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Everything posted by richierich1m

  1. hey ,even i am a big fan of max steel series and yes who knows may be the nano tech would make us run like that max steel guy ,nano tech is the new development i feel in the field of technology ,it would really make the world go on a different stage,isn't things which we watch in cartoons become real so soon,nano tech is the future of all inventions i feel
  2. though i am not much techie, according to me server upgradation includes many things like ,upgrading the server for a larger memory ,or a better ram ,it migh also include scanning with antivirus or also mean upgrading the cpanel,php or mysql versions and many other similar softwares used for hosting
  3. a letter from bill gates is worth, even its only for the promotion, isn't he so right about where technology is leading all of us ,but one thing scare me is that these technology might make us robot like someday ,we won't be enjoying the real "nature " the great enviourment ,ad may be in few years we might start saying that the offline world is virtual ,hehe ,but doesn't it feel that technology might make us those ,who forget to enjoy the birds ,animal and the sky and those full moon nights ,,ay be this will happen in 1000 years ,but yet it doesn't look good
  4. i love pokemon a lot ,though i am no way in an age to watch pokemon ,but as mu bro watches it,even i do with him and its good, the lessons it teaches are also really good for the small childrens ,i had seen a pokemon card game but i dinlt liked it much ,but i heard it has a pc game too ,which is really good
  5. the image is great i like the way the heart veins concept mixed with the flower ,i always like such wonderful ideas , this illustration is a wonderful do you mind if i send it to my gf in email hehe , canlt give u credit here hehehe
  6. the site looks good with a good combination of colours ,but if you ask me genuinely ,though the color suitablity is good ,it looks more like a scammers site to me,because of the way they have been written and designed ,if you make customer feel that you are going to do a magic ,most smart customer knows that it can't be done ,but yet there is no lack of foolish customers too ,i don't know whether this type of site works but i surely feel that you can do a better job ,by coding a better design ,which look more sophisticated and real .
  7. I prefered laptops ,laptops have good advantages like it could be taken anywhere you want them to take and its so easy even to opertae in the bed or during traveeling hrs and helps to utilise your timr effectively and i like laptop for many reasons ,if you are at home you may also use a mouse on it if you want ,its battery life obviously needs to increase and thats what makes it a useful thing ,i prefer a laptop more than i ever prefer a desktop and mu first wisklist thing to buy is a laptop ,when i earn something from my newly started business;)
  8. I have played this game a lot,it was a sort of passion for me at one point in my life ,i tried to minimise the time everytime i play it ,i remembered my highest record to complete it was 2minutes 15 seconds which was the best in my highschool ,until a girl defeated me at that ,but i yet love that game ,but after so many years i still play it and its really fun and a strategic game which makes your brain run like 100 km /sec
  9. ooooh ! isn't this a topic with the most answer , iwouldn't get surprised if this thread has the highest number of answers. hmm. what life , no one can agree to a particular meaning as no one goes through the exact experiences of life.we often live thinking we know our life and the meaning of our experiences and the entire world better and we settle into it,hardly realising that this world is never starving for want of wonders .feeling of settlement is only transient .each day dawns to a more challenged world than yesterday and more so.the more we learn the lesser we realise we know ,imparting lessons of life is such a transient scenario may seem difficult but not impossible ,instead askingf tyhe task to be easy let us ask for it to be worth it.don't asl what it means but u decide what you want your life to mean ,i always feel that the life we live is so small ,why cant wee live for 500 years ans that too,being young and beautiful, Everything in this world is great ,good and challenging, this world has no end i feel .there is so much to discover to experience ,to feel to love ,to dare ,to acheive,to just think about, this world has billions of type of people and there uniqueness is what makes thgis worls and if anyone says that the meaning of life is one particular thing ,tham we would have been like zombies ,who wouldn't do anything except do a certain work like zombies, it good that all of us have different meaning of life,a different meaning of its purpose and a different meaning of its existance,For a painter his canvas is what life means for an actor ,his acting passion is the meaning life ,for a young enterpreneur like me its the passion of businness and the fun in taking challenges is the meaning of life ,everyone decides their own meaning of life and what it means in the overall system of life ,and isn't this difference making this world a beautiful place,its not a question to answer ,but the one to experience and feel.
