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Everything posted by richierich1m

  1. the best cure for any problem is its prevention and internet security 99% is mostly violated only when porno or crack software files are downloaded or someone browses the malicious site and clicks on various programmes ,whatever you download from internet ,make sure you scan it so the problem gets resolve and your computer faces no problem from the trojans and such other viruses which may send the security data of your pc to the internet
  2. Because of youtube there is free music and video for everyone to share and enjoy which woulcnt be there if there wouldnt have been sites like you tube,buying a cd obviously makes profit to user ,but i feel they should change strategy of earning as time goes thwey should ask for part of ads revenue on pages whereb there music is used ,though this is very difficult to implement ,but if possible this will be a very good thin g for the users as well as the music creators but the site owner should be ready to do it.
  3. I had send this email to support@xisto.com ,but haven't recieved a reply yet. Hi , my Xisto user id is richierich1m,my domain is shaadiya.com my account is in suspended state even when i have credits above 5 yesterday and above 4.67 today.my account has been suspended for reasons unknown to me as i have enough credits to unsuspend my account ,but this is not happening.please give a quick answer and solve this problem as it has hurt my sites reputation.Thank youMy Credits are reducing even when i have suspended account. I have written somepost and bought my credits to 5.33 now and this post would furthur increase it.
  4. yes you are right when you say everyone need guns to protect themselves from robberies and kinapping and such other stuff,but would nt it make easy for the lawbreakers to get access to gun and such other stuff because everyone is able to get it easily,if more guns are mad available it would lead to more voilence let me explain my point suppose there are two people ar4e fighting and if they have guns in a fit of rage they may even shoot each other ,but if they dont have gyn they may break each others bones but atleast wont kill each other and hence it would make sure there is less voilence in the country
  5. Cloning could be good or bad depending on what we clone,if we clone simple extinct animals than it would be really good ,but if we clone people when they die than it would really lead to a very unbalanced world and soon there would be more people than avilable resources ,so it is nescessary that the cloning should not be made oublic or it would create problems for the humans and the entire earth ,for food problems yes cloning could be used ,but there is no point of arguing what to do ,give permission or not ,because if that things bring profit ,it would come no matter what
  6. First of all i am not blaming Xisto for anything and the other important thing is my credits is above 4 since last 24 hrs now,currently its 4.50 and would increase furthur because of this post.
  7. My hosting credit is 4.37 even now and my account is in suspended state from yesterday,please check it
  8. Please unsuspend me ,i had 4 credits yesterday ,yet my account is suspended and my site is showing suspended page with Xisto forum links which is hurting my sites reputation.
  9. The only criterion for being classified as "freeware" is that the software must be made available for use for an unlimited time at no cost. The software license may impose one or more other restrictions on the type of use including personal use, individual use, non-profit use, non-commercial use, academic use, commercial use or any combination of these. For instance, the license may be "free for personal, non-commercial use." Everything created with the freeware programs can be distributed at no cost (for example graphic, documents, or sounds made by user).There is some software which may be considered freeware, but which has limited distribution; that is, it may only be downloaded from a specific site, and cannot be redistributed. Hence, this software wouldn't be freely redistributable software. According to the basic definition, that software would be freeware; according to stricter definitions, it wouldn't be.because of the different meanings of the word "free". Freeware is gratis and refers to zero cost, versus free software that is described as "libre", which means free to study, change, copy, redistribute, share and use the software in any purpose. However, many programs are both freeware and free software. They are available for zero cost, provide the source code and are distributed with free software permissions. This software would exclusively be called free software to avoid confusion with freeware that usually does not come with the source code
  10. I dont live in U.s. but believe that there was some internal hand in the 9/11 conspiracy and yes there is some story there not told to the world
  11. hordes webmail is not working and is giving the following error A fatal error has occurredFailed to import Horde configuration: Warning: importconfig(/usr/local/cpanel/base/horde/config/conf.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /usr/local/cpanel/base/horde/lib/Horde/Registry.php on line 874 Warning: importconfig(): Failed opening '/usr/local/cpanel/base/horde/config/conf.php' for inclusion (include_path='/usr/local/cpanel/base/horde/lib:/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/lib/php/:.') in /usr/local/cpanel/base/horde/lib/Horde/Registry.php on line 874
  12. the fire ftp is aso an extension in the firefox which is useful if you want add or edit minor files quickly as it is in the browser only so could be started quickly and it quickly connects but if you need some large files to transfer than this wont be much good
