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Everything posted by richierich1m

  1. learning to make basic games is not difficult and you could learn it yourself ,just google the words and you will find many tutorials but if you want to make some cool 3d games you might have to do a short course in 3d animation but you could easily learn to make flash games ,its very basic ones and you could start from there
  2. i do love firefox, but i also face some problems in designing some graphics for the website which would work at firefox and even some programming features that work easily in internet explorer don't work that good in firefox hence i always face that problemfor example when we hover mouse over a link i need a background colour , this is easily achieved by making changes in .css file but not possible in firefox making that work in firefox id difficult i havent got a solution for that in firefox ,even the bookmark link feature in internet explorer has so easy syntax but it is difficult in firefox but if we talk about only the basic user side it is the best ,it has great security features while the internet explorer is highly abused in security ,the browser get hack very easily even internet explorer 7 is not a match for the firefox
  3. hi everyone i am not able to change permission to any filei had set the permission as required for a folder but as i was not able to access some part of my site which use the particular error like : unable to write please change permission i cam to the folder through file manager and saw that the permission was set to 666 but i am not able to change the permissions of any folder it gives the following error""[a fatal error or timeout occurred while processing this directive]"i tried relogin but didn't work can anyone please help me with thiseven ftp unable to change permission
  4. just relax thats what you need now ,don't be deepressed or try to change yourself be what you are ,go and ask her ,don't feel you are not capable to handle her ,create a strong confidence for yourself ,beleive that asking her to dance is not begging but a fair deal where you are as important as her ,if she says no beleive me you'll get better chill out,life is too big ,just go and ask her for a date now (if you have permission to date ),why wait till april to ask for a dance ,beleive me the world richest person is a nerd so being a nerd is nothing bad,be assured that if she says yes its good for both but if no its like shes missing the best opportunity in the world,i will also liketo tell you that if she says yes don't just keep drolling on her she'll get scared her be like even she needs you obviously you should be a bit soft ,but don't start to be poetic and don't get at all sorry for underconfidence even asking this question in af roum needs guts, just chill and go to her and ask her for date don't wait till april ar you may repent it if she finds someone best of luck
  5. i think the idea is technically wrong ,let me explain whyair itself is a matter so antimatter would react with air and would get itself destroyed and generate harmful radiation which would destroy the space shuttlei have a theory which would might work for using antimatter as boosters to space shuttleas far as i know the antimatter repels electromagnets ,so if antimatter are enclosed in vaccum and surrounded by electromagnets at the base of space shuttle ,and a small passage which would allow antimatter to react with air and cause the neseccary booster for the space shuttle,this theory is just a basic idea,but may things has to be considered here like how the electromagnets should be kept at the start of passage etc.but antimatter is no doubt the future energy station only a 1gm of antimatter power is capable of running the power of newyork city for a week , i think that said all about antimatter
  6. there is nothing right or wrong in gays ,its like ,'do whatever you want to',every human has the right to be right or wrong ,everyone chooses their own options and live life with that , this topics are exactly like religion and politics,we get different views from different people,but i doubt that people are born gay with birth ,i feel it is the enviourment surrounding them,the culture,the friends,which make them gay @ flakes : even i find lesbians sexy hehe
  7. keeping a computer on has its own pros and cons,if you keep the computer on 24/7 we face problems like1.big electricity bills (espsecially if you have powerful graphic cards that drain thr power a lot otherwise its ok)2.you should have a good cooling system3.a lot of temporary memory is used upif you keep it turning off and on wer have problems like1.the heating and cooling may cause components to expand and contract,thus making them loose2.it may get the chips heat up when you start the pc,this sudden heating may damage the chipsso just do things as per your requirements and measuring the advantages and the disadvantages
  8. i use norton antivirus,it really makes your system unpenetrable if you are updating it rgularly but the problem with norton is that it makes your pc really slow as it uses a lot of your resource,i am thinking of trying out mcafee,but seems to be costly ,so may be i need to take help of bittorrent hehe
  9. my first kiss was a blunder, i got caught ,the first time i kissed,it was rainy and we were at my house to do a project reaearch,i did had feelings for her but didn't told her about it,we were just chatting about other friends who were in a relationship,i tried to divert the topic to what she think she wants in a relationship and sorta flirting,after sometime our talks got hot and it just came so natural,i just told her to close her eyes and kissed her,the kiss was long and we were making a bit noise ,my big brother heard it and walked in my room and we both turned so pink that i didn't talk to my brother for 2 days
  10. even i had this computer problem with my dad,he didn't wanted me to be on computer for longer period,but i was so addicted to computer that i just couldn't leave it, i actually spend a lot of time outdoor but after getting addicted to computer i started spending less time outside the house,but when my dad brought that to my notice,i just ignored it earlier but later found it to be true and now even after 2-3 years i leep track of my time i spend on the computer
  11. google already has everything in the internet in their control i don't think it should go to ebay they already have their froogle ,which is not much popular but could be made if google uses its other services to make it popular ,hope google just try to be better at search engines and not try to jump on every other competitor
  12. microdoft has money to buy any company or software rights they want they don't need to copy anyone,but definately need to improve their windows ,its so unsecure on the internet and even ie sucks compared to the firefox ,lets see now how the ie copies the tab system of the firefox