  10. o , its so good that the servers were saved at last , just recently on thread was started at Xisto like what would happen once the entire internet falls , isn't this thing have to be made more and more secure ,there are thousands of companies in u.s. and other parts of world which would go bankrupt if something happens to the internet ,lets just hope that no such things occur to internet and the security engineers always remain ahead of these hackers ,whose only aim is to destroy things, may be they dont know what satisfaction creativity is rather than destruction
  11. though i feel opera is fast ,but i sometime feel thst internet explorer is fastest thsn sny other browser ,though internet explorer has a lot of security holes ,yet its comparatively faster than any other ,but yes not safer
  12. There isn't a definate period for google to crwal the site ,i see sometimes it index my site once in two days and sometimes not even in a month ,i think it scans the site everytime it somes to your site through a link ,so the more links you have to your site the more it comes to your site for indexing , so get as much link as u can get ,its really worth it
  13. what a wonderful thing is written by that girl , ireally want to know her website if anyone knowsthe girl ,though might die her thinking has touched me a lot, its so true that people dont chase their dreams and goals ,only because they are scared of failuries and worries that are never going to go, living every moment to the fullest is again so true, why we run for small worries and forget the bigger picture, we always say its so difficult to do certain things and so we always fail to even try , the girl is so right about living fearlessly and free ,rather then in our nrespective bubbles of worries , i genuinely pray for the girl ,she has the right to live longer
  14. Well growing famous isn't that hard in todays world ,if you are crative enough , if you can think of something new and unique ,that wasn't ever created its a sureshot to publicity ,but i agree its not easy to find something unique,but if your target is only to be famous ,i think one can be , there are many ways for that , write a blog with a very odd niche ,do something out of routine ,something that can make wonder or amused , and i thinkits obviously possible ,if you are completely into it
  15. google i don't think is into this to let the goverment to access every users email ,but i feel its is their because they can track each user to give exact target to its advertisers ,as a businessman its the most perfect thing a company can do to make huge profits ,but ast the custome(user) of google ,its open breach of our terms of privacy , but yet its like they have already told you what they are doing with the data they are preserving ,and only when you agree to those terms you are using the data , its like they are stealing your thoughts after asking you and its common people who readily agree to give their thoughts , thats it, we all are wrong not only google.
  16. Thanks for the reply guys, i am trying them now and they seems to be really good.
  17. I want to send sms to my users through my website ,is there any way to do it with php or any other sofware,what i want is to help my users get their private message alerts on their cell phones, is there anyway to do it without tieing up with the smm providers on the web ,like they tell to pay you few cents per sms ,is there anyway i can do it free, like cani become a provider just like them ,or make a way like, if a user agrees to pay for alerts ,than whenever an alert goes the amount gets deducted from the user's cell phone , i am a newbie ,so dont know much hoe things work in cellphones and web interface ,any help is appreciated
  18. haha i had read this but yet its fun reading again actually the calculation states that the square of evil is equal to a girl .so girls are more evil and not as low as how much we think heheh its a good joke by the way
  19. well, i think you should think now being on the opposite side of table, if you dont know u.s.had these missile before china ,if you think china shouldn't have develop these technology ,than what the hell do you think ,why should u.s. get the right to develop it ,every country in the world should have equal rights,no one needs a big brother like u.s. to poke their nose in others matter , and let me tell you i am not a chinese either and i am not a fan of china too. but yet i feel that the chinese have done nothing by developing such missile as every country should have equal rights, if americas wants to be on top ,why cant another country dream for the same thing, if you are ignorant about the u.s. international policies or the way the u.s. handles overseas dispites,then you should go and first checks the basic if i talk in your language then if you have a right to blow off your chimney for which your neighbour dont poke his nose on your matters. then what the hell you have the right to poke your nose in their matter ,why the hell eyes go red when someone other develops the same machinery i think its people like you who make the world feel that u.s. is world enemy rather than friend there are a lot of positive side of america ,which are now gone in layers of negative things ,which get more attention due to people like you
  20. Phpbb is a very good forum with its lot of moda ehich i love to use,but these sql injection are increasing ,i have heard many webmasters facing the same problem ,the phpbb team has to do something about it,its really stupid that the most famous forum software is the one with the most security holes .but again its like ie ,the more famous,the more hackers try to find security holes in it.