  13. just when the hi yhings is done with a basic introduction then may be you can ask her something about her studies ,her hobbies ,and make sure you say one of her hobbies as yours too and yes i would say the same thing what everyone said ,be what you are and act like it ,though occasionally also act a bit smart like making some humour or so but also take care that you dont overdo it or it will spoil everything,be at your best looks and dont forget a powerful deo hehe ,just be the best you can but yet be on tour terms rather than getting carried away by anyone thats the whole thing impress her by who you are ,by your strnghts thats it
  14. your site looks really good and elegant and yes it has the web 2.0 thing in it, is this readily available in phpbb or is it custom created by you ,i like the way the design of the site was made,the fonts seem to be a bit big in create forum page but itd ok overall it looks good and is betterly moulded with the entire design ,byt the way just a note that if you are using phpbb make sure you make it as secure as possible there are some ways available on net that will teach you how to protect your forums from s
  15. @ jon jon : Man you are the most mistaken person in the whole world i have ever seen,i dont know abt muslims but hinduism has nothing like 72 virgins and such *BLEEP*. I think before you accuse any religion please get your facts right
  16. hacking should be defined as a knowledge and it could be used positively or negatively depending on your choice and hacking is no suc thing even remotely as bad,because hacking itself is good to find a lot opf security holes ,just think what would have happen if there wouyld have been no good hackers,there would be no cybercrime guys and no other internet secutrity experts ,ther are many sites with a lot of security holes
  17. desktop are way better than laptops because its cheap and laptps though good for carrying places they actua;;y are a problem when they heat your laps
  18. mouse configuration depednds more on its configuration and less on its company ,as we all know optical mouse are 10 times more effective rather than the regular scroll mouses ,because scroll mouses have a lot of problems like a lot of dirt gets stuck on the mouse and can create a lot of problems so the only good choice is optical mouse in scroll nouse also the accuracy is comprimised i feel and i found that the small stand that is their in the regular scroll mouse a small spae kept to make the ball roll is a big place for dirt to stick a lot of dirt gets stuck below the scroll mouse for this,obviously if the ac is on then there is no problem otherwise it is a very big broblem to maintain such type of scroll mouse optical mouse are way better than this one because they are damn effective then there is also about this gary guy Gary Gordon hated his mouse. It got dirty. It got stuck. So he built a better one -- creating the sensor behind the first optical mouse. Now all optical mouses use Agilent's innovation, making the particular mechanical mouse seem more like an endangered species. This past December, Agilent announced that it had shipped its 100 millionth optical-mouse sensor since the release of its first one in 1999. What's Gordon working on now? A flying mouse which that can sense where a gestural controller is pointing. optical mouse are better because they have better accuracy and good because no dirt also can get stuck
  19. It would be impossible for me to sit on my computer less then 6-8 hrs ,i love computer to the ectent that i dont like to get up from it as i also havwe started earning my first penny from the internet ,so i love internet and everything is so large on internet5 ,information is so easily accesible and simply ready for use ,this boom in information has left many lucrative opportunities lying just there for someone to catch and earn from it.
  20. i would love to remenber all the stuff of my life ,but dont want everyone to have that power or there could have been people who wont let anyone come ahead in life because they would have gone so high in their life that they may consider themselves god
  21. i prefer avg over avast because i have founs avast as not able to detect viruses or trojans as effectively avg , many times i found that avast was not detecting virus ,but again its that i had used avast forn a very short period probably for a month or so only
  22. even i have faced such problems manytimes, the solution is to find a code that works for both ,make small changes which wont affect internet explorer but may help to rectify the problem in the firefox,even i have seen that internet explorer allows many errors in html code ,but firefox doesn't ,but if there is a problem firefoc display the page properly than the internet explorer espscially in collapsible tables and boundries
  23. try to find a local geek ,may be a guy who could help you sove the problem in a few bucks and would do that in your office instead of taking your pc somewhere else,generally most of the problems could be solved just by searching the solution on the internet.i always find the solution to any computer problem on the internet because it is always helpful as there are many who had faced the same peoblem before ,but if you cant do it youll have to go with the options available
  24. well i would love to do it ,but want to know what is the traffic you are getting currently and if i give you a background ,does its rights to use becomes yours or it stays as my copyright
  25. Hey this thing would be really good for non technical person like me as i could post to asta as much as i can and buy some service from the service provide like solving an error or even making an entire small site ,it would be really good to the technical people too who would get lot of credits readily available because of the technical knowledge they can apply, may be a section for jobs should also be added to these forums for making freelancing a section of the forum
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