  13. there is no perfect type of goverment each of them have their pro's and con's,we can only bring them as close to perfect as possible,democracy motto is by the people and for the people ,and it nis only people who make mistakes hehe,you may shout that the form of goverment is not working but again to change it is in your own hands ,nobody wants to go to politics but always want to went that the form of goverment is the worst ever,i don't think there was any time in the history at any place where people said this is the best sort of goverment ever,their are going to be prob lems always ,no matter whatand as far as a gov job is concerned ,i think its not a good job,because your chances of moving ahead is more in a private company than a goverment job,private company would give you more opportunity than a goverment company,but if you don't want much opportyunity and want a secure job than i think the goverment job thing may work for you
  14. i lovew these moments of happiness,we always say that why these happy moments are less but i think we should ask ourselves whether this moments are less or are we creating this less,i think we can creaste this moments and make our life heaven we should use our each second for our happiness,even small things like watching rain could make us happy,every second of our life could be made joyful only if we conciously do it
  15. i had a real big problem with internet explorer which was lickily solved by adware-se recently wheni did its last update,the problem was whenever i start the internet explorer a popup appears constantly every minute ,or when i click some link,irrespective of any site i go ,i tried every spyware available on internet but none could solve my problem and i just started using firefox instead of internet explorer ,but recently when i updated the lavasoft ad-aware ,it soved my problem of browser hack,and thankfully now those popups don't appear
  16. really a cool story,even i like to spend hours on my site ,but you are a genius
  17. really cool men 750 gbs ,i just dont know how far they will go in increasing the storage capacity in harddisk,may be after this i m thinking of starting a hosting company hehe by the way till now i am not even a hosted member
  18. you have brains but you are not thinking far ,you are eventually going to be caught no matter what you have two options1.stop now and remain satisfy with what you have earned and hope they never find out and your account stay active till eternityor2.just collect as much money as you can before they ban your accountyou choose!edit: o by the way this thread is indexed by google hehe
  19. depression is the thing one should fight with ,sometimes very easy to handle,sometime very difficultdepression is not something a problem itself,it is actually symptoms,symptoms which state that there is a problem in your life which is causing you this depression,you have a positive option like simply remove the problem by finding its solution and get rid of the depression ,but it is not always that easy when you are in a depression the first thing to do is get yourself emotionally cleared]do all the good things you like ,if you don't find anything good ,create it!sometimes clearing emotionally is very difficult,so start with physical health,take care of you diet,exercise regularly,so when you get physically fit you can focus more on your problemsjust go on a holiday or just chill out really hard at home start making friends ,this thing always work (espescially opposite sex ) so my friend just try to enjoy your time completely
  20. I have a view where the question doesn't arise whether god is real or not first lets assume that there is no godthis earth ,this water and everything else is created exactly by scientific method.we live on our terms ,obviously there is good and evil people all the timenow if there is too much bad going on earth like war,natural disaster and various other thing which are partially or completely uncontrolled by a basic man.he feels that he cannot control the evil and gets depressed or demotivated and may be encouraged to do bad things in the world.now suppose that guy is told that there is god in the world ,the guy gets some faith that his problems will be solved,gets motivated,tries to do good things and fight bad things in the name of god(plz i am not saying that god exist or not )so either if god is present or not ,the belief system works for the benifit of meni personally don't beleive in stories of bible,qooran or geeta,but i would advise anyone to go to church or mosque or temple because this places give a positive effect on the mind to those who beleive in god and it has to be personal choice,if you are offended you shouldn't go there and as far as you someone telling you 'god bless you'(it may be intentional pushing or just a hi sort of thing for them),you just tell them that you get offended by that but even after this ,if they continue just tell them the f*** o** (people like hadi),as everyone has their own choice and no one has the right to push anything on anyone,and i also agree that why in the first place you have to tell them ,but understand that the place where you live have majority christians and getting offended everytime will make you unhappy and frustated so there is no need to get tense ,just chill out
  21. thanks for searching bud,i am already a member at tufat forum and following the post but as i didn't got the solution at tufat or joomla ,i was trying to do it myself learning php (just to learn something new and get it done faster) thanks again for taking your time
  22. the two are opensource scripts are joomla ,and osdate ,and i'll also like to integrate phpfox(its not opensource)thanks for help guys
  23. Hi Everyone , i currently have two websites which were installed with opensource scripts,now i want the users of one site to be able to access the other site without logging in .see if user A goes to 1 st website and logs in it. use the feature of the website ,then from his account he goes to a link to other site ,i want him to be logged in the other site automatically with the help of his cookie from the first site.i just want the logic for this ,i know only very basic php ,so i would be learning from php tutorials on the internet and doing this . can anyone please help me with the basic logicthanks
  24. this sort of thing actually interest me a lot ,i had seen a show on discovery which actually dealt with a guy who was making a time machine ,the show discussed many ways how a time machine could be made what they said was all confusing but ill share here whatever they said ,1. time machine could be made by revolving earth and reaching your initial position before you even leave now please don't ask me how that's possible because this is what they said ,they said that if we reach before we leave we can go to the past2. the other way actually goes like thissee if i run at 2 km/hr speed you run at 1 km/hr speed in the same direction you would find me running at 1 km right?but the case in light is different ,plz don't ask me i don't know whylike if i m going at speed of light and your are running at half the speed ,ypu'll find me running at the speed of lighti know it looks illiogical but they say these are the basic characteristics of lightyou can naver understand physcist!
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