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Posts posted by NilsC

  1. An affair to remember (1957) with Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr. This is one of the better movies I have seen. (love)

    and from the same year "Baby Face Nelson"

    George "Babyface" Nelson becomes one of the most important gangsters of 1930's Chicago by making brutal robberies. In order to compete with Al Capone he allies himself with John Dillinger...

    Oldies but goodies.


  2. The problem may be with your intro page. Not sure if robots follow to good.

    <META name="ROBOTS" content="index,follow">
    but your 1'st index is in a frame
    <frame src="http://people.freenet.de/romankonrad/grascutter/index.htm" name="main" id="main" scrolling="Auto">
    I don't know to much about that but I think I read that robots may have problem with flash intro pages.

    Unless someone else have the answer I'll look up what I have when I get home tonight.


  3. I'm using first page 2000 for my php and html edits and EditPad Lite for the css code. Is there a css editor out there (that high lights syntax?)1'st page 2000 works good for me and my needs right now. Does UltraEdit highlight the syntax on css sheets? or is that not possible.Working inwards, I'm doing that but not on a regular bases yet. I'm still memorizing the syntaxes and learning the basics. When I can write one simple page without going into the book looking at the syntax, then I'll graduate myself to the next level :)I'm using 3 books to get the basics down, and web resources on w3schools and sitepoint and a few others. One of the books are CSS only, the second and third is php & mySQL (Introductory and intermediate).The basic template for the site is 80% done so I'm working on the css, html and php right now. Then when that is done I'll build the mySQL db for the dynamic data that is going onto the pages and the forms to use for populating the tables.Nils

  4. It's my last post in this topic, it's one of the topics you are for or against and whatewer the other side say will not change your mind.


    If guns are outlawed, only outlaws have guns


    And to the angry person looking to buy a gun, he'll not wait the waiting period. He'll go on the street corner and buy one. (Did prohibition work? no alcohol sold in the US during that time?)


    If you knew that everyone around may carry a gun, maybe the teachers should have to carry guns the same way policemen do. If they did carry guns maybe we would have less school killings.


    More Guns Less Crime

    If you look at the statistics on states with a "Shall Issue Concealed Carry" as opposed to "Discretionary Concealed Carry" and states with "No Concealed Carry" you will see that the murder and rape rates are higher in the Discretionary and No consealed carry states.


    A law abiding citizen with a concealed gun can ruin a criminal's day. The more concealed guns in a community, the more a criminal is apt to go elsewhere, or seek another line of work.


    One cannot directly measure the criminal's perception of the numbers of guns in a community. It is also hard to measure the actual number of guns being carried. One can learn the number of conceal carry permits that have been issued in an area. That is what John Lott measured. He found that the more concealed gun permits issued, the fewer crimes committed. If this isn't quite "More Guns Less Crime," it is certainly cause to issue more conceal carry permits, and to encourage those with the permits to carry.

    Drugs are illegal, it kills milions of people. Who have drugs, criminals and they sell it with no regard to the law.


    Outlawing guns is not the answer. Educate everyone in the use and handling of a gun should be mandatory and be a part of the education system.



  5. gentoo,I'm with S S X, on the ISP email. the best way to get around that is to use a service that are not considered free like sneakemail.com, it is used to mask your real email address by creating a new address for each place you sign up.You can use your email setting in the cpanel to create a one-time email address to use on sites that don't accept free email addresses.As an example for weatherbug (I don't know anything about weatherbug :) ) you create an email address w-bug@yourname.astahost.com and reply to whatever signup scheme they have. Then you can direct all email to that address into the trash-can until you are done using it and at that time you can delete it.Nils

  6. Wonderful post mate! 10/10!!!


    JaredLeto, welcome to the site!


    All your one liners are cinsidered spam. Can you at least explain who is 10/10? Since it's several posts here and some of them are opposing your answer could be applied to any of them. At least try to have an opinion when you place a post.

    I agree

    I disagree

    right on

    you're wron

    may say it all to you but the rest of us have no idea what or where you come from. You need to reed the Help, Intro, rules etc on this board.



  7. Xaine, I grew up in Norway during the cold war. We were less than 10 years after WWII and growing up I was introduced to guns as a way of life. In Norway there are (was) a minimum of one rifle per family. Every man after his military service was issued the rifle so he would be armed in case of war. (The "was" statement is because I'm not sure what the rules are now, it's a long time since I was there)


    I do believe the murder and crime rate in Norway is one of the lowest in the world. I'm not saying that is because of the guns but because it's common knowledge that everyone have the means to defend them self.


