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Posts posted by NilsC

  1. You should read this:

    ATTENTION : Xisto is more interested in building a forum with quality members and finest posts rather than to make money by showing Advertisements. Making Dumb posts to get hosting will not help. We respect talented members who have the ability to impress people by their wonderful ideas. If you think you have this in you, you are at the right place! Else, you are requested to go to Xisto.com (Our Partner site) with similar features. All posts are strictly reviewed for Web Hosting Applications. Any member accused of spamming may be banned with an immediate suspension or termination of web hosting account (if hosted).


    *** Post closed ***



  2. So for colorscheme, would this be acceptable ;)

    Lindy Farms of CT

    I'm working on the framwork for this site and it will be using, css, php and mySQL when done. Right now I'm just working on the color schemes and layout of the site. 3 column, with header footer and no frames unless used for data that belongs in frames. :P

    Right now I'm testing the footer, It's supposed to stay glued to the bottom of the screen in the page is short like now. I'm having some trouble with the code ;) when the footer is glued to the bottom, the center context have a small hole in the bottom left hand side. As soon as I figure out what I forgot it should work...

    The menu on the left side will be content driven using mySQL to populate thae data. Now it's just there as a place holder :P to see what it would look like.

    I have a yellow line in the left column, right under the text... I have to figure out where that comes from (It must be in my css file)

    Any opinion on this color scheme?


  3. 443, TLS/SSL... your connection don't show but as soon as you redirect off there will be an entry in the FW logfile. If your schools admin(s) are any competent, your transaction will show up as connecting to a computer in a dynamic IP range, and a flag will go up. See the quote from GRC.com on "the identity of the remotely connected server can be verified with significant confidence."

    This port is used for secure web browser communication. Data transferred across such connections are highly resistant to eavesdropping and interception. Moreover, the identity of the remotely connected server can be verified with significant confidence. Web servers offering to accept and establish secure connections listen on this port for connections from web browsers desiring strong communication security.


    Once established, web browsers inform their users of these secured connections by displaying an icon — a padlock, an unbroken key, etc. — in the status region of their window.



    If your school (like a lot of schools and institutions do) use a "Carnivor" like appliance you can be sure they follow you to every site you go to. It's only the "https" sites that dont show up and on pages with insecure and secure content. The insecure content show. ;)




    [Added] And since you are such a computer savy person, how come you don't realize the image you are linking to in your signature don't show up because of hotlink protection?


    user posted image


    GRRRRRR ;)

  4. I used a printscreen utility in w98 and 95 to print screenshots directly to the laserjet of fax / pdf writer. In XP the printscreen button works but you have the extra step of pasting it into a document before you print. ;)What I'm looking for is a similar utility that can be setup on XP home and Pro, Hit the print screen button and the printers dialog box pops up.I have looked at a few and they are OK for advanced users that need the capability to edit or save the printscreen as an image and so on.I did a google search and came up with a few otions but not what I wanted... If it's FREE, then that is a +. ;)Thank YouNils

  5. Nope, no server moves. It's an issue with users and user experience when setting up and using databases and scripts. If to many users take up to much of the resources because of poorly implemented code the server may hang for a while. This affects all of us and is unavoidable when the user-base go from experts to beginners. A lot of new hosted members the last days and a lot of experimenting with new “toys” account for some of the problems. We, and by we I mean OpaQue, works hard on keeping the service on at all times but he can’t control what you or others load and run.


    It should be stable and run without any problems now. ;)



  6. Are you closing all instances that you open or do you leave the connections open?

    Error: Failed to connect to database host: localhostPossible Solution: Check if the database host name, user name and password are defined correctly in the config.inc.php file.
    MySQL says: Too many connections

    Is what I get looking at your site


  7. ezincenter,

    nice to meet you. ;)


    You can do a search here to see if your question is answered before. If you can't find an answer then post your question. Please don't use a tiltle like "HELP", "QUESTON" etc. Try to state what you are looking for in the title.


    "CSS, how do I place a floating image" this title will tell someone what you are looking for. Then in the post itself you can explain what you are trying to do, what happened when you did it, any error messages. The more info you give the easier it is to help. If you have a piece of code that is not working place it in a CODE tag.


