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Everything posted by richierich1m

  1. the first time i learnt to use a computer was in my school ,i did grab all the time playing game on a school computer,than i started using cybercafe at 12 or 13 ,that's when i came to know about something like internet ,and how cool it is ,i used it to send emails to my dad in his office and after sometime i got a pc at home ,the gard drive of the pc consisted only games and nothing else, i becama a game addict playing only games ,after sometime i got an internet connection at home and that's when i actually learned that pc's could be actually used in many places including earning money and not only to play games or gettung grades making sheets in excel and word in school.studying computer engineering today is also actually boring now a days because they teach you a lot of unnecessary things,yet i am glad pc was built or else i would be writing a post card today instead of sending emails and would be reading books and spending hours to find the information which i could get with a click today just wanted to born a few years back ,so i wouldn't have missed so many opportunities
  2. public display shouldn't be banned in school but should be limited ,like holding hands and kiss is okay after all highschooler's are also humans but beyond that i don't think one should go ,but yet it should remain individual choices ,my school didn't aloow actually much of this but yet there are exceptions everywhere , i remember one of my friend was caught in school doing something like that and after than when the pricipal was about to punish him somehow he was arguing with him probably for 45 minutes about where he was touching and where he was not ,i think if one is in a relationship he should be responsible about what other think about them . why do things like this in school while you can go out have fun ,school is a place for education i suppose not your home where one could do anything they want
  3. well my list is a bit long1.water - is the need ,so no arguments on that one ,its a real refreshing one too.2.milk - flavoure ,unflavoured i love it all,there were days when i used to drink 5 glass of milk daily3.Tea - a warm tea makes my morning refreshing ,though i don't drink it consistently.but ya it wakes you up pretty good4.Cold Coffee - cold coffe is really the best one ,it really beats the heat out of me5. coke - do i need to say anything about this6. pepsi - whooo its good i love drinking it occasionally7.Frooti And Mangola - i love both of them they are very sweet and it tastes like mango juice,so whenever i need something sweet its really a cool drink.8.sugarcane juice - i don't know how many here know about it but it is really sweet ,its the stuff out sugar is made of9.chiku milkshake & banana milkshake - both of them are good and really good eating with pizza10. coconut water - the sweet water that comes in coconut is really good and refreshing ,it also decreases the heat in your body 11.dew - dew is again a refreshing cold drink ,i love its taste12. mixed fruit shake - this one is sweet and its also a healthy one13.chocklate milk - how can i forget that14.orange juice - i love to have a chilled glass of orange juice anytime its fun drinking it15.grape juice - this juice is really tasty when fresh,well actuallu tasty even after it kept for long,do you know if you keep this juice for days it becomes wine 16.milk and water(mix) - i love drinking this when i want something light ,it helps overcome acidity hehe.17.mint tea - i love having this in my mouthnow to the hard drinks hohohohoho18. smirnoff vodka - nothing better than this19. rum - any rum suits me20. red wine - more old more better .also like to drink plain soda sometimesactually i should say anything that's alcholic is coooooolwait a minute how could i forget mu beer ,yes guys i love chilled beari should say this was my longest post may be hehethere are thousand of variety of drinks each have their own uniqueness
  4. we guys always make mistake buying presents for the girls ,even i had my share of mistakes ,giving a jewellery and other presents like flower are really good but believe me if you want to make it unique,something that other millions of guy have not done is to make the gift personallet me explain,you know your girlfriend for a long time ,you know her interests her hobbies ,her personality,give her something that reflects her personality,making a love diary with a lots of photos of you guys ,recall each of your encounter and how each of them made you love her more ,what things about her attracted you,write a poem for her ,by the way most of the guys like me don't know how to write poems ,so just copy from the internet,and just go deep finding that poem and don't jump on the first result that you get like me ,or you'll get caught.do whatever you can do that shouts that the gift is a unique one,also give her flower and choclate the usual stuff but make sure its the thing that she likesdon't go buying the expensive gift ,buy the effective one that all best of luck
  5. making your own computer is really fun,one of my friends have did that,the biggest benefit of making your own computer is that you actually save a lot of money if you buy the components from internetfirst of all just google "how to make my own computer" and you'll find loads of tutorials then just choose the best component and compare its prices on ebay,mpire and many other sites that compare the prices from all over internet for you,then buy the cheapest and the best quality product ,that's the benifit of buying from internet you get everything so cheap best of luck hope you get your pc running soon
  6. What you feel about religions is perfectly fine with me ,after all everyone have their own beliefs,there was time when i myself didn't believe in my religion and later after observing some facts i started believing (i 'm not christian) but that doesn't mean you should have the same reaction,you're right about some people being pushy to convert the whole world to their set of beliefs,things like missionaries go overboard ,they actually go to all poor countries and give the people their some money and tell them to get converted to their religion in return.i really hate such type of people ,this people are the scary type from within and feel their religion should not die ever,according to them most of the times religion is more important than humans and humanity itself.this sort of thing is not only in christians but also some islamics do this thing .These religious people feel that no one have their independent choice and they want to push their religion on other .
