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Posts posted by NilsC

  1. Survey of Xisto Web Community

    [age range?]


    * 10-14

    * 15-19

    * 20-25

    * 26-30

    * 31-40

    * 40+


    [amount of time online in this community/week?]


    * <1 hour

    * 1-2 hours

    * 2-3 hours

    * 3-5 hours

    * 5-7 hours

    * 8-10 hours

    * 10 hours +


    [occupation?] Network Admin


    [native language?]Norwegian

    [number of web communities you actively participate?]3

    [how should this community be moderated?]

    ie ... (this list is not all inclusive ... feel free to add your own)


    * not at all

    * by community peer pressure

    * by community appointed/elected moderators

    * by board owner appointment

    [Other than free hosting, is there anything else that keeps you active here?]It's an interesting forum, one of the positive aspects are the diversity of people posting.

  2. :) I know the exploit is not a new one. I have bios password on all the xp computers at work due to this exploit.Thanks for the link to one of the articles. For an OS that are supposed to be security oriented I consider this a flaw. My place of work are considering removing all the cd / dvd players in user pc's and the 3.5" disks are gone in most og them also. For a home school environment it may not be a flaw, for work it's a flaw. I can hang out after hours and hack someone elses computer ! (Wait! I can do that I"m the admin... :) ) As for security flaws, I hate all the messenger programs that are in use.. .Nils

  3. What is the best way to separate between public and private webpages when creating a website.I'm thinking the public part is what everyone see when entering the site. The access to the secure part will be done by login and then access will be grante to the secure part. In the secure part there should be the ability to look at data stored on a SQL db, depending on level of access the page should give access to different data. When logged into the secure part there should be forms that can be used to update records on the SQL db.What are the issues with creating this. Should it be a second subdomain for the secure part?I'm new to this webdesigning / securing so bear with me if I'm asking questions in areas that should be obvious to a pro!Nils

  4. What can I use for a frontend to populate a SQL db. I have a lot of the data and records on Access db and I'm looking for an easy way to load that data into the SQL db.The second issue are updating the SQL db with new records added to the Access db. New records added to a table in Access are marked for web publishing and should be moved to the SQL db in real time or close to real time and the record should be added to the correct index on the website so visitors can see / search for the update.The real life problem are:1 need listing of all horser and where they are stabled, locations are in different states and can be off site (at other companies stables)2 what horses are in training or on race schedule. Where are they racing next, history of prior races, trainer(s), grooms, statistics.3 what mares are in foal, who is the sire, when are they due, history of prior foals.4 new foals, picture, date born, sire/dam, scheduled for sale (if scheduled), where is the auction, price when sold to, sold to what stable / syndicate.All the data I'm going to use are on Access and will be updated in access.There are a lot of other issues but this is the framework I'm working on now. The users entering data into the Access db are located in different states, towns etc. Is there a way to setup webaccess to off site users entering data into the SQL db and I can then verify new data, and update the Access db with new data from the SQL db. This would then eliminate the step of transfering new data across the Internet to the Access db. Now the users have to connect using VPN and put a copy of the file on that server I have to verify the data and append it to the working (Main db) At the same time they get new data that was updated in other towns loaded onto their db. The problem now are data are not synchronized, and even when updated there is always a lag of 24 to 48 hours before everyone are on the same page.Thanks for any suggestions.Nils

  5. AS for windows XP, The bootdisks purposely access the part of the drive and check if the system is accessible, and if it is, it is designed to ask for authorisation.


    Do I got a point here ?


    I think you just said the solution, "if the system is accessible" xp does it for xp w2k does it for w2k. I have not tried the other way around.. I have a w2k server that is scheduled for a restart this weekend. I'll try to put the xp recovery disk in it to see if it bypasses the password sequence.


    what is it looking at to deem it accessible? a registry key? add one for w2k. Does it check bios? I have to read up on that. I have the resource kit documentation for xp pro so maybe I can find something there.


    As for a point... off course you can have a point.... :)



  6. k22,thanks. I can do your first suggestion. I have a XP box that I can load those components. I'm downloading the mySql version as we speak (type :) )#3 should be possible, I just have to work a little harder on figuring it out. You think the mandrake download was a waste of time? I'll look for the "Debian" download and see if I can get that before the weekend is over.Nils

  7. simple but complex :)


    That's an oxymoron if I have ever heard one... :):)


    I'm starting to hate pages with continously runing scrips. One iteration is OK but when the whole page and your menubars are jiggeling the whole time you visit a site it something wrong.


    I load minimum of plugins on my work computers browser. I had to install java because our website uses it and I have the 'plug finder' option turned off.



  8. BTW - The reason i'm the only person (that I know of) who has a warning signal on my name is because I am the only person who actually took notice of the warnings they sent me and stopped copying tutorials from other forums. Everyone else who had a warning never took any notice of it and kept spamming until they got kicked out.


    That is it Darren, you have a warning on your name, that is not an indicator of the type of posts you have. You can see the warning and mderators / Admins can see the warning. Unless you tell the forum you have a warning, there is no indicator in your user name that show it.


    I see 3 positive reputation points, that is what counts for me not that a mod / admin warned you. There has to be a reason for the 3 positive marks and you are contributing material that are of value.



