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Posts posted by NilsC

  1. The popup are removed when you use the registered paid version, I have the same script generator but I'm kind of against scripts so I don't use it much. I downloaded the same program and on the site it said the popup is removed with paid / registerd version (did I just repeat myself) :)Looks like the water code is using some kind of pressure calculation (Not sure if that is a correct expression) and If you look at the water the top left and right corners look like they alway move (fluid motion like a wave with short wave periods)Your wife must be a smart woman if she told you for years to switch to a lighter background :)Nils

  2. This is a link to the writeup that Symantek have Phel Trojan Horse

    Another security flaw in XP, you have to go to a malformed website to get the infection. SP2 service pack does not protect you, so make sure you don't click any email links. I sent 2 emails to Symantek and fbi this morning that had links to 2 malformed sites (no links because that would be tricking somone to go there :) ) Both computers seem to be hijacked and located in the US (dsl subscriber lines).


  3. Jipman, I guess you could create a chat thingy... :)17, what are you doing playing on the computer... you should be out enjoying yourself... (just kidding).As for the unfair statement, yes it is unfair I'm not denying that. This is also due to the hours I spend here. I may be at work from 6AM to midnight so my free time during the day I can catch up on what I like - and my house is hard wired to this network so in a way I'm on call 24/7. :)It's not vnc and it's not something on your computer. eSniff tracks all trafick on the network and any trafick across the network are going to the eSniff box in paralell . It captures websites and IM messages that are accessed. So there is nothing you can disable on your computer to avoid it. (it's the same technology that fbi and nsa use to track internet trafick/users)We had an open policy when it came to email and IM but when it took over the network it was shut down. I guess anything is good in moderation.Nils

  4. rapco,


    I'm closing this post. Looks like it's resolved. If you still have problem PM me and I'll open it up.


    sohahm, you should specify your problem a little more. A general statement like that is not going to get you any help (if you are looking for it). A broad statement like that will make most people jump to the next topic, why waste time asking you to specify so we know what you have a problem with. Put in any error messages and what you were doing prior to error etc.




    Opened it back up, not resolved. give rapco your best.....

  5. I guess you guys should be glad you don't work here. I'm blocking all IM services on the LAN, WAN and MAN here and internet access are limited to people who need it and don't abuse it (like me :) ) by accessing forums etc during working hours. We control what is going on the network with a "Carnivor" spinoff called eSniff and all "known" IM ports are blocked on the firewall.I'm using host file blocklists on computers with internet access and email is filtered. We go to the extreme because there was a period a while back when the network came to a crawl and we could not understand why (before all the controlls was in place). I setup a few packet sniffers and monitored the network for a week. At the time we found multiple employees with different IM and other messaging systems taking up up to 40% of available bandwidth during working hours. :)So personally I'm against IM messaging in a work enviroment unless it's a proprietary system that can be monitored and logged and I think most places are small enough to not need IM in the work place.Nils

  6. (It may sound like an oxymoron, but here we go) :) :)I like the first site, did not go in there to far and long :)I have a hard time with dark backgrounds and light blue font colors I seem to loose the contranst and then I have to lean forward to read what is there. (It's propably my old age... :) but I never stay on websites with dark background) The second webpage is very nice, I like your warning that the site is under constuction. The water applet seems to be running constantly in the background and I'm browsing with tabs and If I right click on one of the other pages or use a drop down menu it flickers (the same way your screen flicker when you use a cell phone close to it) I also messes with the start menu and any other program running on my computer.All in all nice sites.Nils

  7. Pete,I think it was r3d who said the rating system is for usres / mods and admins to show good / bad effort on user performance (or mod /admins performance) and when a user spams the board or act in a disrespectful way he will receive a warning. The only person who can see if a user have previous warnings are mods and admins. So we as users can give and take away points as we feel is right. And the standard we all use don't come from the same mold so we will differ when it comes to rate a users post / effort.As for the warning part I think mods and admins are more lenient to a user with no warnings than one with multiple warnings.as for accuracy in code etc, we all need to check data we copy and make sure the is no 'typo' there.Nils

  8. Looks like you put some effort into that. Your native language and English that was nice. Now you need to get ads in english for the english page :) just kidding.You have a broken image link to your spy tracker it shows up as a rectangle with a x in it in the bottom right hand corner of the pages I was viewing. About 3/4 of the way down on the page.I jumped back and forth on your pages and at times it never stopped loading, maybe a javascript or an ad that was continously running. The hour glass never stopped.:)Nils

  9. I have 3 differen tables in this database that are basically repeating the same data. How can I split it up and still use it.