    There are a lot of people willing to help, they just need to know you need help with. ;)



  8. Don't give up. Everyone have to start somewhere. I have put up my project here:
    Lindy Farms of CT (Forget the big spelling error) ;)
    And now I'm testing different pieces of php program pieces. It's not pretty, but when it works I'm one step further. I have small stuff like this.
    Test to see if browser is IE
    another test

    It's nothing useful but it helps me understad what each pice of code does and how it shows up on the web.

    Take your time, go baby steps. read tutorials. Create "Hello World" and join the ranks of people who put that line on the web as their first piece of code.

    Remember Rome was not built in a day ;)


  9. This is all from this site:

    f you insist on using frames, take measures to ensure that the major search engines' spiders can index your page. You can accomplish this by carefully using the <NOFRAMES> tag. Also, don't forget effective site titles and META tags. Just because you're using frames doesn't mean you should leave out the META tags.
    It's really quite simple. You must create an alternate Web page within the <NOFRAMES> tag so that search engines have something to index. Compose a complete HTML Web page between the <NOFRAMES> tag and its end tag </ NOFRAMES>. Make sure that you include the <NOFRAMES> tag immediately below the very first frameset tag, because, as always, you want the keyword rich text to appear as close to the top of the page as possible like so:

    <FRAMESET COLS=" 125,*" border=" 0"> <NOFRAMES>

    <H1> I'll start the content in my NOFRAMES tag with a header tag that I'll fill with keywords</ H1>
    <P> In the copy you can include all the text and HTML that would otherwise make up your Web site. Here's a link to another page, maybe one that would make up another
    frame:</ P>
    <A HREF=" http:// www. yourcompany. com/ otherpage. htm"> Click to link to another page</ A>

    <P> And here's some more text for the search engines to index </ P> </ BODY>

    </ NOFRAMES>
    <FRAME SRC=" html/ lftmenu. htm" NAME=" frame517420" MARGINWIDTH= 3 SCROLLING= NO NORESIZE>

    <FRAME SRC=" html/ main. html" NAME=" main" SCROLLING= YES>
    </ FRAMESET>

    The preferred method is to include all the information from the other framed pages on this new, separate page contained in the <NOFRAMES> tag. When you design this new Web page within the <NOFRAMES> tag, make sure you include links to other pages in your site so that the search engine can spider to those pages and index them as well.

    Make sure <NOFRAMES> follows the <FRAMESET> tag. Moving it up higher in the page such as in the <HEAD> section could make your wording more prominent to the search engine but would be incompatible with some browsers.

    Since the extra tags to set up frames may dilute the density of keywords versus other words on the page, you should definitely consider creating doorway pages. These pages would not use frames at all, but would serve as pointers to your main site that uses frames. This solution can provide the best of both worlds.

    100% cut and paste. Sorry I have to work but I'd like to address this one. Use the link and read the whole tutorial


  10. You can't fly a kite unless you go against the wind and have a weight to keep it from turning a somersault. The same with man. No man will succeed unless he is ready to face and overcome difficulties and is prepared to assume responsibilities.

    - William J.H. Boetcker


    Thou must be like a promontory of the sea, against which, though the waves beat continually, yet it both itself stands, and about it are those swelling waves stilled and quieted.

    - Marcus Aurelius


    Bear in mind that the wonderful things you learn in your schools are the work of many generations. All this is put in your hands as your inheritance in order that you may receive it, honor it, add to it, and one day faithfully hand it on to your children.

    - Albert Einstein

  11. I have no clue what your domain name or user name is so I'm going to use a generic one ;)


    When you create a mySQL database the database name and username are prefixed with (in my case) nilsc_ so the db name could be nilsc_mytopix if you called the db mytopix


    Whatever database name you create is prefixed with your username and an undescore.


    The same thing happens with the user name you create. You didn't put what you called the db, or what if, if any error message you had.


    The more specific you are and the more info you give will make it easier to provide a solution!

    but when I give it my information for the MySQL database I've created for it, I get an error saying it can't access the database because I gave it incorrect information.

    What information did you give (I don't mean password), what did the error message say?

    did you look in php my admin? did you look at the sample code created in MySQL Databases (including the connect format)


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