    If I lived in an area like s. korea and I had the "right to carry arms" I would, and that goes for any country I was living in. If it's illegal I would follow the rules and not carry or own a gun!


    BTW, on the hunting issue! do you eat meat? if you do then you should approve of hunting. Same if you have a leather coat or shoes made out of leather.


    Don't you think life is better for a moose or deer that run free on the range or in the woods enjoying life until the day it dies of natural cause or a hunters bullet. The opposite is a cow or sheep or a pig that are penned up their whole short life until they are slaughtered for food. Is that a better way of dying than from a hunters bullet after a satisfying life.


    If you eat fish, then you are breaking the rules also, a hook is to the fish as a bullet is to the deer. Unless you fish catch and release and that can be constituted cruel and unusual punishment to the fish.


    Here is a kicker. In two hours and 4 minuter serial killer Michael Ross will be put to death in a prison less than 3 miles from me. Do you think I shed a tear, no I don't. If any of the girls he killed had a gun to defend them self with and had shot the bastard we would have been spared the media circus we see traveling down the road to cover the execution of "poor" Michael. He is getting what he should have gotten a long time ago.


    I take my hat off for the supreme court who lifted the stay and are sending him to the needle.


    God may forgive him for his crimes, our job is just to get him there on time.


    I did go off topic there but I'm listening to the meadia and are watching all the "news" crews setting up for the show.



  8. The little I know about it :) I'm trying out CSS and the different "hacks" used to get non compliant IE to display the webpage correctly.


    If you create the website for a "w3c" compliant browser then it will show correctly in those browsers and the code will most likely be correct in newer versions released of the same "w3c" compliant browsers. IE may be compliant some time this century :P


    I use a lot of the tips and tricks on w3schools


    I think it's easier to write for the compliant browser and use the hacks to make it look good in IE than to write 2 different websites for 2 different browsers. Then what do you do if they use opera or a text reader?



  9. Gun control, its a hot topic and it will always be biased by the the views of the person making the statement.


    There are grey areas where gun control will be seen as something of a bad thing if you anti gun and good if you are pro gun.


    Carry permit, if you are a law abiding citizen you only carry you gun in the area legal for you to carry guns. As a criminal you don't care if it's legal to carry or not.


    If you have a gun and carry it for your whole life and never fire a shot to protect you or someone else. Then someone may say "Why carry in the first place". My answer is I rather carry a gun for the rest of my life and never need to use it than to be in a situation where I can't defend myself.


    Question to Xaine, what would you do if someone threatened the life of a family member and you if you had access to a gun. Would you pick up the gun and shoot to defend the innocent person or would you stand there watching while that person was gunned down? Would you pick up a knife to defend that person? maybe a baseball bat or a rock?


    Most people will never need a gun to defend their own life or the life of another.


    If all guns where outlawed, who would still be carrying guns and where would the guns come from. Do you think criminals will leave the "illegal gun at home" when they go to rob you?


    I am Pro gun, pro the right to carry. And I will defend myself.


    As for hunting that is another issue. It's a free country, you don't have to hunt. Or should we put the rule in place that If we don't agree with something it should be outlawed. Because if that is true I think "Xbox" should be outlawed.


    And as you said in another post:

    "I pledge alliegance to the flag

    of the United States of America

    and to the republic

    for which it stands,

    one nation, under God

    indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."



    I think Liberty and justice for all can only be protected if you have the means to enforce it.


    Xaine, it's not an attack on you or your beliefs. I'm stating my beliefs and responding to your statement. :)




  10. It would be pretty interesting if the universe was closed, so that it would collapse and expand in cycles and get born anew everytime.


    If space is closed, what is on the outside? Another dimension? Does space time curve? Where is the end? Can you fold the fabric of space-time? If you can fold space-time where are the shortcuts? Is quantum physics how space can be explained?


    No answers here, just questions :)


    Anyone who can answer this, the test is Monday




  11. If I remember right, all free hosting at Xisto is on this (one) server. Xisto's free hosting is on another server. Paid hosting are on different servers so they will not be affected by the free accounts and actions by users here. So everyone here is on the same server.Nils

  12. Looks nice enough. I can't stay in there to long. You have the dark background that I (an old man) have to strain to read.I think you'll grow the community fast. :PTo bad you don't have multiple styles so I could set the skin to fit me :), that way I could stay and read. :)Nils

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