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Everything posted by richierich1m
I assume that you mean an FTP client, not a server.I'm not sure that there's one that's best. You have to find one which suits your needs and tastes. I like WS_FTP Pro, mainly because the synchronization gadget is very flexible, and thus well suited both to making backups and to emergency restores. I also like having a pretty active user-to-user support list, as well as more conventional support.WS_FTP Pro is certainly not free for people who use it to maintain profit-making sites, and may not be free for anyone any more. If you have no strong preference, don't forget that there are a lot of free FTP clients around. Notice from WeaponX: Edited post...warning issued...
Looking For Good Antispyware To Go With Antivirus
richierich1m replied to Jguy101's topic in Software
I've tried a good number of anti-spyware programs, and my personal favourite is a small tool called Bazooka. Yes, it's not point-and-click like the other, higher-profile software but I have yet to see a spyware, adware, or trojan that it doesn't detect. The catch is that you have to eliminate the malware yourself. When Bazooka catches a malware on your system, it points you to its deletion instructions, which are detailed and organized so that anyone - not necessarily a techie - can do them.The morale of this story is: if you want a comprehensive malware removal software, and if you're not intimidated by playing around your registry and doing things yourself, then go get Bazooka. But if you don't have the urge or the time, then by all means, install BOTH AdAware and SpySweeper. The emphasis here is on BOTH. You'll get exceptionally decent results. -
Most Of I think it will be possible in the far future, not the close future since we are not so far yet in developping such programs or machinesthe creation of robots / computers have two sides hardware and software nowadays people are trying to make the shape of robots more humanoid, but the functionality of its form plays a huge tollcreating it more like a human, makes it also more fragile in some parts, and also it needs a lot more machinery imagine if they try to remake the human hand, it would take a lot of tiny parts and nothing said about the amount of power those robo hands would have; robo crime in making before an AI would even try to conquer the earth, it would need some sort of programmation in its code that allows itself to create new code and improve it. a group of programmers would be required in order to create such code the movie I-Robot shows only a small part about what could happen to the world, terminator shows again the bad part of robo creation and coding but in this case the worst partwhat the future will give us also depends on us, the future programmers or evil-masterminds probably if computers or robots would take over, can be the result of a research project done by the the world leaders Most Of I think it will be possible in the far future, not the close future since we are not so far yet in developping such programs or machinesthe creation of robots / computers have two sides hardware and software nowadays people are trying to make the shape of robots more humanoid, but the functionality of its form plays a huge tollcreating it more like a human, makes it also more fragile in some parts, and also it needs a lot more machinery imagine if they try to remake the human hand, it would take a lot of tiny parts and nothing said about the amount of power those robo hands would have; robo crime in making before an AI would even try to conquer the earth, it would need some sort of programmation in its code that allows itself to create new code and improve it. a group of programmers would be required in order to create such code the movie I-Robot shows only a small part about what could happen to the world, terminator shows again the bad part of robo creation and coding but in this case the worst partwhat the future will give us also depends on us, the future programmers or evil-masterminds probably if computers or robots would take over, can be the result of a research project done by the the world leaders
hmm... it seems to be a deep thing,the biggest conspiracy theory when it comes to hidden governments is the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy", which is rather common among the wacky left. Two simply put statements discount the theory. The first is, "I know for a fact that there is no vast right wing conspiracy, because if there was one, I'd be a part of it." True in my case, I apologize to all the liberals on the forum. The second is, "Conservatives can't even agree on where to meet for coffee, how the heck can they agree on how to run a massive world wide conspiracy?"No matter how big or small, hidden governments have one perpetual problem, and that is human involvement. If it were computers running the show, who have no emotions that would get in the way, I'd say the conspiracy would work. But as is seen with current technology, it is unlikely this would happen.To move on to Area 51One guy found the "legendary" Area 51 on google maps. He was looking around in the desert where it was rumoured to be, and found a military base, mostly blacked out. I can't remember the website, but I'm sure if you google it you'll find it.On the military channel, one show, can't remember which, did an episode on a secret military testing base, which has become known as Area 51 in common culture. They gave up the area, which confirmed what the guy had found on google maps. It has been relocated several times. All it has ever been used for is the testing of military prototype weaponry. Another show that I was not fortunate enough to see, but my girlfriend did, had a military scientist speak about things from when the base was once located near Roswell, New Mexico. The lights that people saw were tests for spacecraft, according to this scientist. They didn't go very well. It must also be noted that the man was given complete anonymity, so there is no way to confirm his storyAs in the first post, it is true enough that it is easy to hide things in the current government. I have a friend who tells me he is ex-military, but when we touched on a certain subject of military training, he refused to continue the conversation. I sensed through his voice (quite difficult, I might add, as I have ADHD and Aspergers), that we should not continue the conversation and that is was very sensitive.there are such things as assassins. For example, when Iraq was building a nuclear reactor, Israel sent many assassins to take out top level scientists. One incident included the assassin being caught in the act by a prostitute. She was hit by an unmarked corvette just before giving a statement to police. Mossad did not give away this information to public access for many years. there are lot of same issues going around the world
Forbidden Site Since Last 12 Hrs [resolved]
richierich1m replied to richierich1m's topic in Web Hosting Support
yup i have already resend the message and they have resolved the issue,anyways thanks jimmy -
i also read about this planet,it is said to be 20 light years away from earth ,so it would atleast take us a century to reach that far or a decade if the scientist can develop the ability to tune antimatter ,this planet can be a good source to live when we would ultimately destroy our own planet with the amount of pollution we create @develcuy : Ignorant people always remain conservative in view but this is no way defying any religion ,its just a space exploration and nothing else that defies your christanity and that dusty bible.