  7. google checkout would be a real blast i feel ,it would take over paypal soon if good advertising is done,google is a trusted company and i am sure there are many people who are more than frustated with paypal ,someone here said about google controlling ,but remember that google doesn't force you to use their service its your choice ,and definately google is a safe company compared to many other running currently
  8. google - the bestit really motivates me and i m sure many others that how a small negligible budget company could make a fortune.one shouldn't be scared in pursuing the dream of being the next google,next yahoo,or the next alex mathew(milliondollarhomepage.com)one just need enough confdence to go for the best,as most people tend to go towards job they don't tap their enterprenuial pottentialhope this inspires everyone thanks for posting the link
  9. even i have faced problems with gmail a lot of time,the page appears completely blank ,once i heard that the google 's Gmail had the invitation thing because they didn't have the required servers for giving the Gmail account to many users at once,this thing was said by a google employ,but even after this i feel Gmail is really worth
  10. google has the algorithm ,which it keep changing every week ,so may be some ideas would work some may not ,one more way i heard to get all pages of your site indexed is to place a sitemap in your index page,one more thing is that submitting your links is given low ranking ,while if google discovers it itself ,then higher ranking is given anyway thanks for the link it was really helpful
  11. what zidane did was emotionally correct but not in practical terms.a player so experienced shouldn't lose his coolhe lost his cool and gave the other guy what he deserves its goodbut if he had managed to stay calm even in a situation like this he is the bestplayers who could be emotionally manipulated are not the besthe could have actually beated him up at the end of the match but not during the matchthis simple stunt proved very expensive considering that the match was so criticalwhat more i'd like to say is there are many dogs barking and if you listen to them and act same there is no difference between you and him .yet again everyone have their own opinions
  12. i am currently using n-gage-i it has all the features youy ask for though it is not a latest model it works really cool for me and now even i could afford a good phone i am stuck with this one because of it cool style and function ,but i believe there are a lot of cool cell phones available now so choose your mobilemate after a lot of research
  13. just make some deal with your friend now give him some bucks and tell him to forget his rights get this written because it would be costly later if you want to publish it in a bookor simply change the names ,i don't think he would be able to claim thenbest of luck for your story.who knows someday you'll be j.k. rowling
  14. this is a serious problem if they are making him stay out of house for three days,are they parents? idon't think so these sort of people should be jailed and now to the solving part of the problem 1. go to a religious orphanage (like if he is christian go to a church etc) religious orphanage are better then the others 2.opt for any other social service orphanage 3.if he's older get a job and leave alone, the best option 4.take support from relatives if possible i am out of good ideas here ,he won't get a normal childhood in any of above ,yet he could try them and make his life the best he can AND TELL HIM NOT TO FORGET TO SUE HIS PARENTS WHEN HE GROW OLD[
  15. i think this is just a phase that will pass away ,you love your girlfriend but this is just a passion fading time ,so hang there and you'll be drooling all over her,but keep on trying to bring changes in your love life ,don't keep it the normal routine,change will increase the excitement level and thats what you need now in your relationship
  16. Your roommate david is really gone mad ,i'll advice you to go to his parents and tell them straight about the situation ,see if the situation improves or you just pay the penalty and move out,living with this type of guy would actually hurt you emotionally ,or if you are really gutsy then i'll suggest this,get him drunk and make him sign obviously after finding some other guy as a roommate who doesn't know much about his condition.well as someone said above you could also make him leave because he had not follow the rules.hey there is one more way ,if you want to go that far,if you can prove to the police that he is stalking you then its illegal and he'll probably get arrested and you can file a case against him ,then deal with him that if he leaves you take your case back or he is doomed to go to jail.huuf!(i should be a lawyer)hope some of these help