  21. The bonus system here could work great as people would be encourages to write good post and would also lead to increase the quality of posts at Xisto and would also help to get them good page rank as well as good posts indexing and more people coming to use this service of posting for hosting ,thus leading them to the best free host, the bonus system i feel is a good idea, it would encouage everyone to make good quality posts which are really useful and not just writing bid stupid posts whic are only for earning credits and not for helping anyone
  22. norton antivirus ,is though really good ,i feel it takes too much load on the cpu as it hogs on a lot of resource ,i t also slows the starting and shuttin down time, i dont think mcaffe is any good,its the worst if you ask me ,reason? bcoz i am trying to uninstall the corrupted file from a month and yet its not uninstalling ,avg is good ,but i never found virus that were detected bu norton antivirus , detected by avg,though avg is lite its not as effective as virus ,its always a trade in ,get a slow and secure antivirus or a fast and less secure antivirus
  23. I feel the driver might be the problem ,just reinstall the driver or maybe i feel it could also be a virus as nowadays there are so many virus that roaming ,there are a lot of mouse virus roaming nowaday ,which also corrupts the hardware
  24. Google Os! Seems to be a good Profitabe Idea ,But it would be a lot of complexity,There are many softwares out there and making google os compatible with them would be a really difficult issue to solve.Though Google will also have to keep the os cheap ,it would also need a very good performance ,because if the current os are really at thrie best ,google though can make an operating system ,but would it be that efficient,Google Os ,have to be really fast and very easy to use like windows and should also be providing more flexibility than linux ,and the main thing is that they should be compatible to a lot of softwares out there Google is a wonderful searching instrument for the net ,but the os market can only be ruled by the windows ,its the best and the cheapest of all.I feel there are too many other innovative markets where google can tap, and there is no need for google to get into competition for os when they have so many innovative ways to break in other good markets.There are many other lucrating fields out there which google can tap into like mobiles or even robotics.Google shouldn't go in a feild such competitive Best of luck to google for its other venture but my answer for google operating system is nayyyyyy
  25. I agree to you almost that high school education should not be a nesscessity but upto a point ,not everyone could catch up fast like you and me ,In my country we cant jump like you can so i do my business(mostly offline) along with my college so i could be years ahead financially compared to those graduating with me.i hate the slow learning myself,believe me its damn good in u.s. that you could take up more subjects in a semester in your college ,but wtf that in my country we dont have any such priviledge ,here i know i could pass out my 4 year degree college in 1.5 or max two years but unfortunately i dont have that priviledgr in my country .I am doing degree college only because of getting a sort of security that if mu business don't run i wont have any trouble getting a job if i have my degree, a person should have a liberty to complete his studies as fast as he want ,but what the hell we generally don't get it and we waste our time in obsolete book knowledge rather than practical knowledge of the world which is so interesting,so much challenging.as far as social life is concerned i mostly prefer partying with my business friends rather than my college friends ,though some are good ,most of them are dull asses ,who are so accustomed to living slow life that they don't know the power of speed.life is so good and challenging for free thinkers but really dumb for social conditioning followers.someone above said its law ,but they forget its only those free thinkers that who make and break law and acheive their target ,if every one goes straight doesn't mean even you should ,BE DIFFERENT , BE UNIQUE ,going as an average person never makes you bill gates or gandhiji .they were different that their peers ,do thinks your own way rather than following and being like someone else.and i really agree that going through the slow education standard is a really bore,we have a marks sytem rather than grade in our country and i top my college last year but more success i get in studies more i feel i am wasting my time in collegecare a hell to those slow thinkers and do wat you can do in the best way possible
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