    This is the horse project :) the 3 tables are called Horse, Dam, Sire. the Horse table should be enough for all the data. (at least that is what I'm thinking) the Dam & Sire are used to track lineage and are setup Like this:


    SireID; Horse; Sire; Dam; SireSire; SireDam; DamSire: DamDam; SireSireSire; SireSireDam; SireDamSire; SireDamDam; DamSireSire;DamSireDam; DamDamSire; DamDamDam; etc etc

    The table is similar for the Dam, (DamId; Horse; Sire; etc etc


    It's driving me nuts :)


    I should be able to use something like:


    HorseID; Horse; SireID; DamID; DateOfBirth; Gender;

    Where the SireID and DamID corresponds with a HorseID


    What happens is the data are entered in the Horse(always), Sire or Dame tables when a foal is born, then the lineage is entered manually.



    Is this the right way to go or should I keep 3 tables??? I guess I have a lot of hours reading this :)mySQL Manual


    Thanks for any tips or hints


  10. I think the rating works :)If you got an answer to a question or read a topic that helped you with a problem you couldn't get help with somewhere else. Then that member deserve to get a +1 on the rating with an explanation why you gave the point. That way another user can look at the feedback and see who is active and reliable in each topic. There are some that are very specialized in their knowledge.We may have a specialty like networking, OS, or web development and here at Xisto.com we have a community to share with others and at the same time expand our own knowledge.Atta-boy OpaQue one + rating for you :)Nils

  11. Thank you OpaQue,I appreciate you take the time answering this post. You can close the post if you like. You answered my question and gave 'a' solultion at the same time.I tied in Internet explorer and it was perfect.Have a great day,NilsPS [added 1/4/05 5:26pm] Advertizing don't work to good in IE I just browsed a couple of pages and I had broken picture on several of the links. "Did a reload to see the actual ad" I'm going back to mozilla. :) [/added]

  12. rapco,

    I have a Western Digital in this computer and no problems so far. This is my work computer (my secondary computer) and they call it 80GB even though it's closer to 74.5GB: :)

    Model WDC WD800LB-60DNA1Bytes/Sector 512
    Media Loaded Yes
    Media Type Fixed hard disk
    Partitions 1
    SCSI Bus 0
    SCSI Logical Unit 0
    SCSI Port 0
    SCSI Target ID 0
    Sectors/Track 63
    Size 74.53 GB (80,023,265,280 bytes)
    Total Cylinders 10,337
    Total Sectors 156,295,440
    Total Tracks 2,480,880
    Tracks/Cylinder 240
    Partition Disk #0, Partition #0
    Partition Size 74.52 GB (80,015,491,584 bytes)
    Partition Starting Offset 32,256 bytes

    And I have a lot of older Western Digital HD's from computers we retired. Most of those are 42-4300MB but I have some that was in computers for 10+ years and I use them when repairing older computers with dead HD's.

    (I'm not changing my mind, I still like the Maxtor 10k better )


  13. <statement>I have don’t have friends and I’m nobody’s friend! </statement>I have a lot of acquaintances and people I socialize with but that don’t make them a friend. IMHO a friend is a person who “will lay down his life for you” or “you would lay down yours for”. Maybe this was a strong statement so to mellow it down a little; a true friend will be there for you in hard times just as in good times. Since I have never had to test this (On the giving or receiving end) I can’t say for sure (even though my initial statement claims to) that I don’t have any friends. And I hope I never have to test to see who my friends are and who’s friend I am.This statement may sound contradictory and it’s meant to be!I’m holding the fire extinguisher ready to douse any flame war… :) Nils

  14. I took the luch break to play with my setup and looking at all the errors I made... :)I see some other issues that was not obvious when looking on the computer but they show up online.Thanks for the link rapco. I'll look at it when I get home toninght. I used both cpanel and the ftp session to rename the gif files and I downloaded a copy of the css and html files to edit the text. (should I stay with all lowercase letters in picture names etc to make it easier to see the error? what are your opinions on that?)I realize the .GIF was done automaticly when I was editing the pictures. As I said I didn't even look... :)wanhafizi, thank you for the link to the mySQL post. I'll read that later when I get home.Pictures are there, thank you all (I know the colors need to be fixed :) )Nils the n00b... :)

  15. OK, thanks for the tip with the filename. I forgot to remove <duh> the first letter 'caps' that seem to happen sometime with windows save or using caps... </duh> :)I didn't think about case/CaSe being treated differntly. I'll try again tonight after work to see if that wis the only issue/I don't use frontpage, I'm using evrsoft 1st Page 2000 and EditpadLite for the css part. I'm re-using examples from tutorials and forms. Experimenting with the changes that seem to be evident when changing code in the css script or the html page. As for dreamweaver, I may get it at a later time. For now I'm reading up on website building and teaching myself (with this community's help) web-creation.I'm still trying to figure out what folder to put everything in... LOL :) Nils

  16. First attempt to publish the site didn't work to good. :)

    I have all the images used to test in /images/ folder and it's my first attempt on using CSS so it may be botched on the css level :) My CSS file are here at:style.css.

