me, but i dont care. I like desktops better. Let me tell you why.... desktops are relatively cheaper than laptops (a known fact) They usually are better equipded, and i dont know why I just liek them. Its betetr than laptops for sure. I never go on any bussiness trips or what not so i never need to take a laptop. Waste of money compared to what desktops cost. Alost internet signals are better on desktops...
  6. It's alright and i'll tell you why. Most people do not need a site like that in their lives since if they want games they can goto a better game site like shockwave and music they always have yahoo and tose online radio shows. The skin could be adjusted to make the site look more proffessional other than continue with your site, and take more than 30 minutes to make it better!
  7. glassez are better. Contacts can dmage your eyess especially fi you are young. glasses aret tat bad, they make you look nerdy, okay i'll give you that, but contacts cost more, they irritate your eyes, and are a complete pain. So glasses all the way, even iuf i look like a nerd or geek they are eaier o use!
  8. I actually have a gta related site, and have been researching the upcoming GTA. Some cool things that will be in the new game are:1. The game is based in Liberty City (again) but it is more detailed with better graphics.2. The city is not as big as San Andreas, but the details are much better like the peds can sit on benches, you'll see them on bikes, smoking cigars ect.3. There will be much cars a lot more compared to San Andreas4. You will be able to visit neigboring cities and states like Brooklyn and New Jersey, but with different names to them5. There will be the statue of liebrty again, with a different name.The bad part about this is there will eb NO PLANES, so sorry to those hoping to get a new bathc of plnaes, helpicopters will be available though.So stay tuned guys it comes out in October, should be 59.99 for 360, and up to 80 for ps3!!
  9. Thanks BF for that informationNo i am not running out of space or anything it is just i want to host multiple domains under one hosting account, so i am afraid that i will run out bandwidth if i host lets say 3-4 sites getting a fair number of hits per day. I have been looking to Xisto - Web Hosting, the only thing is I am one those people who like comparison shopping, so even though Xisto - Web Hosting is extremely good hosting provider since they are ran by xisto, I still like to keep my eyes open :<)
  10. Today i will be getting a domain and start to look into paid hosts. how much would this plan typically go for, and how much traffic can it hold. 2gb of storage 20gb of monthly transfer
  11. guess bf's theory about the b letters is wrong, @BfYou and Opaque can take your time on this issue, you guys have done a lot for trap so i dont think you guys have to be in so much of hurry. As always, thanks!
  12. lol, didnt notice that only members w/ b usernames were affected. Anyway, good to see this problem coming to an end just hope mine is restored next.
  13. I always lie online even on Xisto I've lied about my age, but thats it just on trap. Some people lie a lot online. They say they are athletes and work out and all this other B.S when really they are obese and are online for half their lives. So i say what the hell lie your *bottom* off online just don't do it in real life.EDIT: Grammar problems, this was an old post*
  14. The other topic was closed because many members were complaing about the same problem over and over again. It was pointless to keep it open as the same members were asking the same questions. Now the Cpanel was upgraded to Cpanel X and this is permanent. I dont no why you are complaining about the new cpanel as it has more features.
  15. Yeah comptuing host is apart of Xisto the company that owns Xisto. They are extremely affordable, and offer probably extremely good service, if it is anything like Xisto. Once my site becomes big , I will defintley look to make a switch to Xisto - Web Hosting as one of the admins can copy all your files over to your new account, so you wont lose anything!
  16. Read this article about the gamma server http://forums.xisto.com/topic/46779-gamma-server-undergoing-hdd-change/ Seems as if it has caused members sites to lose all data. Opaque is working on it currently, and we are waiting to see if this can be restored. Also, other members have been experiecing mysql error, webmail errors, and trouble accessing phpmyadmin. So looks like the upgrade to Cpanel X or the gamma server upgrade caused these problems, keep up to the article as Opaque will update us on this problem soon, NOTE: Your site is experiencing the same problem as my site and many others, as I checked it out and found the same error.
  17. You guy need to calm down I guarantee Opaue is doing what he can . He wouldnt let his members hang like that. And getting edgy and mad wont solve anything. Besides, he kindly upgraded the cpanelpfor us!
  18. After all the updates I am still getting the 404 Error which says this "Not Found The Requested URL was not found on the server . Additionally, a 404 Not Found was encountered while trying to use an Error document to handle the request. " So hopefully that can be handled.
  19. Hopefully they can be restored, because I have worked too hard on my site to see it be erased....
  20. I am not the admin, of couse or Moderator, but since I had the same question and other members do as well, I guess I should address this.Since the upgrade to Cpanel X, and the server change, accounts have been messed up. Some cannot access their site at all, some can access just their Cpanel, while others have troubles with their webmail and others with thier databases. Opaque should be working on this. So everybody "Lets wait"Lets wait till opaque tells us when they will be restored, I dont think it'll be thta long
  21. I can access the cpanel X and it seems as if everything is fine, but when i try accessing my homepage it says there are no files and the same thing occurs when i tried to access my file manager as well
  22. i think everything will be okay soon just be patient Edit: Seems as if all my files are gone, will they be restored
  23. Yeah i heard about this on the news and it freaked me out quite a bit, since I think my sister shops there a lot so she most liekly has used her credit card there on numerous occasions. There isn't much good news to this story, but if there is any most of the cards are either encripted, or out of date so they have no use to the thieevs who stole it. Only thing I have left to say is do not lrt this jeopradize your relations with T.J max.I think this was just a mishap, and I am glad I don't shop there personally, but this will not make me or notm ake me ever shop there, iwll remain the same on this onme right here lol
  24. that is an awesome trick to use. the only question is will it work for dial-up? And my other question is how does it make the broadm\bamd work betetr and faster? Sort of doesnt make sense to me just because.... Now do other browsedrs also can use this are or or ro only firefox? Probably only firefox. Anyway cool tril.. Only problem I have is that I use dial-up so i cannot change my settings or it will not maek a difference, neat trick for broadbanf firfrox users though, do not know hwere you found i out;..
  25. What sickos. But I guess it is a good joke. But what really made me lauygh was how many people were as gulliable as me. If you go to the discussion board attached to this tisp. You will see many people wondering how to get this from google.And there is no answer from anybody that is related to Google. but, when I intially saw this I right away( NOTE: this is before seeing you have to put the wire through the toilet and flush it.) I quickly jumped to the conclusion that I w as going to delete my broadband sergvice cancel all of that and switch to google. Little did i know that to make this *mock* google broadband service to work, you would have to flush it down the toilet>>>> woah iu am really dumb. But, I reasd somewhere that there are serviuces like this that actuallywill use the toilet to get you connected to the interent, or something related to that..... If therer is maybe i will sign up . But i am sort of made just because i wasd hping that there was goingt to be a service that offers broaband servie for free andn ow ia m soerf of upste that this is all a joke, and none of this is real. Man google did spend a lot on this joke, not only taking the pictrues and stuff they opened uip a whole website labled......and as sm said google put a lot of effor in contrructing this crazy plan.1. they made a whole another site that i posted above2. Like saint michael said they made a ton of designs for the label3. they opened another se tion of their site just for the prankbut hey google wanted to take this onme step above any other prank so here it ius, and gulliable peoplem \like myself fell for it
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