  9. ie look i got 1 :)


    this is sux, modz deserve a negative not positive.


    and since only the modz and admin can alter the warn level. the reputation thing is for members. this features is made for you guys, i think for fun or whatever. so don't take this one too seriously.


    On your first statement I have to disagree, because if a mod does a good job and participates in a tread in a constructive way then he/she have the same opportunity to contribute something positive. A mod receiving a positive or negative point should not be determined by his or her moderating a topic or user (it probably happens - I know that for a fact!).


    As for alter the warn level, that is not something users on this board see (At least I have not seen anyone else’s warn levels) so that can’t be used as an indicator of a users ability to participate in a constructive way.


    Here is some food for thought, maybe we can ask for a way of rating the moderators… If the moderator does a good job and stays active in the forum they could get bonus point up until they became Administrators. So a junior moderator can redirect a misplaced post, when upgraded to the next level they can close a post that are off topic. When closing a post that are off topic a reason should be put in that post, if it is a repeat subject a link to the original post should be placed in the post.


    So what’s this like for an idea… am I on to something here or what? :):)



  10. This is my opinion. :)If you compare web-sites to books, most books are simple with a lot of information. Then on the other side of the spectrum you have "Kid’s books" and "Magazines" with little or no information but a lot of ‘flash’ (pun intended).So the golden middle way should be the rule, a little flash and lot of well organized content. If the site are not missing the alternate text for all the scripts and flashes that are there then that is an added bonus.There are a few web-sites I go to once and never again because I have no way of maneuvering around in the site. I click buttons on links and nothing happens, it may be because I’m not allowing scripts  in some of my browsersNils

  11. I'm making a few assumptions so correct me when I'm wrong. :)Assumption 1:My website is hosted by a hosting company.Assumption 2:My M$SQL or mySQL database resides on a server on my network.If the 2 assumptions are correct. What are security issues I have to look at. Do I need to put the sql server in a DMZ with an inside and outside Firewall? Can the sql server sit on my network behind the firewall and nothing betwen that and the users.What would be the correct and safe way for data to move between the sql server and the web?What would be the correct and safe way for data to move between 'my' users and the sql server. What are the issues when it comes to populating the tables with user input?If there are any issues I didn't touch on or a better solution let me know.Thank youNils

  12. By privacy screen do you mean the anti glare / anti radiation screen that some people use? or do you mean the Hooded Privacy screen?The first kind can be used for privacy when it come to people on 45 degrees away from you. Anyone directly behind you out to 45 degrees will see the data the way you do.A hooded privacy screen are used in an area with sensitive data, they cost from $500.00 and up for the better brands and the hood sticks out a foot or more. The screen have to be setup for your viewing height and distance. If you sit higher or lower or further away the screen will be blurry and you have to readjust. You have a range of 5 degrees to each side, until the hood will prevent you from seeng the whole screen.Nils

  13. I'm thinking about setting up a test environment in my home network to work on web-sites and test different formats.What are the different opinions on this.I have a few older computers including an old server that are in the garage collecting dust. My home network consists of W98, XP home and XP pro computers.I'm looking for:What software to install, what OS to use, what version of DB are stable. And any other tips or tricks that I can use to setup this.I'm new to developing web-sites so there are areas that I may have missed in this list so feel free to add to the list.What are the minimum specs for the computer, etc, etc.I'm trying to develop a web-site using CSS, html and sql database for data that will change on a daily to weekly bases. (Input to the DB will come from multiple users and me so interface between DB and users are a must)Thank you,Nils

  14. [Added 12/30/04 8:50PM]

    I closed the topic since I don't know what you are looking for. PM me if you need this moved to another forum.



    [Original post below]

    MissSixty, this forum are dedicated to Tutorials you have created. You would get better response if you posted the question in the right forum :)


    Try the Designing or programming forum. If you are specific in your question it's a lot easier to help

    I can't fit my long title in the topic title so cont..impeccable knowdledge of Moveabletype 2.xx it's like so foriegn to me..I'm really new at this but I'm trying to make a blog and I'm so clueless..any help? thanx in advance

    I have no clue what you are asking. If it's programming.. try "programming' forum



  15. I'm working on the outline for a new website, the theme is in place, framework based on CSS.


    One of the problems I have is with recurring data. I have an index listing multiple objects. The objects are similar and the descriptions are similar.

    So for me to have that data in this format and diplay using as little resources as possible:

    Object one, description 1

    Object 2, description 2

    Object 3, description 3

    all have the same format. The object is a picture and description is -duh- description. Page layout are the same for each page it's just the data changing.


    I'd like to avoid creating a new webpage for each object and not run into any issues if user open multiple tabbed objects or multiple windows.


    What are the most resource friendly way of doing that. Bear in mind the "objects and descriptions" can change on a daily bases and the people in charge of populating the data need to add and deete data without knowing any webdesign.


    It kinda looks like a sql problem to me so I'm not sure if this is put in the right forum! :)

  16. I liked it a lot. This was an instuctional "How to" that helps a novice like me to start playing with php.I'm just starting with webcreations and dB for we so the beginner tutorials like this one will put us on the right path.I'll setup a new computer (old one) over the new year and see if I can start playing with all I have learned here over the last coulpe of days.I have to say there are a lot of difference (and they are a like) between managing a network and managing a website. illusion, thanks again, a + point to you.Nils

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