hey knight `7 we can work it out like you transfer credits to my Xisto account and i will transfer my Xisto credits to your account as i love to post on Xisto more than Xisto,if ypu are interested in it pm me
Forbidden Site Since Last 12 Hrs [resolved]
richierich1m replied to richierich1m's topic in Web Hosting Support
Read my 1st post -
Forbidden Site Since Last 12 Hrs [resolved]
richierich1m replied to richierich1m's topic in Web Hosting Support
Its been 48 hrs now dude -
Forbidden Site Since Last 12 Hrs [resolved]
richierich1m replied to richierich1m's topic in Web Hosting Support
This is the first time i am facing this problem , I cant access cpanel ,nor any access with ftpadmins please help its been 24 hrs now -
Anyone Need A Logo(offer) No charge dont worry
richierich1m replied to Damen's topic in Graphics, Design & Animation
Hey thanks for the offer ,i will give you credit in the credit page of my site the name of my site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It is a matrimonial site (Dating) size for the logo is : 298*81 though its ok if size changes a bit I think blue would be good. you wont be able to see my site currently as it has forbidden error currently,hoping I will resolve it soon. -
cpanel:richieserver: gammaweb address: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ body: My site is showing a forbidden message asbelow."ForbiddenYou don't have permission to access / on this server.Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encounteredwhile trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle therequest. Apache/1.3.37 Server at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Port 80"I have send email at support@xisto.com and support@xisto.comI have submitted a critical ticket at Xisto - Support ,it has been 24 hrs now and yet my site is offline and i havent got a reply,.Plz help soon
No one can give a top level domain for free,but yes you can get it free by doing some forum work on some forums but i dont have their urls now,search on google and you will find it
Will Google All Ways Be Number 1 Search?
richierich1m replied to lil_chris's topic in Search Engines
google would remain on top for sometime ,but would soon come down if i decided to make one hehe -
This is such a Stupid korean Stuff. I swear, half of these peope are insane. It is their character to do nothing in half measure or moderated by concerns for little things like physical health. Sure I have gone hours playing a computer game, I am sure many of you have. It was only a matter of time before a Korean found this extreme like they do in most everything else. I think they are proud of this type of insanity and encourage each other to behave this way.Where are the most radical Christians that go to church every morning before dawn to pray: Korea. Where are the most radical communists left in the world where communism has clearly failed: Korea. They will study the hardest in any subject and play the hardest in any game to prove that they are the best in the world. Do I admire the Koreans? Not really. I think they are just crazy.Indeed it happened, and its completely real, he was addicted and he didnt sleep for 3 days, obviously this wasnt his first time doing that, which caused his bodie and mind tocrash, just like internet explorer... but there is no 9 lives for him
:p Linux Is Better Than Windows :P
richierich1m replied to cinemove's topic in Websites and Web Designing
linux is free but not very userfriendly while windows is very very userfriendly but with a very high price tag and thats the only big difference, linux hosted servers form 90 % of current internet due to its stability and security features and thats where windows cannot ever reach because most of hackers target windows to hack because of its wide usage ,linux has also very less software compatibility while windoes has a wide range of sofwares for different purpose compatible to windows -
i love to work on computer for hours actually there were days when i sat on computer for say 18 hrs a day and my mom had to literally make me sleep or else i would have become a zombie by now,but i really loved those days ,now as i am expanding my business offline i dont get much time and i have also moved to university and i have a hell lot of study. but really computers are wonderful thing that has happen to me ,you can sit on computer and work for say hours of it and never get bored ,but obviously you should have inspiring goals in front of you ,there is also a disadvantage working on computer that most of time we get carried away and waste a lot of time then we work on the pc ,pcs are meant to be wonderful stuff ,the creativity in flow i get when i am programming is really what i love ,but i feel my those days are gone as now my most of the time goes in managment and i have given my programming job to freelancer,i would soon move away from this forum too.because i would them like to move to a paid host .pc's are also a hell lot addictive ,even while playing games on gets so engrossed that i simply wanna keep on playing and not to move away from screen even for a second ,there was also time that i became so engrossed in pcs that i started losing touch with my friends,but gladly i was able to put up brakes on the right time
i think it could be possible as this century is also mentioned in hindu teachings in the bhagwat geets saying its the end of a period of the last 5000 yrs called kalyug,yet no one can exactly say whether the world will dissapear ,but theories are everywhere
Which Operating System Is Better? Its a poll
richierich1m replied to swinkid's topic in Websites and Web Designing
