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Everything posted by richierich1m

  1. I don't think google video would be replaced but youtube will be refferred as google video and slowly the you tube user base would be transfer to google video and you tube would be after sometime only a redirecting to google video
  2. this addon seems to be good, i also heard of a plugin that helps you insert adsense on your post by adding a code like<!adsense> and you caninsert adsense anywhere ,just hoping if this rotator could be integrated with that plugin
  3. yes that the exact problem i faced i was penalised and my indexed oages went away from google search my domain shaadiya.com and http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ were both indexed but thankfully the problem was later solved and my 12o pages got indexed again in 2 weeks but i think the problem arised because i set an association in google webmasters account and then i removed the association you can set this association in google webmasters account and you don't need to do that nescessarily its optional
  4. just get out of this horrible place you really need to go away from that place why take a risk of living their if your cousins are alreadt killed don't your parents know what the type of place is that ,run from their or get some help from police it your best option
  5. i played a similar game earlier it was named something like digital hack or something this one seems to be a lot better than that ,you have created a good sim ulation after all.best of luck
  6. you could even buy phpfox it has al cool features but its costly and i heard you need to have a dedicate server tom run that script the url is phpfox.com
  7. It would be really good if there would be only one language, a lot of learning languages problem would be solved but i don't support it because every language has its own culture own feel ,it is the diversity that makes this world beautiful you won't like every country look same than there would be no fun of travelling different parts of the world its fun to enjoy things as they are
  8. No its not fixed like this some sites get crwaled even after a mont and some sites may get crawled in plain two days like one of my site did
  9. google could definately go ahead of microsoft,only if launches its own o.s. and i really don't know why theay aren't they could really ,ake it big but yet microsoft is so widespread that it would be really difficult to get microsoft down even linux is not able to do it but i think google can really do it
  10. Its incredible 60,000 servers o my god that really too much and wow it really good to see someone working that hard to help us search what we want hehe by the way how much is a petabyte
  11. Google collects a lot of information about an individual and stores it their database is really huge they are using this data to serve well currently but who knows what next ,i personally don't like a company to keep record my habits and show me ads according to my habit ,it would actually make google no.1 advertising place which is what google after but not at the cost of my privacy ,if the guy larry wants to know about me he can in a click of button could know the entire digital history ,his browsers autofill thing can tell him all personal detailsObviously google is not currently using those information in any unethical way but they are there succesors could do it for profit and any company whose target audience is you, could track you (stalking you) to get their products down your throat . i love google but i really wont like google to know my personal habits
  12. Even i like google a lot ,all of its service are good and really fun ,it service are really best , but sometimes i feel like google shouldn't get too much power,a company shouldn't get all the power ,this power itself may doom google
  13. yup i did reinstallation but i used xp professional rather than media edition,though the media edition looks good it really makes a pc very slow and i am glad now i dont have to use my win 98 to come to Xisto ,it didn't even allow me to post a smilie
  14. hi everyone i need help , my windows xp me is reastrting bacause of power failures in my home yesterday ,I have two operating system 1. windows me(which restarts )windows 98 which works perfectly ,is there any way i could rectify my win me or should i simply reinstall win xp again and how should i do it,please help
  15. there is an add-on in the addon database of phpbb for creating subforums ,it works great as i have it personally installes in one of my projects ,there are also many other addons which would help you create it more effective ,but also note that phpbb has a lot of security issues best of luck
  16. thanks everyone for your great help, and sorry for my grammar too.
  17. The best thing you can do to get traffic is provide good value to the people who visit your site ,do your very best to give them what they want make them happy and they are bound to tell other people about your site and that would be your key to success best of luck!
  18. i heard this one,the offer is really great currently and i feel if they want more user base they would even go free ,because the money they recieve from advertise more than what 5rs would ever give them i would be preferring tata what you prefer ?
  19. adding the requirement of writing the text that's seen on the image while commenting would eliminate all bots ,how much the spammers might be profiting by this,they really need to be taught a lesson
  20. really cool pics,this is my first post and i am watching these amazing pics ,though i live in india i have never visited jammu & kashmir but planning to visit soon
  21. i am a sugar addict sort of eat cakes and lots of colddrinks and i am tring to stop it from a long time
  22. my bmi is normal but i deel i am overweight and need to decrease my weight , my weighjt fluctuates easily i could easily decrease my weight by 6 kg in week but if i don't maintain things it comes back to normal
  23. hi guys i need to upload some flash games on my site is their any site where ill get free flash games to upload or javascript plugins sort of i need many small games on my site ,any suggestions??
  24. water is life ,do we need to say anything ,it's the only thing you never get bored of drinking ,by the way did anyone heard that an invention is done where cars will run on waterhere's a sort of theory its like water=H20 the car will have a system that will make h2 and o different ,h2 is hydrogen enrgy which will be used to run car while the car will remove o+o = o2 just think about it, a car that brings out oxygen
  25. sadness and angst is what you need to deal with but not happiness ,you simply enjoy that experience ,sometimes you may feel you are too happy than don't let your negative things concquer you like if you are too happy ,you are wrong ,happiness is the way of life not sadness or angst ,if you have a good phase of life why not simply enjoy it rather than feeling overwhelmed ,just remove the negativity from your mind and don't let it come again ,simply enjoy the life ,don't think why it is that way keep smiling......
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