  17. even if you drink make sure you don't drink more ,as in the long term it causes liver problems and many other problems in pancreas.even i drank at 15 but ver very occasionally and be sure not to get caught because its not a legal age to drink
  18. The book i am reading this week is "What they don't teach you at harvard business school'by mcCormackits a good business related book ,teaches how different business situation arises and how you could sove them ,though it first looks for a pro business person but guys like me going to college can also benefit a lot from it,the best part in the book is that it teaches you how to read people,it tells you to keep intense observation on the one you're dealing with and you could no his entire character just from that.my next book would probably include "my life"of bill someone just mentioned it earlier i'll be buying that soon
  19. Sex is not bad at all ,it is a need and we should fulfill it ,doing sex is not bad subject to you use protection,doing sex with one used to be the trend but now people just want to jump on bed with every opposite sex ,everyone have their own views whether it is good or bad,though protection is a must,some people may say what's wrong doing sex at random people in clubs if you use protection,while some may say to have a single partner your entire life and have strong emotional bonding with whom you do sex,what you have listened may be bad from your perspective but may not be bad from someone other's ,some may say we are getting more and more fun doing sex with strangers.and there is no health issue if you use protection,some conservative may claim sex to be something which has to be secretive while som freely express their sexuality,i don't think there is any problem with the world changing ,from ancient times there were people who followed lifestyle like bdsm but this things are seen now because they are freely expressed now a days and earlier they were very secretive about it.we all know there were societies where anyone could do sex with any member of the society ,which may be bad from one perspective but could be true freedom and enjoyment from other's perspective , there many other things which i couldn't say here because this forum is accessed bu even a 13 year old ,everyone have their own choice and nothing is bad and good unless others dont face any problem because of it.
  20. I think religions did made worse through wars ,but the same religion taught us values of humanity,there are various religions like hindu,christian,muslim but we all forget the basic of these all religion which is humanity ,i haven't found a religion which doesn't teaches humanity,but it is the selfish people who change the religion rules from time to time for their own benifits.i also think that religion and god have become different nowadays ,people have gone so much into religion that they have forgot its basic,people have tendency of revenge,if someone kills 5 kill 10 this is a false religion ,the religion is diverted from the orignal one, i heard a good story about buddha who persisted on non-voilence,buddha used to bathe daily in a river before performing his worship and according to him he has to be completely clean and pure to perform that tradition,once a guy thought of checking buddha's determination on his teaching,when buddha came after bathing the guy spit on buddha, buddha calmly went to the river and bathe again,the guy spat again and again buddha went to bath ,the same thing kept repeating again and again .even after so many attempts buddha was the same calm and at peace,the guy actually bowed before buddha and fall on his legs to apologize ,and became a disciple of buddha the reason for telling this story was not to promote buddhism (i am myself not buddhist) i told this story because we are lacking this stuff called non-voilence,if someone does anything bad to you we fight and then he fights,the fight just keeps on going and becomes a war,the victor and the victim both are losers in the war ,any religion that teaches revenge is wrong ,any religion that promise on giving material possesion if you convert to their religion is a false,the content of the religion should be such to attract all i believe in a religion of humanity where a person is more important than religion, all people are equal, there is not one pope or one saint but everyone is pope in their own way,complete freedom to all ,subject to their freedom doesn't create problem for other,s.follow any god you want but stay positive about life religions is the most controversial subject everyone wants their own rules ,but every normal person wants humanity . and what i feel is that the biggest failure in a religion is when it provacates voilence ,but most of the time it isn't in religion but in people religion has to be like you follow or you don't follow is your choice thgere shouldn't be a force working,if a religion tries to control peoples life its going to fall sooner or later. well this are my views about religion the basic theme is "live and let live"