i prefer windows over linux because of its simplicity in use and has a good working enviourment while linux is a complex as compared to windows,windows is way good also because a large no. of softwares are compatible with windows as compared to linux and linux though have these problems it is good for security and stability as many virus that hurts windows dont do any harn to linux ,linus is also good for webservers compared to windows hence we can see the majority part of internet hosted on linux servers -
a free domain service would really be great as it would allow trap and asta to expand and also basic users who dont have a domain to get a domain of their own and hence it would be better to get this hell lot of a content at this cheap proce it really good to see such a beautiful service and my best of luck to asta to keep growingand providing valuable services like this,though i am soon moving to Xisto - Web Hosting
life after death has been discussed in many religion and also proved by many scientist one of the story i read where a researcher gets to contact his wife the story is at the age of 79, Montague 'Monty' Keen, one of Britain's most prominent psychical researchers, collapsed and died while participating in a public debate on telepathy at the Royal Society of Arts in london a few weeks later, Veronica Keen, Monty's wife, contacted Dr. Gary Schwartz at his University of Arizona research laboratory and informed him that she had received messages from her husband through several mediums requesting that Schwartz conduct some research with him. While still in the flesh, Keen had met and befriended Schwartz. schwartz and Dr. Julie Beischel, his research associate, then designed a two phase, multi-medium experiment with four research mediums participating, one of which was Allison DuBois on whose career as a psychic legal investigator the new nbc series 'medium' is based.with Veronica Keen in Britain and 'sitting' by her telephone, DuBois did the reading in Arizona, 'blind' as to whom she was sitting for and apparently unaware of Monty Keen or the manner of his death.the information relayed to Schwartz by DuBois strongly suggested that Keen was communicating. For example, duBois said:he's showing a man falling at the podium. Like [snaps her fingers]. Like [snaps her fingers again] and falls, and he goes down at the podium."although keen was not actually standing at the podium when he collapsed, he was near it and facing it.duBois also said he was referencing a dedication to him that he didn't expect or some sort of public acknowledgement that was a surprise to him, apparently a reference to the tribute to him that was then scheduled for June 27, 2004 at the same Royal Society of Arts hall in London. The image of Laurie Campbell, another research medium at Schwartz's laboratory, also came to DuBois. Before his death, Keen had visited Schwartz's lab, had met Campbell, and had observed a public demonstration by her. Sometime after this session, Campbell reported to Schwartz that she was getting messages from Keen on a regular basis."He's showing the 'white crow' as being important," DuBois further said.this was no doubt a reference to the famous quote by Harvard professor William James relative to mediums that "If you wish to upset the law that all crows are black, you mustn't seek to prove that no crows are; it is enough to prove one single crow to be white." It should be kept in mind that DuBois had no idea that she was receiving information from a psychical researcher. In fact, when Schwartz questioned her she did not know the meaning of 'white crow' in the context of psychical research.there were a number of other veridical facts relayed by DuBois, some of them outside the bounds of telepathy, i.e., facts unknown to either Schwartz or Veronica Keen. the pattern of findings provides compelling support for the conclusion that the medium was receiving information related to the designated deceased, particularly in the life questions condition," Schwartz summarized in his report.In the 'non-life' questions, those not subject to verification, Schwartz asked Keen what he had learned about the afterlife."um... The thing that stood out for him, and that made him so happy is how he could still be here so much after his passing," DuBois related. "And how he would feel energy-wise like he did when he was younger instead of with issues he had accumulated as he got older, um, were stripped away".suc stories are from years but yet science is not able to prove whether its right or not
One Way To Earn Money Online (not Some Silly Scam).
richierich1m replied to Chesso's topic in Websites and Web Designing
Free lancing site are obviously good and useful to earn a few bucks but the big projects never come in your hjands even if you are the lowest bidder and thats where the problem starts,many times you start the project and then the other guy says he dont want it and rejects the entire idea or ask for big modification with no extra cost -
Pirated Software: Legalised For $1/Copy In Indonesia
richierich1m replied to nakulgupta's topic in Software
just a way to m,ake sure that the next time if any windows os is brought ,it is legal and hence very good for ms as they have got some profit of places where they havent got it ealier ,either way if pirated copies would have continued they wouldnt have got any money ,but now they have atleast made sure that they would get it next time -
air is a matter so antimatter could not be kept in contact with the air as air reacts with antimatter ans would destroy it,the only logical way to handle an antimatter is by electromagnets which would suspend it in a vaccum and thus the rocket would become faster with less explosive in it and could last longer and even take us to far lands like even pluto ,so isnt that would be wonderful