    I created a index.html file and uploaded it together with all the images used. In the #header part 1 image show up but not the other (second image show not the first). Background image does not show up in the header.

    I thought it had to do with permissions but that don't seem to be the case since I can view the images individually clicking on them here in the images/ folder

    My index page comes up when I use http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    The style tried are 3 column layout with header and footer.



  17. Logging into the cpanel I have to cancel the popup login and login from the webpage. Is that a common issue or a setting in my browser?


    I changed the mx address to mail.ngc.astahost.com so this may be a time out issue while propagating across the nameservers. I'm quoting a bounce message from email server.

    From MAILER-DAEMON Sun Jan 02 06:32:52 2005

    Bounce Message created by mailer daemon (not sure if this is my mdaemon or panda.unixbsd.info daemon creating the bounce) I'll check the logfiles on the server to see if I find a bounce message there.

    Return-path: <>

    Envelope-to: xxxx@panda.unixbsd.info

    Delivery-date: Sun, 02 Jan 2005 06:32:52 -0800

    Received: from mailnull by panda.unixbsd.info with local (Exim 4.43) Judging by this it's panda.unixbsd.info creating the bounce.

        id 1Cl6mq-0007wh-MI

        for nilsc@panda.unixbsd.info; Sun, 02 Jan 2005 06:32:52 -0800

    X-Failed-Recipients: Name@panda.unixbsd.info,



    Auto-Submitted: auto-generated

    From: Mail Delivery System <Mailer-Daemon@panda.unixbsd.info> And this one seems to point to panda again.

    To: xxxx@panda.unixbsd.info

    Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender

    Message-Id: <E1Cl6mq-0007wh-MI@panda.unixbsd.info>

    Date: Sun, 02 Jan 2005 06:32:52 -0800  Simple headers

    This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.


    A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its

    recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:



      Unrouteable address


      Unrouteable address


      Unrouteable address


    ------ This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. ------

    Return-path: <xxxx@panda.unixbsd.info>

    Received: from xxxx by panda.unixbsd.info with local (Exim 4.43)

        id 1Cl6mq-0007wY-Em; Sun, 02 Jan 2005 06:32:52 -0800

    From: "Your Name" <xxxxx@ngc.astahost.com>

    To: xxxx@usarecycle.com

    Subject: testing

    X-Mailer: NeoMail 1.26

    X-IPAddress: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx This is the IP my computer have on the internet It's fixed so I'm blocking it.

    MIME-Version: 1.0


    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

    Message-Id: <E1Cl6mq-0007wY-Em@panda.unixbsd.info>

    Date: Sun, 02 Jan 2005 06:32:52 -0800


    To see if I'm blocked



  18. Rudy,thank you. I'm using sco*nix server at work, I just have to look up commands etc. chmod and chown commands I know fairly well from setting up users. I have to look up the 'htaccess' command and see if I can't figure it out :)The private part will be by username password only so that is where I have to read up. I'm looking to setup the public part for all visitors and a private part by login only so the virtual public viewing is another thing to look up.Nils

  19. Google is a great search engine with good indexing (not always) There are times that a search for a specific company or their product yields anything but that.


    Google are where yahoo was before all the advertizing and added junk was put on their site. Advertizing makes the money so I can understand where they come from.


    Because Google have a great search engine don't mean they will have the same with an OS. The cost of developing an OS that are not open soure will be monumental. The cost of research and programming will be paid by Google or in the end by users of Google products. So to pay for it Google will add more advertizing to the site and everything will slow down.


    You can be good a some things all the time, all thing some time, but not all things all the time.


    Google have a good search engine, a good add-on menubar (if you like those), I don't have gMail so I can't comment on that.


    They have "Google Services and Google tools" and the great thing is they are an option. If you don't click on the more button you'll never see them. A lot of companies could learn from that, don't force feed visitors what you offer. Let people look around and chose what they like.


    No - I don't think Google OS is a great idea :)



  20. Site looked nice when it finally came up after about 45 seconds. Looks like a lot of tracking stuff and what are all the 'spylog' references?


    Is it a way of tracking trafick and/or browsers? Part of the loading issue first time someone visits you site have to be because of the misconfiguration of spylog.com's name servers.


    A lot of misconfiguration here DNS spylog.com



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