  21. first let me tell you what is setting a password in bios isthe password set at bios is asked when you start your pc even before your operating system is bootedheres the steps1.as soon as you start your pc press 'del' or 'Esc' continiously and you'll find the bios screen 2.when you spot the bios screen go to the security sectionin security section there are two option of setting password1.admin pass - you can't del this pass in bios without knowing the password(only for advanced users)2.user pass - you can delete bthis password from bios even if you don't know the password3.To set admin pass word write the password in the space provided confirm it againsave and exit4.To set the user pass give the old pass if enabledor write the new pass in the space providedconfirm itsave and exitand your password is savesnow no one can start your pc w/o the passhope this tutorial helped everyone
  22. I have so many goals,soometime i feel overwhelmed by them,my first goal seem to be really impossible to many but i am going to try my best ,my first goal is to become a millionaire in 2.5 yrs (no matter what business(offline or online) i do i want to reach this target)i am currently in college so i do need to keep my studies performance good with my business ,juggling equally both of them. then my 2 nd goal is again a big one ,which i wouldn,t like to share till i achieved the first one.but let me tell some of my opinion to all those who have good jobs as their dream.first of all i don't think there is any job that can take you financially above a certain limit ,nor you feel passionated in your job after sometime because the ideas aren't your's on which you're working,one can't dream of becoming a bill gates with a job,many of us say that a business is too difficult and we won't be able to survive the business too long or what if we fail,but i personally strongly feel that you don't fail until you admit yourself to fail.Your own business gives you too much motivation ,you have the hope that may be the next idea that come to your mind could make you rich its so fun to do a business that a job really feels to slow and its routine makes it boring while a business always gives you new challenges hence you never stuck to a routine and thats the best part.morever i don't agree that after a particular time you don't have to work hard but the money you earn would work for you to earn more money ,earning should be the smart way not the hard way,how can we forget the great enterpreneur's who started their business in teenage and made fortunes but most of people will ask what if we failwe'll failure shouldn't stop you but should motivate you to think dufferently and try againno matter how many times we fall its fun getting up everytimemany people have an illusion that the company share their dreams but we should remember that every company has one dream its either your boss dream or yours if you are the boss if we talk about the other part of life like the satisfaction you get from your life ,i feel satisafaction is a perception ,you feel if you don't work the whole day you'll feel good may be yes for a day or two. but in reality you just start hating or getting bored from your life if it doesn't throw's challenge to you,being complacent is the worst thing that a guy could be stuck at.i personally feel that the job doer's have generally low will of their own ,they get manipulated by society and circumstances ,they follow thw path on other's will like their parents,their spouse,their boss,and the worst part is that this people is in majority,people are so much committed to low will that they feel the enjoyment they want is something more thay are asking fori love passionate people ,the artists ,the creative guys who live thair life on their own terms ,live happily satisfied in their own life.i would like to say that the above opinion is mine and its not written to offend anyone thank you everyone
  23. my bmi comes out to be 25.5 ,i really need some work outs now ,this is considered overweight since 25 is the limit for ideal body ,but i also read somewhere that the bmi index ideal range max limit is considered ideal till 27.5 ,but that doesn't leave me from work out's
  24. your friend really has some self -esteem issues ,people with low self esteem tend to be more and more insecure. the girl really needs somecounselling i suppose ,people forget relationships of years in days and she is crying for a guy with whom she went only for a day hooo! seeing her attitude it doesn't matter how good boyfriend she gets in the end all are going to run away seeing her insecurity .may god bless her
  25. hey even i'll like to exchange the link but in the form of banner,i would prefer a small or medium banner ,u decide the pixel size .pm me your reply and we'll exchange the links ,i have webmaster targeted website and i also want the same target though my theme is different ,sol lets work this out
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